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- Krassy1
Apple Moves Mac Pro Production to China
- autoflavour0
Any you clowns got a homepod? Have been avoiding the whole smart speaker thing, but I’m just getting jack of having to use my phone to listen to web radio..
- Friend has one. Sounds incredible actually, for the size. Other options are the Sonos speakers, which are very flexible for listening too.monospaced
- i use a bose soundlink, awesome soundhans_glib
- get a bluetooth speaker instead of those spying devices. Bose and JBL make great ones.mekk
- I’ve heard that the sound is great on the homepods. They calibrate automatically according to where it’s placed in a roomGnash
- probably also calibrating its microphones.. srsly stop feeding the datamining industry. You're paying hundreds for a device that gathers valueble data about youmekk
- Well shit. We all have phones that do that already.monospaced
- the single purpose of a "smart speaker" is to sell you more stuff you don't need.mekk
- after, yknow, music and integration with smart home ... who is Apple selling it to?monospaced
- that's the fun part you don't even know lolmekk
- clowns, lolNBQ00
- lol, lol - hands up, we're drowning - lolNairn
- drgs1…
Ive was "dispirited" by Tim Cook who "showed little interest in the product development process," according to sources speaking to the WSJ. Ive grew increasingly frustrated as Apple's board was populated by directors with backgrounds unrelated to the company's core business. Ive disagreed with "some Apple leaders" on how to position the Apple Watch. Ive pushed for the Apple Watch to be sold as a fashion accessory, not as an extension of the iPhone.
- Next 5 years will be crucial for Apple. They really need a new visionary CEO AND a great industrial designer. This situation is like the '90s again before Stevegrafician
- ...returned to save the companygrafician
- Except instead of having a business in peril, they’re sitting on billions and are the most valuable brand in existence. So nothing like the 90s at all.monospaced
- in the mind of the nerd, apple are perpetually doomed.inteliboy
- Tim Cook no doubt filled coffers and kept the momentum going for awhile. But yeah, it’s time for Apple to lighten up on profit and please the users again.monospaced
- Here's the full article without paywall:
https://www.techtele…yuekit - The Apple apologists have spoken.utopian
- Apple Watch IS a fashion accessory, and has been positioned as such, not sure what Ive's problem was.raf
- OK, I read it. It does seem they tried but could've gone further in fashion direction with it. But they did have the supermodel Christy Turlington on, right?raf
- sted0
- Translation: it was all trueyuekit
- utopian1
- Queer Ass Brainwashed Apple Fanboys...please Downvote to the left.utopian
- You typed this on your new iMac and check for downvotes on your iPhone several times a day though.monospaced
- NBQ00-13
- Queer Ass Brainwashed Apple Fanboys...please Downvote to the left.utopian
- this dude is obnoxious afsarahfailin
- NBQ006
Forrest Gump’s investment in Apple would be worth $28 billion today:…
- NBQ00-3
- sted-3…
ZoomZoomZoooom :D
It was also embedded in popup ads, zero frames :)- fucking zoomcannonball1978
- zooooooooooooooooooo...********
- mmmmmmmmmmmmm...********
- NBQ000
Apple just removed the MacBook.
- I think the MacBook Air fills the gap between the iPad Pro and the MacBook Pro, no?
12-inch was probably cannibalizing both of those while aging...
#Axedideaist - They just added the touchbar, touch sensor, security chip and the word Pro to it, and dropped the price to $1099.monospaced
- So really, the MacBook was updated and price slashed, and they're calling that "Pro"monospaced
- Weird that they got rid of all the non Pro machines. Mac Mini, iMac and Mac(book) Pro, but no simple Mac to be seen.monospaced
- how gives a fuck. companies release refreshed laptops every other week.inteliboy
- I think the MacBook Air fills the gap between the iPad Pro and the MacBook Pro, no?
- shapesalad1
Before updating to mojave, I think I was 2 versions behind... Anyway, the keyboard Play/Pause button worked only with iTunes or Spotify, depending on which app was open, or last clicked on. Perfect.
Now it bloody pauses youtube videos/vimeo etc. instead of the music. Annoying.
Any fixes? Terminal codes etc?
Why when watching a video - or having the browser as top most app, would you want the pause/play button to fiddle with the video, when you'd want to actually pause your bg music.
Of course if no music app was open, it's fine for video playback to correlate with the keyboard play/pause.
- Haha yea same shit is bugging me.Hayzilla
- Maybe?
https://bekirserifog…Hayzilla - "depending on which app was open or last clicked on" is still the case ... the button now just works with more instances than just spotify and itunesmonospaced
- for a lot of people, youtube is their music, so this is a featuremonospaced
- Finally a way to stop youtube videos playing in who knows which tab?
I might upgrade after all...raf
- NBQ001
- who watches this speculative shit?Ianbolton
- A lot of people apparently, IanNBQ00
- 16" makes sense to split the screen properly between apps. It's a touch tight on my 15", though I love it.
That 17" MacBook Pro in the day was bulbous.ideaist - The end of the 17" was the beginning of the era of dissing the high end user. They lost me this year due to their disregard for 3D software.CyBrainX
- shapesalad0
- *every timeshapesalad
- Probably because Apple no longer supports NvidiaNBQ00
- well, ffs apple. bravo.shapesalad
- na i doubt this is all apple, plenty of folks running new nvidia GPUs externally and in hackintoshes.kingsteven
- 10.14.5 removed some reliance on iGPU so it could be a bug with the NVIDIA driver since you upgraded.kingsteven
- Actually looking at it it seems CUDA doesn't support Mojave at all (only 10.3.6 in the latest version). are you doing something that specifically requires it?kingsteven
- It's actually Apple/ Mojave who no longer really support NvidiaNBQ00
- Just reading about in NBQ I was sure NVIDIA had drivers out but I was mistaken. So shape's been without eGPU since he upgraded to Mojave and only getting thekingsteven
- alert/ realising it now?kingsteven
- downgrading to 10.13.6 seems to be the only solution ATM...kingsteven
- went for AMD on my hackintosh - was on the fence because folks were suggesting that drivers would come. but reading in to it it seems impossible ATMkingsteven
- It's not an eGPU. The iMac was working totally fine in macOS Sierra. Was fed up of the constant notification to update to Mojave, do so and then this...shapesalad
- If updating to Mojave is going to cause problems, then why can't apple read the iMac specs, and not push an update to me that would cause problems.shapesalad
- My old version of C4d R15 (which cost me personally £3k!) didn't work after update to Mojave. No warnings before update. Thanks apple.shapesalad
- I then updated my Cuda, cos I was on a version below 418. C4D now works, but get that warning pop up each time I start the machine.shapesalad
- Yeah I Know... I know... never update your OSX if it's all working... FFS apple.shapesalad
- By the way - How to downgrade to a previous OSX?shapesalad
- aye, I'm saying eGPU as there's also an integrated GPU in the CPU (i'm guessing that's what you're using now) I used to have the same iMac!kingsteven
- ^^^ Partition the drive; install old version; boot into new partition; delete orig partition; resize drive. Disk utility can do it all.section_014
- If you didn't take an update before you upgraded, I think the only real way to downgrade is to reinstall High Sierra from scratch...kingsteven
- bummer....shapesalad
- mg332
Had to send my iPhone XS in for repair or replacement after the Face ID camera stopped working. They gave me an iPhone 8 as a loaner at the store and HOLY HELL DO I MISS THE XS.
The smaller size, smaller keyboard, the finger print button... I never realized how much Apple got right on the X series with Face ID and everything else that was new in it. I remember being unsure of the X when they announced it, but 1 1/2 years into using one it’s quite a contrast to use the 8 for the next week.
Most annoying thing... they couldn’t give me a 256gb version and they only give out 64gb versions as a loaner. So I couldn’t use my full backup I did on my computer, had to do a new phone setup. Luckily most of my important things are cloud based, but definitely some annoyance with this not being set up exactly as my old one was.
- innovation!utopian
- I actually dislike my XS. Too heavy. FaceID feels buggy, I often have to use my pin.inv
- still rocking my iPhone 8 here ... still paying it off. I guess this is the last fingerprint sensor I'll have :(monospaced
- @imbecile lolKrassy
- NBQ00-3
Somebody did an extensive redesign/ concept of the Mac Pro.
- youtube is littered with these, who caresernexbcn
- But this is done by some design studio not just fan 3D renders.NBQ00
- My favorite parts are the price tag on a fictional machine, and that he called the case "aero-dynamic." Objet. Objet.monospaced
- a design studio did a fan 3D render :)monospaced
- lol okNBQ00
- "Will someone make this... please!"
That's how you know it's fan art :)monospaced - I'm partial to the IKEA Cheese Graterutopian
- utopian11
- hahahcannonball1978
- ha!fadein11
- hahahaha!Miesfan
- :-(PhanLo
- tim apple must be entertained ;)neverscared
- awww!sea_sea
- hahahaKrassy
- Owning one of these and a sampler = royalty free sampling.noRGB
- @noRGB lolKrassy
- NBQ000
- long time comingmonospaced
- It will be a long transition too. PowerPC to Intel was easy because Macs weren't as popular.section_014
- Also, lol @ the end of hackintoshes. We'll be putting MacOs on Raspberry Pi's if they go ARM.section_014
- I figure they'll launch a single machine with their own chip first, and then it'll trickle down the line. Not sure if it'll be high or low end at first.monospaced
- shaft0
By rowlification, via yayhooray.
- PhanLo0
Apple has apologised for allowing contractors to listen to voice recordings of Siri users in order to grade them.
The company made the announcement after it completed a review of the grading programme, which had been triggered by a Guardian report revealing its existence.
According to multiple former graders, accidental activations were regularly sent for review, having recorded confidential information, illegal acts, and even Siri users having sex.
“As a result of our review, we realise we have not been fully living up to our high ideals, and for that we apologise,” Apple said in an unsigned statement posted to its website. “As we previously announced, we halted the Siri grading program. We plan to resume later this fall when software updates are released to our users.”
- Good thing they care so much about privacy!formed
- wtf is the Siri grading program?hans_glib
- ^ I think they compare siri’s transcription to the actual recordingGnash
- I have the cuntface Siri turned off, she barely ever worked anyway...that's innovation!utopian
- "apologized" when/because they got caughtKrassy
- ask it if it knows how to rapjaylarson
- It feels so much better knowing they apologized and care for us.Maaku
- #thoughtsandprayers mfockers********
- Google is far worse and will never admit nor apologize. Just sayinmonospaced
- ^ 100%Gnash