The Russia thread.

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  • pango1

  • sted0
  • sted1

    • they must abandon all international conventions in order to maintain the regime.sted
  • NBQ00-1

    Wait what, she was only given a fine of $280? No prison sentence?

    Marina Ovsyannikova after leaving the courtroom.
    The court decided to fine Marina 30,000 rubles ($280)…

    • She has not (yet) been charged with any illegal activity regarding her protest on live TV.sted
    • Yes, they'll leave it a few weeks until the West loses interest then she'll be put away for 10 years.comicsans
  • neverscared0

  • grafician5

  • sted3

  • sted0

  • utopian1

  • shapesalad0…

    #Russia produces the most #vodka in the world - almost 850 million liters per year. That's one out of every five bottles in the world.

    Most of the vodka is drunk inside the country, while only 7% is exported - about 60 million liters per year.

    Maybe ease of the strong alcohol a little, seems to be making the country a bit aggressive...

    • ...but it also helps to numb the pain.microkorg
    • ~ 100 million in drinking age, equals around 1 shot per day.SimonFFM
    • MVGAutopian
    • I loved the scene in the film 'Another Round' showing all the world leaders basically twatted out of their minds at some stageIanbolton
  • Danish0

  • utopian12

    • A world without McDonalds and Disney, amazing...Chimp
  • Salarrue1

    Russia is risking the creation of a “splinternet”—and it could be irreversible

    If Russia disconnects from—or is booted from— the internet’s governing bodies, the internet may never be the same again for any of us.…

    • the ability to manipulating/blockin... traffic to specific entities and networks just proves that there are no services with "quasi-infrastructur... type status".sted
    • there are public and private infrastructure data services what are running on the internet, disconnecting these is not a simple process.sted
    • I like the sound of the 'splinternet'. Sign me up.Brabo_Brabo
    • I'm working on a new internet based on passing data via pheromone's excreted by cockroaches, may not be fast, but can survive nuclear fall out.shapesalad
  • _niko-5

    The more I look into it, the more I realize that the average Russian knows exactly what's going on.

    Beyond preventing NATO from further encircling them, they're main objective is to preserve Russia and the Russian way of life at all costs, even sacrificing fellow slavs to do so.

    They want a Russia free of the social ills that plague Europe and the west, free of wokeness, free of Political correctness, free of hordes of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, free of liberal democracy.

    It's not just Putin, most Russians want this it seems. It's why Trump and his base supports them too, why fox supports them, they're seen as a sort of Leonidas making a last stand.

    pretty fucked up.

    • that is to say that no matter how many videos Arnold makes or how many companies pull out or how many teams get booted, it won't make a difference_niko
    • Lots of my Polish pals want this too. Then there's Orban in Hungary. And dont forget the Brexiters and the Gilet Jaunes...Brabo_Brabo
    • And wasnt there a bunch in Germany that were making nasty populist demands?Brabo_Brabo
    • Yuck, what is it with people wanting a government that serves their interests? Deplorables, eh, I hope they all die of covid.Brabo_Brabo
    • Preserving their way of life is fucked up.Brabo_Brabo
    • it's the way they think they're preserving it, that's fucked up. by dropping cluster bombs on the maternity wards and playcenters of innocent Ukrainians_niko
    • Like you say, the stakes are high. fwiw, Zelensky's mob have been firing into civilian areas for years.Brabo_Brabo
    • Great. They'll be fine getting cut off from rest of the world then.pango
    • Bobo. And in 2 weeks Russian fired off even more than few years.pango
    • pango, that might be the problem, they really don't care. their athletes have been cut off for years not allowed to compete under the Russian flag etc_niko
    • some people's way of life will always be under threat in their own minds, regardless. Populism doesn't solve problems, it just apportions blameFax_Benson
    • Russia's gripes were well founded. Zelensky hinting Ukraine may acquire nukes, breaching the Minsk Accord, the bio-labs..Brabo_Brabo
    • classic bobo_niko
    • All those "Westerners" that love lawlessness should just move to mother Russia if they support it that much, why not?grafician
    • But pretty sure they just want the lawlessness BUT still in their current comfy settings in the US and other rich Western countries :))grafician
    • All those Brexiters and MAGA people won't last a month in actual Russia!
      They just like the idea of "freedam"
    • I think it was Robert Sapolsky that talked about evolutional biology in regards to kin and fear of strangers. Humans have evolved for 1000s of years with ashapesalad
    • ohhh the bio labs. bobo's like the mouth piece for gremlinpango
    • struggle between needing to bring in outsiders and a need to keep them out. It all comes down to wanting to diversify the gene pool but keep pathogens out.shapesalad
    • _niko I respect the way you present these things. If I can pull an analogy it is like the United states before the Civil War, just the slaves aren't coming fromsted
    • an other continent.sted
    • We have a class that pulls the strings, and always pays whatever the costs are.sted
    • The wast majority of the population lives disconnected from the rest of the world, but contributes to an astonishing extent to maintain the classes above.sted
    • Improvement in their lives is only provided if appropriate behavior is demonstrated in such critical situations. By law or with direct local assistance.sted
    • These things start all the way from being unable to read, and up to what channels I can access information on.sted
    • With the possibility of the internet, this chain seems to be constantly disintegrating. Because it gives one thing people never had: see how others livested
    • In the last 20-15 years, we can observe how a complete class has evolved all over the world and we haven't seen much opposition against this spread of wealthsted
    • More or less no one thought what money was behind it, or who in what conditions does the actual labor.sted
    • And if so, it isn’t hard to get results out of this closed system that the other party would like to hear.sted
    • There is no ascension of the working class, we don't see the kind of development China is trying to achieve.sted
    • Only that again anyone can be sacrificed for a goal beyond the borders of the country.sted
    • That is diffidently something what leadership is trying to make people understand.sted
    • Let's be honest modern day Russia is a poor example of "traditional values." The reality is a government with a nihilistic post-truth ideology, one of the mostyuekit
    • unequal societies on earth, rampant levels of alcoholism and other social problems, low fertility rates. Interestingly "traditionalist" Russia has the highestyuekit
    • abortion rate of any country. So this is just the story they tell themselves about how they are superior to the rest of the world, typical nationalist nonsense.yuekit
    • Russian nationalism = bad, Ukraine nationalism = good. Is that how it works?Brabo_Brabo
    • The Russian nationalism in Ukraine what isn't working out well...sted
    • If Russian nationalism leads to invading other country, then ya it's badpango
  • NBQ000

    Not sure if posted already

  • NBQ000

    Poisoning fears push Vladimir Putin to fire 1,000 from his personal staff

    Vladimir Putin's assassination fears grow by the minute…

  • garbage0


    I think a better assessment would be “most Russians know what’s going on, but they don’t care” or “don’t care” because they can’t.

    What we’re seeing is the continuation of a ship being sailed by different captains since the 9th century. Slavic kings to Khan rule which lead to the coalescence of what is now Russia, to Tsars and Lenin’s overthrow, then Stalin, the USSR was a reunification of Slav countries, then yadda yadda yadda we hopefully know how all of the past few decades have been, and now we have Vlad 1 desperately trying to reclaim those borders.

    This is a culture that has endured centuries of threat from outside forces, ranging from Genghis Khan, to Napoleon, to Hitler, to the US, and now NATO, and whatever reigning autocrat has always manufactured a divinely unquestionable position of being the one person who can save the people from the others (see Putin, Kirill, and the Russian Orthodox Church).

    It’s hard-baked into their culture, and 70-80% of their media is state-run and they’re working to kill all social media because the internet is making it hard to force a narrative this time around.

    This is the best summary of it that I can find atm, and well worth a watch if you want a crash course on how intricate and repetitive this history is, and maybe an idea of what comes next.

    And again, don’t engage the Bobos. That’s just arguing with a (man)child.

    • I posted this video before, everybody should see it, even at 1 hour is a short history of Russia and why they think like that and probably won't ever changegrafician
    • Russia is an empire at land, its original territory looked something like this
    • While all traditional empires at sea like UK, Spain, Portugal, France, which were formed some hundreds years ago, have dissolved, Russia lags behinddrgs
    • But the general trend is that every ethnicity will end up with their own separate states.drgs
    • ^ Which is exactly what Putin doesn't want, because even though it will take decades for most to even be considered by NATO, even the thought of it..garbage
    • enough to rustle Putin's jimmies. He'd rather ruin these countries than see them collaborate with the west.garbage
    • In the middle of all of this he straight up told Bosnia that if they consider NATO, they will be attacked as well.garbage
    • HOW in this material universe would he even attack Bosnia?!

    • https://foreignpolic…garbage
    • Not saying he can pull it off, but Jesus after this who knows what this lunatic will try.garbage
    • The attempted color revolutions in Belarus and Kazakstan were the last straws. The Russian bear was goaded into this war.Brabo_Brabo
    • Add to that Zelensky's nuclear ambitions, the Minsk accord issue and the bio weapon labs.Brabo_Brabo
    • Pushing a nuclear power into a corner is a high stakes move.Brabo_Brabo
    • You're not even trying anymore. It's SAD.garbage
  • grafician-2

    Many think and say that Russia is this rich oil country and everybody wants their oil and Europe could not function without them and all that crap.

    But when you put Russia on the oil map of the world, they are a small fish compared to other oil rich countries:

    • So they don't have that much and easily accessible, but they export it like there's no tomorrow: [map]grafician
    • ^ > [map]
    • So they're 8 in the world by reserves and nr. 2 by exports. If they don't sell it, they starve...grafician
    • Siberia looks like a fucking huge source of undiscovered hydrocarbons.Nairn
    • In contrast Venezuela that tiny country discovered 200B barrels in recent years and jumped to 1st place...grafician
    • Even if they discover huge resources in Siberia, they are useless without infrastructure to extract them and nobody is taking the risk investing in Russia anymografician
    • Not even China...grafician
    • Future is nuclear fusion/fission + renewables (solar, wind etc.)grafician
    • How about their nuclear missile chart?Brabo_Brabo
    • Awww so you're the one who started downvoting me Brabo? :)grafician
    • US should bring some democracy to Canada.NBQ00
  • sted2

  • yuekit1

    An interesting fact about Russia is that before the invasion the entire GDP of Russia, the largest country on earth, was roughly equivalent to the single US state of Texas. After the crash of the ruble, it was estimated to be closer to the state of Ohio.…

    Amazingly Russia (144 million people), which just half a century ago ruled one of the world's most powerful empires, now has a smaller GDP than the "non-country" of Taiwan (24 million people).

    So this storyline about how they will be stronger without the West or how half the world is going to follow them into a new Cold War is delusional. No one can explain why a country would be better off isolated than it would fully integrated into the world system. If anything they should be blaming Putin for totally failing to develop Russia's economy like China did.

    • Same can be said for the UK.... but then brexit was a Russian initiative.shapesalad
    • It was in Russia’s interest to divide Europe. Brexit was part of that.Chimp
    • that's what shape saidfadein11
    • the Trump election and Brexit votes were always going to be close but I have no doubt Russian influence swung both in his favour. Amazing how well they used thefadein11
    • tools invented in the West to destabilise it. That will likely be his legacy if he doesn't go nuclear.fadein11
    • texas do be producing and making a lot of money tho.pango
    • https://comptroller.…imbecile
    • Nah, the issue that tipped the Brexit vote was the migrant invasion.Brabo_Brabo
    • which never camefadein11
    • and you just proved my pointfadein11
    • The relative GDP sizes of Russia, Texas and Taiwan are fascinating. Now do one about debt, CPI, poverty etcBrabo_Brabo
    • Immigration was a massive part of brexit whether you like it or not.Chimp
    • Brexit was about EU taxes on the rich/oligarchsgrafician
    • The fact that immigration was a large part of Brexit was down to russki influencehans_glib
    • @chimp it was made a massive part of it, UK immigration is very low down on our problems but it's great at triggering gullible voters.fadein11
    • @graf, it sure was for those leading the Russian backed campaignfadein11
    • https://worldpopulat…imbecile
    • Nukes is how Russia is able to out-kick its coverage. If Texas had more nukes than any other country on the planet, maybe they would invade Mexico...MondoMorphic
    • retribution for the war for Texas independence. "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!" lolMondoMorphic
    • texas wants nothing to do with mexico. it's building its own wall and if it could move from the neighborhood it would. .hotroddy
    • seems like texas is enjoying a lot of cheap labours. wonder where they got it from.pango