Scottish independence
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- 363 Responses
- chossy0
These are the things you said, you are absolutely dillusional.
NewsNet faked the film. BBC standards wouldn't have fixed that loq freq hum, my friend does that as a job.
Its worrying that people believe fake edited footage like the above over actual CEO, Bank Managers etc on respectable news sources.
See the amount of effort some will go to though? seriously mental shit to spread lies about the BBC. Nutters
- Yes, I have already explained this to you. Delusional btw pal. And I'm yet to see a BBC source to said footage.sem
- rosko_picachu0
Better Together's White Paper. On the topic of a lack of information, our white paper is a 670 page book. Better Together sent out this:
- rosko_picachu0
@chossy, i don't know if you were on the tinned wine last night fella, but i guess The Telegraph edited their footage as well:) Their doesn't seem to be any problem with their edit, the audio is the same in both.
- sem0
I stated that the 1st link looked fake because of the big quality changes and the fact that the lip sync was off. If you guys can't see why anyone would question that they hey, what can I say. You probably believe a lot of stuff on youtube then. I was not the only one who felt like it looked dodgy just look at its comments.
I then voice my concern over the fact that people DO make fakes like that online and its worrying how much effort some would go though to make something like that. HAD that been as fake as it looked it would have fallen under the "this person is clearly crazy" bunch.
However 2nd video was posted with better quality, more reliable source etc (don't know why that one wasn't posted first? as if people need the captions between to explain whats actually going on but still) and when I could see him ACTUALLY say it with his lips moving then of corse I could believe it more and admitted I was wrong on the matter of the authenticity of that video.
---- Please Read This Part ----
The main thing here guys is this. I was wrong about that one given example and admitted it. You guys arguing against anyone who disagree's with you and have not once said "Oh yeah, I was wrong about that bit" when people here have shown you countless evidence to says otherwise.You just continue to rant on and ignore when you're fact checked and have decided to post several times about the one time I was wrong which pretty much sums up this thread.
You ignore all the points people are showing you (to help you btw, oil lies etc don't effect us) and just focus on what benefits your view. I'm gonna just go back to the fun part of QBN and leave you angry little men praising the north while living in the south get on with it. Good luck either way, but I'm bored of this argument now.
- Would be great if you could show me where I am wrong.chossy
- detritus0
Sem, people are right/wrong and not admitting as much about facts they don't have a direct handle on, sure. On both sides.
The difference here is you straight up accused someone of going to the trouble of faking footage to support their cause, then going on to proclaim how typical and desperate that was.
The people on YouTube are probably commenting, like me, on the weirdly anachronistic look it had - as much to do with the background decor as the odd soft definition.
You're still going on about it up there in the topmost note here, to chossy, hinting darkly that it's still a bit dodgy.
You've got fuck all to do with this debate, like me, so shut up and reign in your ranting and paranoia, and just let them do what they want - it's not like your efforts are going to convert anyone.
Worse than a Religion thread, this.
- chossy0
Don't be scared this is all the stuff they trotted out to try and stop us voting for our own parliament in 1997 I voted for that shit the second the Boothe's opened.
In 1997 they warned us that voting Yes for a Scottish parliament would cost us more...…In 1997 they warned us that voting Yes for a Scottish Parliament would harm businesses...…In 1997 they warned us that devolution would impoverish Scotland. One prominent Tory likened a Yes vote to a Scottish Parliament to a 'jobs holocaust...'…In 1997 they warned us that Scotland with its own parliament would become a 'high-tax ghetto...'…In 1997 we were warned of the 'frightening financial consequences of devolution...'
http://archive.commercialmotor.c…In 1997 big business and the CBI spoke out against devolution...…In 1997 they warned that devolution would harm the climate for business in Scotland...…In 1997 they warned that Devolution would lead to job losses...…In 1997 they warned us that devolution would harm fragile rural communities and undermine agriculture...…In 1997 they warned us that a devolved Scotland would be weaker and suffer from less inward investment...…And yes, even in 1997, big business threatened to leave if democracy prevailed...…
- chossy0
Also I'd be looking more closely at London's future if I were you.…
We don't want to be out of Europe at all but you fools down south voted the UKIP into being our majority representation in the EU and it looks highly likely that you will be voting us out the EU as well.
- Ukip us as much to do with places like Oldham etc. Disillusioned with both Tory and labour governmentsbabaganush
- Anyone. With a tad if I tells hence knows it's wrong but it's a form of extremism. The arguments her e pro yes constantly generalise 'us lot'babaganush
- Generalise 'you lot'. Which sometimes means English, sometimes means Londoners...babaganush
- Still a riveting thread though hehebabaganush
- rosko_picachu0
Two things:…Th audio is not the best, but listen to this. Stuart Cosgrove works at the BBC and is high up in Channel 4.
- rosko_picachu0
Two things:…Th audio is not the best, but listen to this. Stuart Cosgrove works at the BBC and is high up in Channel 4.
- ********0
Read two interesting articles, in Portuguese, about facts and myths about Scottish people.
One fact is that Scottish (regular people) give yearly more to charity (£356) than people in London (£268).
They mention also that this fact is more impressive has in London people have in general more 25% income.Didn't know as well that mopeds were not so popular in Scotland.
I guess that Mod thing was not popular over there.Has anyone seen the GB flag without Scotland's color innit?
If there's no green in the United Kingdom or Great Britain flags why would it be there now?It should be there, right?
Welsh should be also represented.
Well maybe they would prefer not to...hehehe!United Kingdom
Great Britain
Northern Ireland
Note how the Flag of Wales doesn't have any cross...
Fucking Pagans!
- detritus0
From… :
‘A police force that didn’t carry guns’Strange then, that the first police force to go out publicly with guns for no apparent reason, was out in the Islands recently:……Was this an order from Westminster, or one of Scotland's own?
- babaganush0
What is Scottish (regular people)? London has far more of an influx (for a start) of say...organised pickpockets from Bulgaria, transient workers from the EU that aren't British intent on banking a stack if cash to take back to their own country.
Comparing the metropolitan area of London with the country of Scotland as a barometer of people's goodwill is just a pointless article...suitably bundled in with the key statistic of Scotland not liking mopeds...
I'm sure if you took a proper means test of 'England' that fairly took a median based in size etc. the stats would be much more equal with genuine people in the provinces with a conscience contributing more to that statistical case study...mind you Alex Salmond would probably use such a stat...
- fuck, by regular I meant common people...muahahaha! seriously, I meant up to the middle class.********
- are you saying that pickpockets from Bulgaria don't donate to charity?********
- Scotland has been "pickpocketed" by English for far too long. Send those English thieves back to Bulgaria...********
- Balanced points well made...babaganush
- fuck, by regular I meant common people...muahahaha! seriously, I meant up to the middle class.
- detritus0
Go on, do it - become the world's first renewable-sourced hydrogen economy..
“Hydrogen production breakthrough could herald cheap green energy”…- If you're going to do it—
Go full fucking sci-fi, yo.detritus
- If you're going to do it—
- ********0
England is seeing the last remains of the Empire slipping through its fingers.
Sad that some people are so into colonialism.
I'm not into Nationalism at all but leave the Scots alone if they want to.You already fucked up Ireland so badly you dirty cunts.
And you're lucky Welsh don't revolt because they're always so high on mushrooms.
- ********0
- this doesn't sound nice for a pro-Feminist. shit. have to review my use of vocabulary. but well it's your fucking expression********
- In any language, generalising a nation as colonialist, dirty cunts is racist. I'm sure you understand that wordbabaganush
- well, it's a "democracy", right? so the nation votes and decides to have those leaders that maintain the state of things.********
- i remember something about that in the Israel issue. Obviously not everybody thinks like that.********
- And I'm not pointing the finger to anyone in particular and also everybody in general.********
- this doesn't sound nice for a pro-Feminist. shit. have to review my use of vocabulary. but well it's your fucking expression
- ********0
Your dearest Ian Paisley just died...
- He'd not been Scottish since the 1800s.detritus
- He stood for the same, a Unionist.********
- I know he's (was) Irish detritus. I'm not from the USA. I know geography and stuff :p********
- babaganush0
You're bit a're not a unionist? What are you?
Apart from a flag, moped fan and a PHD level political historian (evidently)
- LOL!...********
- I'm not Nationalist at all. I'm an Anarchist if one an say so. And I also don't like National flags to be honest.********
- I was making a joke. specially cause some people here need to relax.********
- No PHD, thanks. I'm more into THC.********
- I prefer the Muppets to the Mopeds also.********
- LOL!...
- ********0
And I'm against borders too!
- babaganush0
Yep. Your're definitely an anarchist then. How can there be nations without borders?
- Nations? What for? You can have regions and no borders. Why do you need borders for?********
- By that definition, Scotland has the best of both then surely? It is a country that is effectively a 'region' of the UKbabaganush
- Or would you make it a state? Like a US state? With it's own powers but subject to a central administration...whi... is what it hasbabaganush
- Hasbabaganush
- Nations? What for? You can have regions and no borders. Why do you need borders for?