making beats

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  • autoflavour0

    So.. addressing the elephant in the room..
    Son, are you racist?

    its just with statements like

    "i don't believe in your no."


    "white people think they know everything...too bad they can't be black"

  • ApeRobot0
  • albums0

    vintage / old school ebay finds

    Vintage Korg MR-16 Midi Rhythm Sound Unit…

    LinnDrum LM-2 Drum Machine with MIDI…

    Yamaha QY10 Midi Music Sequencer Synth Drum Machine…

    Roland RA-90 Realtime Arranger MIDI module…



  • albums0
    • < needalbums
    • yep, a friend has one.. been keen .. but figured i should make do with my current arsenal first.autoflavour
    • most amazing promo video tho.. seriously wins all the prizesautoflavour
    • i'm so digital based, i want more analog toys to go with my microkorg & monotron. likely this or volca bassalbums
    • Volca bass or Keys are winsauce.
      also the Microbrute are the win. played with one the other day
    • must.. resist.. more .. synths..
    • lmao this videosublocked
  • son0


  • kingsteven0

    sweet baby keysus

    • i want but tom lee don't have em yet even tho they've been listed on the damn site for monthsprophetone
    • Just arrived in Europe this week. They're in stores but not online yet, got mine in a Dawson's store yesterday.kingsteven
  • son0


    • so many ways to record, yet no instrumentsautoflavour
    • not neededson
    • just like mastering eh?autoflavour
    • engineer much?BrokenHD
    • how typically ignorant of son, you're making fun of a used parts & repair guyalbums
  • albums0

    A few new tracks with old bits, parts, & extended pieces.

    10 Tracks
    Total time: 23:38

    Highlights... (imo)

    Inveigle (Raw Mix)…

    Kinesthesia (Bis Mix)…

    Wonder (Jejune Mix)…

    Slight (Contumely Mix)…

    Eve (1940 Mix) ft Charles Chaplin…

  • albums0

    I received the Orbit controller from Numark Friday. Though it has similar features to other controllers, it is very engaging and changing the way I look at using controllers in general.

    I recently decided to do a show at an unknown date well in the future with another electronic musician hobbyist who is also a friend. This rekindled a wonder over the years of how I would incorporate my controllers into a show without being overly bored and actually changing the sound of a track live instead of simply controlling playback of midi information.

    This "handheld, making you use it" approach is well complimented by the wireless dongle which allowed me to walk around the house playing instead of sitting hunched over controllers at the desk.

    I feel like the performance becomes game / task oriented. I was able to do a "remix" of one of my tracks doing some simple mapping with just a few of the options available.

    I was triggering sections, adding fills on the fly, muting tracks, all stuff my other controllers can do as well, but seemingly with more frequency and enjoyment.

    The ability to map a couple of Massive parameters to the X & Y accelerometer controllers also adds easy experimentation and fun I rarely ever bother doing with knobs.

    The only setback I've encountered is the midi control software that controls the lights / mapping cause a conflict when opened congruently with Ableton. To make light changes, I must save in Ableton, close, open the editor, make the changes, reopen Ableton.

    Aside from that minor technical issue, everything else is seamlessly golden. So far, I've charged it once, Friday, and had no issues all weekend. Great little controller.

    I've decided it is either a landmark product that will influence future controllers or become an obscurity the market overlooks. Either way, I'm glad to have it.

    • great write up. definitely thinking about getting one to play with.BrokenHD
  • ApeRobot0

    Finally got my cabin.
    I was a bit anxious about space and acoustic,in the end,it sounds way better than any room is was in previously.
    I can finally play anytime,as loud as i want.
    For those who are interested,here is the web site

    • whoa. are these shipped or france-only? how's the ventilation, does it get toasty in there?ltjohnrambo
    • They are located in france (paris), i'm in belgium. Ventilation is silent and efficient.(one extract,the other bring some fresh air)ApeRobot
    • ..bring some fresh air inside)ApeRobot
    • very nicekingsteven
    • Very nice! Looking forward to hearing how it sounds.ltjohnrambo
  • AK_tiv470

    Some fresh beats, just dropped,,, shout out to Mantis ;;;;;::;:;:;::;…

    Feedback welcome...

    • This is nice!mg33
    • I like the percussion sounds.mg33
  • mg330

    Is anyone here familiar with Arturia products, specifically the Arturia Keylab synth, and their "Analog Experience" sounds?

    • Robust midi controller,dope soundbank.Software need lot of computer power,that is the downside.ApeRobot
  • sem0

  • mg330

    Since some of you are quite knowledgable in terms of recording gear, I'd like to know if you have any suggestions for the current setup I record at home with, especially if there's anything I could add that would really help overall sound quality and process. I do a lot of recording at home, always learning new things about Logic and really want this to be the year I finally get some songs completely finished.

    Setup consists of:
    - Logic X
    - Apogee Duet
    - Good headphones and Alesis recording speakers
    - Alesis Micron analog modeling synth (also use as midi controller)
    - Various guitars
    - Amp: Small Vox tube practice amp
    - Effects - Various guitar effects, set up for stereo output. I run the Micron through the effects pedals so I have a couple delay pedals, stereo phaser, compressor, phaser, chorus, flanger, and a couple distortion pedals.

    Overall I get a nice sound with the Micron>Pedals>Duet>Logic path. I lean more towards recording more intricate synth parts with MIDI though, just because my audio editing skills are pretty basic, so adjusting synth audio parts to fit a rhythm is a challenge. I'm pretty efficient with MIDI editing.

    The type of sounds I always gravitate to are definitely more warm, lush analog sounds. The times I try to do something that sounds 100% digital it eventually shifts to more of a warmer rich sound. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What I learned when taking some Logic classes recently was to cut back all the reverb I typically use early on, and that will give me a pure purely digital sound. The song below is something that I think my sound is similar too; I like the way the more digital sounds fit in with the more lush stuff.

    Anyhow, I guess what I'm asking is: any tips on this setup? Any gear that would be crucial to add in that workflow for sound quality? Any hardware that I am better off using instead of the digital equivalent in Logic? Any good ebay finds for hardware synths/keyboards that are cheap and nice to have? Thanks guys!

    • Damn YouTube...mg33
    • I see what you mean by lush, but that track doesn't strike me as analog. You may not need any more hardware, just some good plugins.ltjohnrambo
    • good plugins. A bit of good reverb sounds better than a lot of bad.ltjohnrambo
  • prophetone0

    2014! The year I actually map out a signal path and midi plan for all my wonderful, noisy toys... just do it!

    Step 1: Get this yard sale nightmare down on paper today at lunch while eating chicken salad samwich. Result...


    Step 2: Recreate nightmare as nice vector artwork in AI because I'm an OCD designer who insists on it looking real nice. Snap to grids. But actually it will serve as a way to layer a signal the and separate midi paths on layers. Knowing full well this scheme doesn't include a dozen smaller items ie: Meeblip, Klee sequencer, MSQ400's and misc noise boxes 'n effects. That's what the patch bay will be for.

    Step 3: Inventory 'all' required TRS and midi cables needed to make magic happen. Figure out what I already have. Subtract the latter and place a painful order for miles of cables and adapters on Parts Express. Also a MOTU 8x8 midi bay maybe and a TRS patch bay which is desperately needed for all this crap. And maybe a new firwewire I/O for my DAW.

    Step 4: Put it all together and test test test, yell, test, swear, test. Sleep.

    Step 5: Make beautiful music instead of chicken nugget sessions that my wife will still not understand and/or can appreciate. "What are those sounds? Who is Aphex Twins btw? Sounds like some crazy person. Did you order another old drum machine on eBay? How many do you need?..."

    Step 6: Profit?

    • a slurpee will make it all come together.dbloc
    • it really doesprophetone
    • Learn me what I'm missing in my setup please sir.mg33
    • haha i have no idea whut you mean. hell i have no idea wut i'm doing half the time. will post progress tho.prophetone
    • some nice gear there . emu sp and micromoog ftw..
    • seriously tho, there is nothing better than having a studio that is all patched and cabled. you just walk in and bam, it worksautoflavour
    • i got addicted to this about 10 years ago, and havent looked back. totally worth the headache and extra $ during setupautoflavour
  • mg330

    ^^ Prophetone,

    Well, you're far more along the way than me. I guess my main question is, is there hardware I'm lacking that i should have as a studio staple? Compressor? Rack Gear? Things that will make a huge difference in audio quality.

    • i'm no expert. just have bits and bobs that i have acquired and used selectively or stored for laterprophetone
  • prophetone0

    a staple... i guess anything that the signal path can pass through to fatten it up, give it more headroom that perhaps can't be achieved in the DAW. i haven't invested in such things (yet) but if i had endless $ i would be looking at the outboard rack mixers, pre's and compressors by Manley UK and Thermionic Culture. you prob are all over that tho, wish list!

    i've got a few things in my rack i have really only messed with at this point - a BBE sonic maximizer, a Midiverb, etc. Mostly effects stuff. other than that it's messing 'in the box' with compression, etc.

    i am just getting familiar with Logic Pro X and am really considering buying some proper, quality 'staple' eq/compression plugins. The newly released Waves Scheps 73 EQ looks/sounds really nice and may be a purchase for me soon.…

    but... like i said tho, honestly, i'm not the guy yet to even think of offering any 'sound' advice because i haven't really used my hardware gear as a collective and connected living thing. i read a lot on gearslutz for advice - dudes over there obsess over things and that can be very helpful, sometimes not.

    at this point I'm not producing music the way i want to be and really should be. it's a mess, it's not talking to each other, it's too much trouble to get a chain of things going. i have ideas and then i'm left swearing at myself and throwing a tr-707 out my window.

    so i've said enough is enough! i have the gear, i have some know-how and understand what i want as the end result as far as workflow signal/midi path for the gear i have, and am just sorting it out. and... purging gear i have acquired for old reasons. get rid of stuff you know you're not going to use, feels good!

    i will tell you as a little project i have gathered the necessary components to make a diy passive rack'd summing mixer that i will build when i know exactly what my channel count will end up being. will use it to route my DAW mix through to a tube pre - looking at the ART Pro MPA II which is cheap and cheerful and can do tube swaps. then stereo'd back into the DAW. i think this would be a great way to add a little controlled warmth among other things to the final mix. maybe mess with different tubes to see what ones add certain character.

    i'm babbling on now...

  • prophetone0

    ...just for gigs here's my gear list i made for a friend today who was asking. missing effects stuff and smaller kits and synths, etc. what a nightmare!

    Akai MPC 60 – the original w/ max ram and scsi kit, amazing sequencing, 4 midi outs
    Akai MPC 1000
    Akai S-950 / S-5000 samplers
    Emu SP-12 – just bought a rare as hen's teeth Turbo ram kit for it to get it up to a whopping 5 seconds sampling time from 1.2 secs; 12 bit sampling
    Oberheim DX w/ midi upgrade kit
    Sequential Circuits TOM
    MXR Drum Computer 185
    Quasimidi 309
    Roland MC-505 / 303
    Roland MC-09
    Roland TR-707
    Roland TB-303 x0xb0x clone kits x 2 - unbuilt

    Korg Triton Classic
    Korg M1
    Ensoniq ASR-10
    Moog Micromoog
    Korg Monotribe / Monotrons
    Meeblip kit
    A few other kits from MFOS and others

    NI Maschine MKI
    Atari 1040 ST w/ Cubase
    Yamaha QY700
    Yamaha QX3
    Roland MSQ-700 x 2
    Klee Sequencer kit - unbuilt
    Arduino-based diy hardware sequencer projects – working on a couple

    • Korg M1 is cool, I love the plugin more though.sem
  • sem0

    Gear List
    iMac (Soon to have SSD drive)
    Macbook Pro (SSD drives)
    Logic 9, Reason, Ableton, AudioFinder etc
    Plugins (tons)
    Samples (more than you can imagine)
    Hard Drives (tb's full of the above)
    Axiom Pro 49
    Avid M-Box
    KRK Rokit's
    Ultimate Support stands for Axiom & Speakers

    And thats all I need at home.

    I've had tons of hardware over the years and sold everything when a plugin has made it redundant. I like the simple and easy to move around approach.