UFO of the day

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  • AQUTE-7

  • yuekit6

    This is reportedly the largest Buddhist temple in the world, just north of Bangkok...

    "The Dhammakaya Foundation, under the leadership of Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh, better known as Luang Phor Dhammajayo, President of the Foundation, has set the goal to construct the Dhammakaya Cetiya in order to create world peace for all mankind by developing a peaceful mind in every individual."


  • grafician-7

    "Airborne radar reflector patent dating back to 1945 that matches exactly what pilots described to have seen off the east coast in the middle of the last decade." aka "cube inside a sphere" ufo


  • utopian5

    • but these were "debunked" in the articles I just posted, there were literally drones swarming the ships, nothing fancy, that guy has shitty evidencegrafician
    • he is all over the place trying to make a big fuss about it with debunked "proof"

      because idiots like him nobody serious takes ufos seriously...smh
    • Debunked by an alt-right, military blog? okay...LOLutopian
    • Agree they’re grasping at straws for stories_niko
    • You clearly have not read the declassified report from both the US Navy or the US Pentagon regarding this particular encounter.utopian
    • no utopian, debunked by the fuckin internet, all of these were!
      the articles I posted were assuming something else, have you read them by any chance? myeah...
  • shapesalad-3

  • grafician-7

    Artist: Jim Nichols

  • utopian9

    UFO intelligence report due next month after military sightings, including off Virginia coast


    • Watch it will be the sequel to alien autopsy, all of this was a clever marketing campaign for alien autopsy 2GuyFawkes
  • grafician-5

    “Fantastic Planet” by Peter Elson, 1977

  • NBQ007

    • So much UFO. So much shiny!NBQ00
    • R E V E L A E Dshapesalad
    • The accent sells it.Wordsworth
    • If the biggest discovery of mankind is gonna break, it’s gonna be on a local news channel from Australia. That’s a fact.monospaced
    • Bloody bulocks all this ufo shiteBrexit
    • T R U T Hsted
    • mono, you must admit that footage showing the "UFO" hovering above the ocean from one side to the other then diving into the water is stunning.NBQ00
    • What does “revelaed” mean?toemaas
    • want to B E L A E V ENonEntity
    • "MY GOSH... LOOK AT THAT THING!" that's what she said.NBQ00
    • if we have videos of that doofus flying around the city on that hoverboard thingy, imagine what the Russian and Chinese military have._niko
    • thing is, it does not look like it dips into the water at all - but flashes on and off....inteliboy
    • the first aliens will appear in the USA. of course.sandpipe
    • A lot of countries Air Forces have been tracking these phenomenaGuyFawkes
    • I do not admit it is stunning. I admit it is poor video that shows something that could very well be natural and normal.monospaced
    • And it's not really on anyone to prove it's NOT extra-terrestrial. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Bring it.monospaced
  • GuyFawkes6

  • ApeRobot5

    • ONLY on CBS local news channel 8 in Los Angeles. lolmonospaced
    • This has been reported on every conceivable tv news station over the past month: local, cable, internet, national and international.utopian
    • And written about in the NY Times, L.A. Times, NY Post, Washington Post, Guardian, USA Today, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Live Science, etc...utopian
    • and also was posted already a few posts down and discussed and rediscussed for the last pages of this thread...grafician
    • mono said that here too: https://www.qbn.com/…GuyFawkes
    • mono & graf are fucked when they come to probe our assholes, I for one, welcome our new alien overlordsGuyFawkes
    • I'm bending over right nowGuyFawkes
    • lol guyfadein11
    • @Guy Pretty sure we're safe in Eastern Europe, in the movies they always start with the US...grafician
    • lol they brought in George Knapp? This is hilarious. Put the moron on stage and let him sing.garbage
    • This is either China or DARPA fucking around with UFO/USO tech, and local news media desperate for a headline.garbage
    • The Great Filter is real, and the call is from inside the house.garbage
    • Lol guy. Kent Brockman.lemmy_k
  • Gardener-6

  • sted14

    • The US military can't figure out what these things are because they're stupid unlike usGuyFawkes
    • Military hasn’t commented on them except to say it’s their footage that was leaked. Ffs stop making assumptionsmonospaced
    • ^ military has indeed said they cant explain the phenomena, maybe you can explain it to them, help them figure it outGuyFawkes
    • but make sure to put some time aside for all those other topics you specialize in, it must be exhausting lolGuyFawkes
    • they didn't say that actually, they just said the footage is theirsmonospaced
    • and I never said I specialized in this, because that's what morons say they do, and I'm not a fucking moron ;)monospaced
    • I'm just saying the "evidence" is shit, the military hasn't said shit officially, and there's a lot of debunking that is just as believablemonospaced
    • https://www.defense.…monospaced
    • Navy pilots are military FYI, and yes they said they had no idea what they were looking at, this thread is littered with clips of them saying itGuyFawkes
    • I understand you don't follow this topic as much as others might, so I'm cutting you some slackGuyFawkes
    • https://i.redd.it/uy…GuyFawkes
    • Their stories on 20/20 are not official pentagon comms. They are stories and they are fun, but they are not required to tell the truth either.monospaced
    • Those pilots have been on multiple podcasts talking about it, but im sure you can figure it out mire than them cuz your wicked smatGuyFawkes
    • monospaced knows everything LOLutopian
    • Talking about it is not official reports, lol. I'm the only one here NOT claiming anything, ffs. These pilots are not official mouthpieces derp.monospaced
    • look at you clowns, claiming you know EVERYTHIGN about this, SURE that it's an alien coverup, when all you've seen is the same 30 seconds of shitmonospaced
    • And some pilots are having a nice little media rollercoaster for their 15 minutes, knowing all well they can't give away classified info. Obviously.monospaced
    • US Navy has releases
      d statements saying they are unidentified mono. Seems weird they couldn't debunk them themselves.
    • lol @ mono "claiming you know EVERYTHIGN about this" clearly you are not paying attention here, report back after coffeeGuyFawkes
    • no one is saying aliens here dumbass unless its a joke, YOU are the one assuming, thinking u know more than navy pilots who seen this shit with their own eyesGuyFawkes
    • they have the highest tech known to man, their the most vetted people on the planet, yet some know-it-all pixel pusher will tell them what they've seenGuyFawkes
    • I'm NOT claminig I know ANYTHING. You are the one making claims, and I'm saying they aren't grounded, bro.monospaced
    • Never said I know more than Navy pilots. But I am skeptical, and I figured you would be too. To take a prime time news interview as testimony? c'mon dude.monospaced
    • testimony? you mean when they put their hand on a bible it makes their words more official?GuyFawkes
    • if it was a drunk navy pilot at a bar vs some pixel pusher, ide buy what the pilot is saying & whats their saying is they dont know what the fuck it isGuyFawkes
    • so many people trying to debunk what the pilots are saying by trying to read the flir's readouts as if the pilots dont know how to read thoseGuyFawkes
    • besides all their displays they've also seen them with their own eyes up closeGuyFawkes
    • supposedly theres footage getting ready to be released where one of those fuckin things is 50' away from the camera, show us that shit alreadyGuyFawkes
    • I don't think you're ever gonna see anything like that, lol.monospaced
    • of course you don'tGuyFawkes
    • but YOU do, and that's a claim you're making, NOT me. Maybe I have to just call you "mensa guy" and say "you're right, little boy" to calm YOU down.monospaced
    • How you don't see that it's YOU making claims and not me is hilarious.monospaced
  • grafician-5

    "US intelligence officials have no evidence confirming Navy pilot UFO encounters were alien spacecraft"


    "US intelligence officials have found no evidence confirming that unidentified flying objects encountered by US Navy pilots in recent years were alien spacecraft but also have not reached a definitive assessment as to what these mysterious objects might be, according to five sources familiar with the findings of an upcoming report on UFOs that is expected to be delivered to Congress later this month.

    According to three of those sources, the report does not however rule out the possibility they are alien spacecraft.

    While that uncertainty is likely a blow to the hopes of UFO enthusiasts who were hoping for definitive proof of extraterrestrial life, it does not minimize the significance of the report, especially given what sources describe as a years-long battle inside the Pentagon over whether even to acknowledge what are now hundreds of unexplained sightings by US military personnel."

    • All of sudden they US Navy has no evidence, their saved radar signatures from multiple sources all must of gotten lost. - LOLutopian
    • What would "evidence confirming UFOs are aliens" look like?yuekit
    • Called it.monospaced
    • Mono & graf keep assuming weather balloons n shit, the rest of us just want answers because shit dont add upGuyFawkes
    • mensa mono knows everything all the time, how does he do it?utopian
    • I dont think anyone here is assuming aliens as much as were open to the possibility that it could beGuyFawkes
    • always be weary of someone who makes more statements than asks questionsGuyFawkes
    • yup, I don't think anyone here is presuming aliens, that's clearly the bottom of the list of possibilities.fadein11
    • @pr2, #pr2, calling pr2, paging pr2
      how does this work? Im trying to get the 3rd QBN know-it-all to join his friends
    • I didn't say I knew anything, I'm saying I don't know anything, just like everyone else. I just don't think the shit evidence is compelling.monospaced
    • It's people out there who are convinced there is definitely a major coverup that are acting like they know everything all the time, except they actually don't.monospaced
    • Surprised you all aren't a lot more critical of what's been shown, and how it's come to light, and been presented. It's just my opinion, nothing more, relax.monospaced
    • relax? RELAX? R E L A X ?


    • Dude. You’re the one triggered AF because I’m not convinced there’s a conspiracy. You need to calm down mr all caps.monospaced
    • Seriously? Lol, you need to learn how to read a room dudeGuyFawkes
    • Since you're vaccinated you should go out start interacting with people again, be good for your mental healthGuyFawkes
    • Im outty, see you on mondayGuyFawkes
    • You make a lot of assumptions, dude. I AM reading the room. You're seriously triggered by my skepticism to the point of insulting me. Read the room ;)monospaced
    • You also seem triggered over the fact that despite all the fun it is to assume there's some huge thing going on, there's actually not much evidence.monospaced
    • And seeing as I spend time with tons of people every day and not in a compound as a recluse in mexico, I'm sure i'M the one who's interacting more my friend.monospaced
    • You should go save some pelicans while you surf alone, and freak out if your neighbor you've never met may narc on you. LOLmonospaced
    • Maybe your intense isolation is causing you to be more susceptible to primetime US TV anecdotes from media-crazed, PAID navy pilots, and YouTubers. FFS.monospaced
  • grafician-1

    so about that report coming out...

    "The US government is to publish a report on more than 120 mysterious encounters with unidentified objects over the past 20 years"

    "No evidence UFOs are alien spacecraft, unclassified US intelligence report to reveal"

    "US intelligence officials have found no evidence that unidentified flying objects encountered by US navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft but cannot explain what they are, a much-anticipated report is set to disclose.

    In an unprecedented move, the US government is preparing to issue an unclassified report detailing what it knows about a series mysterious encounters with unidentified flying objects."


    • "over the past 20 years" how convenient lolgrafician
    • there are NO UFOs ! lol.

      Every "sighting" is of a military exercise. Case closed.
    • easier to say UFO and even hint at aliens than to admit enemies have more advanced tech than you. Although most likely their own top secret tech_niko
    • allegedly they confirm in the report that those are not in any way made by the US military (including black programs, which is very odd to confirm)grafician
    • report will drop on the 25thgrafician
    • I'm not saying it's aliens but...GuyFawkes
    • 20 years? That sucks lolGuyFawkes
  • dasohr2

    Been reading this, pretty interesting:

    `The UFO community—those who had been thinking about, seeing, and analyzing supposed flying saucers (or triangles or chevrons) for years—was surprisingly skeptical of the revelation. Their incredulity and doubt rippled across the internet. Many of the people most invested in UFO reality weren’t really buying it. And as Scoles did her own digging, she ventured to dark, conspiracy-filled corners of the internet, to a former paranormal research center in Utah, and to the hallways of the Pentagon.`

    • You can get the audiobook from your local library and listen to it on Overload. Free Media, FTWdasohr
    • ‘They’ may be here, but the typographer never showed upGnash
    • they're here?monospaced
  • PonyBoy2

    That 'tic tac' footage is nearly 20 years old... that's a fairly long time for any Country (or perhaps a 'Dr Evil' type entity) to hide this big of a secret.

    What Country / Person wouldn't be utilizing the absolute shit out this sort of tech? They'd dominate any economy... they could enslave / control just about anyone they wanted merely w/the threat of using their untouchable / uncatchable / unmatchable tech to hold any Country / Company / Group of people hostage w/the damage they could do w/that tech.

    The nuclear threat is kept at bay w/the idea of "mutual assured destruction" (unless that shit gets in the hands of nutbags / terrorists)... but when you have tech like this you are literally a God amongst men—there is no 'mutually assured' anything other than the knowledge that if you don't have this tech you have zero defense against it (you're fucked).

    Whoever is in control of this tech has amazing self control...

    • So it's aliens, because the human species has no self control...grafician
    • *giggle... only person talking aliens here is you, graffyPonyBoy
    • "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."grafician
    • Listen, Arty—not sure why you're quoting sherlock or mentioning aliens for that matter—I'm merely crediting whomever owns this tech w/having great self controlPonyBoy
    • and I'm merely stating the obvious; why is there stigma associated with mentioning aliens anyway?grafician
    • dunno :) But that stigma has got ahold of you, son cuz YOU'RE STILL discussing aliens in this post when it has nothing to do w/aliens. <3PonyBoy
    • here's another quote from a merely human: "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" so humans behind this tech seems very unlikely anyway lolgrafician
    • btw very nice observation about self-control being related, but nah that ain't itgrafician
    • wait... are you saying it's aliens? Now I'm confused by you, graf. And yes... your 'absolute power' quote is precisely what I'm curious about. Someone is...PonyBoy
    • ...is proving that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' to be utter bullshit.PonyBoy
    • your observation is true nonetheless, but in the human context: humans with self-control = utopia and that's more improbable than aliensgrafician
    • hehe, I can't argue w/that as I'm in wholehearted agreement (I do not have that much faith in mankind). Given how shitty 'we' are, aliens... kinda fits. :PPonyBoy
    • You’re convinced that shitty, 20 year old video, shows god like tech capable of total domination?monospaced
    • Just seems like a big leap from unidentified blurry object in grainy video to tech that can dominate mankind. Like, cmon, anything in between?monospaced
    • commies? LOLgrafician
    • yes, mono... if you control physics to the extent all these videos have shown then you're a force to be reckoned with. However, they seem to have self control.PonyBoy
    • "unidentified blurry object in grainy video"... there's plenty more videos this from 20 years ago. Someone has control of some impressive tech.PonyBoy
    • oooooooo kaaaay thenmonospaced
    • @ponyboy, its not worth it with these 2 especially mono, we've all seen his tantrums, just say "yes mono, you are right as per usual, may I get on with my day?"GuyFawkes
    • I didn’t make any claims dude. I’m not trying to be right. Just that I don’t THINK the video shows physics defying tech. I’m skeptical at most.monospaced
    • The claim being made here is a big leap from a blurry moving pixel in an old video to world dominating tech. That doesn’t seem a bit fantastic to you?monospaced
    • there's more than the one vid out there... not to mention many military reports along w/actual tracking data... not just this 20 yr old (nearly) tic tac videoPonyBoy
    • I mentioned that specific video just to show how much time has gone by in which it appears 'someone' has had amazing tech but acted in a frugal manner w/itPonyBoy
    • +1 ponyboy, spot onfadein11
    • yes, it appears to be one thing in that context, but I guess we'll have to wait for this big report. Wait for it ;)monospaced
  • Danish-3

  • Danish3

    • needs more Element 115GuyFawkes
    • They're here.dbloc
    • he needs to go on a diet, that fucking ufo can't take off.NBQ00
    • Problem is not the shape, the problem is the speed.grafician
    • Need to get on that gravity train.Wordsworth
    • Needs 91 octanedavey_g
    • these notes LOLsea_sea
  • Gardener3