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  • Bennn-1

    Do you remember back in the day, Apple fans were cool trendy hipsters artists, look at them, they look like PC nerds!

    People used to make fun of PC users saying they were just nerds. Well well well... When i say Apple is the new Microsoft... Seems like the nerds are in both camp now.

    • lol…
    • judgy benn over here just judging away.capn_ron
    • LOLLL bluejam, now thats funny hahaBennn
    • lol, but those are PC nerds who happen to be Apple fanboys nowmonospaced
    • White people...nbq
    • This is just Americansyuekit
    • Apple is no longer what it was 15 years ago. Nothing is what it used to be 15 years ago. Time is a bitch.maquito
    • Oh common, those are just ppl that work for tech magazines/journals/e... I heard they're called journalists...grafician
    • Is that what you used to tell yourself when you bought Apple products?zarkonite
    • They are using an AR app that shows all the tech in the new displayerr
    • People's looks change too. Even rockstars don't wear long hair anymore necessarily. These ppl here could just be tech minimalists, not super nerds.NBQ00
    • wtf is it?plash
    • Tech minimalists who buy 10K computers... yeah, i'll be minimalist too with a 10k computerBennn
    • wow! how they put a supercomputer in such a thin stand for just 999$? this time really, bravo apple!api
    • this is the stand, the computer is in your mindBennn
    • @Bennn, you still struggling to comprehend a need for a $10K computer? lolmonospaced
  • Gnash-3

    not quite, benn. this is what PC nerds actually look like

    • I dont see than much differences lolBennn
    • lol, i guess so :)Gnash
  • NBQ003

    Once again this whole thing with the stand is just unfortunate on Apple's part because the monitor is actually cheap. Just a PR mishap the way they decided to advertise the stand.

    • And the stand immediately makes it over priced. Lolpango
    • its an ugly cunt cheese graterpedromendez
  • drgs-5

    Apple is positioning itself as a luxury brand. It's not how Apple started out and its not their vision, but this is a niche that Apple involuntarily settled into.
    Under Tim Cook it has been made official: Apple is luxury.
    I'm not saying it's bad, I even like it. There has never really been any clear cut Luxury brands in computer products. What other brands come close?

    • The ferrari laptop? Lol…
    • This has been true for for 2+ decades, no?formed
    • they went for this intentionally, and didn't mince words about it at all, and it's been a big part of their brand for a really long timemonospaced
    • Apple has always charged a premium, but not as much as the last 5 years…
    • won't deny that, especially with how they launched and marketed the Watchmonospaced
    • hmm, can we make the logo bigger?plash
    • Just make the fucking luxury software work for a change.utopian
    • Why does a computer need to be luxurious?futurefood
    • Why does anything needs to be luxurious?pango
    • when its a yachthotroddy
    • Love it mono. I thought you worked in a brand dept. at a financial firm?utopian
    • Yeah, Apple was very clear about its attempt to reposition itself among "luxury brands".nb
    • But it can't be luxury & want the biggest market share at the same time. Apple hasn't found a way to reconcile that.nb
    • Not that it really needs to reconcile anything... Apple is doing just fine. I wouldn't worry about it.nb
    • That’s what happens when you want people to upgrade their phone every year and it comes in seasonal colors.
    • It'll be a big problem for them as prices keep coming down. Already there are tons of 'copies' that are built as well, look as good, at much less cost.formed
    • The Cheese Grater just looks too bad to be "luxury", imho. Wish they had kept the earlier designs.formed
  • NBQ000

    In the mid 90's a SGI Octane with like 1GB harddrive (!) and 4GB Ram at most (!) a 200-500mhz MIPS CPU (!) cost around $50K-100K+ depending on configuration. I believe a SGI Onyx cost $250K in 1993.

    The new Apple Mac Pro can have 28 cores and up to 1.5TB Ram (!) and will cost fully specced probably north $30K-50K with monitor.

    Yes it's expensive but how much faster is it than the SGI's in the 90's that are so much slower than today's computers?

    • software needs / capabilities & manufacturing accessibility make your point moot one at best.imbecile
    • *a moot oneimbecile
    • How many people had SGI's? There were like 2 at UCLA, making them pretty much novelty and useless.formed
    • surely 4MB ram?fadein11
    • I don't know why some people can't comprehend software and hardware needs that require a machine like this. They do exist, en masse.monospaced
    • I wouldn't have believed it either until I actually needed one. We had to build custom machines that cost a fortune, and this would have been better.monospaced
    • People obviously know there is a highend, look at all the workstations that have been consistently sold. The difference is the premium Apple adds on for theformed
    • logo and case. The trash can looked cool, too, but missed the mark also.formed
    • The premium is there, but it's not as big as you might think, all things considered. You can build this machine for cheaper, but it wouldn't be equal at all.monospaced
    • The new mac pro is great value for what it offers. Even that screen, it replaces a ref monitor that costs $15-30k. I don't know why you'd need ECC ram then it'szarkonite
    • probably not for you.zarkonite
    • err IF YOU don't know why you'd need ECC RAM that is...zarkonite
  • hans_glib1

    let's put things in perspective...
    this is a 1992 price list i've kept for posterity

    • simpler times when a dvdram can get you laid lol
    • Gee whizz. And those are £ rather than $, presumably? £8,590 for a specced-out Quadra and Monitor.Nairn
    • But the monitor stand was only 30 bucks! Let's riot on!!vvvv
    • Apparently that £8,590 cost is equivalent to £17,630 in 2019, when adjusted for inflation.Nairn
    • if only manufacturing speed, capability, and dependability had improved in that same period of time, oh wait...imbecile
    • I just looked up my first Mac from ‘96. A Power PC 6400. 2,400 USD (equivalent to $3,745 in 2017)fooler
      Apparently the Lisa cost $25,000 in adjusted dollars at launch. !!!!
    • yeah, but as long as you can get a cheaper pc, with good specs, made of plastic, with low quality connectors and internals, there will be bitches bitchingmonospaced
    • And 32" tv's used to be $700 10'ish years ago. Now, there $100. What's your point?section_014
    • cost adjusted to which rate? manufacturing? supply? wages? cost of living? it matters.imbecile
  • raf-1

    Fascinating that on a forum for ad professionals there are people calling such a typically Apple-brilliant PR move a "PR disaster".

    Of course the stand is expensive, that's the point! They are establishing themselves as not just the brand that makes the best pro displays out there, but also as a luxury brand that sells highly priced but accessible premium products in their offering to the masses.

    This display sells a million iPhones this fall. What it does to the iPhone is the equivalent of "Carl Zeiss Lens" etched on an obviously consumer grade camera, or a smartphone.

    Mercedes makes Maybach so that you'd have a sense of luxury buying your A or C class (which are premium, not luxury models). This is their Maybach (well, maybe not a good comparison since the display will sell like crazy among pros if it delivers what it promises, and it's not even expensive).

    • seriously. I'd expect this shit on reddit. not qbn.inteliboy
    • So they are going to etch the cheese grater on new iphones?! Brilliant!formed
    • "highly priced but accessible premium products in their offering to the masses" Whut?Bennn
    • < Are you fucking kidding. In what world is Apple a luxury brand or the MacPro a luxury product.?Morning_star
    • Whut Benn said... This is US capitalism abusing overseas labor practices to churn every dollar out of psychologically manipulated customers. no more, no less.imbecile
    • really depends which part of the brain you manage to engage. expensive = luxury brand or expensive = over-priced.pr2
    • It is a premium brand, not a luxury one. It often hints at luxury in its brand positioning (the watch is digital jewellery) but it sells mass premium products.raf
    • then the same applies to Mercedes ... luxury or merely premium?monospaced
    • Interestingly, the Maybach project was axed as it didn't sell. They rebooted it as Mercedes-Maybach, i.e. souped-up S and it sells well (at ½ Maybach price).raf
    • "Move the Merc" lolraf
    • LOL @ luxury stand = luxury brand !!Krassy
    • the words "luxury" and "computer" make no fucking sense together. It's a tool. You don't see carpenter's buying gold plated "luxury" hammers, do you?section_014
    • That was before Jobs began selling them like a fashion brand: seasonal collections revealed at shows hyped up with secrecy, fashion dictator in black turtleneckraf
    • Most expensive Apple Watch comes in 18 karat gold, at $17K. A device that pointlessly doubles your iPhone functionality on a small display. It is jewellery.raf
  • Hayzilla1

    In 1996 I paid £1,495 for the latest Apple Performa 5320


    • my first pc had a 'Turbo' button, how about that :D lol
    • Yea had a 386 PC in '93 with one of those. Good times!Hayzilla
  • grafician2…

    Founds this now, good read, all in the details.

    Also new Mac Pro on wheels

    • Found*
      We really need an "edit" function for everything up in this...
    • Also *wheels not included, probably $999grafician
  • hans_glib3

    this is pretty cool - i had thought it was two separate sheets...

    • Nice. I'm guessing this uses shit loads less aluminium than the G5 design tooIanbolton
    • Where’d all the waste go?imbecile
    • Up your buttNBQ00
    • coolGnash
    • If it's aluminium, they'll no doubt melt it down and make more macs?Ianbolton
    • Super cool and totally alien looking; the goal was to create a surface durable, but light as air.

      I think Jony Ive and team achieved it.
    • great for airflow, but my understanding is that they failed to add any dust filteringmonospaced
    • I guess it would just collect within the holes much like the Mac Pro circa 2012; I had to vacuum mine every now and then...ideaist
    • Pizzerias hate him.utopian
    • dust collector. Should have gone for liquid cooled, no vents, no grill= no dust inside.shapesalad
    • its a cool patterncannonball1978
    • Aaaaah, very good! I assumed it was two layers too, but couldn't work out how they did the light curvature on the rear face.Nairn
    • Can’t wait to clean out all of the dog hair out of these.fooler
    • I suppose you just lift the outer shell off and rinse it. Insanely Easy to clean compared to pretty much any other case in existence, but still.monospaced
  • NBQ000

  • ********

    • Funny. I don't think Apple has charged for their OS in many years.monospaced
    • she was so cuteGnash
    • Yes their software is long as you are willing to fork over a few thousand dollars for one of their computers.utopian
    • +1 gnashNairn
    • Not the utopian. You can download the software without buying hardware. Who told you otherwise??!monospaced
  • zaq9

    How to save $998

    • lolNBQ00
    • I assure that aftermarket designers will design, build and sell stands for about $100 with the next three months. Then get sued by Apple,utopian
    • That's a lot of faith in a plastic hanger.Nairn
    • i like that bart canvas in the background :)
    • kind of swag to take your desktop monitor into a restaurant...SimonFFM
    • That’s an iMac, I believe. Not a monitormonospaced
    • He is looking into an iMac, not a monitor.deadsperm
    • why would Apple sue anyone for making a 3rd party peripheral?monospaced
    • @utopian When you buy the Apple Vesa mount you can already put the damn thing on any other vesa stand.. That's what we have standards for.. shrug.mekk
    • This stand looks much better!Krassy
  • NBQ001

    this could be useful

    • find my iphone > "notify me" feature is hell of a privacy break. also without network connection it uses Bluetooth to scan all the devices around you. crazy!api
  • utopian-3

    I already updated my iMac that is only 6 weeks old with the newest software upgrade that "claims to fix" the Apple Retina 5k display issues when mirroring the display on Apple TV.

    Of course it still does not work properly.

    Apple Innovation...that's why!

    • Why did you buy a new iMac and Apple TV if you hate them so much?monospaced
    • I love that you use apple products. it's your digital hairshirtGnash
    • He hate uses themdopepope
    • He loves them more than anyone.monospaced
    • 6 weeks old iMac? cmon utopian why are you giving money to them I thought you bought Dellernexbcn
    • Lolz @ these notes.ideaist
  • ideaist0

    Anyone on the public beta of Catalina?

    I was hoping to avoid the public betas on my work machine, BUT feeling like I want to be on the "cutting edge" of things again as I age rapidly and become less and less relevant each passing day...


    • #Crickets

      I's quite good and actually stable if anyone is interested in testing it out.

      : )
    • I can’t afford the downtime if my bread + butter apps don’t function. I always wait until the dust settlesGnash
  • ernexbcn0

    Jony Ive announces Apple departure…

  • Nairn0

    Pseudo Interview in the FT with Ive about it..

    Given that some of Apple's earliest design successes were developed out of house, via Frog, this seems like it could be a win for both parties. Interesting times.

    • Innovation never sleeps!utopian
    • I hope they get in some new blood. Been years since tech has looked interesting design wise. Though maybe it's diminishing returns with screens and rectangles.inteliboy
    • Yeah, sure he’s looking forward to other clients but that was probably the ultimate in-house gig.MrT
  • shapesalad3

    The Brit has left Apple. I'm calling it:

    Jony Ivexit

  • NBQ000

    Jony Ive's primary client will be Apple in the coming years. So he will still be very much involved.

    • I'm sure that part of his exit package (aka) golden parachute was a lucrative contract to create more crApple products as an outside consultant.utopian
    • how long before Samsung call?MrT