UFO of the day

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  • utopian2

  • NBQ003

    • who is this, Jared Leto?GuyFawkes
    • Hipster cult leader from Far Cry 5 video gameNBQ00
    • lol Joseph SeedGuyFawkes
    • lol, they’re aliens? coolmonospaced
    • enough with this BS! NBQ you post the dumbest things man...grafician
    • LolNBQ00
    • Why is it BS? He’s a “philosopher”NBQ00
    • No, the BS is treating this "subject" always as sensationalist
      Brand is fine, but not his area of expertise to comment on ufos and stuff
    • dude are you saying aliens and spaceships are someone or anyone’s area of expertise. Really? Do they hang out with Bigfoot hunters?monospaced
    • jesus aged wellAQUTE
    • Is Jesus Jesus to aliens too?GuyFawkes
    • pretty tiering watchin this...wonder what demographic can fully tune in into that tone of presentation.neverscared
    • @mono well would you start a youtube channel about it with only the info in this thread? you could, but nobody would take you seriouslygrafician
    • a super bright guy.utopian
    • Aliens landing on earth is a paradigm changing event, but some of you want to bitch about the messenger? GTFOHcanoe
    • LOL @ “philosopher”GuyFawkes
    • lol @ a super bright guyfadein11
    • I like his way of thinking. But it's just a more eloquent put together version of stoner acid talk.inteliboy
  • NBQ004

  • Ramanisky29

  • GuyFawkes7

    • Don't they have better thermal camera nowadays?ApeRobot
    • The imagery and videos that have been declassified, is of low res quality.utopian
    • a childs skull on his desk wtf?Gardener
  • GuyFawkes5

  • GuyFawkes6

    So Marco Rubio actually did something good (end of vid)

    • if you call secret project money directed to his state, checks... florida... yes?johnny_wobble
  • grafician-9

    • So, every single unidentified craft since 1947 has been drone testing. Stfu, Lance.Maaku
    • lol, someone just got into UFOsfadein11
    • No, it looks like he means only the recent videos surfaced from the Pentagonn, not ALL ufo sightings evergrafician
    • I think we'll find his explanation isn't that wild, relatively speaking.MondoMorphic
  • inteliboy1

    • This... all ufo footage should first be examined if it's an optical illusion/error.shapesalad
    • The UFO in this video was confirmed by military CEAFAR radar, (SLAR) Synthetic Aperture Radar, Ground Surveillance Radar and by NORAD's radar.utopian
    • +1 utop, lol at it being a plane but if so, work harder at your disinfo campaign Pentagon!fadein11
  • SteveJobs3

    "The truth is that when I came into office, I asked, right, I was like, 'Alright, is there the lab somewhere where we're keeping the alien specimens and space ship?' And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was no."

    "What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there are, there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is."


    • Clinton tried to ask and find out, the answer he received was "no, there is no such things".ApeRobot
    • Clinton said: "I did not have sexual relations with that alien"fadein11
    • lol to think it more likely that aliens exist vs countries having some dope space-techkaiyohtee
    • Agreed, but nowadays we'll never really know. Those drones zigging/zagging around navel ships, etc., it's easy to do those maneuvers.formed
    • lol @fadeContinuity
    • He might be right, not aliens, but simply very advanced local tech, drones, etc.grafician
  • ApeRobot2

    Upscaled and double frame rate (AI)

    • Yeah, more and more looking like next-gen local tech, nothing alien about it - and yes including exotic physicsgrafician
    • we went from inventing human flight to going to the fuckking Moon and having space stations then "stealth" fighters in llike 100 years...grafician
    • also all these encounters and "we don't know what they are" = plausible deniability until the last moment when these things enter active servicegrafician
    • remember nobody new about F117 stealth fighter until it was dropping bombs on Saddam in early '90s so yeah...grafician
    • Look up Kelly Johnson from Skunk Works - he said we already have all kinds of exotic capabilities, they're just locked up in black budget projectsgrafician
    • not to mention asking presidents about it? LOL you never ask a boss of a business how it is working there, he has no clue, but you ask former employees...grafician
    • Moves from 80,000 ft to sea level in 1 second...thats 54,000 mph...yeah sound like next-gen technology, LOLutopian
    • @utopian for somebody from the '90s having an iPhone is basically magic, but it's all real tech 20 years distancegrafician
    • @utopian sure, those moves look like exotic physics, but maybe someone figured out magnetic/gravity propulsion 20 years ago and we're just seeing that "magic"grafician
    • ^example, the F117 "stealth" fighter was flying early '81 and it was REVEALED in '88 so a decade between build/revealgrafician
    • the saying goes: for extraordinary claims you need extraordinary proof, so yeah, maybe not aliens, but just hyper-advanced drones or something...grafician
    • graf = no funGuyFawkes
    • @Guy I take that, "E.T." by Spielberg was a bullshit movie anywaygrafician
    • ET was based on a true storyGuyFawkes
    • Pentagon is releasing info in June. Apparently HD footage 50 feet away from craft. Project blue beam has started!Raybandana
    • YupGuyFawkes
    • Whatif these UFOs are actually an intel op, the USA leaking its next gen capabilities to rival countries as a warning?yuekit
    • It's sort of the opposite of what you would expect, government starts taking UFO seriously and then it releases everything to the public?yuekit
    • But makes sense if trying to send a message to Russia China etcyuekit
    • Yeah because man has invented something that can travel 54,000 mph, come to compete stop and then instantly traverse itself in multiple directions. - okay!utopian
    • Inventing something is implausible, but aliens zipping around while we don't notice is? :)yuekit
    • Anyway I have no idea, but you can guarantee intelligence agencies would consider this as a possibility. And that may be exactly what they wanted.yuekit
    • Lol you guys. You really think there’s footage hd from 50ft? Project crock of shit more like it.monospaced
    • June 1st asshole.Raybandana
    • lol, you also thought trump was going to reverse the election, you fucking moronmonospaced
    • I would put money down you'll never see a good photo of alien spacecraft, or of an unidentifiable one, not next week or evermonospaced
    • Trump stuff is still working it's way to the top. Dont worry and get ready fuck freak, she's gunna blow! Alien lazar right out your ass.Raybandana
  • grafician-8

    but in 4K

    • Our very own neighborhood know it all.utopian
    • We have a few hereGuyFawkes
    • doing my best to keep you guys updated in the latest in interstellar travel capabilities ofc
      hope you guys enjoy my post, subscribe and like...
    • I smashed itGuyFawkes
  • Nairn1

    • She's obviously much smarter than I am, but her first video encapsulates pretty much my own history of UFO-interest and feelings about all this weirdness.Nairn
    • She’s seeing the same things as all of us, and cites a 60 minutes piece as the most compelling. Nothing seemed that insightful to me particularly.monospaced
    • It was hard not to get into UFO hype growing up in the 80s. I think whole generations share this fascinationmonospaced
  • NBQ00-9

    • Haha. Figured.monospaced
    • this video is awful, literally the worst debunking video I have ever seen. A sun setting? He's only debunked 5 seconds of the video, it was darting about beforefadein11
    • he debunked almost all of the infrared videos, lol, which is what most of this is aboutmonospaced
    • mono -radar data. eye witnesses, do you think all those pilots are being paid? I really don't know but if a disinfo campaign from the Pentagon they need to upfadein11
    • their game or go back to denying anything.fadein11
    • *everythingfadein11
    • If so easily explained then there are 2 major issues of concern, 1. the US military are totally incompetent in not identifying themfadein11
    • or 2. it's a disinfo campaign which is so bad it was debunked by a man on the internet.fadein11
    • Paid? I don't know what you're talking about. It sure doesn't sound like any kind of campaign, just some dudes who want to share their stories :)monospaced
    • The military is only addressing them because they were leaked. And all they said is that they are legit footage. Nothing else. At all.monospaced
    • Nobody on the military side is defending these, or addressing the debunking. Nothing they've said indicates these are all unidentified either.monospaced
    • Literally anything beyond talking about these being military video or not is just guessing and speculation. :) It's fun, but not much more.monospaced
    • But if you look up any IR footage of fighter jets, looks just like these. And they rotate too!monospaced
    • Also, let's be clear. We're talking about a grand total of 30seconds of shit video here. Not like there's some library of video of UFOs at hand.monospaced
    • Oh, and of course some super fun stories from pilots on an entertainment prime time tv program. Not evidence or anything.monospaced
    • haha, are you serious?fadein11
    • https://www.defense.…fadein11
    • https://www.defense.…fadein11
    • Who knows and yes I am a bit mad for this subject, this is the only 'out there' thing I take an interest in so excuse my over exuberance at times.fadein11
    • @fade big foot is more certain that most of these encounters...grafician
  • fadein113

    About as good an article as you will read on the subject, long but worth it.

    How the Pentagon Started Taking U.F.O.s Seriously


    • but graf says its all fakeGuyFawkes
    • not all but most probably is lolgrafician
    • actually, the issue would be with the lack of new info overall, most info is recycled, reposted, remixed, etc. and also debunked

      @fade yeah good article
    • it's a lot of info out there, but at the same time, ever not enough to paint a clear picture...it's always blurry - many times quite literally!grafician
    • and ironically, since we got a smartphone camera in our pockets, the sightings and weird ufo shit is actually less!grafician
    • the bullshit is slowly being filtered out though now, there was so much bullshit around the subject, it was a whacko magnet but having even a passing interestfadein11
    • it was obvious there is some weirdness happening. As I've said numerous times on this thread, just remove aliens from the equation and it's just as interestingfadein11
    • and easier to comprehend. I think that's what we are seeing now.fadein11
    • debunked by who?utopian
    • Mick West? lolGuyFawkes
    • actually if we remove the aliens, it's even more interesting!grafician
    • come to think of it, imagine the famous "incident" with the Phoenix lights, but today, with an entire city having smartphones filming live!grafician
    • today and more in the near future, it's getting harder and harder to hide secret stuff and easier to debunk stuff, no?grafician
    • https://media.giphy.…GuyFawkes
    • wheres that gif from btw?GuyFawkes
    • debunked by QBN ofc utopian who else?!

    • Pheonix lights was an interesting one yep. And Chicago O'Hare Airport. The most engaging ones are also airliner pilots who often lost their careers reportingfadein11
    • them. Why would they bother?
      Most interesting sightings are the ones backed up by radar data though.
    • it's easier to fool a local airport radar, but it's not easy to fool an entire fleet of ships with latest radar systems (Nimitz incident)grafician
    • or if you're testing some exotic new drones and you want to see if the latest radar systems pic them up...
      this means the tictacs are secret american drones
    • anyway, the truth will always be out there, always a step ahead outside our reach - for nowgrafician
    • such knowledgeGuyFawkes
    • ;)GuyFawkes
    • more like speculation ;)grafician
    • grafican is polymath genius...he's a designer, researcher, scientist, physicist, art critic, covid expert, philosopher and UFO researcher.utopian
    • @utopian who said I'm human? ;)grafician
  • NBQ003

    A) We are an experiment by aliens (zoo theory) and the occasional UFO phenomena we see is them observing and experimenting on us, incl. alien abductions and on on. They geo-engineered this planet and influenced this planet’s and our own evolution.

    B) There are definitely other civilizations in this universe but the universe is so damn vast and big that even highly advanced civilizations that are hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ahead of us technologically can’t trespass time & space to reach us because the universe is so damn big. We can only observe a fraction of the universe but the much bigger part is beyond the observable universe and as our universe is expanding at a faster pace it becomes even more unlikely that intergalactic travels are possible. And most civilizations that exist in this universe may be at a technological level that we are at or below. Who says other civilizations can’t just exist the way many indigenous people still live on our planet. Some of them here on our planet live in the amazon forests and many of them have never encountered other humans. So it could be possible that many ET’s just live in balance with nature and never made a bigger technological progress.

    C) The UFO phenomena we see is actually us time-traveling from many thousands of years in the future.

    D) There are no ET’s and despite the universe being so damn big there’s no other life that ever evolved like on our planet. Which would be very sad and depressing. And the UFO’s we see are weather phenomena, optical illusions, secret military tech and so on.

    • re: B) many encounters mention the aliens greys are actually our neighbours in local space...Zeta Reticuli is just about 40 light years awaygrafician
    • I would argue that is actually really easy to craft a FTL spaceship, most UFOs are tiny, more like alien cars but with extended range 1/2grafician
    • 2/2 compared to a huge SpaceX rocket that spits fire to move in space and maybe the actual Tesla would've invented an FTL drive eventually if lived longer?grafician
    • But think alien ufos are like small Star Wars ships where you don't see the propulsion ftl drive etc., while we're trying to invent a Star Trek warp drive...grafician
    • ...which is hugely more complicated and the ships are huge (more like space carriers)

      anyway, it's fun to speculate hehe
    • I like the first theory. Compatible with Ancient Aliens TV show.yuekit
  • yuekit7

    What happened to this model of UFO? I noticed the newer sightings don't really look like this.

    Do they upgrade every year like Apple products?

    • that's an Alien '57 chevyGuyFawkes
    • Transition from "flying saucer" to "blurry lights"
      and it's actually easier to debunk/explain blurry lights than this kind of "craft"
    • lol, nope, there has always been a very wide array of UFO sightings. Just that this particular format became popular with hoaxers/Hollywood.fadein11
    • the original 'flying saucer' sighting wasn't even saucer shaped like this.fadein11
    • it was actually more like a boomerang
    • The design of car hubcaps have changed. people were just yeeting them into the air and snapping picsscarabin
    • anyway, we can fake this image right now in 10 mins in Photoshop...grafician
    • the top section was the former alien cockpit in the 70's. now they invented dones.sandpipe
    • dronessandpipe
    • Ukit?
      king of the FMT threads. good times
  • fadein112

    A good summary of what may or may not be going on.

    • Replace a loud Alex Jones with this guy, he basically says the same whenever he talks about this topic.NBQ00
    • Utter bollocks, you clearly didn't watch or know anything about him. He's the most reasonable writer on the subject and often a skeptic.fadein11
    • nothing Alex Jones about it at all lol, if the videos aren't real then of course it's a disinfo campaign. I suggest you watch now and then come back with afadein11
    • sensible comment.fadein11
    • Alex Jones and David Icke were saying this ages ago that the UFO disclosure would be a psyop to push agendas. He’s not saying anything new here.NBQ00
    • he's not saying that though lol, watch the video, that is one option mentioned. Also he he has written a book on that exact subject, of course it's not a newfadein11
    • idea haha. But I do draw the line of comparing Dolan ro Jones and Icke, 2 complete wingnuts.fadein11
    • This guy has been writing books on the UFO phenomena for the last 20+ years. And they aren't bonkers, he's also often a skepticfadein11
    • Books on a subject, but that doesn’t make him an expert. Can’t be an expert on something you can’t study.monospaced
    • There's an asshole out there writing books on sasquatch, calls himself a bigfoot expert, and has been for 20 years. DOesn't make bigfoot real ffs. LO- fucking Lmonospaced
  • GuyFawkes4

    Tyson on JRE today

    • Two narcissistic, self absorbed know-it-alls walk into a bar...utopian
    • And bump into cliff claven?_niko
    • everyone under 40: "who's cliff claven? i don't get it"prophetone
    • Tyson is an annoying person to try and communicate withGuyFawkes
  • shapesalad1

    Just for clarification....

    UFO = Unidentified Flying Object.

    Which doesn't automatically mean aliens.

    If a bird flies past you that you've never seen before, you could say it's a UFO.

    • not if you know it's a birdsarahfailin
    • The UAP is a better descriptor because UFO implies "flying" and "object", both are assumptions. All these are aerial phenomena. To suggest more is speculation.wagshaft
    • shapesplenationfadein11
    • disagree. language evolves. the acronym is now just semantics. UFO clearly = aliens when people talk about them.inteliboy