So David Icke was right?
So David Icke was right?
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- 114 Responses
- Gnash0
- the pope sits at the centre of the snakes mouth...Gnash
- it's the Paul VI Audience HallGnash
- of cause there is no meaning to this at all!! ;-)mugwart
- < no way this is just pareidolia
http://static.boredp…Gnash - who commenting here ever visited the vatican? it's filled with snake and dragons representation, so I will not scoff this by saying pareidoliaGeorgesII
- to add a little note: even in St Michele Basilic, at the entrance there's a marble plate with the name of all popes, above it you see bust of a suffering manGeorgesII
- with a snake strangling him, visited the vatican at least 6 times and the place is filled with simbologyGeorgesII
- as is nearly every church I have visited - it comes with the territory unfort.fadein11
- FFS The snake is pretty central to the christian (abrahamic) ethos. Why is anyone surprised that it's used lots in Christian symbology?Morning_star
- check that, in the same room http://www.aljazeera…Bennn
- @morning_star - ha - I wasn't at all. But it's Illuminati approved so it stays :)fadein11
- It's one thing using a snake in an icon or statue as part of an allegory. It's on a whole other level of fucking crazy to design a massive snake building!Gnash
- actually, could be a lizard...Gnash
- one of the most evil and fucked up organizations in the world. would you expect anything less?scarabin
- scar so true. ironic isn't it._niko
- That is a bit weird, eh? I'd love to think this was a silent fuck you from the architect.detritus
- enter a room like that and you know there's gonna be a boss battlescarabin
- lens distortion from a fisheye helps the snake effect. check another view: https://s-media-cach…Bennn
- another link: http://www.pope2016.…Bennn
- yep the fisheye was the 1st thing I noticed - need flat earth versionfadein11
- I checked that, along with the architect. If you GEarth it, you'll see that the building isn't squared, so without lens distortion, the effect remains true.detritus
- f'ing GMaps, I can't work out how to link directly. Anyway, coörds:
41.9008109, 12.4550331detritus - Interestingly, when the pope is on stage, he's still in The Vatican, but half of the auditorium is in Italy proper, so the congregation's in Rome. Weird.detritus
- it even has a sinuous vertical form, reminiscent of some snakelizard apple-baiting bastard. http://www.icatholic…detritus
- The whole thing: Catholicism, Christianity's origins and evolution, Vatican City, is all weird beyond comfort. Structures beyond ancient, transmogrified.detritus
- and fuck me if these aren't supposed to imply scales http://photos.wikima…detritus
- the less education you have, the more you are going to dive into religion. sadly.Bennn
- Actually, that jpg I posted above a couple looks like a snake's head from the outside. Really, wt living f?detritus
- Architect1: lets make it like a snake head lol
Architect2: lol people will go crazy on conspirashunz! lets do this! lolcano!Bennn - They didn't have lolcano back in the early 70s. Everything was B&W and miserable.detritus
- *yawnmonospaced
- ********0
- GeorgesII0
Hey set, found the transcript
- fadein110
More than he would have made at the BBC for sure
- Gnash1
- haha, i literally just noted as much above :)detritus
- ^ that's where i got the link :)Gnash
- there is a council leisure centre near where I live - from one angle it looks like yoda. Was the architect a SW fan or a real bona fide Sith?fadein11
- How alike Yoda does it look?detritus
- It doesn't exist, I made the whole story up to illustrate how absurd this thread has become this evening.fadein11
- Yeah, but how alike Yoda does it look?detritus
- about as much as that fish eye image of a normal auditorium looks like a luciferian demon snake.fadein11
- It is odd how we see what we want see and blind to that which we don't. I mean that for you, me, set, George's, omg or that used tampon robo.detritus
- Just pretend that made grammatical sense.detritus
- lolmonospaced
- detritus0
I suppose, if I'm being generous: If indeed the auditorium is split in half across its length, with the stage in the Vatican and the congregation across the hinterland between Vatican and Italy proper — and the whole outside world, after a fashion — could represent the head of the snake trying to bite in at an intersection at which point The Pope, Catholicism marks the boundary between evil and God.
Although I have had a couple of ciders and a hachichee or two.
- Although, if this is the case, I'm not sure whether I particularly like the insinuations.detritus
- you might be on the right track, the sculpture behind the stage depicts the resurrection of christ from a nuclear crater, so belief saves human from evil.uan
- could be a possible reading of the architectural iconography.uan
- ********0
- reanimate-3
- I love the slightly aggressive title.Fax_Benson
- David Icke - Don't get me started on the moon.Fax_Benson
- David Icke - And you can forget all that 9/11 bollocks for a start.Fax_Benson
- David Icke - Don't make me make another youtube video, right.Fax_Benson
- hahahayuekit
- ka-chingfadein11
- reanimate0
- If our reatlity is a hologram beamed from Saturn's rings and reflected off our moon (an enormous man made satellite dish) to Earth from our reptilian overlordsfadein11
- why is he part of the broadcast?fadein11
- Not that I subscribe to that but within his theory we are all individual consciousness being broadcast a matrix style reality, so he's not part of the broadcast********
- , he's a prisoner within the broadcast, like Neo...********
- You can obviously see the physical similarities. His cape is at the dry cleaners********
- ... but seriously, all love and peace, but your point makes no sense********
- are so the physical world is the hologram, no that makes sense. I thought we were all single isolated consciousness and all the reality around us is part of thefadein11
- broadcast, which is actually closer to the Matrix than your example. But yes that does make sense.fadein11
- ah*fadein11
- The physical world is just electrical input decoded by our brain, so there's really no way to disprove him =D********
- oh no I get all that, I have watched enough holographic universe stuff. It's just all the reptilian shapeshifting man made moon claptrap that I cannot stomachfadein11
- but each to their own obvs.fadein11
- I don't believe everything he says, he has incredibly rigid thinking which I think manifests in his chronic arthritis, but he's still the fucking man********
- Why can't you stomach it, though, out of interest? Simply because it sounds ridiculous?********
- He's a really difficult one for me. Cognitive dissonance as you would say. I respect him a lot, I listen to him and he is a great speaker, highly intelligentfadein11
- etc. Here is a good example, the reptilian thing is interesting. Ancient bloodlines etc. All v.believable. But then he will tarnish those theories byfadein11
- interviewing someone who has witnessed a member of the royal family shapeshifting. It kind of devalues his more rational thinking. No I don't know for surefadein11
- whether the queen has shapeshifted but I would say it is unlikely. Whereas his other stuff on elite pedos etc is v.believable and likely true.fadein11
- I think that's probably why he's been allowed the platform he has. He speaks a vast amount of truth but it's mixed in with what seems like the utter ridiculous********
- so people just rubbish him off completely, ridicule him, and the truth that he speaks is ignored. Classic tactics...********
- I just think his early transformation material was probably a little far fetched to say the least, he seems to distance himself from it a lot as well. He didfadein11
- believe he was Jesus for a while as well. I would say he did have a mental breakdown in s.america as he described and it did open his mind but some of his earlyfadein11
- thinking comes across as remnants of his psychotic experience.fadein11
- To be fair he said he was the son of god, not jesus, which is potentially true of all of us. God being the universe... but yea, I agree with you.********
- It's actually nice chatting to you on a normal level, we share similar interests. Let's try to keep it that way.fadein11
- haha. We're both very much prodders and very much reactors so it's no mystery why we clash. We can try though! Enjoy your weekend Mr.********
- You too dudefadein11
- Well that was nice, I forgot we could actually get on :)********
- uan0