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  • benfal990

    first iWatch will be awesome!

    then, Apple will come up with the 'iWatch 2' six months later with a feature you badly want.

    you will regret your iWatch1 and will want iWatch2

    and the cycle will never end

    • yeah, because only Apple updates its products with new featuresmonospaced
    • HAHA why the fuck are you so utterly and bizarrely defensive of Apple mono? It's weird.
    • I think what's utterly bizarre is the double standard people hold Apple tomonospaced
    • You might see it as defensive, but I see it more as realisticmonospaced
    • funnyformed
    • lol magic
  • ********

    I've maintained Apple died with Steve Jobs and this proves it...


    • not only that, but they ripped everyone off. Ripped off J Dilla. Ripped of RTJfuturemongolian
    • yeah, Steve singlehandedly created all the advertising on his own on Tuesdays, every weekmonospaced
    • I agree the ad sucks, but it ain't the life or death of Apple, not by a long shotmonospaced
    • < well Apple never had shit ads before. theres a shit one on TV in UK here as well - they have become very cringeyfadein11
    • corporate logos on logos yay!Weyland
    • Oh just shut up mono you utter twat. You don't think he had final say in the major brand decisions?
    • For someone who writes rather eloquently you really are bonkers
    • I know he was involved, I'm JUST saying that the advertising isn't the lifesource of Applemonospaced
    • you don't have to call me an utter twat, my point is entirely validmonospaced
    • you should take my eloquence as some sort of intelligence... I'm not being bonkers, it's just a commercialmonospaced
    • It's just the same shit over and over and over with you. It's weird.
    • And what you are saying about the ads is the same old shit, day after day as well. It goes both ways. Love you.monospaced
    • I'm not just talking about the ad..
    • People cry Apple's dying over the tiniest thing, but they aren't. It's tireless as well.monospaced
    • I'm not talking about the ad either, just in this case.monospaced
    • I guess you have a point. Though I'm not blindly focused one way or the other like you. I used to really like Apple.
    • ...and I still love my iMac. The future of their desktops worries me though.
    • I'm not blindly focused, but I keep on eye on what's going on with them, because these are interesting timesmonospaced
    • I wouldn't call you a twat for making a point, btw, and I thought you were into a healthy discussionmonospaced
    • I like my Apple products, they ain't perfect, and these ads suck. But people don't buy on the ads really, in my opinion.monospaced
    • You are massive twat mono, I can't deny it. A big lovely massive bonkers twat.
    • let me know when Apple's dead then, next time with actual proofmonospaced
    • sorry we had to engage like this ending with your cuntlery :(monospaced
    • well Apple lead the way in design for a long time, now everything they've released in the last few years has been poor quality.
    • I don't doubt wankers will still buy their products but for me it apparently died with steve jobs as the design king it was.
    • He had good vision. But Ive did most of the design with his team too. And they had several years between breakthrough productsmonospaced
    • Everything they've output since he died has been questionable. Just my observation. You don't agree.. fine.
    • I don't fully disagree! I just don't agree it means they're dead, that's all.monospaced
  • fadein110

    Oh dear that is bad. v.bad. and to the sound of some god awful EDM... sigh.

  • formed0

    I think the iPhone will be a huge hit, again. Simply due to the fact that they are the only ones making (HTC, maybe) a phone with quality materials.

    I hope I am wrong and we get some quality handsets, but I've been hugely disappointed with the S5 and LG's G3, both feel like crappy pieces of plastic, imho.

    That said, Google's L looks to [finally] put Android's design above Apples. Combine that w/ quality materials and i'll jump, combine it with cheap plastic and I'll think hard about it. I doubt I'll be the only one.

    • I'm probably too used tot he heft of the 4s, though, but I do like metal/quality materialsformed
  • ********

    ^ I agree partly, however the second you drop them they're fucked.

    I had the Sony Xperia Z, which had a rubber skeleton, it still looked super nice quality and I dropped it on concrete three times and it had nothing more than very minor scuffs on the edges.

    • I think it looks nicer than an iphone, is waterproof and super strong. See what I mean by 'skeleton' http://cdn0.soyacinc…
    • but yes the S5 and LG are disappointingly tacky, for sure.
  • monospaced0

    Jumping on yesterday's earnings. Looking for an all-time high.

    • Apples self appointed PR guru and general brainwashed sheep speaks again!fadein11
    • please, I haven't even started an Apple thread. and here you are, being a cunt... at least you're consistentmonospaced
    • Anyway, it's just a post about Apple that's relevant today, in the Apple thread. Why you gotta hate?monospaced
    • pretty cuntish fade.inteliboy
  • inteliboy0

    Profits, profits, profits. Yet the media still claim gloom and doom. ie. This is todays paper:

    "Worries for iPad as Apple faces challenges on all fronts"

    What in the fuck?

    Sometimes I think Murdoch is out to get Apple.

  • mg330

    Okay guys, I am really confused. The stock right now is out about $97 a share. Wasn't in recently in the hundreds, like in the 400s as recent as last year? There are screenshots further back in this thread showing it in the 400s last July, but when I look at the stock app it shows it never getting above 100 and even the last five years.

    What gives? Can someone explain this?

  • futuremongolian0


    They split the stock 7 for 1.

    • Cool, thanks. Just read up on all this and makes sense now. Don't have stocks; all my money is in cabbage.mg33
    • All mine is in wolf ticketsteh
  • formed0

    Stock split, just like Google just did. G should have done something like Apple, though, even I am tempted to buy some at $97 a share.

    set - I keep meaning to look at Sony. I feel bad for them (not really), great product design but always bogged down with bloatware and poor service. The only PC company that really emphasized quality design in their products.

    I hope they can survive and recover, amazing they are struggling so much (too many products, I guess, bad management...a sure lesson for Apple sticking to their guns)

    • Sony could be a good buy. Or Nintendo. Buy when their stock is in a bearish market. That's if you do believe in them.inteliboy
    • sony's going bankrupt. it ain't prettyscarabin
    • LOL, Nintendo? Buy them where?monospaced
  • mg330

    So not having read a lot just now about how stock increases after a split, is there any speculation or assumption that the price will eventually creep back up to where it was in the past couple years?

    I have kicked myself many times for not investing even just $5000 when it was down around 60 share in 2010. So just wondering if this is something to not miss out on.

    • It split 7:1 so $100 a share is the same aaas the old $700. That would be their all time highmonospaced
  • formed0

    Stock split is purely psychological. There is no 'real' value in it, just more stock valued at less. Generally, the price does increase because it is perceived as more "affordable", so a $100 stock is more accessible than a $400 stock price.

    Purely psychological, but, historically, it does lead to higher prices (hence why they do it in the first place - even Berkshire B shares split not to long ago).

    Is it "not to be missed out on", no one knows, if they did, it would be 10x what it is now and we are at all time highs (correct?). That's true for many, many stocks, though.
    You can make arguments any way you like.

    Everyone wishes they bought something when it was pennies (I think our Apple guru, Mr. Mono, has plenty of stock bought at pennies compared to today's value). Investing wise, you have to separate what you "like" from what is a "good investment", otherwise you get bogged down with emotions (which is fine, as long as you recognize it - I kick myself for not buying Apple when it was $100, long ago, but pat myself on the back for buying Google and others).

    If you want to make money, pay attention to a few companies that you understand (Buffet's famous criteria) and buy low, wait, then buy more on pull backs.

    Every good company can perform, but we are at super, super highs for the overall market, which has me personally worried a little. Just too much froth - everything is "good".

    I bough MS not long ago and its already up more than 20%, for example, but I have faith in their direction. Apple, as a company, will do great, but their stock is super valued, so I am hesitant to buy as an "investment".

  • teh0

    Get your wolf tickets here!

  • ukit20

  • ********

    What can iWatch do that iPhone can't?

    • you're right they both fit in your anus eheheheh

    • bwahaha
    • There is no iWatchmonospaced
    • Not any more - it's stuck up there.detritus
  • inteliboy0
  • ********

    Different charging cables to every other smartphone out there.
    Cable lasts less than a year.
    £25 a cable when it should be more like £5.

    Need to buy a new video output cable for every generation of mac.
    £25 a cable.

    Mobile devices don't launch as a hard drive like every single android device, instead have to work through god awful iTunes and can't store general files easily.

    Release dodgy software without the option of downgrading.

    Shows fucking mac notifications every single day with only the option to 'remind me tomorrow'. Impossible to turn off for the average person.

    Pile of shite.

    • Get the fuck back monotard.
    • cable last less than a year? WTF are you doing to them?benfal99
    • They fall apart, it's a commonly known fact.
    • why did you name me?monospaced
    • and why do you continue to use Apple's shit products?monospaced
    • do you like bitching about them?monospaced
    • I named you because you're the biggest fanboy cunt around here. I only use an iMac now which overall I still really like.
    • anyway, I said back the fuck up.
    • not interested in hearing your warped opinion in the slightest
    • though I'm glad to see you recognised your name
    • well, you have been using it for a long time, and you did call me out... even though I wasn't going to say shitmonospaced
    • but if you haven't noticed, I don't want to fight with you... I actually respect you and like having good discussions, setmonospaced
    • I only asked you not to comment this time because I know your stance and it's pointless us discussing it.
    • yeah, but you called me a retard and insulted me repeatedly, before i even read itmonospaced
    • it's fine to not want me to comment, but please don't insult me, that's all I askmonospaced
    • You're a sensitive soul aren't you.
    • well, in the face of extreme cuntlery as displayed by you, I try to tone it downmonospaced
    • You are a fucking cunt set.HAYZ1LLLA
    • Cables last a year LOL. Stop wrapping it round your boyfriends cock you cunt.HAYZ1LLLA
    • I really upset you somehow didn't I, hahahaha, wish I could see where...
  • inteliboy0


    Better charging cable than any other smartphone out there.
    Cable lasts for years. (I've never had problems)
    Cable is free, comes with phone,

    Video output is wireless via airplay. No cable needed.

    Who uses a phone as a harddrive?? Bizarre idea. Just use any number of cloud services if you must.

    Never experienced "dodgy" software over here.

    I have never had that mac notification problem.


    so yeah, there's that viewpoint as well.

    • inb4 someone call you a fanboy..
    • but he's kinda right thobenfal99
    • iam on Win8 btw. am no fanboy.benfal99
    • Lol what a fan boy cunt. Irrational at every level.
    • But... totally expected.
    • Who uses a phone as a hard drive? Everyone that takes a photo does!formed
    • "Drag and Drop" was a nice invention, ages ago. How did Apple miss that one??formed
    • < yup
    • anyone with an iPhone takes a photo and it's already on their Mac. No "HD" requiredmonospaced
    • I get it, but there's not really a use for it so much anymore.monospaced
  • ********

    Haha how is it a better charging cable?
    Mini-USB is perfect and universal. (Minus shitty iphones)

    Video output to an external monitor needs a cable. A £25 cable that changes every generation of Mac.

    How on earth is storing files on a mobile device a bizarre concept?

    New mac software is always dodgy and iOS7 made my ipad feel like a cheap knockoff.

    If you've never experienced the notification problem then you are one in a million.

    Irrational fan boy.

    • STOP using the stupid shit products then? You own them and then bitch? who's fault is that?monospaced
    • I've moved away from their mobile devices, but moving away from Mac is a little tougher. Still the best out there, unfortunately.
    • ...unfortunately
    • You don't understand the concept of criticising something do you? You have to either 100% love it or not use it in your world
    • your world
    • sheep mentality
    • no, not at all... I criticize it just as much as youmonospaced
    • but you seem to truly hate it, and you make it out like they're absolute failures for just little quipsmonospaced
    • so, critique away, i dont give a shit, it's good... I just worry that you're complaining about something you can controlmonospaced
    • lol @ you don't give a shit. Look at your fucking comments
    • I was trying to be sensible in my comments. I don't care if you critique, I just think you are the other extreme in this casemonospaced
    • for example, you're the extreme hater like i'm the extreme fanboy... reality: neither of us is an extrememonospaced
    • I know you use macs, I use them too. I simply respect apple and am okay with their choices. My opinion only.monospaced
    • I love my iMac overall, I just think Apple utterly take the piss out of their customers.
    • interesting point of viewmonospaced
  • ********

    Quote of the year:

    "Who uses a phone as a harddrive?? Bizarre idea."
