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  • EightyDeuce3

  • ernexbcn1

    You can't use the headphones while charging the new iPhone, you need to buy a separate 40 dollars adaptar to do so.

  • ok_not_ok1

    • this is so fucking stupidJulesvm
    • I guess no on thought to include 2 lightning ports on the phone... don't worry, they'll figure it out eventually!zarkonite
    • or we'll change and not give a shitjaylarson
    • Jesus Christmoldero
  • Milan1

    next apple product

    • I can't wait for the release...innovation never sleeps!utopian
  • Milan6

    • this would be awesome as a projection screen device
    • You may be the next Steve JobsMilan
    • nice, when does this come out? It works great for me because I am blind, you see...

    • Kodama!jaylarson
    • lolmoldero
  • utopian4

  • mekk1

    So... the $160 earphones can only be used with an iPhone, not with a MacBook or anything else? Or Another pair of Lightning headset, no use somewhere else?

    • "...And the AirPods experience is just as amazing whether you’re listening to your iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, or Mac."dasmeteor
    • Ahah damn.
      "They can sense when they’re in your ears and pause when you take them out."
    • so they're basically alive. This is their best earbuds yet.Bennn
  • BusterBoy3

    Thought I recognised those earpods...

  • Bluejam2

    • You saying Apple has become Spinal Tap?
      I disagree - Spinal tap has humour and dancing dwarfs
    • hahaBluejam
    • hahah!Krassy
  • Bluejam8

    • Kodama!zarkonite
    • Ear spiritsSteveJobs
    • Why do they have legs?? None of the competition has legs.formed
    • i wonder if "find my iphone" would work with these.jaylarson
    • aces
  • yurimon-4

    Did I miss any fabulous laptop announcements? I blinked during the vid.

  • mg333

    Ordered the 256 GB black version this morning. Just to spite you guys.

    • black or jet black?monospaced
    • the not jet black version.mg33
    • i still think the white 4 was their best looking phonejaylarson
    • these go to 11Geith
    • I ordered the matte black 128 gb, no air buds though. I'll wait to see how those sound.CyBrainX
    • Blood sucker
  • Bennn-2

    i'm so happy with my Samsung Galaxy S7

    I dont understand why creative people dont switch to Android... you can customize Android indefinitely and give it the look you want. Creative people normally like that, no? iOS is so hermetic and frankly, kinda ugly.

    I know its a tough decision to switch from something when it's been years you're using it. I wasn't 100% sure when i've made the switch last year. But after a few months I was hooked; there's no way i want to go back to iOS. If you like options and custumize your stuff as you wish, Android is for you.

    It's very funny that Android is seen by creative people as the system for nerds and non-creative people... Its should be different, creatives should try it and they'll see. iOS is made for our moms and dads.

    Same things with computers, why paying that much for Apple computers just because OSX? Windows is perfectly fine these days. And all the softwares and apps are cross platforms now. Its the same thing everywhere.

    Everyone is criticizing Apple but Apple have implemented the cool factor so deeply in public's mind that people continue to think Apple is cooler than Android. The power of marketing eh!

    Anyways :P

    • So true. Latest build of stock android looks gorgeous anyway. Every time I use iOS now I cringe. It looks shit and the UX is terrible.
    • And iphones are sometimes twice the price and shatter when you drop them once. My Sony X has been dropped on concrete 4 times and only has minor edge scuff
    • Plus people pay £100 extra for more storage - LOL. The same storage I can insert into my Sony SD slot for about £10
    • My Galaxy is 32Gb with a 128Gb SD lol :) I could go as up as 200Gb SD added to the 32Gb.Bennn
    • Plus you're locked into iTunes when my phone just mounts as an HD on my mac. It really is rather astonishing that intelligent people still buy iphones
    • Android still looks like shit to me. I like the customisation factor but user experience not so much better IMHO.yuekit
    • I enjoy learning about other phones, but knowing the money I have in iOS apps, and the integration with my work and home macbook prosmg33
    • there's just not a convincing argument to be made for me to consider something other than an iPhone. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.mg33
    • I find it bizarre that anyone could find that material design 'looks like shit'... But each to their own. I guess =/
    • I'm not sure how much more customizable Android is than iOS. The convenient way iphones interface with my computers and Apple TV is too much to risk losing.CyBrainX
    • I have more important things to do with my creativity to than customize my phone's icons. There is 0 value in customization.jtb26
    • Windows is fine if....a unix based system in unimportant to you. Many dev tools don't work with Windows, or require hacks to run.section_014
    • I want it to work. Sadly, Apple can't claim that anything 'just works' anymore. That's the problem.jtb26
    • You can't make random claims that iOS is for your parents and then say you prefer Windows to OSX. What are you parents using for a desktop computer?CyBrainX
    • Both OS's are so close it's irrelevant imho. I was keeping an open mind to the i7, but I am going for a Note 7, the screen is the deciding factor for me.formed
    • Android = many variations and flavors, plus not always up-to-date for every phone. So it's not quite as simple as saying "just buy an Android".evilpeacock
    • Plus, the Note 7 is recalled due to the exploding battery, so I'd wait to get one if you're looking at that model.evilpeacock
    • I don't want to customize my phone. I just want it to work (which my iPhone 6s does just fine). Also, Windows is shit.soundsinsilence
    • Windows is not shit, why people say such bs is beyond me. I love Apple's hardware, software not so much.
      Yeah, I am waiting for some nice incentives to get
    • the Note 7. I was waiting to see what the i7 would be better than rumors to switch back but it's not.formed
    • ''Windows is shit'' says someone who's not using it i guess. How is it shit?Bennn
    • It will also burn your car or house down. FAA says not to fly with them. Yeah, great phone.severian
    • Totally agree Benn.fadein11
    • Was about to get the Note 7 until the damn battery issue. Currently got a Note4 and love it still and nearly 2 years old.fadein11
    • Note 7 battery issue will be fixed quickly. Never had an issue with a samsung so idiot iphone fanboys saying there shit based on that is bullshit. Was afadein11
    • supplier issue and could happen to any manufacturer including apple (like they havent had launch issues in the past lol).fadein11
    • the apps that i like to use are mainly on the iOS that's why i use it, but this 7 version is dump without the no audio jack. i use the jack fir mics now i cantCGN
    • *they'refadein11
    • Samsung Galaxies look like a 2001 Ford Taurusseverian
    • lol - buys phone for looks only - says it all. enjoy your overpriced out of date iphone.fadein11
    • CGN wich apps are you using that are not on Android?Bennn
    • Just the 'back' button on Android devices worth the switchBennn
    • Enjoy being angry and owning something no one cares that you own.severian
    • Note 7 battery issue tip:
    • haha - I don't buy something so people care that I own it, too old for that bullshit.fadein11
    • Buy what you need/want. Neither iPhone or flagship Android are total crap. People are different, etc.evilpeacock
    • amenfadein11
    • I'm actually considering getting an android after have and iPhone for many years. what phone are you on Benn?dbloc
    • "Plus, the Note 7 is recalled due to the exploding".
      That would never happen with an iPhone...
    • ...
    • $400 gets you a phone with a 5.5" QHD screen, unibody, expandable storage, decent CPU/GPU, fingerprint sensor, the whole magilla. Fuck expensive kit.face_melter
    • I am counting on some nice incentives for a Note 7. I can't imagine the fix will take long. It's gorgeous, only a tad taller than my S5 and same widthformed
    • w a much larger screen. I agree the S5 looks like crap, but the screen is gorgeous.formed
    • So the hardware is now your new social network. Android users are not for parents, instead creative users because you can change the background.
    • The Note 7 battery fix is unprecedented since it's all the shipped phones, not just select batches. It's costing Samsung BIG bucks, but at least they're on it.evilpeacock
    • It was a colossal mistake, but what, 35 phones had problems? I blame Apple, if they weren't trying to beat the i7 release, it would never have happened (j/k)formed
    • Interesting: http://www.theverge.…evilpeacock
  • chukkaphob0

    • timelinefadein11
    • You don't have to be a mediocre overused actor to buy a iphone.CyBrainX
  • utopian7

  • utopian2

  • utopian0

    Apple's Stock Falls After iPhone Announcement…

    • So is the entire market today if you haven't noticed. Everything is down just like this. Sorry to interrupt your celebration.monospaced
    • But yes. This makes sense. There's always a dip in stock price after a bit of the doom effect comes and goes. Sales seem to correct that soon after.monospaced
    • you'd think the launch would offset the overall downward trend in the market, certainly would have a few years ago - not good.fadein11
    • The market shifted today on news that the federal reserve might hike rates. Smart investors all own Apple, that's why it's moving with it.monospaced
    • Everything dropped 2% today. Even Google.monospaced
    • No Apple launch has ever offset a downward trend in the market in all of history.monospaced
    • you misunderstood - I meant Apples stock normally goes up enough after an event to not be affected by a general 2% dip in the market - surely apples stockfadein11
    • usually goes up 2%ish after a good launch event no? It did 10 years ago... oh wait.fadein11
    • apple's stock NEVER goes up after an event... it goes up before, and then goes down after disappointment.monospaced
    • then, a few months later, apple shows sales figures after christmas, proving that there was no doom, just more profit than would make Sundar nut his jeans.monospaced
    • 10 years ago Apple announced the iPhone. It was ridiculed for months. They were the laughing stock. Stock price tumbled.monospaced
    • The market is down big time today because of fears of a federal rate hike.CyBrainX
    • Yup. Exactly, CyBrainmonospaced
    • fair enough - again, no offense. Apple are clearly winning the game. look forward to seeing some good macbooks/desktops soon as thats all I buy from them.fadein11
    • no offense taken, just keeping it real since so many people are quick to jump to conclusions when triggered over apple, a company they love to hatemonospaced
  • yurimon-1

    looks like a bent straw or bent cigarette inside the ear. how is that innovative. sigh*

    plus apple update notifications with the new os is disturbing if you dont want to update.

  • mg333

    I'd actually love to use some non iPhone phones just to see what the experience is like. But most I've been exposed to have probably been cheaper alternatives in the hands of friends or family that wouldn't shell out premium money for a premium product. Reminds me of helping my mother in law with some kind of cheap tablet device she couldn't figure out, and everything about it was such utter garbage that it left a bad taste in my mouth for non Apple stuff. Trust me: I know that's a silly and subjective thing to say, but it merged over into my impression of cheaper phones that didn't quite seem that refined or consistently designed - either the physical device or the OS. I'm sure it's just because I'm so used to iOS and something very different doesn't feel right.

    • try the Nexus 6P or the Samsung Galaxy S7. Both prime devices. Cheap Android devices are shits.Bennn
    • The last 2 phones of my gf were cheap Android phones, they were total crap. Those are not good publicity for Android.Bennn
    • I also have the Sony XPERIA 5 something Compact. Great piece of design, looks gorgeous.Bennn
    • Android is miles ahead of ios - trust me. I have used both, every iphone release is catchup.fadein11
    • I'm noticing it too since i'm on Android since almost a year now.Bennn
    • really Benn? Tell us about hat more please.monospaced
    • So many things, i dunno where to startBennn
    • you started since almost a year now, and have updated us on every... single... apple... launch... ever. with at least 4 posts each time.. don't stop now.monospaced
    • don't mind that there's an Android thread, just use the Apple one to remind everyone that you don't use their phones anymore... it makes perfect sensemonospaced
    • @mono - I think its all in good humour - don't take it so seriously - this site isn't a serious tech forum.fadein11
    • oh, sorry, am I treating this like a serious tech forum? I must've missed that ;) was it my ranting over specs? I'm sorry, I real... oh, wait...monospaced
    • ha - come on. just mean its all bullshit at the end of the day - no offense.fadein11
    • I'm not offended! I'm on the same page as you.monospaced
    • he has a point, every apple post is about android this or apple hate that.inteliboy
    • People love to hate top dog - MS had far worse hate for years (sometimes justified like this situ).fadein11
    • Go and pick up the Sony Xperia X.
      Nuff said.
  • Bennn0

    all of you using your iPhone with a jack to listen to music in your non-bluetooth cars. NO MORE MUSIC FOR YOU!

    • Did apple send me a iPhone7 took away my iPhone 5 that I didn't know about?pango
    • Or just use the dongle. Not the end of the world, Pollyanna.e-wo
    • so pango will now carry two phones and update two phones. Innovashunz.Bennn
    • CarPlay is 100% wireless.monospaced
    • ;)monospaced
    • I recently rented a car with CarPlay and was pretty impressed.CyBrainX
    • You must have had an Android then ;)monospaced
    • Sweet 2 phones! I can finally star my drug dealing business properly.pango