All this TSA crap
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- 84 Responses
- aanderton0
So whats that say about europe? You still worship a queen and live in pure communism.
– VikingKingElevenHas anyone seen the queen, I'm late for fucking worship!!!
- you're running late from reveling in pure communism obviously.TheBlueOne
- not in germanyautoflavour
- i guess the King is jealouspizzafire
- haha
viking is so smart. Very worldly indeed!Hombre_Lobo_2
- Hombre_Lobo_20
ironically this shit makes me want to bomb an airport.
Anyone else interested?
*awaits cops busting through window screaming "i got your IP mother fucker!" / "its just like twitter, your fucked now!!"*
- locustsloth0
So, just to play devil's advocate, what's the alternative if people don't want to be scanned and/or patted down? Do you think the measures up until this were sufficient?
- pizzafire0
- hargbine0
the creepy fucking part is that they kept her detained for ~37 min until they could make sure NOBODY else was around.
- locustsloth0
"Do what Eurpoe and Israel do, look for terrorists intelligently rather than searching everyone for weapons"
if i were someone who wished to do harm, i would simply look for the exceptions being made (nuns, kids, old ladies, etc), and taylor my attacks to it. That Japanese guy made himself up like an old man and got on a plane, why couldn't someone else? Who's to stop these assholes from martyring a child, some orphan or what have you?
Again, just to argue the other side.
- glitchsbrew0
Some guy was caught wanking it.…
- brandelec0
"What do you want to do, get blown up by a goddamn Arab at 30,000 feet or we get to see your private parts? It's up to you, the ball's in your park," head of the TSA's scanning department, Rodney Schroeder, told CNN.
- georgesIII0
Please leave all metallic objects in the apposite box
- ********0
- PonyBoy0
Isn't the argument of searching all / randomly that we're all being 'treated fair' in the end?
Israel seems to have this down to a science... ... but if we followed their technique it would... *sniff... racial profiling... and FFS we can't have that... ... //so molest that nun and fondle that youngster... that's what i say. :)
- BattleAxe0
needs more Dog
- mydo0
This is special underwear. It’s designed for travel, specifically to protect your health and your dignity at TSA checkpoints, according to the clothing company Rocky Flats Gear.
“For the first time, radiological shields are attractive, durable, affordable, fun, and comfortable to wear
A special, lead-free powdered metal is decoratively affixed to men’s boxers or briefs. When TSA screeners try to check your most personal space, the X-ray will reveal a less embarrassing natural shape, a fig leaf. You can pick these up in a “USA Patriot 3 Pack,”one red, one white, one blue for $50. A one pack goes for $18. (Click through the sideshow to see X-ray views.)
- Peter0
^ "What do you want to do, get blown up by a goddamn Arab at 30,000 feet or we get to see your private parts? It's up to you, the ball's in your park," head of the TSA's scanning department, Rodney Schroeder, told CNN.
Also found on the internet:
"...Since this date in 2001, seven years ago, four commercial aircraft have been hijacked. In that same time period about 72,912,035 commercial flights have taken place. So your chances are about 1 in 18,228,009"
- ********0
- Peter0
"“For the first time, radiological shields are attractive, durable, affordable, fun, and comfortable to wear"
I'd imagine it be anything but fun covering your cock, vag or (more relevantly) your orifices. It'll likely give the impression you've something to hide there, thus creating a need for further probing.
Yes. Probing.