All this TSA crap
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- 84 Responses
- honestIy0
- ♪ someone is instigating ♪TheBlueOne
- no, i believe capitalism is behind the rapiscan shit, just as worthless as a voting machinehonestIy
- hilchev0
It is funny because if it were a black or a some kind of muslim woman there would not be such problems.
It is ok for a woman to go dressed like a black ninja or something, but would they let me on the plane if my religion required me to wear this too.
I remember when I was going for a visa to the UK long time ago before the EU, I was like the only white guy at the office. There were all kinds of colors there. I felt what it was to be a minority. But then, all got visas just from their applications and they announced that on the speakers.
I had to go through two interviews until they told me no visa for you because I had this masterplan to go study in germany for 4 years, pay large amounts of fees, then from germany to sneak out to the UK and work as a day labor.
I was sitting and asking myself wtf. The interview woman was black too.
This happened just after the terrorist bombings in London. I was like, ok you pass all the scum on the earth to enter and not me for a week to see this and that.
Reversed Racists!
- there's just racism, there's no reverse racism..mikotondria3
- It is when you are automatically blamed to be racist when you are white.hilchev
- "after the terrorist bombings in London" < were they not English?PIZZA
- So the white guy going to europe felt racism? I see.TheBlueOne
- it's still JUST racism...
Come on, it's not that hard.... think..mikotondria3
- georgesIII0
"This happened just after the terrorist bombings in London. I was like, ok you pass all the scum on the earth to enter and not me for a week to see this and that."
lol, you're serious man.
Your story reminds me of a belgian woman complaining that she had to fill up form to travel to my country and my dad calmly trying to explain to her that no matter where you're from, you need to fill the same forms.she was red and asking how dare he ask her for documents when all she wanted to do was travel.
as you said before you had a masterplan (to study then "sneak" into UK), they probably realized your were bullshitting them and they failed your application,
that is why all the scum of the world got a pass and you didn't.It took me 6 months just to get the travel visa + 4 years to get my working permit here, should I have complained that they let all the scum of the earth pass?
- pot call kettle black?honestIy
- today @ Know your Idioms:
We'll be discussing the need to fill up forms to travel. Are they necessary or a thing of the past?georgesIII
- hilchev0
it is not the same because the dox were filled and everything was the same. Where did I say that I didn't fill in the forms? And why was I the only one to go through an interview?
Everyone else got their visas without interviews. I saw that because I had to wait all day waiting for that.
And there was no masterplan. Since then, I've been atleast 6 times to the UK and back. And still when I graduated in germany, I got back to Bulgaria.
They think everyone is dying to go there and really can't think of no other reason why would I want to go there. It must be the day labor. There must be some explanation why he is bullshitting us to go and visit friends.
I wish I can get in touch with that clerk and ask her about my masterplan now ? These people make mistakes.
- My whole rant wasn't about the interview and forms, it was about you assuming that these people got theirs without interviewgeorgesIII
- I grew up in the embassy world and I can tell you, you don't know how much work is done in the backgeorgesIII
- sea_sea0
makes me wanna punch somebody!! it's hard to believe no one could help her?! and of course their damn ego is waaaay to big by the time they realize they fucked up. i hope this girl has a good lawyer.
- qoob0
- Sep0
"So whats that say about europe? You still worship a queen and live in pure communism.
We are just now experience and its being rejected by AMERICANS! While you accept it.""It is funny because if it were a black or a some kind of muslim woman there would not be such problems."
"I was like, ok you pass all the scum on the earth to enter and not me for a week to see this and that."
Is there something about this thread that attracts a special kind of ignorant super-assholes?
- ********0
first world problems
- eating_tv0
Free sex by a man in uniform, who doesn't want that?
Seriously though, the terrorists have already won.
"TSA inspectors regarding the mothers breast milk carried in bottles for her baby"
To be fair if you are gonna allow that on then you should just allow any liquids which opens up a whole bunch of problems.
- eating_tv0
- haha.
1972 too? suppose it was rather grimly predicable eh.Hombre_Lobo_2 - 1972 is when they started first installed the metal detectors and prohibited guns on planes.boobs
- haha.
- Hombre_Lobo_20
It is just bullshit.
So anyone got any links to official petitions?BTW im not trying to look like some righteous man of the people by wanting to voice my disdain for this.
I never normally do this kind of thing. Never attended a protest etc, which i suppose is kinda shameful.
- well then it's time you let your hair down and break something young man! ;) lolzsea_sea
- autoflavour0
Breastmilk, more deadly than explosives any day
- georgesIII0
Sir, put this bottle in the trash!
- Hombre_Lobo_20
next i bet they wont let you take a bottle of seamen through. Fucking TSA.
- Peter0
- what is the deal with lighters being allowed on a plane? can't understand this.pizzafire
- To light up the babymilk and hurl it towards the cockpitPeter
- lol peter!
terrorist attack, making the airplane smell real bad!Hombre_Lobo_2
- Peter0
Someone mentioned this yet?
A bladder cancer survivor from Michigan who wears a bag that collects his urine said a security agent at a Detroit airport patted him down so roughly, it caused the bag to spill its contents on his clothing.
Tom Sawyer, a 61-year-old retired special education teacher, said the experience left him in tears before he caught a flight to Orlando, Fla., on Nov. 7.
"I was absolutely humiliated. I couldn't even speak,"…
Grab your pitchforks
- yeh on page 1, but didnt have a quote.
ridiculous!Hombre_Lobo_2 - utterly horrible, poor guy.PIZZA
- yeh on page 1, but didnt have a quote.
- TheBlueOne0
An interview snippet I read from a political activist a few years back that I always keep on hand. I think he has a very valid & relevant point:
"One of the smartest things the Nazis did was to co-opt rationality and to co-opt hope. The way they did that was by making it so that at every step of the way it was in the Jews’ rational, best interest not to resist. Would you rather get an ID card or would you rather resist and possibly get killed? Do you want to go to a ghetto or do you want to resist and possibly get killed? Do you want to get on a cattle car or do you want to resist and possibly get killed? Do you want to take a shower or do you want to resist and possibly get killed?
Every step of the way, it was in their rational best interest to not resist. But I’ll tell you something really interesting: The Jews who participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising had a much higher rate of survival than those who went along. We need to keep that in mind over the next ten years."
Replace "nazis" with "TSA" or "Homeland security" and "get killed" with "criminal charges with unknown, complicated quality of life threatening economic and social consequences" and it's the same principle.