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- ********0
this is how the Taiwanese work, lol time for China to step it.
Big mama coming home.- not sure what's going on there, but how can she slap?SteveJobs
- How do you say "Fuck you, Candy" in Mandarin?TheBlueOne
- The presenter has a fantastic head.Nairn
- The presenter gives fantastic head.
– Nairn
- robotron3k0
I fell like the wii kid right now and the Congress is a Golden Lab...
- tommyo0
I can't believe they passed that crock of shit. Did you guys hear some of the bullshit that was included in that bill?? Tax break for companies that make wooden arrow toys for kids...tax breaks for wool research. My god man these people are out of touch little kids.
List of Bullshit included:
- Film and Television Productions (Sec. 502)
- Wooden Arrows designed for use by children (Sec. 503)
- 6 page package of earmarks for litigants in the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident, Alaska (Sec. 504)
Tax earmark “extenders” in the bailout bill.
- Virgin Island and Puerto Rican Rum (Section 308)
- American Samoa (Sec. 309)
- Mine Rescue Teams (Sec. 310)
- Mine Safety Equipment (Sec. 311)
- Domestic Production Activities in Puerto Rico (Sec. 312)
- Indian Tribes (Sec. 314, 315)
- Railroads (Sec. 316)
- Auto Racing Tracks (317)
- District of Columbia (Sec. 322)
- Wool Research (Sec. 325)If this 'Rescue Plan' (new PR spun name) is sooo needed ASAP right now can't wait that they can't wait a few days then why the fuck did they have time to pack it full of extra bullshit.
I also saw that Diane Feinstein received 95,000 phone calls and or emails - 85,000 of them opposed this bill. I can't imagine that this ratio was THAT swayed in other states where these assholes feel like they can do whatever the hell they want. I'm so pissed.
- Sounds like the Repubs want to delay the collapse until them Dems are in and then they point...DCDesigns
- their fingers and say look at what they did. This bill is more of the same that started this mess!DCDesigns
- dunno if you saw the vote. It wasn't even close so there goes your partisan conspiracy theory.tommyo
- There were more ayes then an ophthalmologists text book. Both sides of this gov are selling us on down the river.tommyo
- btw, your lily white Dems are the majority party in Congress. So if anyone had the power to stop it, it was your team.tommyo
- tommyo0
I hope the fucking House doesn't approve this thing.
- ukit0
Well, there you go...Republicans who say they care SOOOO much about constitutionalism are about to vote for someone as VP who apparently, not only can't name a single Supreme Court decision, but doesn't even understand the Right To Privacy issue in Roe v Wade that is the cornerstone of the conservative argument against it. What a farce.
- And can't name a single newspaper she reads!!!!!DCDesigns
- ukit0
Couric Why, in your view, is Roe v. Wade a bad decision?
Sarah Palin: I think it should be a states' issue not a federal government-mandated, mandating yes or no on such an important issue. I'm, in that sense, a federalist, where I believe that states should have more say in the laws of their lands and individual areas. Now, foundationally, also, though, it's no secret that I'm pro-life that I believe in a culture of life is very important for this country. Personally that's what I would like to see, um, further embraced by America.
Couric: Do you think there's an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?
Palin: I do. Yeah, I do.
Couric: The cornerstone of Roe v. Wade.
Palin: I do. And I believe that individual states can best handle what the people within the different constituencies in the 50 states would like to see their will ushered in an issue like that.
Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ...
Couric: Can you think of any?
Palin: Well, I could think of ... any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.
- There is no logical legal argument anywhere in that gobblidygook...TheBlueOne
- oh good god. so her go to answer is essentially "all of 'em".monkeyshine
- TheBlueOne0
" I'm, in that sense, a federalist, where I believe that states should have more say in the laws of their lands and individual areas."
So...so....but...that's the OPPOSITE of a federalist....
She's a moron...
- Nairn0
My G-d, she just dissembles! Babbling away like a school kid caught out by a teacher's question she knows nothing about. She's not even savvy enough to parry the probing and divert the session on to something she does believe in. It must've taken everything that reporter could muster to not break out in a big stupid smile when she asks for an example.
That Biden guy seems pretty smart, mind - I think that's the first time I've actually heard him speak.
- ukit0
Those of you who are not American might not know this but...ever since the 70s, conservatives have hated on Roe v Wade (which gives women the right to an abortion) - and the reason they always give is that decision said there was a right to privacy in the Constitution, and they don't think there is one. For decades, that's been the cornerstone of their argument against. But, Palin, not understanding a thing, claims she is both against Roe, and that there IS a right to privacy. Even after Couric catches her, she still has no idea...
Couric: Do you think there's an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?
Palin: I do. Yeah, I do.
Couric: The cornerstone of Roe v. Wade.
Palin: I do.
- TheBlueOne0
So, the whole thing for the VP debates is to get Palin into defending turf while improving. I watched some of the debates she did while running for governor (they're floating around on the net), and there, on local/state issues, with a narrow narrative she was quite competent actually - and very, very aggressive. She kept hammering her opponent who was dissembling on corruption issues, and very effectively.
Biden is going to have a hard time challenging her off her base talking points without seeming to aggressive - especially as she is probably going to be spitting venom. Don't underestimate the dumb and ambitious. But then again, I always liked what Rommel had to say on this point:
"Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them. The dumb and lazy ones I give mundane duties. The smart ambitious ones I put on my staff. The smart and lazy ones I make my commanders."
- I meant "improvising" not "improving". I pulled a Palin.TheBlueOne
- biden better go in and destroy. this 'kids gloves' rhetoric is for the birds. i think treading lightly incase of the swing votes is BSBonSeff
- ********0
- robotron3k0
JEZUS.... this thing went from a 700 billon dollar blank check to an 810 billion dollar blank check!!!! how the fuk did that happen!!!??
- BusterBoy0
If anyone has any doubts as to Palin's lack of knowledge, please take a look here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2…
What seems like a perfectly logical, intelligent line of questioning to Biden comes across as being "gotcha" questioning to Palin. That's the main problem with her...even the simplest of questions seem like "gotcha" moments. Truly cringeworthy and the sooner she is shipped back to Alaska the better.
- robotron3k0
wow this thing is stinking further, more details... including on page 68
an increase in our public debt."SEC. 122. INCREASE IN STATUTORY LIMIT ON THE PUBLIC
‘‘$11,315,000,000,000’’. "read all the juicy stuff here: http://media.mcclatchydc.com/sme…
Page 6 — Troubled Assets Relief ProgramPage 15 — Financial stability oversight board
Page 25 — Foreclosure mitigation efforts
Page 27 — Assistance to homeowners
Page 30 — Executive compensation
Page 68 — Increase in the statutory limit on the Public Debt
Page 89 — Mark to mark accounting
Page 91 — Increase in the FDIC
Page 99 - 112 — Preferred stock - Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae
Page 113 - 180 — Energy - refrigerators
Page 181 - 234 — Transportation - bicycles,
Page 234 - 261 — Oil
Page 264 - 267 —AMT
Page 269 — Tax-free distributions from IRAs for charities
Page 270 — Extensions of business tax provisions for corporations
Page 275 — Cost recovery for certain improvements to retail space
Page 278 — Tax treament of certain payments to controlling exempt organizations
Page 279 — Rum excise tax to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Page 280 — Mine rescue / mine safety
Page 281 — Qualified Zone Academy Bonds
Page 288 — Depreciation for business property on Indian Reservations
Page 280 — Railroad track maintenance
Page 290 — Motorsports racing track facility
Page 290 — Hurricane Katrina and Gulf opportunity zone
Page 293 — Enhanced charitable deductions for contributions of food inventory
Page 295 — Wool modifications
Page 296 — Permanent authority for undercover operations
Page 297 — Child tax credit
Page 298 — Motion pictures
Page 300 — Children and wooden arrows
Page 301 — Exxon Valdez
Page 307 — Farming business machinery
Page 310 — Mental Health Parity Act
Page 352 — Secure payments for states and counties containing Federal Land
Page 364 — Special Projects on federal land
Page 387 — County funds
Page 394 — Disaster relief
Page 442 — Spending reductions and appropriate revenue raisers for new tax relief policy
- tommyo0
Wow they threw just about everything but kitchen appliances in this thing! Oh wait sorry didn't see 'Page 113 - 180 — Energy - refrigerators' on first read. Yeah so everything is in this.
- robotron3k0
I like:
exempts companies from paying tax on the manufacturing of wooden arrows... here are the details:
ARROWSHAFTS.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any shaft consisting of all natural wood with no laminations or artificial means of enhancing the spine of such shaft (whether sold separately or incorporated as part of a finished or unfinished product) of a type used in the manufacture of any arrow which after its assembly—
‘‘(i) measures 5⁄16 of an inch or less in diameter, and
‘‘(ii) is not suitable for use with a bow described in paragraph (1)(A).’’then there is one about investing in DC, and about tax on Rum that is going to start to be producing Rum again.
- ukit0
Well, f*ck it, that's how deals get done, people.
- tommyo0
WHERE IS MY FUCKING WACOM RELIEF PACKAGE I ASKED FOR?!?!?!?! How am I supposed to pay for this damn thing on my own?!?!?!