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  • utopian0

  • PioneerDJ3031

    ‘Fight Club’ Author Chuck Palahniuk Says China’s Censored Ending Is Actually Truer to His Vision

    Before the cult 1999 film began streaming in China, censors drastically changed the ending so that the anarchist narrator is caught and punished for his crimes.…

  • nb6

    This is the most interesting part of the Fight Club story:

    The author (Chuck Pahalniuk) also said that he saw the irony in many Americans’ angry response to China’s actions, given that his books are banned in many locations across the U.S.

    “What I find really interesting is that my books are heavily banned throughout the U.S.,” he said. “The Texas prison system refuses to carry my books in their libraries. A lot of public schools and most private schools refuse to carry my books. But it’s only an issue once China changes the end of a movie? I’ve been putting up with book banning for a long time.”

    He also said that having his work revised in ways he can’t control is nothing new to him.

    “A lot of my overseas publishers have edited the novel so the novel ends the way the movie ends,” he said. “So I’ve been dealing with this kind of revision for like 25 years.”

    Sooooo yeah everyone is censoring?? What a world

    • Freedom loving republicans love the freedom of banning books_niko
  • palimpsest7

    • lolfadein11
    • yeah in an alternate universested
    • Smashed itAQUTE
    • that gif....LOLutopian
    • western economists said China would westernize if we opened commerce and free tradehotroddy
    • the west created the monsterhotroddy
    • It's called Authoritarian Capitalism...Google it.utopian
    • Let's send all our jobs over to China what can possibly go wrong - ClintonGuyFawkes
    • To be fair to the Clinton's...the whole China thing all started with Nixon and kicked into high gear with the Reagan "Trickled Down" Economics" administration.utopian
  • yuekit5

  • yuekit2

    Happy New Year....

  • PioneerDJ303-1

    "They don't need China" Australia said.

    Australian meat industry calls for end to trade war with China

    New markets not enough
    Mr Hutchinson said before the pandemic started Australia exported 300,000 tonnes of beef and 100,000 tonnes of sheep meat to China every year.

    The red meat trade was worth $3 billion annually and Mr Hutchinson said the additional markets did not make up the shortfall.

    "The amount of product that we would be sending to UK in the first quarter here is less than the market share we've lost in China," he said.

    "There's a lot that's been lost and a lot that we can gain.…

    • Or just live with the loss. Print more money if needed.shapesalad
    • The UK and Europe don't like the growth-promoting chemicals use in Aussie beef, so that's also a troubled deal. Australia is run by idiots.MrT
  • NBQ00-2

  • Gardener0

    just had this email from China/Mongolia

    My name is Mrs. Patricia Chinua from Mongolia,
    I know that this message might come to you as a surprise because we
    don't know each other nor have we ever met before but accept it with
    an open and positive mind. I have a Very important request that made
    me to contact you; I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer disease which
    doctors have confirmed and announced to me that i have just few days
    to leave, Now that I’m ending the race like this, without any family
    members and no child, I just came across your email contact from my
    personal search.

    I’m a business woman from Mongolia dealing with gold exportation here
    in the Republic of Burkina Faso. I have decided to hand over the sum
    of ($10.5 Million Dollar) in my account to you for the help of
    orphanage homes/the needy once in your location to fulfill my wish on
    earth. But before handing over my data’s to you, kindly assure me that
    you will take only 50% of the money and share the rest to orphanage
    homes/the needy once in your country, Return to enable me forward to
    you the bank contact details now that I have access to Internet in the
    hospital to enable you contact the bank, always check your email
    always remember me for doing good.

    Your early response will be appreciated.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Mrs.Patricia Chinua

    • seems legitGardener
    • Does she have a brother who is a Nigerian prince?Chimp
    • not sure mate, will get back to her and ask for youGardener
    • China/Mongolia different country thopango
    • She lives in a yurt right on the border._niko
    • pretty sure china is very sensitive about their borders tho. also mongolia tried to join the USSR cuz that's how much they dont want to be close to china lolpango
  • yuekit2

  • utopian0

  • utopian4

    • Americans enslave blacks for over 300 years, segregation for another 60, currently profit on billions on black prison labor but cry human rights... hmmm.PioneerDJ303
    • The root of the problem is you don't see blacks as Americanhotroddy
    • Pioneer... are you being paid, forced or long brainwashed? Meaning, trolled, imprisoned or brainwashed?toemaas
    • Nope.PioneerDJ303
    • Come on... 8 Chinese propaganda posts to every 1 genuine post. Misinformation 101. Then you go apeshit anytime someone posts any dissent against your beloved red.toemaas
    • you consider posts on food, ping pong, and choo choo trains misinforming propaganda? lol. at least there is a balance in terms of anti-chinese rhetoric.PioneerDJ303
    • 5 year plan, right?toemaas
  • sted5

    • the future blade runner promised us is finally here!_niko
  • yuekit0

    As the Qing dynasty began its slow collapse, thousands of peasants were funneled into port cities to staff the bustling docks and sweatshops fueled by foreign silver. When these migrants died from the grueling work and casual violence of life in the treaty ports, their families often spent the sum of their remittances to ship the bodies home in a practice known as “transporting a corpse over a thousand li” (qian li xing shi), otherwise the souls would be lost and misfortune could befall the entire lineage.

    The logistics of this ceremony were complex. After blessings and reanimation rituals by a Taoist priest, “corpse drivers” would string the dead upright in single file along bamboo poles, shouldering the bamboo at either end so that, when they walked, the stiff bodies strung between them would appear to hop of their own accord.

    Traveling only at night, the corpse drivers would ring bells to warn off the living, since the sight of the dead migrants was thought to bring bad luck. Though itself somewhat apocryphal, new myths grew out of the practice, as the hopping corpses were transformed into jiangshi, vampire-like creatures driven to feed on the life force of others. Their own blood siphoned out of them by the docks and factories, these migrant workers were transformed into monsters befitting a new reality—one of crumbling empires, civil wars and the insatiable expansion of commodities.

    Such death rituals and the myths that surround them have long played a central role in the cultures of the East Asian mainland. Funerals were not a ceremony in which the lost were sealed into their own dismal past, but instead one in which the dead became constituent parts of a history forged in the present. Through extensive rites and careful observances, dead generations were transformed into the roots of the living.

    Today, China itself has become such a wandering specter. The rural world is dying, yet hundreds of millions of workers still seem stuck between their peasant past and a future that fails to arrive. Two decades of staggering economic growth built on a series of credit bubbles have left a legacy of “development” defined by wastelands of apartment complexes sitting next to half-empty factory cities, each year filled with fewer workers and more unmanned machines.

    While the elite children of the country’s financial and administrative centers collect sports cars and foreign degrees, the children of today’s migrants are guaranteed little more than the fleeting chance to become yet another corpse crushed to pulp in the factory.

    This is the character of the present moment, and it is here that we begin. Chuang is a collective of communists who consider the “China question” to be of central relevance to the contradictions of the world’s economic system and the potentials for its overcoming. Our interest has little to do with the professed socialism of a country run by a “Communist Party” left over from the peasant wars of last century. Instead, the question raised by China is founded in the present. As a lynchpin in global production networks, Chinese crises threaten the capitalist system in a way that crises elsewhere do not. A bottoming-out in China would signal a truly systemic crisis in which the overcoming of capitalism may again become the horizon of popular struggles.

    • This is a really interesting read, an "alternative history" of China by anti-CCP Chinese leftists.yuekit
  • Nairn0

    • Somthing something horses, something something tribute.Nairn
    • just realized idiotically that all these weapons and military might isn't to protect the nation, the nation is canon fodder, it's to protect the leaders._niko
    • this goes for every nation, the average citizen is expected. to lay down their lives for the elite, the ruling class and the oligarchy. derp me._niko
    • which bit is society?Nairn
    • All those exported iPhones and appliances have to pay for something.utopian
  • _niko2

    China’s sitting back and licking its chops, what the US and nato does or doesn’t do in Ukraine will embolden them to go into Taiwan.

    • Perhaps they want the US to get sucked into a war with Russia so they can take Taiwan.Chimp
    • scary_niko
    • Are they in cahoots?dbloc
    • The hoots seem to be cahooters.ShenanigansTV
    • If I were China...I would invade Taiwan now!utopian
    • If China invades Taiwan now...Milan will have an aneurysm. He wouldn't now where to post his fake non-sense and mis-leading information.utopian
  • shapesalad2

    Some things to note, not easy to invade Taiwan. As soon as the CCP makes a move the world sees it - unlike Ukraine, it'll take a fair amount of time to get ships across the Taiwan Straight to Taiwan.

    The Taiwan strait is not a padding pool - it's a rough sea. There's only one ideal season/time to cross it each year, else the weather will make it difficult. For the CCP to keep their invasion supplied, reinforced, it won't be easy to keep sending ships across. Due to the aforementioned and the fact that Taiwan allies can easily pick off ships as they cross.

    Taiwan has guerrilla advantage, it's mountainous, lots of vegetation. When Japan occupied it, they didn't take the South East area of Taiwan, as the indigenous taiwanese tribes knew their mountains like the back of their hands and would regularly behead Japanese soldiers that entered:…

  • PioneerDJ303-2

    Shantou, China.

  • yuekit1

    I actually don't think China is 100% happy about this. While it might seem superficially similar to Taiwan, one difference is that China likes to think that their claim over Taiwan is backed by international law. Of course this is highly debatable but there is a case to be made with the "One China Policy" and many countries support them on this.

    Putin is now carrying out a similar act but doing it in a totally reckless way, not even pretending to follow the law, being condemned by the United Nations etc. All the African countries that support China on Taiwan are against what Russia is doing.

    So China is supporting Russia but not too enthusiastically. In fact they even said this:

    “Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of any country should be respected and safeguarded, because this is a basic norm of international relations. Ukraine is no exception."…

    Another aspect is that if Putin succeeds in pacifying Ukraine fairly quickly then this might provide momentum for annexation of Taiwan. However if it turns into a disaster then what lesson will be drawn from this?

    • Could the US and the west still defend Taiwan if it got sucked into a war in eastern Europe?Chimp
    • It's difficult to say because no one knows exactly what the USA would do if China invades Taiwan. Clearly Taiwan is much more important than Ukraine,yuekit
    • 21st largest economy in the world and #1 producer of semiconductors. Also US has obligation to help Taiwan resist invasion, which is not the case with Ukraine.yuekit
    • But some think it will be logistically difficult for the USA to defend Taiwan, esp as China's military power increases. So it's a very complicated situationyuekit
    • Diff there is that US is post Asian Pivot and, I believe, there are a lot more invested and pro-active actors locally versus the neutered and feeble EUNairn
    • ie. How would Japan, S Korea, Indonesia or even India, etc, respond?Nairn
    • Out of those countries Japan would be most threatened and most likely to act. There's a reason Japan is reviving their military.yuekit
    • China's strategy will be to try to deny USA and other countries the ability to get anywhere near Taiwan once they have launched an invasion.yuekit
  • utopian0

    Taiwan turns back Chinese fighter jets on same day Putin invades Ukraine.

    Taiwan’s air force scrambled again on Thursday to warn away nine Chinese aircraft that entered its air defense zone, Taiwan’s defense ministry said, on the same day that Russia invaded Ukraine, a crisis being watched closely in Taipei.…