iPhone Vs Blackberry
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- trooperbill0
wait for the sony xperia x3 android phone it looks sweet
- exador10
I've had an iphone for about 6 months or more now, and totally recommend it...
never had a dumped call, reception has been perfect.
and let's face it..it's all about the apps....if you're looking for something on an iphone and can't find it in the app store, no doubt someone soon is going to invent it ;)
for me personally, it's been all about the app Stanza....
I read a lot...a ton actually, and have always dumped a lot of cash in bookstores...until i downloaded Stanza..
with the amount of free books i've downloaded from http://www.drinkmalk.com I've paid for my phone several times over...that's made it totally worthwhile in my opinion....
- reception has been perfect??
wow.. you are obviously not in the USMeeklo
- reception has been perfect??
- SigDesign0
I have the iPhone 3gs, and I sync my google calendar and email with it... works perfectly...
Everything works great about it so far, and have had no problem with reception until I get in areas where there is no service in the wilderness...
- the applications are a big plus, cause some of them are quite usefulSigDesign
- brains0
I have the blackberry 8800, and use it for what it's meant for, business. I have an iPod touch as well, and I spend a LOT of time on my phone answering e-mails, texts, checking calendar events etc, if I had an iPhone, I don't think i'd EVER not be looking at my phone, so I do it as a favor to myself, and people around me. I don't have to be THAT connected all the time.
- honest0
what do you iphone people do about protecting the touch-screen - surely the most important thing not to break on the phone is the screen?
- Meeklo0
I got this case and came w a screen protector that is clear and super thing, but not as thin as other i've used on my ipod. You can't even tell its there.