The Russia thread.

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  • NBQ000

    Some of the Russians (especially younger ones) are smart.

    • Sad. So afraid to speak their minds, but some are brave_niko
  • NBQ00-2

    If only. Let’s see.

    Ukraine’s military intelligence claim that Russia’s elites scheme to overthrow Putin to restore economic ties with Western countries.

    Aleksandr Bortnikov, head of FSB security agency, is allegedly being considered as Putin’s successor, according to Ukraine's intelligence.…

    • Interesting but seems hard to believe this is real. Why release details of the "scheme" and let Putin know about it?yuekit
    • YupNBQ00
    • Vlad doesn't watch Western TV and media lol
      He doesn't even know he lost in Ukraine yet
    • But you don't get it: whoever comes after Putin, again he will need to prove that he is a great leader so he needs to invade something or do something "powerfulgrafician
    • even that guy Navalny is very nationalist, don't think he will transform Russia overnight into a democracy :))grafician
    • Just need to get Russia's army out of Ukraine and fuck Russia, nobody needs it
      Keep the sanctions on until they pay every dime in reparations!
    • There are some signs of discontent like this…
    • Russian billionaire calling for "peace, an end to state capitalism, full freedom to entrepreneurs and people, and a new start."yuekit
    • Awww those oligarchs feel like boiled frogs rn
    • the fact they want a SUCCESSOR and not to start free elections says it all :))
      What a fucking country...of slaves
    • So another KGB agent to replace the current one? Can't see what could possibly go wrong with that ...Continuity
  • grafician-1

    Aaaand another Kamil thread about how the US basically built Russia and industrialised it back before WW2

    "Napoleonic Wars were won only because of the Russian alliance with the UK. WWII - only because of the alliance with the US. In both cases the leading economic, industrial and technological power of the age supported Russia, giving it almost unlimited credit and supply line"…

    • same with China after the cold war ended, their rise is on West's back - you need to share all IP and copyrights with them if you want to produce in China lolgrafician
    • The moment the West stops needing Russia's resources or China's cheap labour, both will implode...grafician
    • Or explode. One of the two. Or neither.Brabo_Brabo
  • NBQ000

  • yuekit2
  • shapesalad3

    • Your friendly neighbourhood Russian is OUT.shapesalad
    • lol, glad he survived. He still seems reluctant to talk too much about the waryuekit
    • hah i just got here to post this.sted
    • Who he?pango
    • nfkrzjagara
    • PEEEAAAccceeeshapesalad
  • zaq2

    As someone who was born in the Soviet Union, I am so grateful to my parents for bringing me to the US before I turned 18..
    What's interesting, is the day we landed in NY was the day when the demise of the Soviet Union has begun.…

    I can't even imagine how would my life turn out to be if I stayed there.

    • Gorbachev was probably the best leader any Russian government had. That era in history was very well portrayed at the end of the FX series The Americans.CyBrainX
  • grafician-3

    just seen this posted on linkedin:

    I've seen others, more or less the same story with the relatives and families not believing the war

    kinda a similar situation when young people in the US lost relatives to trump and qanon and all that crap - but with far worse consequences this Vlad "counts" on these seniors for his "support" justifying the invasion back home

    It all comes down to non-stop state propaganda delivered to low-iq, low income population turned into slaves in a few decades

    What would you do if you were in this woman's shoes?

    • If you can get the people to believe in god, you can get them to believe anything._niko
    • The main capital of any country is free flow of information and people who can navigate in itdrgs
    • Diana's uncle's are Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump. And her brother in-law is Hayomook.utopian
    • The thing is, this kind of people are also present in the Western world, and highly susceptible to disinfo
      Hungary, Poland, Austria say hi
    • Unfortunately these people deserve the effects of the sanctions to hit them hard until they maybe finally realize what's going on.NBQ00
    • utopian, that doesn't make sense.NBQ00
    • @NBQ After all I've read and watched lately, I'm more and more confident they will not change their positions and go against Vladgrafician
    • What we are witnessing now in Russia is the closest we can experience the '1984' book premises, but irlgrafician
    • And what premises are those Aristotle?Brabo_Brabo
    • It's kinda like what China and Trump have been doing, now Russia. The more you try to convince them of the reality the more it feeds into their fake narrative.shapesalad
    • 'cuz they haven't experienced real personal consequences yet and even so, they could not recognise a need to change on a personal level - basically dumb slavesgrafician
    • Also there's the fear of going against the narrative - as it can get your arrested etc.shapesalad
    • Yes those pesky personal consequences. Easier to support anything the dictator says when it doesn't concerns you direct instead of bothering to change things.grafician
    • So yeah Mother Russia, sure, continue to support Vlad, stay home and watch propaganda. Meanwhile you just lost your sons in a muddy field somewhere...grafician
    • < in this case Mother Russia lost a daughter, as probably Diana won't ever return...grafician
    • It's baked in the cake, really. We can only judge based on the information available to us. If you never hear an opposing viewpoint, you assume there isn't one.monNom
    • This is why there is virtual unanimity in western reporting about the conflict. Propaganda requires elimination of alternate viewpoints.monNom
    • You can even see it in the arts and science. Rarely is there a truly creative idea. most often, we are copying and modifying ideas we see out there....monNom
    • ...If those ideas aren't accessible, the chances of you coming to them on your own are pretty slim.monNom
    • Also why cults separate you from your family/friends. Once you lose those anchors, you are way more suggestable.monNom
    • Sorry, "aren't accessible"?!
      Russia banned Fb & Insta but kept whatsapp, you can literally write to any russian right now. Compared to North Korea...
    • Even in North Korea they smuggle movies, music, books on fucking flash drives!

      There is no excuse of "only information available" in 2022!
    • There is only personal choice - some leave and make a better life, some stay and remain slaves. Both are responsible for their choices.grafician
    • Ppl just want freedom without responsibility. That's never gonna happen and we have the wars to prove it...grafician
    • "This is why there is virtual unanimity in western reporting about the conflict." Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of history...grafician
    • And re: different opinions and arguments, sure, I'm all for it, are there any?
      These days it seems there are only left-Karens and Brabo & team
    • Very hard to remain centered with all the lunatics on both sides...grafician
    • I didn't mean to imply I'm on the russian side of this. It's just how information warfare works. "Deny the enemy territory in the information space."monNom
    • So it's not unusual that in Russia they have a different worldview. They've been taught to think that way since grade-school.monNom
    • You'd have as much chance of convincing a Christian that jesus doesn't exist.monNom
    • Isn't there a book 'getting to yes', or art of negotiation - you've got ask them questions that get them on yourside, make them think they came up with the ideashapesalad
    • rather than just saying you are wrong it's this and that. That just flares up the defence mechanism.shapesalad
    • I think you have to start asking whether Trump was actually good at this stuff or whether he was simply copying Putin.yuekit
    • The mix of ridiculously stupid lies, nationalistic propaganda and psychological manipulation is weirdly similar.yuekit
    • The USSR probably spent decades studying this stuff, figuring out exactly how dumb the average person is and how to best manipulate them.yuekit
    • masters of that tradefadein11
    • @monNom I got that, just wanted to reply in place and clarify things, as things are not looking too good for them
      such a waste of potential
    • @shape
      that's actually used in their propaganda
      it also worked quite well against the West on social media durring elections
  • grafician0

    "Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, members of the Russia-led customs union, have refused to receive customs fees in bilateral trade in Russian rubles. They want to be paid in US dollars. Whatever influence Russia had gained over the last thirty years is crumbling (not fast enough but still)"

    p.s. Kazakhstan too it seems…

  • sted2

    that is some epic trolling :D

    • https://en.wikipedia…ETM
    • BTW the only active carrier they have left, and so prone to failure tugs accompanied it to Syria in 2016.ETM
    • NATO has about 14-15 active carriers available, 11 being American.ETM
    • https://www.navalnew…sted
    • Yeah, yeah, I get the trolling. But the whole fact that it even exists, and is their only carrier is worth sharing.ETM
    • And the wikipedia link mentioned it's in drydock for repair and refit.ETM
    • ?NBQ00
    • how far can you spot it coming with bare eyes?pango
    • Its powered by something called Mazut
    • 'Interestingly', Japan fucked the Russian Navy back in the day by using coal from Wales, which emitted much less smoke giving them an advantage,Nairn
  • sted0
  • NBQ000

    Navalny sentenced to another 9 years in prison.…

    I never understood why he went back to Russia when it was evident Putin wants him behind bars or poisoned.

    • It's a shame he went back, it proved a point. Instead he could be by the side of Zelenskyy - although that would overdrive the Putin propaganda machine.shapesalad
    • ,maybe 'cuz his wife or associate cost Vlad his super yacht:…
  • NBQ002

    Fucking scum.

    Putin’s highest-paid propagandist Vladimir Soloviev & his “experts” at Russia’s largest TV channel send new threats:

    1. Nuclear strike against EU
    2. Invasion of Poland and Lithuania
    3. Creation of a permanent land-bridge from Belarus to Kaliningrad (attack on the Suwałki Gap).…

    • does this bitch know that if there's a "nuclear strike against EU" then Russia will be finito with dozens if not hundreds of nukes raining down on them?NBQ00
    • This is posturing for a Russian audience to 'help' them feel strong and victorious. It doesn't do any harm to put the rear of god into Europeans too.Morning_star
    • ^Krassy
    • Idiotic. They can’t defeat Ukraine how are they possibly going to invade more countries?_niko
    • it doesn't matter - the moron russian proletariat don't know any betterhans_glib
    • they just hear "mother russia is strong" and go back to their borscht and vodkahans_glib
    • Yeah yeah - old news. - if either side strikes first, it's M.A.D.toemaas
    • I guess this is Russia's version of the view?Gucci
    • LolmonNom
    • Russian faggots can nuke deez nutsbabydick
    • July Crisis all over again. I'm 86% certain there'll be a nuke detonated in the next month.Brabo_Brabo
    • 86%? Why not 86.4% or 87%?NBQ00
    • I did the research. then the math. 86 per cent folks.Brabo_Brabo
    • I think at this stage they are just trying to out compete each other on who can be the biggest Z nazi, kissing Putins ass, trying to save their ass.shapesalad
  • rzu-rzu0
  • NBQ001

    In the center of Moscow, an unknown person threw a Molotov cocktail at the Kremlin wall.…

  • sted0

    Putin ordered government to receive payments for Russian natural gas from countries in "unfriendly countries list" in Russian Ruble

    • ratification of the proposed regulation from early marchsted
    • check and mate, Brandon.Brabo_Brabo
    • behold the PetrorubleBrabo_Brabo
    • everyone who understands anything about economy has to be laughing at this proposal.pr2
    • every time Ruskies get paidfor their gas they will be loosing 10%+ of their value because of constantly weakening ruble.pr2
    • "stable genius" Putin ain't. Even Trump looks like an Einstein next to him.pr2
    • Paying in rubles will mean that rubble will get stronger not weaker? it's their only play anywaygrafician
    • Russia ain't OPEC. They can't make the currency of their choosing strong by themselves. Nobody else wants their worthless currency.pr2
    • Sure, nobody wants it, but with this move, we the EU will need to pay up in rubles.
      But at the same time, the idiot in Kremlin forgot he actually needs $
    • And surely, again, the EU can buy from other sources. Qatar, UAE, US, Canada, etc.
      No biggie, just a little uncomfortable this year we hope...
    • Russia is basically bankrupt now.
      Demanding paying in rubbles for resources is their last play to get some very much needed foreign currency to pay for stuff.
    • EU and US will have to buy rubles with PMs surely? How is that a 'win' for the west?Brabo_Brabo
    • Wont this push the US back to a gold standard?Brabo_Brabo
    • Dollar inflation being what it is, why would the Saudis continue to accept it? The Petrodollar is on a shaky nail.Brabo_Brabo
    • Brabo, we should use your boyfriend's "currency" to pay for oil?.... hahaha! Joke of the day.pr2
  • ETM1

    Go ahead pay in rubles, with the exchange, most nations can pay their bill with this now:

    • AND ANOTHER round of sanctions to be announced tomorrow.

      Modern wars are mostly economic these days...
    • They'll have to buy the rubles with PMs surely?Brabo_Brabo
    • Wont a knock on effect be the ending of the $ as reserve currency?Brabo_Brabo
    • and a return to a gold standard?Brabo_Brabo
    • What happens to the US if the Fed cant keep printing $$$?Brabo_Brabo
    • Yes, tell us what happens, you misunderstood economic genius!grafician
  • hans_glib0

    yeah i'm betting that's not quite how it works.

    sure the international financial markets value the 'rubble' (lol at grafician's spelling) as peanuts, but the only people who can issue rubbles are... the russian central bank (as someone else says, nobody else wants their shitty currency).

    and you can bet their official rusbank exchange rate is r1:$1

    • You forget there are actual contracts in place negotiated in the past and those are in US/EUR. Russia needs $ badly. Asking for rubles is a short term strategygrafician
    • Long term - 6 months to a year, they will starve without $$$s
      And yes for them 6 months is long term
      Same for Ukraine
    • And Chyna also has a decent rubble stash, if they exchange that, the RCB is fucked as they don't get the much needed $grafician
    • I dont think you understand shit.Brabo_Brabo
    • I think you understand shitgrafician
  • NBQ00-3

    • 'Does everyone hate Russians now?'
      I'm pretty sure the world hasn't been overly fond of Russians since the end of the 2nd WW. This ain't new, cupcake.
    • not for me. govn doesn't always represent people.pango
    • this guy didn't leave cuz Russia was bad for him, he left cuz he would've been required to join the army soongrafician
    • that or he couldn't get youtube money.pango
  • sted1

    Emails and documents show just how closely Italian, French, German and Austrian politicians coordinate with Moscow…

    • This is nothing. Trump could still win a second term - put that in perspective :))grafician
    • Oh wait...I thought that the pretext for invading and destroying Ukraine was the “de-Nazification” of Ukrainians and freeing them from oppressive tyranny?utopian
    • Good reportingyuekit