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  • zarkonite1

    • Can't plug a fucking mouse in though, can you?detritus
    • That's besides the point. And in case you've never used one, there's a keyboard on the screen when you need it.zarkonite
    • Can I run Cinema4D on an iPhone now? Because the last time I checked they were phones not PC's. If all you do is fuck about on Facebook, then they are the same.face_melter
    • I think that's a close approximation of the vast majority of people, it's depressing but it's made them the biggest company in the world.zarkonite
  • Bennn-1

    This is seriously funny. Taking off the jack port. To save space for what? The only reason is to sell more stuff (headphones, earbuds) ... and the markup $$$ on headphones and earbuds is HUGE. They cost nothing to make. Remember the real cost of BEAT headphones? Its something like 14$ and they're selling em 350$ Apple is innovating to make more cash.

    • Let me tell you a secret, these companies are in this to make money :)yuekit
    • But it's also a natural progression, and you will probably see Android devices doing the same in spite of the backlash.yuekit
    • There is no way any android hardware will EVER ditch the 3.5 mm headphone port. That would be the most idiotic move ever. Apple proved that.monospaced
    • If anything they'll keep it for the next 20 years at least to prove the point while apple is forced to shut doors because of it.monospaced
    • Of course this savings is passed on to any android customer and always will be.monospaced
    • Thing is, nobody wants wireless only headphones. Just watch. This is the end for Apple, all because of greed and nothing... NOTHING else AT ALL.monospaced
    • I think we all know it will happen eventually, well done Apple for getting the ball rolling (against Jobs wishes).fadein11
    • of course it will, but based on the reaction in this thread alone, you'd think the very idea was worse than raping a childmonospaced
    • nobody will bother to mention the many benefits of the decision either, because talking shit about a company you hate is obviously the cool thing these daysmonospaced
    • holy shit, is it just me, or are there more android haterz going nuts in the apple thread than anyone else? so bizarremonospaced
    • Apple is supposedly working on wireless charging as wellyuekit
    • but wireless charging is already out, and undoubtedly on a phone already, so when Apple integrates it it'll be stolen, or catching upmonospaced
    • haha. I don't really care tbh. got the stuff I like. As I have said before those Apple events wind people up - embarrassing.fadein11
    • me either, tbh, and I too find the android crew getting triggered in this thread to be pure entertainmentmonospaced
  • chukkaphob2

  • reanimate1

    Wow so much hate in this thread.

    I remember when new Macbook came out everyone said single port was terrible and it was under powered, but it actually performs fine for most tasks.

    • until you find yourself transferring files from an external drive and the battery starts running out, amiright?monospaced
    • Yeah that's what we're all looking for, good enough most of the time. That's the whole reason I pay extra for Apple's wares.zarkonite
    • funny how the competition comes out with thinner, more powerful and with more ports. Apple just wants to force people to buy a billion little attachments thatformed
    • cost a fortune but only cost a cent to makeformed
    • People pay extra for the design and build quality...if you looking at specs alone you are probably PC user. Can't ignore the fact that Apple laptops still tendyuekit
    • to get really high user rating on sites like Amazon vs. somewhat mediocre rating for alternative like Surfacebook.yuekit
    • The SurfaceBook has received pretty stellar reviews. But I hear ya, fanboys will up vote anything Apple makes (their hardware is great)formed
    • I really don't see how Apple's build quality is any better when you compare with machines at the same price point.zarkonite
    • It's usually a case of people comparing 450$ laptops to 1200$ macbooks.zarkonite
    • What is the $450 laptop that compares with Apple in terms of quality?yuekit
    • I see some of the Dell laptops as good MBP alternative but they are similar price point.yuekit
  • meffid-2

    Just bought my first Android.
    Switching to a Hackintosh - in progress
    Sold iPad for more than I bought it for.

    Cheers, Apple. Catch y'up.

    • Got the hackintosh for a few graphic software.
      Linux for 99% use.
      Going to convert my phone to a Linux based phone as well. Want to get away from all this shit
    • ^Approvedmeffid
  • yurimon2

    kinda reminds me of this up until the cherry part.

  • drgs0

    Apple owns the number one Bluetooth headphone company, Beats. And Apple's removal of the headphone jack is likely to give them another boost…

    • they own beats? i thought it's a partner ship...pango
    • The bought beats. Don't you remember Dre bragging about being a billionaire?formed
    • Beats is a division of Apple basicallymonospaced
    • damnnnnn
      no i missed that news.
    • lets remember also that budweiser is the number one beer in the worldMiguex
    • Lolpango
  • Hayoth-2

    Love my Google Nexus 6p

    • needs its own thread.
    • Good for you man! Good for you!pango
  • fadein11-1

    Don't shoot the messenger :)

  • drgs-1

    may be worth trying out

  • zarkonite-1

    "Apple Is Said to Be Rethinking Strategy on Self-Driving Cars."…

    "The job cuts are the latest sign of trouble with Apple’s car initiative. The company has added resources to the project — code-named Titan — over the last two years, but it has struggled to make progress. And in July, the company brought in Bob Mansfield, a highly regarded Apple veteran, to take over the effort."

    • No car for you! This project is going to end up as an apple watch extension.zarkonite
    • Yet, Apple has never disclosed their strategy on the project, instead keeping it in near total secrecy in every way imaginable.monospaced
    • Apple hasn't had a secret in years, we knew everything about the iPhone 7 before it was out. They never got a car out, or built a track.zarkonite
    • So how is it changing if, by everything we know, there was never a car, a track or a plan? All we know is they've dumped tons of cash and new talent on itmonospaced
    • They tried, failed and pivoted. Now let's see if they can do anything at all.zarkonite
    • also, according to you "@zark, people have seen things, it's been reported for over a year, and that's why it's on the news still"
      So that's what's up...
    • Yes, they have a project going on related to cars. But, their strategy has never been released, so it's really not possible to say if it's being revised.monospaced
    • According to YOU, they failed to get a car out or build a track, despite there being reports of both.monospaced
    • How you can say they have tried and failed already is funny, considering there's no indication of that, or the opposite.monospaced
    • They're firing people and bringing a new head, you don't understand how making products work if you see no indications of that or the opposite.zarkonite
    • They brought in a new head because the previous one had to leave for personal reasons. Nothing else is even verifiable, ffsmonospaced
    • "their strategy has never been released, so it's really not possible to say if it's being revised." Personal reasons? c'mon...zarkonite
    • Yeah, personal reasons. Apple VP of Product Design Steve Zadesky, quit a couple months ago. Google it.monospaced
    • He quit, a new guy took his place, naturally. They still haven't released any hint of their actual strategy in any way or form. Not sure why you're arguing thatmonospaced
    • If you're implying they fired him, then you're flat out wrong. If you think him leaving is a sign of their plan, then you're just reaching like stock analysts.monospaced
  • zarkonite-2

    I hadn't thought of all those accessories that used to use the headphone jack:

    • Yup. My tattoo place uses iZettle, a card-reading dongle that hooks into the audio jack. Hadn't seen it before, nifty idea.face_melter
    • Lightning-connected headphones sound better though.
    • ...compared to headphones using the old 3.5mm jack
    • These will still work with a dongle.e-wo
    • I'm sure lightning versions are on the way too. Apple isn't taking away the current working devices ffsmonospaced
    • They are, I saw Tim Cook punch Jack Dorsey in the nuts.zarkonite
    • Yeah mono, but wouldn't lightning connected versions: a) require a license fee and; b) be yet another device taking up the one and only access port.ETM
    • How will it be elegant design when people will end up with dongles, splitters etc. just to have their phone be functional?ETM
    • @ETM I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying that these devices all currently work with their current phones perfectly well.monospaced
  • akiersky4
  • ********

    I'm looking forward to Apple releasing a $30 chord to keep your wireless earphones attached to eachother, so you don't lose them, thus making them identical to the original wired ones.

  • sted1

    *crowd goes wild*

  • fadein11-2

    ios10 launch went well lol.

    • meanwhile, iPhone sales are setting new world records and stock jumped 7% since launchmonospaced
    • haha - but they still cannot deploy a successful ios updatefadein11
    • it affected a small number of users and was resolved within hours, alsomonospaced
    • but yeah, these kinds of launches are usually rocky and I sometimes feel they were rushed... sometimes it's also just tons of traffic and user errormonospaced
    • Shame for the small percentage of users (i.e. 1000s)... but moving on - check out Georges 3 year old post 5 down in the Obama thread - this place never changes.fadein11
    • Funny how their record breaking adoption rate, which is industry topping, can somehow be considered unsuccessful. :)monospaced
    • True yep. All the best to them.fadein11
    • Apple has more people on the new OS in hours than Android achieves in entire seasons. But yeah, that Georges post is hilarious. :)monospaced
    • Yep - they do tend to kind of force the update on people (I had to test a site on iPad earlier and it kept asking me to update, like 3 times in an hour)fadein11
    • and Android updates are slower as it is down the the phone manufacturer / carrier to deploy not Google - different set up.fadein11
    • Wouldn't know. I turned off update notifications about a decade ago. ;)monospaced
    • hehe - not my iPad - was using it for testing.fadein11
    • crowd goes wildutopian
    • Google needs to control those updates, relying on Att/Verizon is stupid.formed
    • ^ google can control Android - but all the phone manufacturers add all their own shit to it - that's the issue. Stock Android is where it's at.fadein11
  • detritus3

    Maybe this is why Apple's not releasing any 'Pro' stuff - they're perhaps just waiting for processor convergence?…

    (waits for monospaced, who is absolutely not in any way a fanboy with a need to jump in to defend any perceived criticism of Apple, to jump in to defend some perceived criticism of Apple)

    • lol okaymonospaced
    • you know I've been complaining about this too, right?monospaced
    • most of the 'criticism' in this thread is mere bandwagon nagging pining for the demise of a successful company.Gnash
    • I'm also not defending any of their decisions or perceived attacks. The only thing I chime in on is when the reports are flat out wrong.monospaced
    • Gnash has spoken... another generaliser of mammoth proportions. Close the thread.fadein11
    • Haha. He said most, not all. And he's sorta right. It's a lot of jokes from android people. Whatever.monospaced
    • Regardless, it would be a first if Apple made their own Mac processors and moved away from Intel. Don't see why that should delay Mac models thomonospaced
    • Aren't they supposedly releasing new MBPs in a few weeks? Personally I'd like to have something between an iMac and a Mac Pro. So overdue.monospaced
    • most apple rants are exactly that - nerds pining for the failure of a tech company they despise. It's been this way since the 80's.inteliboy
    • though right now, i'm one of the haters - lack of pro updates for fucking years?? it's a joke.inteliboy
    • I'm no hater, but if Apple choose to set themselves up upon ahigh beyond everyone else in the industry, then they should expect the same level of criticism.detritus
    • yep - it's only ever the arrogant marketing and high five approach to it all that bugs the shit out of me.fadein11
    • that bugs me too... they beg for criticism when they have a fucking stage show all for a damn black case, or new headphonesmonospaced
    • I get the big presentations for actual new products, but every year is lame.monospaced
    • Why do you care about marketing if it has no effect on what you might buy?CyBrainX
    • convergence will be awhile. a 6700HQ benchs at 8000. a desktop benchs at 11K. Does your A10 even lift brah?
  • section_0141


    The problem here is the whole "releasing" concept that Apple loves. "We have to have an event for everything, guys!". The Mac lineup doesn't need an event. Just make small, continuous upgrades, and everyone will be happy.

    No one used to check if the Mac lineup had the best whatever processor, because you could trust that they were up to date. But, they took advantage of that. $200 upgrade for a 128 to 256gb hard drive. Dude, we know what hard drives cost. $200 more to get from 8GB to 16GB of ram. Same, old processors.

    • *fanboy ;)monospaced
    • +1 on all of thismonospaced
    • yupKnuckleberry
    • silent updates, as replacing the nvidia chip with a crappy amd one and raising the price for the gpu macbook pro? dicks.mekk
  • zarkonite1

    "Why Silicon Valley is all wrong about Apple’s AirPods"…

    I skipped over the part where he talks about himself - "So, then, why should you listen to me?" - but regardless that was an interesting read.

    "Apple began the journey of promoting user acceptance of technology apparatuses as fashion accessories with the introduction of the iPod in 2001, fifteen years ago.
    You can hear it when Jobs explains why he decided to pursue music in the first place: he knew it was universal and represented a huge addressable market in which there was no market leader. He also knew that everyone loved music, and that their personal, emotional relationships with music would give him the opening he needed to send in the  ᴛʀᴏᴊᴀɴ ʜᴏʀsᴇ to permeate their lives for a generation."

  • ideaist2
    • As an alternative to Apple's ill-received AirPods, which I have no problem with.

      : )
    • nicefadein11
    • sweet! could i wear them working out? I have a pair of jaybird x2s and I'm not a huge fan.kona
    • $250, dayummonospaced
    • $299 here in Canada. Ooof!desmo
    • I've just got a Bluetooth lead for my SE535s. It'll probably be shit though!Ianbolton
    • My main interest is active use which as kona pointed out, is nearly impossible to find or only involves compromise.

      I hear these fulfill that need.
    • how in the world can these worth that much??? Is there diamond and gold in 'em? Fuck thatBennn
    • it's designer stuffmonospaced
    • Have none of you ever NOT spent this amount of $ on:

      A great meal?

      A night of drinks?

      We all have our vice(s); mine is audio.