Punches For:

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  • Ramanisky22

  • PonyBoy0

    for whomever decided push-driven vehicles needed to be motorized

    I just witnessed the pudgy neighbor kid (in a pair of pajama pants and crocs) flying down the sidewalk on his electric scooter (just leaving the convenience store) w/a massive fountain soda in his FUCKING CUPHOLDER... on a scooter... a fucking cupholder...

    There's hope though that he's burning out the engine... you can smell this slight electric burnt stench right after he's passed.

    I'll let Lupe take it from here...

    • Same with E-Bikes, unless it's a delivery guy.CyBrainX
  • Nairn0

    Pre-packaged coconut water.

    • I tried some for the first time today.

    • Like, water from coconuts, freshly cracked, yes.

      From a tetrabrik, no.
    • May I punch you for the slight redundancy in your Punches For: statement?
      I mean ... 'pre-packaged'.
      Come on, Nairn.
      You're better than this.
    • Just a little punch.
      On the shoulder.
    • The left one.Continuity
    • I'm in Mexico surrounded by coconut trees & I drink tons of packaged coconut water, some are better than othersYakuZoku
    • shit is healthy especially if you're active, great for surfingYakuZoku
  • Continuity8

    Fundamentally, me, for booking a two-week holiday on a Greek island (Skiathos) upon which fat, old, loud, Daily Mail-reading Little Englanders outnumbered the locals five-to-one, and spent their time being publicly obnoxious, disrespectful, whingey, and wholly undignified as loudly as they could be in their absolutely viscous (and borderline incomprehensible) Liverpudlian, Yorker, and Mancunian accents.

    Fuck. Fuck them all. Cunts. Mexico for me next time.

    • Ah yes, lovely Mexico with fat, old, loud Fox News-watching Little Americans... :)Nairn
    • There's a reason I never go anywhere 'touristy'. I hate tourists, of all types - myself included... .Nairn
    • Ah fuck, well called-out with Mexico.Continuity
    • I loathe tourists after this experience. Motherfucker.Continuity
    • 100% agree, they ruin everything. Thankfully there are hundreds of Greek islands many of which are undiscovered by the shitty tourist hordes._niko
    • Oddly enough: I ended up on neighbouring Skopelos twice over the course of my two weeks, and it was bizarrely quiet, sans tourist throngs.Continuity
    • Which rather flabbergasted me, considering its 'Mamma Mia' connection.Continuity
    • english tourists are the worst. i always try and go to places they don't. or so out of season that they're safely back home beating their wives and kidshans_glib
    • Always go off the beaten path when holidaying. Try Lanyu island. Unforgettable experience. Dried flying fish stir fried rice is amazing.shapesalad
    • Not many westerners make it out there.shapesalad
    • Road trip around Albania, is another good trip. Or road trip from Porto to A Coruña, book a bunch of airbnbs along the way, explore coast.shapesalad
    • Or if you want to avoid the brits - Brent/Harrow/Edgware Road area of London.shapesalad
    • i could recommend many brit-free places, but i won't, because then you'd be there, skinny bearded qbn-reading bores wingeing on about something or other.hans_glib
    • How many Britons are there in the world? Why are they so numerousdrgs
    • I've got 2 weeks in Da Nang booked for next month. Mostly Koreans therezardoz
    • I can't say it enough... If I wasn't born in London, I couldn't be in the UK. That small islander "we won the war" shit is embarrassing, and on holiday they...necromation
    • fucking worse! Red face, whinging about 'foreign food' while getting pissed and fall all over the place, and that's old ones.necromation
    • Necromation - the type you describe are the ones that buy the printed version of the dailymail if old and sun/mirror if young.shapesalad
    • Reminds me of the Scandinavians on Crete. They even own their own restaurants disguised as authentic greek. Thankfully a local let us in on the tricks.falcadia
    • Honeymooned on Skiathos in 2007, during the off season just before fall. Very few tourists, made friends with locals and had a blast!evilpeacock
    • I went there around 2000, had a great time but it was filling up with us bloody English. Is that windmill restauraunt still going/spinning?MrT
    • I've been to many places over the years but the one island you want to avoid at all costs if you don't like drunken Englishmen is Great Britain._niko
    • @zardoz - Da Nang is great, like walking through an 80s cyberpunk video game at night. There's also a dragon bridge that shoots fire and water every weekend.yuekit
    • Noting worse than being stuck near those types of dreggy bastardsmrAtor
    • https://www.bbc.co.u…ghostpancake
    • let's not judge, the cunts need a holiday toorobthelad
    • Sifnos is the one – chic and hardly and brexiteers to worry about.DaveO
  • dasohr2

    Stubhub. What a fucking rip off.

    • Ticketmaster too.sarahfailin
    • All of them are pure, criminal abuse. My sister worked for one of these - just buy all the tickets, 3x+ and you only need to sell 1/3 to break even.formed
  • jagara3

    People in hip threads, sitting in a cool looking well-lit studio surrounded by cool looking objects, booze bottles and sponsored products, yelling over each other, being unwitty, unfunny, unintelligent and uninteresting, chatting about absolutely asinine & anodyne garbage and non-subjects.

    God, I hate 99,4% of podcasts and internet talkshows.

  • neverscared0

    • not wearing ties might be a messageBeeswax
    • ^ cutting ties with the westKrassy
  • Nairn0

    People who use the "*chef's kiss" meme.

  • utopian3

    King Charle’s List Of Bed Time Demands!

    1) His pajamas are pressed every morning

    2) His shoelaces are pressed flat with an iron

    3) The bath plug has to be in a certain position, and the water temperature has to be just tepid in a bath tub filled only half full

    4) His valets must squeeze one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush every morning

    5) His bread must be homemade

    6) His fruit must be hand picked with a bowl of fresh fruit and fresh fruit juices

    7) Six different types of honey, some special discounts, dried fruits and everything special

    8) Along with his breakfast box, King Charles would send a truck to load and unload his personal possessions to the places he was staying

    9) The bed, the furniture and even pictures of him must go along with at all times

    10) Wherever the prince goes in the world, the breakfast box goes with him. He has six different types of honey, some special mueslis, his dried fruit and anything that’s a bit special that he is a bit fussy about.

    11) His cheese and biscuits be warmed at a certain temperature at the end of meals and makes his staff keep a warming tray nearby

    12) His own toilet seat and Kleenex Velvet toilet paper wherever he goes

    Long Live the King!

    • > Punches for thread.CyBrainX
    • but this is what you should expect from someone with centuries of this inbred training.CyBrainX
  • sausages3

    The prick at my work who has used all my 3d work as his own on his bee-hance page.

    Anybody have advice on getting it taken down?

    • Post it here, we’ll Brett bash him in no time!_niko
    • Haha would love to but it'll get back to me quickly. It's not even great work just product vissausages
    • call it up on him/her. say "don't be so pathetic, and trust that things will be ok for you, if you try..."Beeswax
    • report him to bee-hanceutopian
    • Gouge his eyes out with a spoon and then go at his fingers with a lump hammer. Shock and awe, it’s the only way.Morning_star
    • "Just remember who the Genius is around here" Hatchet:
    • Had the opposite version of this. When I first started as a video editor, one of the in-house editors severely botched an entire module for a massive client.garbage
    • His solution was to replace his ID with the new freelancer's ID in the edit logs, dump it all on me.garbage
    • Drafted an email to the boss, complete with screenshots of everything cross referenced with my own personal notes, busted into his suite..garbage
    • ..made him change it back, finally submit the corrected files, and then told him I'm keeping the draft in case he ever fucks with me again.garbage
    • So yeah, I'd say physically tell him. The prick and I never really got along after that, but who wants to get along with a prick anyway?garbage
    • Copy exactly his behance page with your account?shapesalad
    • ^ Whoa, you typed it.garbage
  • CyBrainX0

    anyone who writes headlines with "clap back" in them

  • grafician-1

  • NBQ000

    Handbrake app.

    I used to love this little video compression app and still do but since a while back they updated it and it no longer used the video's default/ own dimensions but you always have to put it back manually in the dimensions settings.

    So If I have a 1080x1920 video and import it then it uses some weird format like 600x1080 or something else and I have to uncheck all the parameters to set it back to its original dimensions.

    This is so time-consuming. Not sure why they override the video's own dimensions. If I wanted something different I could do it myself.

  • Nairn9

    Lip fillers.

    I really don't understand how this is a desireable look, least of all on the type of grotty chav bag that seems to favour them here in Blighty.

    Thing is, I've seen like 20 year old girls with this shit.


    • Is it signalling "hey, i can afford plastic sugery!"? Even if it was a £200 job done when they were on holiday in Turkey?Nairn
    • Just writing as I walked past some hag in a local pub who, from the side profile, look like she's had a go chewing a wasp.Nairn
    • Women see this beauty differently, they see it as competition, so they try to stand out from other women by winning the thick lip race.shapesalad
    • Without realising that 100% of men think they now look like a bee stung their lip.shapesalad
    • the competition is real... and it's a fucking headachePonyBoy
    • Lol Nairn, chewing a wasp. Exactly.lemmy_k
    • Amazingly disgusting. It's the crocs of body enhancements.CyBrainX
    • Plump lips = fertile.zardoz
    • But what do they feeeeeel like. Perhaps y’all are judging before experiencing them as they’re meant to be experiencednb
    • I was walking through Leeds yesterday and it was the first time I'd spotted this as being a problem. There were lasses who obviously couldn't afford it but...Ianbolton
    • had managed to get a bodge job where it looked considerably weirder than usual. As though their lips were obese and it looked unhealthyIanbolton
    • My friend spends a ton of money on getting her lips done regularly, and I know it's a deep insecurity for her. But each to their ownIanbolton
    • grotty? chav bag?sarahfailin
    • A pure desasterSimonFFM
    • Well, because sausage links smothered in lip gloss look like they suck dicks in a pleasurable way.jagara
  • mort_8

    People on work Zoom calls who comment on the decor and visible items behind you in your home office space.

    Seriously, have you never seen a dead toddler before? That happens when you stop feeding them.

    No I don't have a nanny. She's a prostitute from last night who lost a half wrap of ketamine and insists on snorting the floor clean with a McFlurry straw.

    Yes, that is my Mum's dildo. Yes she is a big girl.

    • haha, my mum was pulled up at work for having one of those Robertson's golliwogs from the 1950's hidden away on her shelf. Those eagle-eyed anti-racists!Ianbolton
    • Your mum isn't THAT big mateIanbolton
    • LOL You're such a charmer, Ian.mort_
    • You think you've got problems? My ketamine girl does her floor-pigging mid-meeting, and she always misses the corners.garbage
    • lol ian - was she the one in a Daily Mail article last year?!Nairn
    • Didn't see that article Nairn. Mother was ultimately pissed off as she refused to take it out of display saying "it's not racist, and that black bitch knows it"Ianbolton
    • Have you seen that Extras episode where the lady brings back a black dude and she has a "golly... gollytoy" on her shelf? Class.robthelad
    • ^ Such a great showmort_
    • Meh Mort, I think you get the punch on this onecanoe
    • ^ Ouchmort_
    • You can upload a photo/artwork to use as a background - it’s the classier route.shapesalad
  • Nairn0



    • Finally got here, 2½ days late. Driver was incomprehensible, beyond the frequent unnecessary cursing* and didn't even help to get the 90kg package off the van!Nairn
    • *I swear a lot - too much - but not in front of other 'professionals' that I don't know, this guy was lobbing fucks and bastards at every chance.Nairn
    • Delivery drivers are a fine mix. The swearing and grumpiness is stuff of legend.PhanLo
  • rzu-rzu4
    • is she stupid?Nairn
    • punches AND kicks for this one.brandonp
    • fucking hell. That's mad. How is that child not dead? Must've had some good shoes on.Ianbolton
    • @Nairn: it is a fair assumption. Well, this or her and the dude next to her being blindrzu-rzu
    • They were fully aware she was stuck. Wtf????NBQ00
    • Might be a TL punches for, because this happened in 2015.garbage
    • @ian Another driver saw it and started honking at her and essentially pulled over the bus driver. I don't remember if there was a DUI involved.garbage
    • Honestly she's probably just fucking stupid. It happened in the south.garbage
  • nb0

    Not really punch-worthy, but I’m sick of photographers trying to flex with “oh I have *tens of thousands* of images I must keep track of in my my library”

    Ok dork, we all do. The average person will accumulate 10,000 photos before they turn 25. Wannabe influencers have quadruple that

  • fooler5

    Montana Woman Kills and Skins Husky Dog Thinking It Was a Wolf

  • CyBrainX4

    Requiring me to log in to unsubscribe?
    I didn't want any part of you to begin with. You think I know my password?

    • By the way, Is QBN fixing all of these issues for us?CyBrainX
    • One-click unsubscribe is law here in California fortunatelyscarabin
    • Can that One-click unsubscribe work for secession from the United States?CyBrainX