UFO of the day

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  • Danish1

  • utopian3
    • the second looks like water droplets when you adjust values and possibly reflections of whats inside a windowtrooperbill
    • that is clearly a weather balloonGuyFawkes
    • See. Aliens. It's clear.wagshaft
  • sarahfailin2

  • grafician-2

    "Do We Believe in U.F.O.s? That’s the Wrong Question

    Reporting on the Pentagon program that’s investigating unidentified flying objects is not about belief. It’s about a vigilant search for facts.'


    • The veil is starting to be liftedgrafician
    • we do not believe in unidentified because everything is identified as weather balloonsGuyFawkes
  • monospaced0

    3 more days. Prepare for disappointment.

  • ok_not_ok1
  • _niko5

    before we see aliens we would see their drones, and before that we would see their version of 1950's sitcoms that they broadcast out to space thousands of years ago.

    I'm hoping that's what the big announcement is, reruns of Leave it to Xztkrlyg

    • Expanding our ideas upon them is stupid. They are nothing alike us, that's the point, that's what "alien" means.grafician
    • We wouldn't necessarily see their sitcoms broadcast from thousands of years ago for many potential reasons, including but not exclusively potential FTL travel.kalkal
    • Say they're 100,000 ly away, that gives them that long between developing radio communication and now for them to advancekalkal
    • Say they survive and flourish for that long, and FTL is possible, it's plenty of time for them to develop that technology. FTL is arguably a requirement forkalkal
    • them to get here if it were to ever happen.

      Twitter hates me.
    • @kalkal our entire galaxy spans 150k light years...grafician
    • So?kalkal
    • I will be very disappointed if the first alien civilisation we make contact with are using radio waves to communicate. Unless some 10G 4 dose vax shit.fadein11
    • They flat out said there is no announcement, but only a report that does not confirm aliens. Basically they promise a lot of nothing I fear.monospaced
    • the idea of that report is they officially acknowledged the issue, anything they can reveal extra is cool too (recovered materials, etc.)grafician
    • does not confirm or keyword 'deny' aliens, fact is no one knows what this shit is.GuyFawkes
    • @mono, don't know about others but I wasn't talking about the report and have never suggested it's aliens.fadein11
    • I wasn’t talking to you so relax.monospaced
    • niko mentioned “ the big announcement”monospaced
    • yeah no worries, thought you were responding to comments, didn't read niko's last sentencefadein11
    • I wasn't even suggesting the report had aliens, just replying to the idea that if it was, that we wouldn't necessarily detect their broadcast before them arrivikalkal
    • ngkalkal
    • if it's not aliens, then it has to be another military secret, or it's ours and the pentagon won't admit itmonospaced
    • or it's just something else benignmonospaced
    • "sir, the results are in and it was a bug on the camera." - "DENY EVERYTHHING"kalkal
  • ok_not_ok2

    • Does anyone actually believe that the U.S. government will be sharing the actual truth besides Hayomook?utopian
    • what do you mean utopian!? the Pentagon has a fine history of sharing accurate information! :)fadein11
  • Bennn0

    Mysterious 'triangle' last night in China :


  • ok_not_ok0

    Adding to Benn's post

    Triangular object over Shanghai — From 4 different angles

    • Star destroyerGuyFawkes
    • They're here
      Time to buy all the gas and toilet paper
    • You’d think military might investigate something that big hanging out right over Shanghai. Looks fake to memonospaced
    • Scrub this fast forward on your phone by dragging the play head, it’s even creepier_niko
    • It's a giant wedge of cheese.dasohr
    • It's impossible to do this with a computer.monospaced
    • you can try playback speed x2 but not quite the same_niko
    • we always want better footage, but when the footage is good we be like "das fake"GuyFawkes
    • nobody said thatmonospaced
  • mg330

    FROM THE DEEP Hunt for Pentagon’s infamous ‘Black Triangle’ UFO photo after fighter pilot ‘snapped mystery craft rising out of ocean’

    "The object was described as a large triangle with "blunted" edges and spherical white "lights" on each corner - and the encounter is said to have occurred off the East Coast of the US."

    Here's the question that I keep thinking about: if this were an alien craft, something made by an alien intelligence so advanced that they can make it here to earth but we can't make it to where they're from, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY NEED LIGHTS ON THE CORNERS????

  • Morning_star0

    This is a fascinating listen despite Neil DeGrasse Tyson (he's not to everyones taste) and speaks to MG33 pondering in the last post.


    • I'm in the Can't Fucking Stand DeGrasse Tyson camp - should I listen?Nairn
    • It's a stimulating discussion and addresses the probabilities of us as a civilisation being visited/communicatin... with Aliens. Despite my dislike of NDGT the...Morning_star
    • ...discussion made it a minimal annoyance.Morning_star
    • Ok, I'm 15 minutes in and I've not punched my screen yet.Nairn
    • Oh you fucker, I have to subscribe to finish listening to the podcast?!Nairn
    • I'm in the Can't Fucking Stand DeGrasse Tyson camp as well. I never heard anyone love the sound of their voice more than DeGrasse.utopian
    • if you're signed up to Sam Harris' thing, he's not too insufferable, so worth a listen. He makes some nice points. The cunt.Nairn
    • @Nairn, shit, sorry. I forgot i'm a subscriber. You can get it for free if you request it.Morning_star
    • Like, I'd not ever considered the value in the potential quantity of rogue planets, and perhaps even minor systems, speeding through the gloom.Nairn
    • I like Tyson in his show, dude interrupts like a mofo though, hard to listed to him in podcastsGuyFawkes
    • Even if Sam Harris was half as smart as he think himself -which he isn't- his smarm just wipes away any interest I'd have in the words falling out of his mouth.garbage
    • really enjoyed this episode.inteliboy
  • _niko0

    We have rockets, we’ve been to the moon, we’ve sent robots to explore nearby planets, we’ve sent spacecraft beyond our heliosphere and into inter-stellar space. We’ve split the atom, we have the entirety of human knowledge in the palm of our hands, we talk to one another form the opposite end of the globe via video in real time. We’ve cracked DNA have cured incurable diseases. We have helicopters and drones and yet despite all this, when we see a simple flying/ hovering unknown object in the sky our first instinct is to call it alien? Come on.

    • I'm not saying it was aliens...utopian
    • Despite all that, what if on their planet is really easy to figure out interstellar travel and they're exploring space while we're exploring social mediagrafician
    • Only a civilisation too fearful of boredom can invent all kinds of useless shit instead of uniting in a common goal to explore space...grafician
    • So it took us millions of years to invent tiktok while maybe it took them millions of years to invent warp drives and come visiting out of curiositygrafician
    • Yeah. And we also are so insecure that we made up gods and bullshit ideas about fantasy afterlives to make the morons happy.monospaced
    • the UFO tech does shit we can't even wrap our heads around, but yeah, it must be China with their shitty ass products and no ideasGuyFawkes
    • lol @ UFO tech. You mean the blurry pixel clusters. Let’s call it what it is for now please.monospaced
    • I have no problem wrapping my head around a blurry spot that shakes on screen or moves. It’s not mind blowing.monospaced
    • I'm not saying aliens but i lean aliens over some other countries techGuyFawkes
    • until it is mono, until it is...grafician
    • "not mind blowing" clearly you haven't been following what these have been doingGuyFawkes
    • theres so much more to it than what we're posting hereGuyFawkes
    • "lol @ UFO tech."

      you do know what UFO stands for right?
    • mono why not just try to video a honeybee a few feet away and post the video here, let's see how blurry that video really gets [rolling eyes]grafician
    • flying around and hovering. we've had harrier jets since the 80's. we have drones we can get from Walmart for like $75. surely the military has tech we can only_niko
    • @GuyFawkes the general public hasn't had any access to the good stuff so far - all those videos show nothing really, sorrygrafician
    • ...dream of, what are the so called UFO's doing that's so mind blowing? going super fast? hovering? blinking? seriously what?_niko
    • its not the videos its what some of the most vetted people on the planet (navy pilots) are saying, theres way more to it then the shit you guys are sharing hereGuyFawkes
    • You claim there’s more. But nobody has seen it. It’s just speculation. Look I’m totally open to aliens, but this isn’t convincing TO MEmonospaced
    • also just because the pentagon or whatever needs to show a report today, that report is for congress, not for regular folk lol
      you won't get anything juicy!
    • But jumping from UFO to mind blowing tech that can’t be human is, well, a huge leap. It’s fun to think it might be more but it looks like shaky blurry pixels .monospaced
    • And I’ve seen tons of plain ass infrared video of jets from the military. It looks almost identical. There’s something to that too.monospaced
    • you guys are too stuck on those vids lolGuyFawkes
    • More to it??? Because someone wrote a book and sold copies? Because some dudes were paid by prime time tv to talk about it? Cmon dudemonospaced
    • That’s like telling me there’s actual evidence for a god but I’m just not believing the stories enough. There has never been evidence of god. Ever.monospaced
    • im pretty sure were not getting anything juicy in that report, just cuz marco rubio says "show us the shit" the powers that be dont have to listen to that fuckGuyFawkes
    • dude cant even drink water rightGuyFawkes
    • Hovering at 80,000 ft (15 miles) then dropping on a dime to sea level in 1 second is mind blowing enough.utopian
    • sorry what? 80,000 ft and into the ocean. We see different videos or some shit? I saw blurry pixels flash and disappear.monospaced
    • Just in case you did't see the full interview Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich
    • Actually an interview with a pilot related to the "Gimbal" video: https://bit.ly/3qwFi…
      Apparently it's a LOT more to that story!
    • @mono they can't really release that kind of imagery, videos, radar data as all that shit is classified remember?grafician
    • “story” rifhtmonospaced
    • The full interview on 60 minutes. I already referenced that with the "prime time tv" thing.monospaced
  • grafician-1

    • not really ufo, but for someone around 1-2 km away would've seem "something very fast in the sky, triangle shaped, flying in impossible ways"grafician
    • 450 mph fuck me!utopian
    • This is technology beyond our own. Nothing can turn that fast. Our military isn’t even close.monospaced
    • wow 80,000 ft to sea level in 1 second. all with a $500 hobby jet._niko
    • Why is this being downvoted?yuekit
  • grafician-1

  • utopian5

    Mystery object blotted out a giant star for 200 days


  • garbage1

    Odds are we're not even reachable through hypothetical FTL tech, so if some civilization did reach us, they are beyond anything we will ever fully comprehend in our lives, be it a worm drive like the Alcubierre or something we've not yet considered.

    The void is just too big, and Fermi was right. While it is hilarious to think of UFOs as the toys of some spoiled punk alien kids that don't know how to fly, dollars to donuts every UFO/USO is a case of "the phone call is coming from inside the house". The US isn't the only country with dark projects.

    The need to think they are from another world is the lovechild of the E.T. generation and latent geocentrism. We're fleas on a pale blue dot.

    • some punk kid - thats what douglas adams wrote in hhg2gtrooperbill
    • Same with Roadside Picnic / STALKER. They make contact on accident, but they don't really give a fuck about us.garbage
    • It's either DARPA or some private / state entity with massive amounts of resources. My downvotes are hilarious because it means we have some Mulders amongst us.garbage
    • If you follow the UFO lore, some of the "aliens" are our stellar neighbours, they get here in a few weeks instead of hundreds of years or millenniagrafician
    • You're suggesting inside the Milky Way?garbage
    • yeah, just do a quick search for zeta reticuli

      here you go https://itsnature.or…
    • says here it takes these guys 7 hours to travel 420 light years hehe

    • If there was a planet in that binary star system, we can't find it. The whole idea has actually become an in-joke in science journalism.garbage
    • https://astronomy.co…garbage
    • maybe we can look again with better telescopes? anyway that's the lore, nobody can verify anything - yetgrafician
    • But sometimes lack of evidence is actually lack of evidence. I'll be the Scully to your Mulder though. I do find it interesting.garbage
  • utopian2

  • ok_not_ok1

  • yuekit2

    Anything is possible but I think simplest explanation is that this is a propaganda campaign of some kind by the US military. This article talks about how the USA has a long history of using "UFOs" as cover for secret military programs starting with the Roswell crash.


    What kind of sense does it make after all...if the government really thought we were being invaded by alien spacecraft or by super advanced Chinese military jets...to publicly brainstorm about all this stuff for months and admit they have no idea what it is?

    But it does make sense if they are trying to provide cover for testing out secret new technology themselves. Or sending a message to other countries that we have some unknown capability they should be afraid of.

    The technology wouldn't necessarily have to be as impossible as it appears. There could be an element of illusion in the footage that's been released, which is all from the government itself after all.

    • this is the most likely yep and I say this after decades of following the subject. But decades of eye witnesses beg to differ, what's in it for them? Many lostfadein11
    • their jobs in the police, military, airlines etc. for reporting it. The idea they all wanted attention/money or were insane doesn't really stand up either.fadein11
    • if it is a disinfo campaign it's just so bad though.fadein11
    • saying that, no worse than the Roswell debacle.fadein11
    • if it's disinfo it's so perfect it's got professional designers claiming world dominating tech is being hidden from usmonospaced
    • perfect mulching over of the leaked videos, admission of nothing, and it's got everyone in a tizzy over blurry pixels and a 60 minutes spot on primetimemonospaced
    • so perfect, the fans just do the rest :)monospaced
    • ha, so good most here (including yourself) said it was all debunked by a guy on youtube.fadein11
    • haven't read that NYT article as paywall but are they backtracking after originally breaking the story? that would be interesting if so.fadein11
    • I didn’t say it was all debunked.monospaced
    • They didn’t really break any story, and even if this was that, it doesn’t need backtracking. Cutemonospaced
    • the NYT 100% broke the story, whether you deem it important or not.fadein11
    • I'm not arguing from any angle here, whatever the reasons for the Pentagon etc. to suddenly say after decades the phenonemon is real and unexplained isfadein11
    • very interesting. Disinfo, black projects, or ET (!) whatever it's pretty fascinating.fadein11
    • Feels more like the pentagon is admitting the footage is real (theirs), but not much more. A whole bunch of “may” and so on.monospaced
    • real and unidentified yep, one would hope the most tech advanced superpower on Earth would have some more answers.fadein11
    • I don't think they need to retract anything since the 2019 story just talked about what pilots claimed to see. And here they are pointing out that in theyuekit
    • past, government sometimes misled the public about UFOs. None of that proves anything, unknown explanation is still possible but so is government trickery.yuekit
    • It does feel like the black ops angle has not been fully explored by most of the media coverage. Government saying there's no evidence that what you are seeingyuekit
    • is part of a top secret classified program seems like a strange thing to take at face value. It could also be one part of the government not communicating withyuekit
    • the rest. One thing we do know is that USA, Russia and China are working on these next generation technologies such as hypersonic aircraft and weapons system.yuekit
    • yupmonospaced