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- hallelujah0
the republican hate machine will be out in its full ugliness any day now
- mg330
McCain: Obama lead growing because 'life isn’t fair'
Posted: 11:00 AM ETFrom CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand
(CNN) – John McCain said Thursday that Barack Obama’s poll numbers are rising as the economy seems to sink "because life isn’t fair.”
“He certainly did nothing for the first few days,” McCain told Fox News Thursday. "I suspended my campaign, took our ads down, came back to Washington, met with the House folks and got on the phone, and also had face-to-face meetings.”
New CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation polls of several key battleground states released Wednesday found Obama has made gains across the board – either taking statistically significant leads, or erasing McCain advantages – over the past few weeks. Since the financial crisis began in mid-September, Obama has taken and held a lead over McCain in the national CNN poll of polls.
Watch: Is the bailout a band-aid?
But the Republican nominee said the economic anxiety-fueled poll swing was likely a blip. “Well first of all, you know very well that these are temporary things," he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. "The focus was on the fiscal crisis we were facing. I understand that. I understand there are going to be ups and downs in campaigns. I'm happy where I am...
“I'm the underdog. I love being the underdog.... We're going to be up late on election night,” he said.
CNN Electoral Map Calculator: You call the race
Running mate Sarah Palin is also facing an unfair disadvantage as she heads into the debate tonight, McCain told Fox. “Frankly, I wish they had picked a moderator that isn’t writing a book favorable to Barack Obama. Let’s face it,” he said. “But I have to have to have confidence that Gwen Ifill will handle this as the professional journalist that she is... Life isn’t fair, as I mentioned earlier in the program.”
PBS journalist Gwen Ifill, the moderator of Thursday’s vice presidential debate, is writing a book about Barack Obama and a new generation of black leaders that is slated to be released in January 2009.
--------------------------------...The trainwreck continues. I knew McCain would play politics with the whole "suspending his campaign, taking down ads, etc. etc." which are all lies. He suspended nothing! The fact that he is trying to say Obama did absolutley nothing in this crisis is foolhardy at best.
- I saw McCain ads every day through that "suspension." WTFjoeth
- BattleAxe0
the people in charge of the money
5 people non elected to hand out 700Bill to there cronies ... Oh wait there is a Senate Panel too slap there hands made up of 5 people too , what could possibly go wrong"Lastly, the Senate version would set up two oversight committees. A Financial Stability Board would include the Federal Reserve chairman, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, the Federal Home Finance Agency director, the Housing and Urban Development secretary and the Treasury secretary."
A congressional oversight panel, to which the Financial Stability Board would report, would have five members appointed by House and Senate leadership from both parties.
- seven8nine100
Does anyone know when Joe Biden will be facing Sarah Palin, I know it is today but will it be available live online... I guess i should be patient and wait for tomorrow... anyway thank you!
- tommyo0
I'm about 60/40 that there will be a second American Revolution in the next 6 years.
How the Senate can pass something that 90% of us are against is beyond me. They're out of touch and I don't see them coming back down to earth. Start buying your field rifles ladies. Training starts next week. Move out!
- oh okMimio
- you're either with us or against us Mimio. :Dtommyo
- yes but it'll be a commie revolution..rafalski
- No way! It'll be freedom loving good ol fashioned American uprising!! Budweiser, Marlboros and automatic weapons.tommyo
- what about hamburgers, and jesus?janne76
- No jesus. But hamburgers yes. We're kicking jesus out of the country as well.tommyo
- You know texas never signed anything to be admitted back to the union andBattleAxe
- can legally still be broken off into 3 states .... get your popcorn readyBattleAxe
- tommyo0
Further more, why exactly do we need political parties? It does more harm for us citizens than good. You've probably read how there was possibly a plan for the Republicans to vote against the Houses bailout package at the last minute to leave the Dems out in the cold. So if this is true then they're playing politics with 700 Billion of OUR money. I say we make all of our politicians Independents.
This is just insane.
- a tax revolution , dont give them the money they cant put us all in jail , cant they ...BattleAxe
- oh wait http://timeinmoments…BattleAxe
- autoflavour0
i love the simpsons, but sometimes i cant help but feel its getting way to sinister.. think about it.. if fox news is part of a giant media machine designed simply to spout right wing propaghanda, and the simpsons is then owned by fox.. the whole gag about fixing elections can really be seen from 2 sides..
either smart arse left wing writers poking using a widely held fear as humour..
or more sinister, right wing writers, possibly with inside knowledge, seeding a comedic value to something which equates to grand larceny.
- edit the word poking out, change of mind mid sentence.autoflavour
- oh.. conspiraciesjanne76
- yeah homer is actual a neo con.. intelligence level is about accurate.autoflavour
- seven8nine100
Tommyo, if there was one only party it would be called an autocracy. Whatever [financial] turmoil a country is going through, we should all be grateful to live in a democracy. Having said that I understand where you are coming from. There is not much we [citizens] can do but watch the horror everyday. You can't fight nonsense.
- but what if parties were actually just a front.. and behind the scenes, it was one groupautoflavour
- An Autocracy is one ruler. Two party is killing us. I just don't see the benefit to us. If anything it's hurting us.tommyo
- hallelujah0
"McCain says Obama lead growing because ‘life isn’t fair’
(CNN) — Sen. John McCain said Thursday that Sen. Barack Obama’s poll numbers are rising as the economy seems to sink "because life isn’t fair."
- autoflavour0
and if it is the second of these 2 options, there is ALOT of seemingly offhanded gags in the simpsons.. one which especially pops to mind is when the germs tell Burns that "Freemasons run the country"
- tasty0
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
- monkeyshine0
So, now the McCain campaign is trying to bully Gwen Ifill into going easy on Palin? What the hell?
- tommyo0
They really should not have Gwen Ifill as the mediator in this debate. Shes written a book about the Obama Generation that is set to be released soon. Not that she won't be asking fair questions, but the atmosphere is there for unfairness, they really should have someone who has zero ties to either side. Impartiality would serve both sides much better in this case. When the mediator has a monetary stake in the winner of the election, I think you can see the cause for concern. Imagine if it were someone writing a glowing book about McCain moderating the same debate.
Obama should actually be pushing for a more impartial moderator since we all know full well that Palin is going to put her foot in her mouth at some point.
Love Always,
Tommy- same questions go to both candidates. only problem is with a republican loss we'll be hearing 'what if' for years...SteveJobs
- If Oprah were moderating the debate, I'd agree with you. Gwen is a pretty fair minded journalist by any standards.monkeyshine
- Still for the sake of neutrality. No? Does it hurt to have a person with no ties or does it hurt to have a person with ties?tommyo
- McCain has known about the book or should've known about the book while now, why object now?DCDesigns
- rafalski0
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Woodrow Wilson on signing the Federal Reserve into existence
- tasty0
But Biden is kind of a jack ass too:1. he was accused of plagiarizing a speech in his 1988 bid for democratic nominee.
2. Early on in his run against Obama for candidacy he said..."I mean, you've got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and cleanand a nice looking guy, i mean that's a story book man." ...bit of a weird comment.
I'm still not voting for that hussy and her washed up pimp.
- seriously, plagiarizing doesnt compare to hockey mum politics.autoflavour
- autoflavour0
add the word emergency to current debate, and you are only 1 word away from adding the word national infront of it
- TheBlueOne0
Once again it's the old "are you for it or against it" idea. War in Iraq - "you for it or against it." War in Terror - "you for it or against it."
And now - Bail out Wallstreet! - "you for it or against it."
How about LOOK AT OTHER OPTIONS. Let me get this straight, within days of the banks tumbling into trouble (that was seen years off, by the by) Paulson turns over a 2 page plan to fork over $700B dollars with no oversight to him. TWO FUCKING PAGES?
Come on. We all work on accounts here..imagine if you had, say even a $7M dollar pitch to make for a campaign, or even a $700,000...and you showed up at the meeting with a proposal that was two pages long and you said "Oh yeah, pay me up front and you can't say anything about the work. Ever." Yeah, that'd happen. Amazing how that doesn't fly in business but you know, that's how Finance does "real business".
So they go away and then come back with 450 pages (how the fuck did THAT happen) that changes absolutely nothing about the original proposal that was odious, but throws on all sorts of giveaways and bells and whistles and shit - like you know provisions for not taxing toy wooden arrows. That's vitally important. Yes.
For fuck's sake - how about this - I am FOR your bum fucks in Washington doing something to address the situation, but NOT this piece of garbage. Come on, come up with something else - I mean what else do you HAVE to do? REALLY? Isn't this your GODDAMN FUCKING JOB? We ignore you most of the time so you can go on your little lobby junkets and shit, but you know for this we kind of expect you to SHOW THE FUCK UP and DO SOME WORK when the entire freaking economy grinds to a halt. Not to just sit there and jump at the first fucking piece of paper some one shoves under your nose.
Look, I'm a regular guy here, and here is the problem - THE CREDIT MARKET HAS SEIZED UP BECAUSE THERE IS A WHOLE BUNCH OF WORTHLESS TOXIC PAPER OUT THERE. Trillions of it. By throwing $700 Billion at it does nothing. NOTHING. Other than the fees and shit that the SAME FUCKING JACKHOLES ON WALLSTREET will now line their pockets some more as they figure out what useless pile of shit to throw this at. All it does is move the problem DOWN THE FUCKING ROAD.
Let me put this another way, this giant $700B bailout puts a tax burden on every single American. And you're just giving it over to five guys to distribute as they see fit. And it won't solve a problem.
Hmmmm..like giving money to people and no one in the public can say anything about it...my that sounds like, I don't know, taxation without representation. One would think one might even have a bit of a hissy fit over such a thing. A veritible brouhaha even. Why, my gosh, something like that could get people SO FUCKING ANGRY THEY'D PICK UP GUNS AND SHOOT WHOEVER IS IN AUTHORITY TO STOP THE BURNING STUPIDITY OF IT ALL.ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!
- <- I wrote that. Not copy & pasted. Needed to rant...TheBlueOne
- I mean here's ONE alternative idea:
TheBlueOne - TBO spot-on as usual. :) I still don't get how 90% - 95% of the public is against this...but it passes???? I'm mad as hell.tommyo
- is it a cowinky dink that there is an election in 2012 and the world ends 2012 ?BattleAxe
- THAT'S IT, it's time for revolution!!!DCDesigns
- tommyo0
About Biden...he's also a gaff machine. Can't wait to see who puts their foot in their mouth first and who keeps it in their long enough tonight.
I loved his goofup about watching Roosevelt on tv during the depression...also this one makes me giggle...how far away is Chuck Graham? Dude has been in a wheel chair since he was 16.
- But there's a difference between a gaffe and just plain willful ignorance.TheBlueOne
- I agree...but this is the guy with 'experience.' Both are sad to watch.tommyo
- Well, why don't you vote indy then?? //janne76
- :P you know that I am.tommyo
- I wonder if I could actually just write 'Darwin' on my ballot? I want to vote for Darwin.tommyo