All this TSA crap
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- georgesIII0
Bring democracy to the world while killing a hefty number of civilians in the process, ruining your own economy and destroying international alliances
*crickets,touch some saggy tits and balls, while getting a free cancer scan
- fooler20
I think they have decreased the sensitivity of the metal detectors since installing the body scanners.
I've had a titanium rod from my knee to my ankle for over 15 years. Pre 9/11 it never alerted the metal detector. Post 9/11 it would go off every time. I really never had any problem with additional screening until a few moths ago when they made me turn down my button flys so they could "pat down" my underwear. I ride them pretty low so they definitely touched my happy trail and I exposed my pubes for all to see.
With this and all the hype I was pretty worried about going through all of this again and wondered how I would react if they tried to put their hands down my pants again or if I would have to go through additional screening if they saw all the metal in my leg during the body scan.
I didnt have to go through the body scans and all the metal detectors didn't go off for the first time in 10 years!
- stoplying0
I don't think I would mind going through the screening process so much (whatever it ends up being), if the staff performing the screening were more worthy. The TSA employees I encounter 95% of the time are these apathetic, fat, unprofessional losers who look like they could give a shit about security. It makes it feel that much more pointless.
- dconstrukt0
you guys are morons...
do you REALLY think they're doing this for their health?
theres a reason why they're doing this.... its called terrorists.
they have real valid reasons to do these searches.... they are to protect you, me and everyone else.
- Who let you near a computer ?mikotondria3
Over 52 security agencies and these fucks are infringing on my rights! FUCK YOU74LEO - Someone in Washington needs to get fired if they can't track terrorists before they get to an airport.74LEO
- lol @74LEO crying about rightshonestIy
- IRNlun60
It might have been mentioned here before but it seems like we're too focused on a lone terrorist or group of terrorists boarding a plane with explosives. With added security measures, this has obviously been much more difficult to achieve, giving us the impression we are somehow safer from these types of attacks. These measures seem to be protecting the plane itself rather than the people onboard.
Added security now increases the wait time and increases the amount of people in line waiting to go through security. What if all these new security features actually work and we catch one of these guys, trying to board the plane, and he's covered with explosives. Then what? How is feeling up grandma and getting scanned by an x-ray machine going to help us then?
- honestIy0
what if no terrorist is ever stopped and in 10-20 years there are findings that these rapiscan devices caused irreversible damage to untold numbers of people? playing the worst case scenario card every time is what they're doing and feeding into it will only further reduce your personal freedoms and liberties
- bingo.. that's the fear tactic they are constantly trying to use to deprive us of freedom.Boz
- The Patriot Act is the most despicable example of annihilation of our human rights and freedoms.Boz
- isn't the scenario you're laynig out ALSO a fear tactic?locustsloth
- Boz0
Where are the fucktard Teabagging shitheads complaining now? There is probably nothing more violating and invasive than this TSA crap..
As probably already quoted .. Benjamin Franklin said it well when he said if you are such an imbecile to sacrifice a little security for freedom you are such a douchebag and maggot of a human being you don't deserve either. I'm paraphrasing of course.
The chance of terrorist boarding plane with explosive with security we had prior to this blatant and disgusting violating of our freedom and rights was 1 to 30 million.
Instead of investing money and training the TSA agents in a much better way, in profiling, in behavioral analysis, they have decided that it's easiest to have some fat fuck touch mothers and grandmothers and then jerk off later in the bathroom remembering how he felt up someone's tits or ass.
It's disgusting.
- doublespaced0
In the end, I really don't think these random screenings are the right solution. Being more cautious and implementing precautions is just fine, but this is just idiotic. Most "terrorists" could probably be singled out with better questioning (which would require smarter TSA agents) and observation.
- ********0
As Benjamin Franklin famously said, he who would sacrifice a little bit of security for some liberty deserves to be fondled.
- ETM0
Not sure if it was said in the thread already, but private jets have virtually zero security. Seems like they should be doing something about that. Isn't that a likely vector bad guys would capitalize on?
- myobie0
So, what is best to do: not fly to send a message to the airlines or go through security but file a complaint through TSA?
- force them to touch your nuts, and make it really uncomfortable for everyone involved.doublespaced
- From now on I strictly fly freeballing.IRNlun6
- bliznutty0
to justify the TSA - we first have to believe that the entire array of chaotic events that took place on 9/11 were simply executed by a bunch of cavemen that got past gate security with boxcutters .. okay then.. really?
- Is it difficult to wear your anarchy mask and a tinfoil hat simultaneously?DrBombay
I'm sure things would be a lot different if there were real trained professionals conducting these scans at airports. You can't just give this much 'power' to random ignorant people. Addressing this could be a positive first step me thinks...
- dconstrukt0
guys stop bitching.
if it saves 1 persons life (like yours, or someone you love) it's worth it.
They're doing this because they have reason to believe shit could go down this way.
They scan your luggage, do you bitch about that?
Who says this is permanent?
It is what it is, for now. Thanks to those crazy terrorists. Don't bitch at TSA, they're just trying to protect us.
Bitch at the lunatics that are causing this.
- and i should add, i had a SMOKIN HOT TSA chick give me the pat down... god bless america!dconstrukt
- if it doesn't save my life, i won't care, see how that works?honestIy
- if it takes the life of someone i care for, i'll blame the aggressors, not the TSAhonestIy
- oh and my vital organs aren't in my bag...honestIy
- I call BS on the 'smokin hot' TSA chick patting you down. They are same sex pat downs.ETM
- Maybe it was just a very convincing transvestite.ETM
- ********0
VIPER Teams Hit Florida for new and improved security!Who said the unions were corrupt!
- nuggler0
Walking is still the most dangerous way to travel.
- randommail0
I wonder which members of the US government are making money off of OSI Systems right now. Seem like they're the new Haliburton.
Money seems like the only logical reason for the TSA would stubbornly invest into Rapiscan machines.