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  • utopian0

    Is Taiwan Next?

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine makes the frightening possibility of China seizing control of the island more real.…

    • No. China isn't even happy about Putin's invasion. Ukraine was a big big trading partner for them and they have lots invested there.shapesalad
    • Taiwan would only be taken by soft measures.shapesalad
    • Taiwan would be one hell of a guerrilla war. and pull in placid limp Ojisan Japan.shapesalad
    • It sure *seemed* like China was complicit. On the other hand, China might not want to take Taiwan, seeing how poorly it's gone for Russia in the Ukraine.MondoMorphic
  • NBQ000

    • Sorry it's kind of cringy of him to share at his own monitor and pile of papers on his desk memorized...pango
    • He's not wrong tho.
      But the sensationalized fluff makes me roll my eyes.
    • *stare at his own monitor*pango
  • yuekit1

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday that it is time for the U.S. to make clear that it would defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion and ditch its longstanding strategic ambiguity.…

    "It is time to abandon this ambiguity strategy. The people of Taiwan share our universal values, so I think the U.S. should firmly abandon its ambiguity," he said.

    Abe added that "a Taiwan contingency is a Japan contingency," explaining that Japan's westernmost inhabited island of Yonaguni is just 110 km from Taiwan's main island. If China were to conduct an operation, it would first seek to establish air and sea superiority around Taiwan, he said.

    "If it were to secure wide air superiority, it would also cover Japan's airspace. [China] would conduct operations in and above the waters too, so this would affect Japan's territorial waters, or at least our exclusive economic zone."

    On the situation in Ukraine, Abe said: "Japan's stance is clear in that Russia's violent actions cannot be tolerated. Together with the U.S. and G-7, we need to assist Ukraine in various ways."

    • war is like candy for opportunistssted
    • Of course invasion of Taiwan is not imminent, rather the situation is forcing countries to confront the reality of it.yuekit
    • Seems possible that by the end of all this, CCP will be furious at Putin for pissing on their parade with this ill-conceived invasion.yuekit
    • Finally. Long overdue. Taiwan should be armed like Israel.instrmntl
    • Also time for japan to ditch the soy, grow some balls, and arm themselves. And stop saying sorry! Be direct.shapesalad
  • Milan-9

  • shapesalad0

  • sted1

    They are trying to protect Chinese viewers from revealing that Russia has invaded Ukraine and made the world outraged. Andrew Parsons, chairman of the International Paralympic Commission (IPC), began his speech - which was also heard on the spot by the Chinese president - with a stand for peace, but the volume weakened in the broadcast and the sign language interpreter did not translate everything that was said. Parsons said he was horrified by what was happening, drawing attention to the XXI. In the twentieth century, dialogue and diplomacy have a place, not war and hatred. Chinese spectators will have to realize that Russian and Belarusian athletes will not take part in the Paralympics because they have been banned by the international federation. China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion.

    • russia will keep the west busy while they eat pop corns and back russia a bit.pango
  • PioneerDJ3031

    A Virgin Mouse Gave Birth to a Litter of Baby Mice
    No sperm necessary.

    Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University report the results of a new experiment where they were able to make a female mouse give birth to a baby mouse that grew from an unfertilized egg—something that has never before been accomplished in mammals. More than just a story of some eccentric scientists trying to play god, the new breakthrough may help us fully flesh out the role of genetics in regulating reproduction, and potentially provide insight into treating and even curing congenital diseases in people.

  • utopian0

    • does he mentions that they just stopped supplying airplane ICs the other day?sted
    • ugh this is bad journalismsted
    • sentences put in the mouths of others, lots of assumptions, polarized opinions and fearmongeringsted
  • utopian0

  • utopian0

  • grafician-3

    "China's Xi Jinping told Biden that If the Taiwan question is not 'handled properly', it will have a 'subversive impact on the relationship between the two countries'."

    Here we go

    • it would be nice if you would pay a little attention to the rest. there is no "here we go" you just quoted a small part of this conversation.sted
    • Damn these dictators and their "questions"...grafician
    • rumors are that after biden/ping call, chinese state media strays from propoganda, posts 14k russian losses and civilian death videos/russian losses.sted
    • Da, seen that too, interesting "sideeffect"grafician
    • Can Biden even remember what a country is?Chimp
  • sted0

    President Xi Jinping Has a Video Call with US President Joe Biden
    2022-03-19 00:21

    On the evening of 18 March, President Xi Jinping had a video call with US President Joe Biden at the request of the latter. The two Presidents had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on China-US relations, the situation in Ukraine, and other issues of mutual interest.

    President Biden said that 50 years ago, the US and China made the important choice of issuing the Shanghai Communiqué. Fifty years on, the US-China relationship has once again come to a critical time. How this relationship develops will shape the world in the 21st century. Biden reiterated that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support “Taiwan independence”; and it has no intention to seek a conflict with China. The US is ready to have candid dialogue and closer cooperation with China, stay committed to the one-China policy, and effectively manage competition and disagreements to ensure the steady growth of the relationship. President Biden expressed readiness to stay in close touch with President Xi to set the direction for the US-China relationship.

    President Xi noted the new major developments in the international landscape since their first virtual meeting last November. The prevailing trend of peace and development is facing serious challenges. The world is neither tranquil nor stable. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and the world’s two leading economies, China and the US must not only guide their relations forward along the right track, but also shoulder their share of international responsibilities and work for world peace and tranquility.

    President Xi stressed that he and President Biden share the view that China and the US need to respect each other, coexist in peace and avoid confrontation, and that the two sides should increase communication and dialogue at all levels and in all fields. President Biden has just reiterated that the US does not seek to have a new Cold War with China, to change China’s system, or to revitalize alliances against China, and that the US does not support “Taiwan independence” or intend to seek a conflict with China. “I take these remarks very seriously,” said President Xi.

    President Xi pointed out that the China-US relationship, instead of getting out of the predicament created by the previous US administration, has encountered a growing number of challenges. What’s worth noting in particular is that some people in the US have sent a wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” forces. This is very dangerous. Mishandling of the Taiwan question will have a disruptive impact on the bilateral ties. China hopes that the US will give due attention to this issue. The direct cause for the current situation in the China-US relationship is that some people on the US side have not followed through on the important common understanding reached by the two Presidents and have not acted on President Biden’s positive statements. The US has misperceived and miscalculated China’s strategic intention.

    President Xi underscored that there have been and will continue to be differences between China and the US. What matters is to keep such differences under control. A steadily growing relationship is in the interest of both sides.

    The two sides exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine.

    President Biden expounded on the US position, and expressed readiness for communication with China to prevent the situation from exacerbating.

    President Xi pointed out that China does not want to see the situation in Ukraine to come to this. China stands for peace and opposes war. This is embedded in China’s history and culture. China makes a conclusion independently based on the merits of each matter. China advocates upholding international law and universally recognized norms governing international relations. China adheres to the UN Charter and promotes the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. These are the major principles that underpin China’s approach to the Ukraine crisis. China has put forward a six-point initiative on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, and is ready to provide further humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other affected countries. All sides need to jointly support Russia and Ukraine in having dialogue and negotiation that will produce results and lead to peace. The US and NATO should also have dialogue with Russia to address the crux of the Ukraine crisis and ease the security concerns of both Russia and Ukraine.

    President Xi stressed that with the need to fight COVID-19 on the one hand and protect the economy and people’s livelihood on the other, things are already very difficult for countries around the world. As leaders of major countries, we need to think about how to properly address global hotspot issues and, more importantly, keep in mind global stability and the work and life of billions of people. Sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions would only make the people suffer. If further escalated, they could trigger serious crises in global economy and trade, finance, energy, food, and industrial and supply chains, crippling the already languishing world economy and causing irrevocable losses. The more complex the situation, the greater the need to remain cool-headed and rational. Whatever the circumstances, there is always a need for political courage to create space for peace and leave room for political settlement. As two Chinese sayings go, “It takes two hands to clap.” “He who tied the bell to the tiger must take it off.” It is imperative that the parties involved demonstrate political will and find a proper settlement in view of both immediate and long-term needs. Other parties can and should create conditions to that end. The pressing priority is to keep the dialogue and negotiation going, avoid civilian casualties, prevent a humanitarian crisis, and cease hostilities as soon as possible. An enduring solution would be for major countries to respect each other, reject the Cold War mentality, refrain from bloc confrontation, and build step by step a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture for the region and for the world. China has been doing its best for peace and will continue to play a constructive role.

    The two Presidents agreed that the video call is constructive. They directed their teams to promptly follow up and take concrete actions to put China-US relations back on the track of steady development, and make respective efforts for the proper settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

    Ding Xuexiang, Liu He and Wang Yi were present at the call.

    • Interesting very!grafician
    • China playing ball or else
      Even mild sanctions could destabilise China and Xi knows this now
  • grafician0



    "Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov says the US wants a 'unipolar world' where the 'strongest calls the shots', adding that countries such as China, India and Brazil do not want to be ordered around by 'Uncle Sam'."

    • Stating the obviousChimp
    • BRICS...grafician
    • Brazil a big importer of fertilisers and the war messed that up. China is battling covid. India will battle food shortages. Russia is a 3rd world country now.grafician
    • Global economy > nukesgrafician
  • NBQ000

    China Planned Taiwan Invasion in Fall, Alleged Russian Intel Leak Claims…

    • they can't take taiwan with guns, they can only take it thru' politics or economically in some way
      and highly doubtful china is in any shape to enter conflicts
  • utopian0

    • China will be #1 superpower, its written in the sky. West is sending montains of money over there since decades now. What are we expecting?Bennn
    • China will be #1 superpowersted
    • China will be #1 superpowersted
    • China will be #1 superpower, its written in the sky.sted
    • China will be #1 superpowersted
    • This is what we're listening to for almost a decade. What are we expecting?sted
    • Europe is building up now too, at least 2% GDP each country, some even 5%
      Not to mention US has still a double budget over Chyna and still growing...
    • All that chyna has is stolen military tech from whoever they could hack, wanna bet all that is for show and come to push it's all shit?grafician
    • I'm moving to Azores. Not much military value out there. I hope.shapesalad
    • Bloomberg Quicktake always have really good motion graphics.shapesalad
    • what a waste of resourcesuan
  • grafician0

    "Nearly half of foreign businesses in Hong Kong are planning to relocate"

    "Foreign businesses have for decades reaped the benefits of setting up shop in Hong Kong, a historically stable, expat-friendly finance hub at the doorstep of mainland China.

    But lately, as Beijing has tightened its grip on the former British colony, those firms are increasingly eyeing the exits.
    Nearly half of all European businesses in Hong Kong are considering relocating in the next year, according to a new report. Companies cite the local government's extremely strict Covid-19 protocols that mirror those on the mainland."…

    • "zero-covid" rule will be their downfall
      All that capital going bye bye
    • Nearly half of foreign and then they say European. Lol cnn is bullshitnb
  • utopian0

    • "Why not, Deo Ten-Four can't do it" @2:45monNom
    • Thermaltronics soldering robot knock-offsted
  • shapesalad2

    It’s kinda interesting when he tries the fried rat.

    • After the first 2 mins: okay this quality is new from him, looks and sounds nice.
      I hope he can keep it up like this for the next 75 mins.
  • yuekit0

    This account posts a lot of videos from Chinese social media, admittedly they are anti-government and may be cherry picking the negative ones. But some of the stuff is still pretty shocking, like Chinese "health workers" going into peoples apartments and bludgeoning their dogs to death because of fear of COVID infection.

  • grafician-1

    lockdowns will do that