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- monospaced0
10:00 am PST today, Apple is holding a media event and is rumored to make some announcements. Prepare to be utterly disappointed.
- ios7 patch?
desaturation of fisher price icons?
bluetooth running crocs?fadein11 - you fucking wishmonospaced
- ios7 patch?
- utopian0
Samsung extends smartphone lead over Apple
Washington (AFP) - Samsung extended its lead over Apple in the global smartphone market in the third quarter as Chinese manufacturers also made inroads, a survey showed Tuesday.
The worldwide smartphone market saw record sales in the quarter, with growth of 38.8 percent from a year ago and 258.4 million units sold, the IDC survey said.
The South Korean electronics giant Samsung widened its lead, shipping 81.2 million smartphones, boosting its market share by nearly half a percentage point to 31.4 percent.
- indeed... they have a lead in the low-end world where they make dozens of modelsmonospaced
- but they can't sell as much as Apple who only sells 3monospaced
- 흥미있어요i_monk
- Stupid Samsung, targeting the largest demographic...i_monk
- It's not that they're stupid. They're just playing a slightly different game.monospaced
- Marketshare is a different game than sales and profits, too.monospaced
- samsung doesn't squeeze factories, distributor and retailers' balls as much as apple. with their lower cost phones.pango
- phones. it just means that are better at business. doesn't mean they make better phone.pango
- animatedgif0
Maybe this is actually worse news for Google than Apple. We're pretty close to Samsung just forking Android
- monospaced0
@pango and your reference to Samsumg "being better at business."
With sales of "just" 33.8 million iPhones, Apple earned more than Samsung's entire mobile unit (which includes PCs, netbooks and tablets) plus the mobile phone hardware divisions of LG, Nokia, Huawei, Lenovo and Motorola, too.
So, while Samsung has a marketshare lead, Apple is whooping their asses when it comes to cold hard cash. Now, what's the better business?
- basically, Apple earned more than all those companies COMBINEDmonospaced
- you're the utopian of apple, ben.albums
- that's not a compliment or even a good thing for that matteralbums
- This thread is talking about the company, and that's all I'm doing. Specifically part of a discussion.monospaced
- Utopian just goes around trolling.monospaced
- And if I'm the utopian of apple, what is utopian the utopian of?monospaced
- utopian0
- 3.2.1...utopian
- "why? we sell pc parts to pc haters for a huge markup"albums
- albums are you now dating monospaced are just full retard?utopian
- agreed, some of their software is lacking big time ... but at least it's freemonospaced
- i love when grammatical errors make the insulter appear even further ineptalbums
- full retard right?utopian
- utopian0
- From the article:
"Apple’s profit remains the envy of the tech industry — and most other industries."monospaced - it's only a "fall" when compared to their own recent profit historymonospaced
- They also beat all Wall Street expectations. I don't know why everyone is so fussy about this.monospaced
- Margins are compressing, that's whyformed
- From the article:
- utopian0
Bruised Apple: Buggy products and user censorship
The steady stream of problems with OS X Mavericks, iOS 7, Safari, and Retina MacBook Pros won't go away no matter how many forum comments Apple deletes.
- ********0
Snow Leopard and iOS6 = Apples pinnacle?
- No hate speech
allowed in this
thread!utopian - not hate at all, I honestly used to think Apple was the bees knees. It's just an observation.********
- Hint... Sarcasmutopian
- OS 8 FTW!ian
- I'm pretty sure this IS the Apple hate thread.monospaced
- I'm starting to think thisezkl
- No hate speech
- fadein110
Sfotware defo not their strongpoint
- inteliboy0
Utopian u mad bro? So many posts about Apple.
- utopian0
Someone here is going to pop a boner!…- Can a rendering be called a photo? I don't think so Yahoo...mg33
- utopian0
The first iPhone ever that I won’t buy
- "IF Bloomberg is right," which they never are. Speculating on rumors is the new hobby of the tech reporting asswipes.monospaced
- iCanHazQBN0
They're releasing TWO new iPhones in 2014?? So that would make a total of four different iPhones?
Morons. They are DILUTING the iPhone brand. I knew this would happen when Steve left. I foresaw this happening.
Before, there was ONE iPhone. Either you had it or you didn't... and all the cool kids had it... and all the people who didn't have it were begging for it. I repeat... "IT". One Phone. THE Phone.
There was a simplicity to the product line, and simplicity in your product line = brand memorability and strength. This is the start of quantity over quality for Apple. Now we will have a clusterfuck of a bunch of new iPhones all designed differently. The Apple website will soon look like Dell's website with a million different products and people confused as to what to buy.
- calm the fuck down. It hasn't happened. And probably won't. I'm amazed that people believe everything they read.ESKEMA
- And they have been diluting their desktop and laptops for a couple of years.utopian
- You've got to be a moron if you believe these analyst predictions. Until Apple announces it, it's a rumor.monospaced
- Most Apple rumors turn out to be true. Either way, this is just my opinion if it happens..iCanHazQBN
- Actually, the VAST majority are absolute bullshit. You can go and check yourself.monospaced
- That's because you're including the baseless speculations that any twerp with a keyboard may make...iCanHazQBN
- I'm talking about rumors from reputable tech sites. They are almost always spot on.iCanHazQBN
- Fingerprint sensor anyone?iCanHazQBN
- Apple TV that was supposed to come out years ago?monospaced
- I've got mine, you don't have one yet? LoooozerrrrrrrrrrrrriCanHazQBN
- monospaced0
Writing something on the internet does not make it true.
- Should I believe you?iCanHazQBN
- Absolutely not.monospaced
- inteliboy0
Apple are on such a giant pedestal that if they change a few icons or are rumoured to release a new iPhone people absolutely loose their shit. Let alone if they don't completely revolutionise a segment of the industry every 3 or 4 years. Craziness.
- 4 years is an age in technology terms, to be fair.********
- Especially mobile technology********
- 4 years is an age in technology terms, to be fair.
- 20020
- kingsteven0
This is where Apple's dominance of digital music starts to pay off... Bob Katz ran some tests on iTunes radio and found that Apple’s Sound Check™ algorithm actually attenuates loudly mastered music by more than 7dB. Meaning that well mastered music sounds louder!
"There is so much available peak headroom now in iTunes Radio that anyone who wants to master their songs with more conservative levels and prefers higher peak-to-loudness ratios will produce music with immediate loudness and sound quality advantages, compared to what’s being played out there now. The cream will soon rise to the top. The music will sound better, even a bit louder, and will attract more listeners.”
- and yet Pandora is doing amazingly wellformed