making beats
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- microkorg3
£60 win in eBay. On it's way to me now. A fun little synth and effects module.
- imbecile0
This was mentioned in a comment on the Polyend Tracker video posted by prophetone.
Buzz is a Digital Audio Workstation with a unique top-down approach to music composition known as a tracker interface.
(appears to be windows only)
- jesus, remember buzz from the 00'skingsteven
- i figured it was old with the x86 build. digital retro at this pointimbecile
- mort_0
I was rewatching this from the Boiler Room Sets thread and it's such a fucking vibe. Even though I haven't been clubbing in years, watching sets like this make me feel nostalgic for the times when humans could party together. It feels like a different era. I wonder has covid changed the music people are making. Will there be a broad wave of more deep introspective music, and less music for getting people moving. Not saying that's a good or bad thing (bit of both maybe), just interesting to think how music could really be shaped by this pandemic.
- prophetone1
- As if I'm not picking up that SF jammyprophetone
- SF2 soundpacks are out there to download, fyi.section_014
- or $27k for the car! https://teenage.engi…...microkorg
- imbecile2
- our 'grown-up living room' has walls painted dark blue. we have a modern take on full-wall bookcase (you know the sort with ladders)...microkorg
- painted the same colour. you've no idea how much im trying to resist buying one of these from TE to put in there!microkorg
- i'm sold. don't let me stop you. :Dimbecile
- I'll forward you my wifes email address and you can help try to persuade her that it'd look lovely as a display item ;)microkorg
- It is art that will, given the performance of other items sold by TE, only go up in value over time. It is an investment.imbecile
- That is true, look at the crazy prices OP-1's are going for these days! ;)microkorg
- think it's pretty underwhelming synth wiseinteliboy
- It is. It's purely for the look and colour I want it for the shelf :Pmicrokorg
- My old client at Moog went to TA recently, got me a OB-4 on order, which apparently we aren't allowed in Canada.ben_
- *TEben_
- autoflavour3
so I did a thing.. wasnt planning on buying any new synths, but this came up in facebook marketplace and it was stupid cheap..
and when I contacted the guy he had no idea and then knocked a further $400 off the price saying it was untestedI get there (90 minute drive) and the thing is immaculate .. guy works for an estate clearing company and some old guy owned it, but clearly never used it.
its like box fresh.. even has the sticker still on the screen.
works perfectly..
got it for almost half price to what they are going for on reverb.. so even if I flip it, I am winning
- fuck you and your excellent luck!hans_glib
- what hans said. I hope you told him to get in touch with you if he comes across similar again ;)microkorg
- actually just checked.. there is one going on reverb for $1050 more than I paid.. not including shipping.autoflavour
- insane, great synthkingsteven
- You haven't stated the exact price you paid for it.********
- nice1prophetone
- I paid $750 AUDautoflavour
- nb0
Is there somewhere I can buy good/decent loop packages and just drop them into Logic and make some slightly-less-shitty stock music for myself?
- https://hiphopdrumsa…
https://www.loopmast…mort_ - FlashKit #ripflashprophetone
- Have you checked out Splice.commicrokorg
- also there is that beatport loopcloud dealprophetone
- https://hiphopdrumsa…
- epigraph0
- snakes are the best thing.. seriously.. snakes and patch bays are all you needautoflavour
- Agreed, playing with signal path is so fun. I throw a sound in and mangle it. Pedals are fun too. And rackmout gear and efects....and...epigraph
- hans_glib2
- Agree. However, no opportunities for:
- Agree. However, no opportunities for:
- inteliboy1
Spotify will now give your music an algorithmic boost in exchange for a lowered “promotional recording royalty rate.”…
All these rich fat cats raking in their multi-million dollar pay checks, while they roll out ways to pay less and less to artists. I wish Apple Music had more listeners, at least they are a fraction fairer.
- happy to admit i've never used spotify and now never willhans_glib
- even better: "...the press release adds that accepting these new terms "won’t guarantee placement to labels or artists."prophetone
- So, if that's true, and if you accept their terms, they can pay you less without having to provide anything at all in exchangeprophetone
- Or to be fair even if a nominal alg boost, they fully benefit w/ all the of reward, where an artist might only see a minor difference in overall plays, if anyprophetone
- Interestingprophetone
- dasohr0
- some amazing sounds from thismicrokorg
- should be for that price taghans_glib
- Filters are pretty meh, imo.section_014
- mort_1
Any Mutable Instruments Ambika owners here?
Picking up a prebuilt / preowned SMR4 version at the weekend.
I was lusting after a MFB Synth Pro but the problems with it since launch seem to be endless. The Ambika has a kind of similar sound to my ear, despite the digital oscillators. That creamy tone but with a gritty aliveness to it.
- I've come close to buying the PCBs and BOM items - might still as it's pretty coolprophetone
- Kinda nervous buying a.built diy synth since I’m shit with electronics. Fine until something goes wrong. Maybe I shudda thought this through more.mort_
- Ambika's are always on my eBay watchlist but the bargain ones usually come up when I'm skint. Have seen some going crazy cheap. Sound so good!microkorg
- prophetone0
Time to bump the political threads off page one, get back to this...
- futurefood0
- wutprophetone
- image is the new korg sequencer.. this is the mini 2600…kingsteven - Mini 2600 is on the right in shadowmort_
- Yeah saw some better shots of sequencer, pretty coolprophetone
- autoflavour2
- https://www.audiothi…autoflavour
- wow nice 1prophetone
- all that portishead-y broadcast-y haunted sound textures layering over that amazing echo section is pretty greatprophetone
- I'm a big fan of Pye Corner Audio Transcription Services, sounds right up their alley…prophetone