Scottish independence
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- 363 Responses
- benfal990
We had 2 referendum for independence in Quebec :
In 1995
Yes - 2,308,360 = 49.42%
No- 2,362,648 = 50.58%In 1980
Yes - 1,485,852 = 40.44%
No - 2,187,991 = 59.56%Both times, fear of the unknown has made people vote NO... People who wanted to vote YES initially. And the NO campaign were campaign of fear, it worked.
I really hope Scotland will not go the same path as us.
"The death of a nation takes time and it hurts"
- LOL, they were asking trick questions and still couldn't win. Democracy has spoken, Quebec NEVER wanted to separatezarkonite
- The separatist parties have been thrown out by the people, it's just a bunch of xenophobes left trying to stomp on immigrants.zarkonite
- I'm pretty much dying of laughter over here.Continuity
- You Kanadians REALLY loves us. You dont want us to go. How cute.benfal99
- ukit20
It's pretty easy to fear monger people against voting for independence. Just point out all the unknowns, even if it is something that would only ever be determined by negotiations following the vote itself.
Meanwhile you have all the powers that be - politicians, corporations, etc - lobbying against change. No one likes uncertainty, it's bad for business.
- zarkonite0
It looks like a no then...
- babaganush0
Well done people of Scotland - I mean that to 'yes' also. Brilliant turn out, I hope the commitments promised for more powers materialise, hard to see how anyone can side step such an overwhelming vote for change.
I will be happy for a proud nation (as it is) to be part if the UK and work towards trying to eradicate the abundance of shite in Westminster, to try to ensure that no one in the entire land should visit a food bank and the like.
- futuremongolian0
Benfal, Scotland and Quebec aren't even remotely similar.
Quebecois nationalism, driven by the PQ, is based on fear. Scottish nationalism has a much stronger economic dimension.
The SNP is inclusive. the PQ is xenophobic. The PQ had to to try to trick voters with their question, Scotland's question was clear and straightforward.
Quebec has more powers in Canada than Scotland does in the UK.
Quebec was never a country, Scotland is ancient. Etc. Etc.
- Not to mention, if Quebecois separated, First Nations would want and fight for half the province.futuremongolian
- the MAJOR difference between Scotland and Quebec. We're speaking french and we're surrounded by englo.benfal99
- Gee, amazing how Europe survives. Tiny nations and many languages.ETM
- babaganush0
Definite 'No' now.
- ********0
dammit i was excited for them. fuckin cock teases
- lowimpakt0
- babaganush0
Change is good. Change for change sake (which was a risk factory here) isn't.
I think Scotland comes out of this fantastic.
1. The yes voters destroyed all predictions in how close it got, they have forced an immediate statement and agenda for change from the government - that Cameron has now reaffirmed in his first post result statement
2. They have now been seen to do everything in their power to keep a union while clearly showing as date for proven change and increased power. If this isn't delivered, if there is another referendum in 15-20 years, I imagine even the rest of the UK will support their stance to leave the union
3. Cameron has also had to tackle head-on and pre-empt greater devolved powers to Wales, Northern Ireland and other non London, regions. Throwing the spotlight on less dictatorship from Westminster/London and increased chances of change for the entire of Britain. This isn't to say anyone is under the illusion that any if this is guarenteed or will be followed through but it does force the political establishment to listen to all dissatisfied people in all parts of the UK.
4. The pound stays strong and is at present the strongest it's been for a while, so if any if the devolved powers are delivered, in theory everyone has an increased chance to see some promise of increased prosperity backed by a strong, trusted currency.
All of this is still a long way from being delivered but as opposed to separatism, there is a lot more tangible improvement on offer here than the alternative (certainly in the immediate future) for 60 plus million people.
- disagree - the whole process has forced a probable federal system of govt which will have a whole new raft of problems. Scotland have come out of it okay though yepfadein11
- have come out of it okay though yepfadein11
- Well I think it's clear that change is required - for Britain. Many feel that. The point was where does separtatism get us ( the 99%)babaganush
- sem0
- ********0
So how much did all that nonsense cost us then?
- lolsem
- It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle******** - < oops wrong note********
- ********0
Usual sensationalist youtube title but...
- bullshitfadein11
- lol
– sem1/3
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle******** - fuck me i'm failing at QBN today********
- It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle******** - Haha you got there in the end Set. And I agree good sir.sem
- haha********
- Though was it not Scottish people counting the votes? plus 400,000 or so in the wrong pile unnoticed?sem
- The whole voting/counting system is an utter shit storm isn't it********
- raf0
- sem0
- is that sony's new google glass rival? http://www.theverge.…********
- lol derp http://cdn1.vox-cdn.…sem
- is that sony's new google glass rival? http://www.theverge.…
- i_monk0
It's easy to point out the unknowns to "scare" people into voting No? Was it difficult to promise them everything if they vote Yes? It seemed like the Yes campaign relied almost entirely on things they couldn't deliver for one reason or another.
- I guess we all know what the No vote meant but Yes was new and unknown, so I guess: obviously...********
- I guess********
- I guess we all know what the No vote meant but Yes was new and unknown, so I guess: obviously...
- babaganush0
- < epic fail...babaganush
- lol someone is fired.sem