UK Elections

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  • 119 Responses
  • Fax_Benson0

    Like lots of English people, I'm embarrassingly ignorant about NI politics but, does this have to be such a bad thing?

    A region that does get overlooked by westminster politics is getting some much needed infrastructure investment. Actual elected NI politicians are going to have at least some influence over Brexit talks and the future of the Irish border issue.

    The DUP sound like total dongbags but they actaully give a fuck about the future of NI, which is more than the Tories do. This shitty deal isn't their doing, they just got what they wanted out of the negotiations. Maybe put Foster on the brexit team?

    • You should learn more about your colonies Fax. What about Canada?oey
    • agree with the first sentence. not sure I understand the second.Fax_Benson
    • it was just a not so funny joke. don't think too much about it.oey
    • peace process plus the anger felt after the tories money tree comments. its fucking tax payers money to prop up a failing govt notfadein11
    • support for NI.fadein11
    • what anger? that the tories used one their stupid catchphrases? or that NI got some cash for important stuff?Fax_Benson
    • you don't want them to have it?Fax_Benson
    • erm - that they said there wasn't more money for the NHS (hence their intentions to sell it off piece by piece) yet magically find 1.5billion to savefadein11
    • shitty Theresa May's ass. Oh come on - you get it. N.Ireland should have that moneey anyway if needed not as part offadein11
    • a deal to save a fucking shit failing govt. if you don;t see it you are in the minority.fadein11
    • NHS etc.fadein11
    • austerity when it suits them. fucking clowns.fadein11
    • that was a lie on the day it came out and people have been angry about it for over a year. nout to do with the DUP deal.Fax_Benson
    • I have friends in N.Ireland and they are v.scared for the future now.fadein11
    • eh? what was a lie? I am talking about the election campaign - nothing to do with a year ago. What are you talking about? The referendum?fadein11
    • you've got your wires crossed badly - that was about the lies that 350m after leaving EU would go into NHS. No not that - nothing to do with that.fadein11
    • http://www.independe…fadein11
    • keep up :)fadein11
    • I agree with all of that and also that the deal, now done, doesn't HAVE to be a catastrophe and at least gets the gvmt investing, however grudginglyFax_Benson
    • let's hope more billions magically appear over the next few months eh.fadein11
    • quite.Fax_Benson
    • The DUP only care about certain parts/people in NIlowimpakt
    • yepfadein11
    • They took advantage of split in the progressive vote and made gains but still only 38% of the vote overall here. It's just scandal after scandal with the DUPkingsteven
    • They frequently exploit rules in place to maintain peace to veto any progressive law, to take anon donations from saudis to pay for leave campaign advertising,kingsteven
    • and to maintain their seats even though they are constantly fucking up fiscally (they just lost 480mil through a miscalculation) and caught taking back-handers.kingsteven
    • and because they killed off the other unionist parties (another move to make sure they maintain first minister position) 38% vote share means 62% hate them.kingsteven
    • oh and also homophobic, sexist, fundamentalist christian dickbags that don't have to account for any other viewpoint because they win seats on sectarian lines.kingsteven
    • nice bunch apart from that though?Fax_Benson
    • @kingsteven - you have just said exactly what a good friend of mine in NI said on hearing the news. Hope things don't get bad.fadein11
  • kingsteven1

    DUP deal is through, the UK is so fucked. If you hadn't caught on yet... the DUPs entire stance is anti-revolutionary, they utilise every loophole available to them to get their way. They have such support here because they are really fucking good at it... They have and will continue to walk all over the Tories and are totally unaccountable!

    1.5bn! Straight from the magic money tree, fuck those failing public services and hi-rise sprinkler systems, and forget about a Brexit deal: The DUP are engaged in a power sharing arrangement here with Sinn Fein (the 2nd biggest party in the north, 3rd biggest in the republic) that has the ability block any deal (forcing Ireland to withdraw from talks) because DUPs involvement in UK government undermines the peace process and the rights of the majority of citizens here (eg: people that identify as Irish that live in the part of Ireland that's governed by the UK - and who voted against Brexit).

    Things are getting very black and white here, new graffiti all around my area last week and heard gunfire from a 'show of strength' in the neighbouring estate last night... maybe that's just the time of year but there's a definite possibility that shortly after we spend this 1.5bn on roads and the UK leave Europe with no deal there will be a unification referendum for NI and they'll become European roads!

    European roads with giant holes made by British unionist terrorist freedom fighters... :-D FFS.

    • Most obvious and malignant backhander in the history of politics. This will bite them in the arse when the DUP spit their dummy and start with their cuntery.face_melter
    • Meanwhile, watch as there 'aren't enough funds' the next time there's a massive flood or another school is closed because of damp. Fucking bastards.face_melter
    • and the nature of the agreement means the DUP can still throw their toys out the pram on every vote. Tories are fucked now though so every cloud.fadein11
    • If the peace process fails because of this it is going to get extremely ugly. Fuck May.fadein11
    • "spit their dummy and start with their cuntery" *claps* never a truer phrase spoken. It should be on a t-shirt.Morning_star
    • The political classes in Westminster are ignorant of all base realities outside of their very tightly-described perspective bubble. We're fucked.detritus
    • RIP UKdetritus
  • hans_glib1

    here's something for you lot to have a rant about...

    this from a one time tory mp:

    "Queen's Speech delayed, I see!!! I can see Theresa having a QS without a formal alliance with the Unionists and either scraping through as they abstain, or losing. If she loses, Corbyn will be appointed Prime Minister and given the chance to form a government.

    The risk is, that he is a Leninist and never gives up power. His record in holding onto the levers of power has been demonstrated in his own party. He is shameless. If the result is another immediate election the Tories will enter it leaderless and be smashed. My student politics instincts - which are his - would be to catalyse a situation where there is another election, then sweep to power amidst Tory disarray. He will be fighting from a platform of strong and successful leadership. Unbelievable, but true."

    • Holding onto the levers of power. By being democratically elected by the party membership. Twice.face_melter
    • As opposed to the secret ball-tugging and rimjobs the Tories perform to elect their chief nugget.face_melter
    • never gives up power... he's only just proven he has it.fadein11
    • y'know, fuck party politics - Theresa and Jeremy and ...…
    • don't know if that'll happen but, Corbyn aside, the political space he comes from, and some of those he's brought with him, are a little bit worryingFax_Benson
    • of course it wont, way too much common sense for those cunts in westminster.Bluejam
    • why worry about one party when both are just as bad as each otherBluejam
  • Dillinger1

    Hope Mrs May likes flute bands.

  • microkorg0

    An interactive post/vote last night on facebook asking

    "Who do you want as your next Prime Minister?"

    Click [like] for Corbyn
    Click [Heart] for May

    The results this morning showed.....

    Jeremy Corbyn - 465,900
    Theresa May - 62,941

    That kinda tells you how the online public are voting - i hope that they get off their arses today and vote because that's a fucking landslide victory and would seriously piss off those c*ntservatives and show them that people want change in leadership and change in politics.

    • rural voters wouldnt do this cuz our internet is shitetrooperbill
    • It's almost like they only asked Labour supporters. Facebook and the bubble of social media you surround yourself with is an echo chamber. You get to see...Morning_star
    • ..the things that you agree with and the things that you like. If you think that the results of that FB post is in any way representative you are a fool...Morning_star
    • As I mentioned earlier 'follow the money' look at who the bookies are backing.Morning_star
    • yep.He's got good numbers amongst young sicial media users. But they tend to be in metropolitan areas that are Labour anywayFax_Benson
    • yep - these figures mean nothing in the real world unfort.fadein11
    • i like how you saved valuable time not typing out the rest of the word unfortunately. What did you spend all your spare time on? Something good I hopeset
  • Gardener4

  • Fax_Benson1

    May is so far out of her depth it's scary. Like national crisis scary. What a mess we are in.

    • +1 yup, total fucking messdetritus
    • What's most horrifying to me is the laughing that must be going on over in France and Germany. Hesus Kristo.detritus
    • Brexit talks next week.Fax_Benson
    • ha, you got there firstFax_Benson
    • er.. not about The Tower per se, I just mean the whole shitshangles we've put ourselves in.detritus
    • Honestly, as much as it pains me (and unpossible as it is) I'd rather we crawl back into the EU and shut up for a decade.detritus
    • ...then from 2027 get back to destroying it from the inside.detritus
    • we've bollocksed that too. the best way to change / break it from the inside was to threaten to fuck off. we can't even fuck off properly.Fax_Benson
    • we should have pushed for reform while in it. but let's face it we already had the best deal of any country in it at the timefadein11
    • No, the best way to make the EU as It Should Be would be to ally with Poland and none-mediterranean/F... states to allow for tierism across the board.detritus
    • grr...
      "none-mediterranean/ French/ German"
    • And, actually, I think Mediterranean states would consider 'tier-ism'. The EU shiould modularise and consolidate around issues, not absolutes.detritus
    • Because otherwise its a vehicle for German exports, French agricultural subsidies (at the expense of African development) and the rape of the south.detritus
    • But now we're not at the f'ing table.detritus
    • missed your comment, f - yes, we had the best deal. we were almost the best-suited deal makers (through circumstance and projection, not competence). but now?detritus
    • I'd quite like a mass-consensus opposition to the incumbency, for the fractious Cons. bullshit to implode and we somehow go back to the EUdetritus
    • ..but, UNLIKE ALL THE EU STATES WHIO HAD THEIR REFERENDAE overturned, we have a populist projecting positively. And then, change from the inside.detritus
    • Actual democracy, not bullshit idealist projectiondetritus
    • I may be drunk.detritus
    • Well, tiddly.detritus
    • But seriously, fuck the EU.detritus
  • Fax_Benson0

    The problem with the left (hard or otherwise) is that the end always justify the means. The left believes it is inherently good (and generally I'd agree) but that makes it unable to reflect. The cause is righteous and therefore opponents become symbols of bad. Once you're unable to accept that people with different views can be good people, you're able to justify all manner of shitty behaviour. Have a proper look at the bubble that surrounds Corbyn. Novara, SWP, The Canary, elements of Momentum. Try challenging them and see how kind and inclusive they are in return. Look at what happened to Angela Eagle. Look at what happened to women MPs who challenged him. And Jewish MPs. Of course, it has nothing to with Corbyn. It's just a few nutters.

    It's this righteous attitude that leads to them seeing societal collapse and financial meltdown and simmering class tensions as things to be exploited. Don't worry, socialism will sort it in the end. They say it in the examples I posted. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity. That's fucked up. Seriously.

    It happened with austerity. They used the unions to approve certain cuts so that they could exploit the consequences. Labour academics who pushed for cross-party consensus to mitigate the worst of the cuts (which people were voting for) were shunned and then attacked online. Consensus doesn't fit. Creating the necessary conditions for a socialist uprising fits. That's their game.

    • Dunno, you can just disagree with people on single subjects on a web forum and BLAM you're polarised into being a fascist. Dissent's not the left's strong pointdetritus
    • @det - I disagreed with him and we had a discussion. Noone called anyone a fascistfadein11
    • Or dislike Trump and get "that's the problem with liberals like you" blah blahfadein11
    • haha, and what on Earth made you presume I was talking about you and fax here, fadein? Guilt complex?detritus
    • I see it all the time here, and other places - most vocal 'liberals' are anything but when views don't wholly adhere to theirs.detritus
    • ...which is the sad reason fruitsalad's point above is impossible - because it negates the reconciliation of competing strategies within a single consensus.detritus
    • guilt free and clear conscience - how about you? tricky to work out where you sit? fancy explaining as you also seem to dislike the left, liberals etc. What dofadein11
    • you consider yourself? genuinely interested. You voted Brexit but live with an EU national (I think this is correct but may be wrong) and may have to leave UK?fadein11
    • I agree on the righteousness point.Chimp
    • I would like to understand your position on things better, if you want to. No pressure obviously :)fadein11
    • you are a wally - for the nth time, I DID NOT VOTE BREXIT. What's the point in conversing if you don't ever listen?detritus
    • wally lol. sorry I genuinely thought you voted brexit! I do feel like a wally now - have wondered why you would in your situ. but pls expland furtherfadein11
    • "most vocal 'liberals' are anything but when views don't wholly adhere to theirs." - pls expand on this and what you consider yourself if not progressive.fadein11
    • That's my prob - my politics don't neatly fit Tory or Labour, so I default to LibDems who I utterly loathe and who have policies I *massively* disagree withdetritus
    • Since my twenties I've joked with people [who don't take things literally] that I'm a 'Liberal fascist' or a 'Fascist liberal' depending upon my mood.detritus
    • Also, i hate the term 'progressive', because it comes pre-packed, sealed and closed to questioning. Someone used it here in reference to something I disagree ..detritus
    • Fair enough. Yep - that makes sense to a degree.fadein11
    • ..with and my overriding thought was 'how on Earth do you know your thoughts on this matter aren't actually regressive?'detritus
    • I know it's not aways a great term because nothing is black and white. But it works for my worldview most of the time. Not others obviously. But I am a wally :)fadein11
    • yeah, i getcha - I guess I rail against liberals more than conservatives because you know exactly where you are with people on the right.detritus
    • yep true dat. I would classify myself in a perpetual state of bemusement and confusion with a desire for a fairer, happier world. a snowflake basically lol.fadein11
    • but being called a wally has made my day - haven't heard that word since the 80's - I will be reusing it at the first opportunity.fadein11
    • :)detritus
  • fruitsalad1

    Ultimately politics is inherently flawed, the very act of forming a party and pushing an agenda, formulating policies based around a core ideology, always claiming the other side are wrong... never do you hear a politician or PM say "Actually the opposite parties ideas are quiet good and we've been wrong with some of our suggestions." never... there's no compromise... just stubborn thick headed dumbos...

    They stand in the house of commons blatantly pushing their agendas, knowing full well it's not good at all for the general public, but damned if they'll let the other side win, damned if they're ever cave and admit their suggestions are stupid.

    We need to elect not a party, not to choose between parties, rather to elect a group of individuals, and elect them individually. They should all be independent, accountable to themselves and the electoral. There should be no Left or Right, Tory/Labor etc parties. Just smart folks, someone has a good idea about pensions, elect them. Some has a great idea for transport, elect them. someone knows how to turn around the NHS, great. someone has the right view on immigration - with no left/right agenda, great lets hear their ideas. etc...

    Because all we have these days is bickering and point scoring creepy politicians on power trips with hidden agendas.

  • set3

    I stuck £10 on Corbyn to be PM and as it was my first time using the betting site was given a £20 free bet. I put it on a tory minority and have just been paid out £160

    • I put a bet on corbyn being PM on July 1st. Still could happen! Think I stand to win about £90.microkorg
  • detritus1

    • Didn't have time / couldn't be bothered to zombify this image, having him raise from the ground.detritus
    • He would be doing a jig as we speak
      He would french kiss the pope
    • My dad used to change the channel every time he came on TV. We're not Catholic.detritus
    • I'm going deaf just looking at his picture.face_melter
    • I'm wiping the spittle from my face just looking at his picture.detritus
  • Morning_star0

    Sorry to bust the party up but she's only gone and shacked up with the DUP. Whore.

  • tank020

    It is like a Facebook event, where 10.000 people say they will attend but only 10 do. A perfect example that the online world is drifting away from reality on the things that matter.

    • TrueDillinger
    • I have faith in the youth. If they have the determination to stay up late to buy the ltd edition ltd release yeezys then they can get their asses out to vote!microkorg
    • uh-huhhans_glib
    • I have no faith in millenials. Lazy buggers.tank02
  • Gardener4

  • autoflavour-3

    • that's terrible but i can't help but laugh.hans_glib
    • A fucking toilet of a newspaper. A pox on everyone who has worked for it. Plough their graves with salt so nothing grows.face_melter
    • Just shows you the kind of market they are talking to.Chimp
    • Strange. The Sun, Daily Mail and Express are all urging their readers to vote Conservative. It's not like they are owned by a billionaire who would benefit...Morning_star
    • I thought printing blatant lies was illegalChimp
    • ...greatly from Conservative policies. Oh.Morning_star
    • classyoey
    • The hacking investigation didn't wipe this cuntrag out, so now they can pretty much print anything and laugh like spastic hyenas.face_melter
    • and someone on here thought we had a mainly leftwing media pmslfadein11
    • Marxist Extremist I mean come on. You had two words. Fucking shit rag.MrT
  • Bluejam0

    • too knackered after running through fields of wheat?Bluejam
    • Because the Tories are only good for trotting out whatever alliterative soundbite it is their media managers have come up with for that week.detritus
    • ...If I hear some Asperger's-ridden schlub mete out "COALITION OF CHAOS" again I'm going to rub my shit in someone's hair.detritus
    • I don't much like Corbyn and Labour, but by fuck does he shit all over May by comparison whenever he's intervieweddetritus
    • They should get May and Abbott in a mud-wrestling ring. I'd like to see that.
      No, wait, WHAT AM I SAYING?
    • perhaps we won't have that drink, thenhans_glib
    • I'M OUTSIDE.detritus
    • lolBluejam
    • Jon Snow? Seriously?i_monk
    • I watched some Frankie Boyle thing last night and was gladdened to hear my alliterative concerns repeated - moreso to learn the fields of wheat referencedetritus
    • What a delusionally dull human May is.detritus
  • monoboy0

    • Hard to believe this is realfadein11
    • Has a Knighthood. Campaigns against on-shore wind turbine subsidies. Plays the drums in a House of Commons band.monoboy
    • really small door.uan
    • one thing I will say for them - they are exactly what it says on the tin.fadein11
    • He's got fucking trump hairset
  • Bluejam0

    • ...and David Jones is a basically a fucking twatBluejam
    • With 30-40% (outer vs. inner London) of the population foreign-born (never mind x-generation) how is this incorrect?detritus
    • The majority of it certainly isn't 'English'.detritus
    • After living in Brixton and Walthamstow, I can safely say that's what makes London great.monoboy
    • We'll have to agree to disagree there.detritus
    • It's been fairly foreign since the empire and imperialism began, no?lowimpakt
    • No, nor were many places within the Empire, to which the British emigrated only at the highest echelons (or as soldiers) and even then mostly temporarily.detritus
    • There's a grand and wholly irreversible experiment at play here without the consent of the British people. I'm curious to see what happens in 20 years time.detritus
    • Experiment? Globalisation is about economics and growth.monoboy
    • If you want cheap stuff, you'll need cheap labour. Blame neoliberal economics and the people exploiting it. Not the migrants searching for work.monoboy
    • I'm fairly sure I've done nothing but blame our ponz.. capital system ever since I started being concerned about The Experiment.detritus
    • As a son of emigrant and, technically, a sort of immigrant myself, I don't blame these people. But that does not mean I condone their being here in such numbersdetritus
    • and as someone who lives in Haringey - the inbred mongoloid cousin of Walthamstow and Brixton - i feel I'm well placed to question your enthusiasm.detritus
    • Also - I'm not sure the Great British people consented to globalism either. Certainly not the bulk of workers outside London and other cosmopolitan centres.detritus
    • Experiment. Mongoloid. You sound a bit bitter about having 'foreigners' in your midst despite having no affinity to the area yourself. I find that odd. Move?monoboy
    • Or isn't that the essence of the issue? Foreigners move in, locals move out.monoboy
    • Haha, 'mongoloid' was a joke about Haringey, not the people in it. And yes, after the fashion that CO2 emissions are an 'experiment', so too mass immigrationdetritus
    • And if I do leave on a principle, how am I actually doing anything other than entrenching the principle that concerns me? A quandary.detritus
    • Samesame Brexit - I disagree with it, so what.. I move to Europe? Perverse.detritus
    • And btw, I'm no racist per se - 'someone of my best friends are foreign cunts' etc - but I do think percentages and projections really do sincere considerationdetritus
    • Grr phone correctionsdetritus
    • It's crazy to me that there's no real dialogue about this issue by the significant portion of the population who are uneasy with it. I see something wrong theredetritus
    • The issue is economic. Always is. Poorer folks get left in poorer areas, often unsupported to make what they can of the situation.monoboy
    • They form communities and rally together. The indigenous folks feel inundated and leave. To be replaced by more incomers.monoboy
    • The Government do little and it often looks like they do more for incomers simply because they have greater immediate needs. (Language and culture barriers).monoboy
    • What I find incredible, is that these 'poorer immigrants' often succeed greatly here, whilst the locals spiral further into poverty.monoboy
    • For immigrants, the UK is about aptitude and opportunity whilst the locals think the world owes them a living simply because of where they were born.monoboy
    • Racism is the last crutch of the feckless. But our highly competitive society has let a lot of people down. We could do more.monoboy
    • Conversely, some of the highest UKIP voting areas have the least immigrants. Says it all.monoboy
    • Oh and granted, there are some immigrants that also contribute fuck all. But the figures would suggest that it's mostly positive... http://www.independe…monoboy
    • Bad link... http://www.independe…monoboy
    • Sorry. QBN not posting correct links for some reason.monoboy
  • monoboy0

    Boris needs to lay off the nose bag...…

    • lolBluejam
    • He's a fucking arsehole who needs to be encased in cement and put in an underpass. Facing Mecca, of course. I'm not a savage.face_melter
    • 10 internet points to whoever gets that (butchered) quote.face_melter
    • Casino?monoboy
    • Or lock stock?monoboy
    • Man Bites Dog.…
      About 13 minutes in.
    • If he was some meaningless celebrity rather than someone involved in running our country, I'd very much like him.set
    • He's a character but fuck him having anything to do with government.set
    • I used to drink in the Chelsea Ram on the Wharf, full of cunts like Boris. Proper bat shit bonkers posh boys with no self control. Genuinely entertaining.monoboy
  • monoboy2