Donald Trump

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  • fadein116

    • Dems/Reps love to use the constitution to attack their opponents. Yet when it comes to free speech, 2nd amendment, electoral college...IRNlun6
    • freedom of association, declaring war, trade, etc... they'd love to shred it.IRNlun6
    • except none of what you said is truemonospaced
    • Name one thing I said that's false.IRNlun6
    • I did. All of it.monospaced
  • utopian3

    The top U.S. emissary to Ukraine painted a devastating portrait in testimony Tuesday on Capitol Hill of what appeared to be White House-directed efforts to pressure the government in Kiev to investigate a Democratic political rival.…

  • dorfsman1

    It’s worth taking the time to read William B. Taylor’s opening statement below. It’s also worth noting the guy’s resumé and how it compares to your own contribution to your country before attempting to piss on his reputation with ill-informed half truths, straw man arguments and odhominem attacks:…

    • Deep state agent!!!inv
    • Loldorfsman
    • #MAGA2024utopian
    • ad hominem not obhominem btw, ha. Note to self, walking and typing is not smart.dorfsman
  • utopian3

    Never knew that Ukrainian guy, never met him.

    • "ask giuliani" :)renderedred
    • "never met them. oh, these photos? i thought these guys were secret service or pilots or stewards"Krassy
  • utopian1

    "Who gives a SHIT about Afghanistan?" - Trump

    • This guy is a fucking moron.mathinc
    • He's right. The UK were mugged off getting involved with that shit hole too. Hundreds dead. Millions spent. Nothing resolved. Fuck that place.Hayzilla
    • Think of the oil money though Hayzilla. Was worth it for that.PhanLo
    • All those jobs and millions of pounds could have gone into renewable energy development.Hayzilla
  • PonyBoy0

    • brilliant idea, the engineers from trump universtiy will make it happen.neverscared
  • BusterBoy3

    NSFW: Click at your own risk.

  • inv4

    • The story is just stranger than fiction. Looking forward to seeing the movie when it's all done.inv
    • I will give you this America. Even when you mess up, you are entertaining!inv
  • elahon3

    • "but this is what got him elected, he isn't the problem, it's people like you"fadein11
    • and people who didn't go vote...nbq
  • mathinc2

    In all honesty, what's it going to take for the people who support Trump to come to their senses? This shit is plain to see for anyone. Just in the last 7 days:

    - Trump lawyers argued in court that he could shoot someone in front of an audience and not be tried. I'm sure that's what the founding fathers had in mind...

    - Trump called the Never Trumpers, "Human scum" because they don't agree with him.

    - It became as factual as it ever will that this was a "quid pro quo" in regards to withholding the Ukrainian aid (our fucking ally, who is trying to fight off Russia). He alone was the one holding up the aid, ordered Mulvaney to withhold it. He personally told Sondland to say it wasn't a quid pro quo, but that's exactly how he had Sondland present it to the Ukraine president. All this to subvert an US election. All of this is 99% fact at this point. But you know what, if Trump came out this afternoon and said, "Guess what, yeah, I withheld aid to Ukraine for the sole purpose of knocking Joe Biden out of the race." You'd still find some way to be okay with that.

    - His own CoS came out and called it a quid pro quo and then said 'Get over it'. Then realizing the issue he came out over the weekend to say that he didn't say it.. some Orwellian shit right there for you. But you're cool with that, fuck it.

    - He's attacked Bill Taylor's character. Who by all accounts is apolitical, and testified out of duty for our country.. something he's been doing for 50 fucking years of impeccable service. An honest to god US patriot telling you that what happened was fucked up. And this shitheal slanders the guy because he told the truth.. and the truth is the enemy to Trump. And you're 100% still with a guy who has proven to have not a whiff of moral fiber. "Nope, that Taylor guy is a far left looney trying to kill democracy."

    - Called the Emoluments Clause of the constitution "phony". I thought you guys loved the constitution? What did the constitution do to you after 2016?

    - Announced the G7 would be held at his own resort (clear violation OF that very same 'phony' emoluments clause). Cancelled the idea, not because of the constitution, but because of 'crazy democrats' and the media calling it what it is - A CLEAR FUCKING VIOLATION OF THE PRESIDENCY AS LAID OUT BY THE FOUNDERS OF THE CONSTITUTION.

    - Actively worked to keep people from telling their stories to congress, telling them to ignore subpoenas. These are the very same checks and balances you learned about when you fell in love with the constitution. Oversight is part of that system, to deny a co-equal branch of government from performing their duty, you place yourself counter to the constitution - no matter how loud you scream 'witch hunt' it's their duty. Just like investigating Benghazi 10 times was the right of the Republicans when they ran the House.

    - Said "who gives a fuck about Afghanistan?" I mean wut?!

    - Reversed all sanctions on Turkey AFTER he was made aware that the US believes Turkey committed fucking war crimes against the Kurds (supposed to be our allies). War crimes, against women and children.. war crimes, against our allies. But that's cool I guess.

    How the fuck do you square this away and still support this guy? In just the last 7 days he's: shit on the constitution, attacked anyone who disagrees with him (snowflake), been proven a liar on the quid pro quo issue, attacked an actual patriot, told government employees not to cooperate with an investigation they are obligated to cooperate with, greatly damaged our foreign policy, betrayed our allies, rewarded our enemies. Seriously, in a week.. and Trump supporters be like: "The Democrats are holding secret meetings (which aren't even secret, there are 48 Republicans in these depositions, including the VPs own brother) and trying to take over our country!!!!" The Democrats are the only ones trying to put a stop to all the above. Mark my words, the Republicans are a few weeks/days away from trying to take this 800lb albatross off their necks too. You going to wake up then? Or now?

    • All of your points would HAVE been extremely valid and would have created a easily polarized argument if it were not for Hillary. She created Trump.robotron3k
    • All of this is okay with you because: Hillary. Please expand on how Hillary justifies all the stupidity you're fine with living with, supporting even.mathinc
    • You don't remember when Hillary was president and did all of this first?monospaced
    • To extract US Military out of regional conflicts is definitely painful for the war machine. anti-USA liberals love military intervention, hypocrisy much?robotron3k
    • Huh? I swear the gibberish that comes out of supporter's mouths gives his 2nd grade ramblings a run for their money.formed
    • It's like they've had their heads up their own arse's for so long now they really believe the propaganda and lies they regurgitate.formed
    • Trump has always been an isolationist and pacifist. Why do you need robosplaining pendejo?robotron3k
    • All that over there and Robo justifies it by just stating 'Hillary'.. and that the military industrial complex is unhappy.mathinc
    • Let me destroy your military answer real quick: we had a small force there, they were successful. Military industry wasn't making jack shit off it.. it kept warmathinc
    • And math, another pinche gringo who lives in the middle of Trump country, please tell me which do-nothing Dem are you're gonna waste your vote on?robotron3k
    • .. at bay. We gave up our foothold in the region for NOTHING. What we had there holding it all together was a TINY force. Your argument is invalid.mathinc
    • What WILL line their pockets is when ISIS comes back. Or some other evil that spawns. And we have to make the decision to go back.mathinc
    • a pacificst? "rain down fire and fury like you've never seen" or "destroy your economy" are great examples of this.monospaced
    • LOFL Robo's first response is to blame Hillary for the above. That says it all, doesn't it?nb
    • made by hillary beaten by destroyed pelosi then...neverscared
    • beaten + destroyed by nancy p. of course.neverscared
  • mathinc4

    Here's some more hot embarrassment for Trump (and his supporters)

    Russia demands all remaining US troops leave Syria…

    • If US leaves Syria, Erdogan and Putin can completely fuck the EU (Erdogan already started threatening)sted
    • english/us ties to saudis are the problem in the middle east. it's all about profits and oil...renderedred
    • syria was alwaysa russian satelliterenderedred
    • Love it, I see no problems with Muslims & Russians interbreeding, et al...…robotron3k
    • Damn, wait... So if the EU crumbles, like it will eventually happen, Europe will become Europe again. Is that the EU fear??robotron3k
    • You're a clown. Straight up.mathinc
    • Math the things you say just don’t add up.robotron3k
    • I mean really math, what does this all equal?robotron3k
    • And math, of everyone here, I’d think that you would be the one person here that could put 2 and 2 together...robotron3k
    • You seem to want to divide people on qbn, all multiplied by the fact that you know a fraction about politicsrobotron3k
    • Lastly, and as always, I’ve check your user name and your opinion still doesn’t count :)robotron3k
    • ^ That is some hilarious projection coming from one of the biggest agitators on this site. You've never answered my question:garbage
    • Are you boring, dumb, or both?garbage
    • Now that trump’s taken his dick out of Erdogan’s mouth, Putin’s filling the empty hole.Gnash
    • Russia’s a better top for turkey, anywayGnash
    • meh, do nothing Dem attitude don’t want Trump to do anything about the status quo proxy wars. Fuk that noise.robotron3k
    • We can’t keep any promises to the Kurds because we just can’t so why fake it? & Russia needs to rebuild Syria anyway...robotron3k
    • Do nothing Dems passed 400 pieces of legislation and started an impeachment investigation over 10 months.mathinc
    • What's #MAGA done again? Walls? Infrastructure? Oh, right, debt, debt, debt.formed
  • BusterBoy7

    My deep investigative skills have found out why Giuliani and Trump are so drawn to criminal Ukrainian businessman Lev Parnas...

  • utopian2

    Summer Zervos shared allegations of Trump's sexual assault with lawyers in 2011, court filing states.

    Summer Zervos, the former "Apprentice" contestant who has accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in 2007, presented evidence Thursday in a new court filing to back up her claims.

    • My dad thinks the almost 20 women who claimed he assaulted them were all just looking for 15 minutes of fame, yet can't name a single one of them.mathinc
  • PhanLo3

    • Women or Trump? Is that a maga choice you have to make before they'll give you a hat?Fax_Benson
    • is he pointing at himself?Gardener
    • In different clothes he looks like a guy who would be collecting MoWax records or doing graphic design.PhanLo
    • Drew Carey?Continuity
    • This is not the future I wanted.Nairn
  • whatthefunk5

    • The fact that I had to look this up because I thought it might be real is frankly depressing.garbage
    • #maga²nbq
    • ᴍᴀɢᴀᵐᵃᵍᵃwhatthefunk
  • doggydoggdog0

    • there is one thing, the media makes monsters. And they haven't learned.tank02
    • before early stages of dementia settled inutopian
    • /r/forwardsfromgrand...dorf
    • Hi Robo/OmahadeisgnsSalarrue
    • Smiling with someone in photos doesn't mean you love the guy. Do you really think Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ever loved Donald Trump? Has anyone?CyBrainX
  • fooler2

    two associates of Rudy Giuliani, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, were arrested at Dulles International Airport last night on campaign finance charges.

    "I don't know those gentlemen. Now it's possible I have a picture with them because I have a picture with everybody, I have a picture with everybody here," Trump said, adding that someone told him there "may be" a photo with them "at a fundraiser or somewhere, but I have pictures with everybody."

    He continued, "I don't know them. I don't know about them. I don't know what they do"

    • "Never knew them, never met them"
      – Trump2020
  • utopian2
    • #CorruptTrump
    • Just forget that MS have decades worth of DoD/NSA/FBI/etc experienceNairn
    • #POSPresidentelahon
    • Does this correlate with Gates surpassing Bezos on the billionaire list?instrmntl
    • "screw Amazon!" Oosh... Feels good to say it.robotron3k
    • Of course contrarianutopian
    • Bezos built his company with his own two corruption, no collusion, no daddy's inheritance...but let's hate the guy.utopian
    • "noone knows technology better than me"fadein11
  • utopian2

  • IRNlun61

    Donald J. "I'm gonna bomb the SHIT out of 'em!" Trump