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  • PioneerDJ3031


    Rail enthusiasts believe it is the longest continuous rail journey on earth…

    • IN 21 DAYS.sted
    • @373MPH.PioneerDJ303
    • It's not one train is it? They're saying you can theoretically do it by transferring from one line to another.yuekit
    • In 2032, 18 years after an attempt to stop global warming, the remnants of humanity have taken to a self-sustaining circumnavigational train, the Snowpiercerdrgs
    • lolyuekit
  • PioneerDJ303-1

    • Did China's AI generate that video?PhanLo
    • They must have to process the video in multiple languages.PioneerDJ303
    • Any vid with a robot talking makes me switch off.PhanLo
    • It's like listening to Stephen Hawking... although it would have been better if narrated by Morgan Freeman.PioneerDJ303
  • Krassy1

    Amazon partnered with China propaganda arm…

  • yuekit0

    • CCP propaganda has evolved to the next level, good luck America...yuekit
    • so much truth though. America thinks it can solve world issues by imposing democracy.PioneerDJ303
  • yuekit0

  • yuekit0

    • Too late, it's the Chinese century now.PhanLo
    • That's more or less the line the pro PRC side takes here..."resistance is futile" lolyuekit
    • But actually both sides had good speakers in this debate IMOyuekit
    • What worries me is that China is quite boring culturally. That might change in a few decades, but by then I'll hopefully be dead.PhanLo
    • Chill Chyna is fucked already
      They just keep trying to save face as all communists states do
    • Between water shortages, power outages, covid outbreaks, trying to contain the Evergrande and the construction industry's defaults at bay, cracking down on techgrafician
    • not to mention macro issues like very low natality rates, human rights issues, power struggles in the party and so on and so forth

      Chyna is in very bad shape.
    • People try to criticize how China takes care of its people, but come from countries who in history and current events are no better.PioneerDJ303
    • China pulled its own people out of poverty whom 90% were all farmers. They've bailed out the US and other countries out of debt.PioneerDJ303
    • At this point the US and its allies are just trying to slow down China's progress with disregard for the Chinese people.PioneerDJ303
    • But you cannot blame them, because many countries can barely take care of their own with crime ridden streets, homeless, and poverty running rampant.PioneerDJ303
    • I think you have to put it in perspective, China saw amazing growth in the past decades but so did other Asian countries.yuekit
    • In terms of increasing living standards, China did about as well as Japan, but not as good as Singapore, Korea and Taiwan.yuekit
    • And all these countries are overall probably a nicer place to live than China today, in terms of infrastructure, environment, social welfare, workers rights.yuekit
    • Singapore, Korea, Taiwan are also overall probably nicer places to live than the US.PioneerDJ303
    • 200 years of native American genocide, the US is riddled with thieves, hate crimes, gang gun violencePioneerDJ303
    • Not to mention all the China haters are just racist, bigoted imperialists naturally.PioneerDJ303
    • Sure there is a lot of racism and fear mongering, but keep in mind many people in Asia and the developing world are also critical of the Chinese government.yuekit
    • @PioneerDJ303 LOL. oh man, there are 4 large shops with the exact same inventory in a 500m circle where my mother lives, they killed all the small businesses.sted
    • in the 2ks they systematically killed the textile industry while sending more and more people into the country.
      they haven't integrated in 20 years
    • and in the past 2 years they proposed grandiose projects (from railway lines to universities) just to get the country into more debt.sted
    • one of the nicest things is when Continental workers got fired for founding an union, they went on strike.sted
    • Lolz. It’s not exactly ‘bringing people out of poverty’ when you first have to exterminate up to 80 million people to get thereGnash
  • PioneerDJ303-1

    Your life in Shanghai sucks, okay?!: The West's push to ban good news about China online…

    • that is a lot of blablasted
    • CCP sponsored influencers says it's good, west sponsored influencers says it's bad.Chimp
  • sted3

    • these images tell a better story than 1000 "influencers"sted
    • more info?OBBTKN
    • Hong Kong University Tiananmen Square statue removed by authorities.fadein11
    • The Tian'anmen Sq. Massacre: West's most pervasive lie…PioneerDJ303
    • Like it never happenedGuyFawkes
    • a white guy making a pile of dead Chinese corpses and calling it art. feels a lil white supremacyPioneerDJ303
    • for whom this monument was made was accepted it as symbol.
    • it's a terrible thing anywhere in the world when that army comes against its own civilians u know...sted
    • and it shows the stupidity of servile people stuck in a regime when after decades they still try to manufacture evidence and legal basis.sted
    • u know PioneerDJ303 comparing tsqr to blm :)sted
    • But hey, let's see how the recent events in Hong Kong will look like in 5-10 years.sted
    • lol sted, why wait 5-10 years. if you want to see the effects of your white supremacy... why don't you ask the native Americans.PioneerDJ303
    • even after many years of oppression, the natives can still tell you how China helped bail out the US with billions of dollars.PioneerDJ303
    • They can even tell you that the 6-4 Tian’anmen Incident was created by a joint MI6-CIA operation.PioneerDJ303
    • PioneerDJ303 excuse me but what is "my white supremacy"? oh now the MI6 and the CIA created that event, and the native Americans know about it :D keksted
    • Mango-press as in “yellow news”b_d
  • PioneerDJ303-1

    • Nanjing Massacre over 300,000 victimsPioneerDJ303
    • Terrible but isn't this exactly why we should be against authoritarianism, nationalism etcyuekit
  • PioneerDJ303-4

    'Operation Yellowbird' exposed


    • InterestingAQUTE
    • interesting indeed - where is the part about the cultural revolution being just another holocaust?hotroddy
    • Lol. The article states that only 750k-1.5million died as a result of the great poop forward. They guys write for the holocaust deniers as well?Gnash
    • Sure, hitler made some mistakes but look at those roads!Gnash
    • What this article is right about is that the students in Tiananmen Square itself weren't mass murdered. But Western journalists actually mostly agree on that,yuekit
    • including the guy who took the "tank man" photo. It doesn't change the fact that the government massacred hundreds of protesters outside the square.yuekit
    • One of the protesters was literally run over by a tank and lost both of his legs.
    • There is also video footage of the government gunning down fleeing protesters (not armed or attacking), none of which is mentioned in your article.yuekit
    • Because the government bans all discussion of this issue (strange thing to do if they did nothing wrong huh?) we'll probably never know exactly how manyyuekit
    • Chinese people were murdered on that day, but even if it was "only" hundreds and not thousands, that's still a massacre.yuekit
  • PioneerDJ303-3

    • this is what happens when morons are allowed access to YouTube. It would take him 5 seconds to research and fact check his own drivel._niko
    • China never went through a major invasion by a forging enemy. * Mongols and Japanese: derp_niko
    • oh I get it, it's Chinese propaganda narrated by some Gweilo for hire_niko
    • Where’s the vid of everything collapsing after 6 months?Gnash
    • i'd give that 6 weeks....pango
    • If it's anything like the great wall, these structures will probably last thousands of yearsPioneerDJ303
    • The great wall was to protect from Mongols. All of this shit is to just keep a billion people busy so they font revolt.toemaas
    • the great wall did not protect them from mongols. lol
      it lasted thousands of years like rocks last thousand of years.
    • Well, it was attempt at protection... this is all an attempt at something else...toemaas
  • PioneerDJ303-1

  • yuekit0

    Seems relevant..."Tankies: Everything you didn't want to know about the people who think communist empires are awesome"…

    Also a more detailed article on this topic by Hong Kong activist Vincent Wong…

    • wut...pango
    • bruh... Hong Kong is pretty Chinese... did you know this?Khurram
    • CONTEXT: Hong Kong was cleaved from China by the British imperial war machine.Khurram
    • Um yeah bruh I'm also Chinese and my family is from Hong Kong :)yuekit
    • As it turns out not all Chinese people think the same, not all of them support the current Chinese government.yuekit
    • Nowadays it's less about being Chinese or British imperialism. It's more about people choosing their own government and future.pango
    • Have you lived in HK? Over half the population hates China and their affect on HKb_d
  • yuekit1

    Taiwanese journalist writes about the "anti-imperialist" left's naive view of China

    "Many western leftists remain unable to conceptualize any imperial or capitalist power outside of the US and therefore romanticize or downplay China’s authoritarianism because it seems to them at least an alternative to US global hegemony...What this reflects more than anything is the provincialism of the western Left—which inevitably centers the West, sees no other actors of concern in the world, and sees anything that is not the US through a rose-tinted lens, no matter how authoritarian they may also be. "…

    • I mean, Taiwan aka the Republic of China, claims suzerainty over all of China proper and vice versa... like who's imperialist what now...?Khurram
    • https://www.newworld…Khurram
    • China never built an overseas empire even when it was the most powerful nation on earth for a millennia.Khurram
    • But was the subject of repeated imperialist assaults by foreign powers for centuriesKhurram
    • //but I like his tone denegrating all "Western lefties" the right wing nationalist toolKhurram
    • CONTEXT: Taiwan was cleaved from China by the Japanese imperial war machine.Khurram
    • tell that to tibet and xinjianghotroddy
    • Isn't the idea of any country being inherently peaceful kind of ridiculous? In reality modern day China absolutely did come into being through a process ofyuekit
    • violent expansionism.
    • Why do you think there are all these issues with the border regions of China (Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan)? It's the legacy of that.yuekit
    • As far as Taiwan goes, it was colonized by the Dutch, the Spanish, the Chinese during the Qing Dynasty and then the Japanese Empire.yuekit
    • So Taiwan was actually an example of overseas Chinese imperialism, granted they did not get very far but it's just wrong to think China didn't engage inyuekit
    • warmongering same as any other powerful country. Modern day Vietnam and Korea were at one point taken over and controlled by the Chinese empire.yuekit
    • it didn't become the third largest country (landmass) by extending olive branches.hotroddy
    • https://upload.wikim…yuekit
    • I said overseas empire... that's an interesting map, was looking for that. So the country was pretty territorially contiguous for 2000 years, until the late QinKhurram
    • when it expanded into the Taklamakan Desert and the Tibetan plateau. (during the age of European Empires)Khurram
    • ^^It was the 1st/2nd/3rd largest centrally administrated bureaucracy since 700AD, and territorially contiguous since then.Khurram
    • ^^You're right my Chinese friend, the Han Chinese occupied Taiwan following the Japanese defeat and displaced the indigenous population, now making upKhurram
    • more than 90% of the Taiwanese population that dream one day of reuniting with mainland China under the nationalist banner.Khurram
    • lol...they very much don't dream of that. You have to remember, Taiwan overthrow the KMT dictatorship.yuekit
    • China didn't expand overseas because they weren't a nautical country. or do you think it's because they were compassionate and empathetic?hotroddy
    • The KMT continues to be by far the largest party in Taiwan and continues to maintain it's goal to reunite with mainland China, although it has had to moderateKhurram
    • Today the KMT is a conservative political party that keeps trying and failing to win elections. And the more popular party in Taiwan, the Democratic Progressiveyuekit
    • its position in recent years. But it's hilarious reading a Taiwanese Han Chinaman talking about Chinese imperialism LOLKhurram
    • Party, is not at all interested in uniting with China.yuekit
    • Don't you find that even a little bit ironic, Yuekit - A country ruled by the KMT talking about Chinese Imperialism?Khurram
    • @hotroddy, wasn't a nautical country??? what the fuck are you talking about/? LOLKhurram
    • It had sailors that sailed the oceans as far as Africa! The adventures of Zheng He are as legendary as those of Sinbad the Sailor!Khurram
    • It had ships in the 15th century that DWARFED the 3 vessels Columbus put together, the biggest ship, the biggest maritime sailing culture lolKhurram
    • Dude you know NOTHING about history! LOL stop commenting, without even doing the most BASIC research.Khurram
    • Wasn't a nautical culture, bwahahahahha,Khurram
    • Like I said the KMT dictatorship was terrible, but today the KMT are just your standard shitty center-right party similar to the Tories in the UK or something.yuekit
    • Dude, it's called the Republic of China, you can say what you want about baby-Chinese more modest ambitions-- but the irony, is still delicious :DKhurram
    • And they are not the largest party, they lost the past two elections to the left-wing DPP. In some polls they are not even the second largest party anymore.yuekit
    • God you say some dumb shit hotroddy: https://www.digitalh…Khurram
    • Like you have no kowledge of history at all and you get into these debates, like wtf. DO SOME RESEARCHKhurram
    • Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led seven major expeditions, commanding the largest armada the world would see for the next five centuries. Not until World WarKhurram
    • One did the West mount anything comparable." - direct quoteKhurram
    • The "Republic of China" thing I think it's actually similar to what happened with North Korea and South Korea.yuekit
    • In both cases you had a civil war that ended in a stalemate, and today both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea still claimyuekit
    • control over all of the Korean peninsula in their Constitutions...but no one actually believes South Korea has any intention of conquering North Korea.yuekit
    • Similarly it would be silly to think Taiwan (the Republic of China) is going to invade the Peoples Republic of China.yuekit
    • But you cannot rule out the opposite unfortunately, PRC still threatens invasion and uses Nazi-like rhetoric against Taiwan.yuekit
    • sure man sure, Han/Mandarin Chinese nationalists, flee to Taiwan, take over country, displace the indigenous population, complain about Chinese Imperialism mmkKhurram
    • ok, I was wrong,. but thank god they we're not conquistadors. The world would be a much authoritorian place if they were.hotroddy
    • every country they meddle in turns authoritarian.hotroddy
    • Thank god you still have your feels hotroddy. Hold on to your feels.Khurram
    • You're not completely wrong...I don't think China ever came close to some of the Western countries in terms of naval power.yuekit
    • ^^He said China wasn't a nautical country. He is completely wrong.Khurram
    • They weren't sailing around the world as much as the Europeans, which is why people bring up this one guy, Zheng He...who also killed a lot of people BTW.yuekit
    • But whatever...if history shows anything it's that any group of people is capable of committing wars and atrocities. Nothing unique to Europeans or Chinese.yuekit
    • I take it back. what Yuekit said. :)hotroddy
    • That was a lot of notes to read. Conclusion: hotroddy doesn't know wtf he's talking about lolpango
    • china has a lengthy history and I don't pretend to know it all. Unlike you pango who doubles down on stupid.hotroddy
    • What stupid point have I said here?
    • I haven't said anything yet. You're just salty cuz I called you out. Lolpango
    • you have a short memory pango. I recommend these for you: https://cdn.shopify.…hotroddy
    • lol thx you just proved my point.pango
    • Khurram. You're some what correctly about taiwan if you're only talking about the taiwan in the 50s. when it was under a dictatorship.pango
    • also dictator ship tend to represent "people's voice" when you said 90% of the population want to reunify with the mainland.pango
    • the KMT today only cares about self-preservation. but so are other parties in taiwan. everyone just doing it in their own ways.pango
    • ironically KMT is the friendliest party towards CCP in taiwan today. it seem they would be ok with china's influence if it means trade stability.pango
    • ironic because they were the ones that wanted to "take back china" by force in the 40s and 50s.pango
    • Not saying DPP (the current president) doesn't want trade stability. but they're more cautious not to lose their power to self govern.pango
    • ya KMT or Chiang Kai-shek was weird... self conflicting. they lay the path for taiwan to become a democratic country.pango
    • got cold feet and became dictator ship. then finally went with the democratic election.pango
    • Taiwanese people today just want to live in peace and not be bombed/invaded, doesn't seem like much to ask does ityuekit
    • too bad the CCP today wants an easier access to pacific ocean. to claim taiwan is the easier option than to invade any other neighbouring countries.pango
    • the old china when it was the most powerful country, didn't need to expend too much or have a colony far away. they had all the resource. other country had topango
    • come to them to trade.pango
    • This shows the current views in Taiwan on unification with PRC…
    • The number that wants to unify right now is...1.5%. Total support for unification even in the future is less than 10%.yuekit
    • With that huge armada, they should have demanded a tribute from all those lucky people they visited. Oh, wait.Nairn
    • it's also a shame those huge flat-bottomed boats didn't traverse blue waters.. oh, wait. They couldn't.Nairn
    • So ito summarize, if you use boats to violently expand your borders, it’s bad. But use horses and shit, and all is cool. Got itGnash
    • ^^ ha that's pretty how the argument unfolded.hotroddy
    • *pretty muchhotroddy
    • again. only reason china didn't expend to far away land was because it's too much work and not worth it when they had everything already.pango
    • to think they're benevolent is very naïve.pango
  • PioneerDJ303-4

    Shrimp, pork dumplings and spareribs ♥️

    • Chicken feet is my fave.ok_not_ok
    • steamed pork buns for the win! aka char siu baoKhurram
    • the bat soup is sickhotroddy
    • Damn. I've never had bat soup and you have? Ballspango
    • He'll probably eat his own vomit, as I bite the head off a bat while drinking its hot delicious bath water.PioneerDJ303
  • PioneerDJ3030

    Practice makes perfect.... 5 year old Future Champion

  • PioneerDJ303-6

    • ROTLF, who wants to see the Chinese Assange exposing the shit of the CCCCCP? :D ps: assange fucked up the world for good.sted
    • We shouldn't have handed HK back in '97Brabo_Brabo
  • PioneerDJ3030

    China’s ‘artificial sun’ nuclear fusion reactor sets new world record

    China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor, or “artificial sun,” has set a new world record by maintaining 70 million degrees Celsius (126 million °F) for 1,056 seconds – more than 17 minutes.…

    • Bye ChinaOBBTKN
    • Is this going to be anything like the Wuhan Lab? CCP accidentally leak a mini sun that runs wild around the earth?shapesalad
    • Wonder who they stole that fromGnash
    • looks like something out of star-trek.
      I'm assuming that the heat was contained in a magnetic or energy field of some sort and insulated from contact?
    • HA! I just took a wild guess at the magnetic field thingy…_niko
    • https://static.tvtro…pango
    • I wonder how fast it could cook a pizzascarabin
  • doesnotexist4

    this thread gave me brain rot

  • PioneerDJ3030

    • just the pictures, thoughGnash
    • stock photos / superhero movies
      both are awesome content producers :)

      nice bullshit lol.
      love how it doesn't shows pre-2k on Helping the poor :)
    • First they helped the poor by exterminating 45 million of them during the great leap backwards. Those left had more stuffGnash