Climate Change
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- 571 Responses
- yuekit1
Electric cars 'will be cheaper than conventional vehicles by 2022'
The plummeting cost of batteries is key in leading to the tipping point, which would kickstart a mass market for electric vehicles, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) analysts predict.
- kingkong0
I always find the Climate change debate a strange one.
The climate has always changed, its just that now we can measure the nuts off it.
I watched this with my son this morning...
Britain wasn't an island 10000 years ago.
Not to say we cant have less of an impact on the world around us.
- You find the debate strange simply because the climate has changed in the past.yuekit
- None of that means we aren't changing it much more quickly now, or that the results won't be disastrous for modern civilisation.yuekit
- Those pasts shifts in climate BTW were often accompanied by mass extinctions. So maybe not the best argument to ignore the issue.yuekit
- @kingkong: but if our pollution is affecting the planet we should minimize that. thats what its all about********
- ********-1
- ...because hair spray is made from natural gas?sarahfailin
- http://www.ranken-en…********
- pablo28-9
- YES!!********
- where's mah hoax at?sarahfailin
- Global Warming is a hoax, Climate Change hmmmm....?********
- HOAX! vote TRUMP!********
- YES!!
- pablo28-3
- utopian4
- depressinghotroddy
- but true.sted
- Low information votersHayoth
- ^ that's funny coming from someone who denies sciencemoldero
- northwest passage for the win!Gnash
- I drink your milkshake!jmckinno
- hoax. downvoted.pablo28
- hoax = head in arsemoldero
- Info Wars Deniers, the brains of a dinosaur...why they went extinct.utopian
- looks like pigeon poopmaquito
- indian_pole5
- Just watched this two days ago. Excellent, but, fuck me, I was angry afterwards.Continuity
- its crazy how China is ahead of us now in solar and wind because of the right and the bible thumping right is holding us backmoldero
- it's not real - the illuminati made it up.fadein11
- The Bible thumping, ignorant, racist, deniers are too busy at Drumpf rallies to give a fuck. They'll blame the Liberals when the planet comes to an end.utopian
- +1 molderocanoe
- and china isn't doing this just in a local level. they are the biggest alt. energy tech suppliers of australia and africa.sted
- Florida banned all state workers from evening saying the words "climate change" because they're so backward brainwashed.monospaced
- The GOP is not only a threat to the U.S. but the whole fucking worldmoldero
- China emits 25% of all global air pollution, they're the biggest polluter. The US is #2 at 15%. If you bring that back to Pollution to GDP ratio America iszarkonite
- actually doing pretty fucking good. Is there a LOT of work to be done? YES of course, but let's call a spade a spade.zarkonite
- look at these charts: http://data.worldban…zarkonite
- The US (along with most industrialized countries) are consistently becoming better at growing their economies while polluting less per dollars.zarkonite
- Yeah, but the US gutted its manufacturing base and sent it to China, and it has about a third of the population and has been #1 economy for decades. No excuse.detritus
- China's pivot to cleanTech was internal (re: smog) and it has singularly made leaps and bounds in very few years, showing up all us hypocrite cunts in the Westdetritus
- Whilst America invented Solar cells and Carter was mocked for putting them on the white house. Where are those panels now? In China, on display. Our hubris.detritus
- China's masterplan was to reach peak CO2 emissions by 2030 - analysts suggest they'll hit that in 2020, and then some. What's our excuse in the West? Profit.detritus
- We're the bad guys here, not them, no matter what charts you pull out of your rear-end.detritus
- We will see. So far we're leading. Where's the Chinese Tesla? The US are actually shutting down their coal plants, not China. Profits rule everywhere fool.zarkonite
- http://data.worldban…zarkonite
- You can see above that from 2002 to 2012 there's a marked ACCELERATION of Co2 emissions. So much for leaps and bounds.zarkonite
- actually debating with data and shit. good job people.lowimpakt
- 2002-2012? No shit, hombre? 2012's the year they instituted their next social/tech plan - and look what they've accomplished in less than 4 years!detritus
- And as much as I blow smoke up Musk's ass, China's Solar City and Chinese cell production has so far accomplished much more than dear Tesla, but..detritus
- I might be less skeptical if it wasn't for shitty politicians who gets us into endless wars and trillions in debt...IRNlun6
- ... or hypocritical actors who fly their private planes to give speeches on global warming. Do you know what fuels pollute the most? War machines and airplanes.IRNlun6
- Not to mention the manufacturing of batteries and solar panels which are horrible for the environment. Fuck out of here taking my taxes to enrich this scum.IRNlun6
- China doesn't give a fuck about the environment up until their citizens can't even breath so they make small concessions and get praised for it.IRNlun6
- utopian2
Alex Jones Tea Party Denier Bump
- The Flat Earth Society, like Obama, earnestly believes that cow flatulence is endangering the flat planet.sted
- haha, flat earthers are pure internet retard gold, aren't they?monospaced
- > http://climatechange…pablo28
- wake up sheeplepablo28
- ********-8
Climate Change,The Trillion Dollar Heist
- Who is this fucking moron?zarkonite
- Alex Jones a real american hero********
- https://d37nk263jfz2…Fax_Benson
- No he's not.monospaced
- yes he is********
- He sounds like his opinions could use more research and nuance.zarkonite
- What dumb fucks believe this helmet?utopian
- Hayoth-5
Hillary clinton Marxist nazi totalitarian
- ********1
- indian_pole4
Warning: This thread will self destruct on January 20, 2017.
- ********1
A case for optimism…
- utopian4
Donald Trump Could Put Climate Change on Course for ‘Danger Zone’
President-elect Donald J. Trump, who has called human-caused climate change a “hoax” perpetuated by the Chinese, will have the power next year to water down President Obama’s climate change regulations and ignore the United States’ commitments under last year’s Paris climate agreement.
- time machine trumpfadein11
- So happy we don't have to worry about climate change now.wagshaft
- Bad********
- Climate change has been happening at very similar rates on all planets in our solar system. It has nothing to do with us...********
- Though that doesn't mean we don't need to change, because no one can deny we're destroying our planet...********
- sted0
- sted1
Ari Quality map
- formed1
Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition
Bye bye rights and freedom, bye bye taxpayer money, bye bye Earth
Do people that voted for him, or equally as bad, voted for a third party realize what he/they are going to do???
- wtf********
- who makes those air masks they wear in china? 3M? buy that stock********
- What's going to happen honestly?
Even if the US reduces its carbon footprint to 0, if the rest of the world isn't willing to do its part then it's pointless._niko - They are going to unravel America - LGBT, R v. W, increase military, hate/ there are rumors he did talk to Russia...Putin is certainly what he's afterformed
- and worst case scenario, it's not bye bye earth, it's bye bye humans, the earth'll be fine as Carlin said._niko
- looks like some form of Bodoni, molderoPonyBoy
- wtf
- utopian0
Myron Ebell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
1. He Says Climate Change is ‘Nothing to Worry About
2. He Says That Even if Climate Change Were Real, It Would Be a Good Thing
3. His Think Tank Takes Money From ExxonMobil
4. Donald Trump Wants to Make Dramatic Cuts to the EPA
5. Trump Has Said That Global Warming Is a Hoax
- I'd like to see one Trump supporter give me a reason why they voted for him besides "I hate crooked Hillary". I've yet to see anyone give a reason.formed
- #2 lol, does he live on a mountain in a Alaska?********
- how much of the ice cap has melted and how high have the oceans risen? let's ask NASA:…_niko
- looks like he's wearing lipstick._niko
- reminds me of that arc opening wizard in Indiana Jones, right before his skin melts off....kinda ironic, now that I think of itformed
- lol********
- might help if you read that, nikoFax_Benson