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  • Ramanisky2-2

    Oy Vey so much delusional smugness.
    America is Fucked.

    • She's morbidly obese. She should get the VaxPhanLo
    • Her family's insurance premiums should double and she should be charged double should she find herself in the icuwhatthefunk
    • shut your stupid face, thumbhead.Nairn
  • drgs0

    I had to read it 4 times…

    Anti-Maskers Ready to Start Masking—to Protect Themselves From the Vaccinated

    An anti-vaccine conspiracy about the vaccinated is leading some anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to contemplate wearing a mask and social distance.

    The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—more or less says the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects.

    • those idiots will believe anythingmonospaced
    • Too bad they vote too.grafician
    • sounds like some psy-ops just to get them doing what they're supposed to do.ayport
    • Sings "one way or another"AQUTE
    • *these idiots will believe anything from certain sources, jfcwhatthefunk
    • Too bad they reproduce.utopian
  • utopian2

  • utopian4

  • SimonFFM1

    Lockdown in New Zealand after 1 corona case has been found. One.

    • yes but remember they're virgin territory to the virus. all four (?) variants have yet to work their way thru the kiwis...hans_glib
    • Simon, the sanity has left the building long ago.pr2
    • uhm...they vaccinated 3M out of 4.8M people, so yeah, they'll be finegrafician
    • @grafician they have given out 2.2mil shots, but most of those are the first dose. Most people there are unprotected.robotinc
    • @pr2 this is how one prevents a pandemic, unlike America's pro endemic mindsetrobotinc
    • Probably why they haven't had a case for many months...just a thought.BusterBoy
    • My sisters bf was on a jobsite that had one of the caseshardhat
  • grafician-4

    JUST IN: Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is fully vaccinated, tests positive for coronavirus.

  • utopian12

    • I hope he dies (just kidding!) so all your pro-vaxers can start shitting your pants again.pr2
    • TL

    • uhh, pr2, nobody has ever said the vaccine keeps you from getting covid-19. Only person here shitting anything is you, as usual.monospaced
    • This just shows that you actually don't understand the science, or you haven't paid any attention to it. Pathetic.monospaced
    • pro-vaxers <=> science mindedrobotinc
    • pro-vaxxer = anti-vaxxer
      both are controlled by emotions and not science.
    • holy shit your mental acrobatics are insane. vaccines are invented by scientists, and are the result of rigorous science.monospaced
    • These scientists do this and are urging the world to get vaccinated. That isn’t emotion, that’s literally the science speaking you back assward clownmonospaced
    • The only people who question the need for these vaccines are anti vax morons, not scientists.monospaced
    • The science shows that the vaccines will ensure even Abbott will be saved from a covid death. That’s how the science works, and you can’t argue against that.monospaced
    • mono's last 4 paragraph prove my point: "pro-vaxxer are controlled by emotions and not science"pr2
    • No it doesn’t. If you want to argue against the fact that the vaccine keeps you from dying of covid, go ahead. But science isn’t on your side.monospaced
    • You seem so emotionally charged you can’t even accept that the science made the vaccine and that it works. Accept it or reject it. That’s your choicemonospaced
    • I am accepting what the planets best science is saying. You are not. That isn’t emotion, it’s just fact.monospaced
    • I see this news as positivedorf
    • I read a Twitter post hoping that Abbott loses his ability to walk, LOLutopian
    • Don't even have to test or isolate if we're double vaxxed in the UK. could start a wave of 1000 hospitalisations p/d in the unvaccinated without our protectionkingsteven
    • unvaccinated != antivax, vaccinated != pro vax of course. the 'ill wait and see' camp are unaware of the protection they are getting from the conscientiouskingsteven
    • antivaxers are beyond reasoning, when it comes to the crunch we'll find there's not that many who won't take it. we're just not quite there yet unfortunatelykingsteven
    • I think it’s sensible to be cautious about big pharma and not blindly following “the planet’s best science”, which isn’t immune from influence.mort_
    • While I have been vaxxed, I would have concerns about the scale and rate of this operation and the past behaviour of some of these companies.mort_
    • So I would tend not to demonise anyone who is unsure or deliberating. But anti-vaxxers with no valid objections are a different beast.mort_
    • “Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?”
    • I agree mort_. I was hesitant. I don't have 'normal' vaccines. But I weighed the risks for myself and others and chose to get vaccinated.formed
    • I kinda figured 'well, worse comes to worse and the vaccine causes horrible damage later on, I'll be in the same boat as most people."formed
    • @mort not demonize, but educate the on the fence types. They are the weak links. I mean, it's been long enough that they could "do their research".garbage
    • All they've read are from reactionary hack types. It's like asking Michael Jordan for baseball tips.garbage
    • Anti-vaxxers and on-the-fencers are the weak links that are causing all of this. It's as simple as that.garbage
    • So yes, people that do understand medicine are fucking annoyed and rightfully emotional about people who don't fucking get it.garbage
    • Also Gregg Abbott won't die because he's afforded health care that the majority of his constituents don't have access to. But I wouldn't care if he did.garbage
    • Bonus is that their taxes pay for his health care that they can't buy for themselves. He'll come out of this in a "COVID is a wimp" way and lose no support.garbage
    • A bored yawn to all the anti-vaxxers. YAAAAWN.sandpipe
    • ^ I wish it were that simple.garbage
    • ^ I know. But I'm tired of discussing with these kind of people. There is no progress at all. And it ruins my nerves...sandpipe
    • I hope he dies. He's killing people with his words and his deeds.CyBrainX
  • grafician-7

    Just found this on pr2's profile page


  • slappy1

    Hang in there NSW, it's going to get worse before it gets better.…

    • How can NSW get any worse? Oh sorry yeah the virus!MrT
  • Ramanisky22
  • Ramanisky22
    • Vince McMahon calls for Matt Baker from Ocean Beach! HAHAAQUTE
  • Ramanisky20

    • I mean, are we supposed to feel sorry for these unvaccinated people in the USA? sure in other countries where vaccines are hard to come by (i.e. Australia).inteliboy
    • But aren't Australians all descendants of criminals? Shouldn't we rather focus on Kenya?uan
    • it came to this: an ICU dr telling people unscientific lies about immunization.pr2
    • what lies?monospaced
    • Nobody said the covid vaccine made you immune. That is what the science deniers say, not what the science says.monospaced
    • Sounds like you've been fed lies, just like these poor brainwashed, science denying fools who didn't get vaccinated.monospaced
  • Gardener2

    • someone needs to invent that urgently for UKshapesalad
  • neverscared1

    Man Sentenced for Smuggling 80 Pounds of Speed Disguised as COVID Vaccine
    A Polish man covered his van in magnetic stickers with the BioNTech logo to evade authorities.…

  • pr2-6

    "Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before."…

    • First thing it says is that it’s not peer reviewed and should NOT be used to guide medical advice. Their emphasis.monospaced
    • It also concludes that if you’re unvaccinated you should get vaccinated. Either that or risk death from Covid infection.monospaced
    • They also limited previously infected as only the last 42 days. They threw out anyone who had it before that. Not very good angle there to ignore the majority.monospaced
    • EVERY paper in preprint is not peer-reviewed. How is this a news to anyone?pr2
    • It’s not news to anyone. But it is important if you’re going to cite it. Obviously.monospaced
    • the purpose of this study is not to find out if you should or shouldn't get vaccinated. don't confuse the aims. there a plethora of quality papers about it.pr2
    • It is saying that the vaccine works if you haven’t had Covid yet. If you’ve survived Covid it might be less effective. This isn’t news to anyone.monospaced
    • It supports the case for getting vaccinated. Nothing else.monospaced
    • but what about freedom?

    • um, yeah ok once again you show total disregard to how science works. any study has an AIM and proves something in context of that AIM.pr2
    • here specifically if those who had covid are as protected as those with vaccines. the study might lead to other conclusions but since that wasn't the AIM,pr2
    • those findings are not conclusive.pr2
    • papers that actually AIM to find if vaccines are good for you will show more nuanced findings: yes, if you are older or have comorbidity, inconsequential...pr2
    • ... but probably recommended when you are young and healthy.pr2
    • and not recommended for children (including those above 12).pr2
    • happy you both and your families are still alive and can argue in perpetuum on an online forum :-)uan
    • I did not show disregard for how science works, not at all. The AIM here is to say that a covid infection MAY have a period of immunity attached. Not news.monospaced
    • But nothing about the finding implies a vaccine isn't useful or necessary.monospaced
    • My family I know will be safe. Same can't be said for pr2's considering he doesn't mask and doesn't vaccinate.monospaced
    • but he got it he is got vaccinated by nature.uan
    • Maybe.monospaced
    • science paper says: u got covid it's as good as if you were vaccinated;
      mono: "Maybe" then "i'm not anti science"
      sure you are note, sure you are not.
    • No it doesn’t say that. The article says “maybe” you clown. It hasn’t even been peer reviewed nor is very complete.monospaced
    • The overwhelming majority of the science on the subject says to get vaccinated. You’re denying that and finding weak fringe studies instead.monospaced
    • The fact that 90% of current ICU covid patients are unvaccinated is the science you need to see.monospaced
    • dude, every time i read something you write i have a hard time believing that someone can be so obtuse to fundamental logic.pr2
    • mono's logic: ICUs are filled with unvaccinated people who NEVER HAD covid before = vaccinate people who had covid. fuck me!pr2
    • Your logic is that it’s better to risk death and accept loss of life for chance of some resistance than get vaccine which is almost guaranteed to save youmonospaced
    • And it’s not just people who aren’t vaccinated. There are 10-20% who were. That’s why it’s important. But go ahead and ignore the science you fucking retard.monospaced
    • My logic beats yours any day of the week. Because I am more informed, more well read and far more educated than you. And I don’t question the experts like you.monospaced
    • I’m also not irrationally scared of masks, the vaccine, or so emotionally driven like you, so I can see clearly. You have issues.monospaced
    • You live in fear, you live to spread fear, and you ignore anything that threatened that. That is why you are considered qbns #1 CUNTmonospaced
    • sure you are more informed, sure you are. here is your lollipop.pr2
  • Nairn0

    I'm guessing we're down to about 25% of people in shops here in London wearing masks now. If that.

    Good job.

  • api13

    Good news for kids and parents!
    New Study: Children are much less likely to fall seriously ill

    Children's immune systems seem to be better prepared for coronavirus attacks than those of adults. According to a new study, this probably explains why children are much less likely than adults to become severely ill with Covid-19.

    The cells of the upper respiratory tract are already on heightened alert in children and can quickly fight the virus in the event of infection before it massively multiplies, writes a team led by lung researcher Irina Lehmann of Berlin Charité in the journal Nature Biotechnology.…

    Of course, there is always this one child in the media who became very ill with covid, but fortunately these are extreme exceptions and not infrequently diagnosed by pre-existing conditions.

    • good news_niko
    • Good news, everyone!nb
    • good luck not getting downvoted by the mob who doesn't want fear be taken away from their self identity.pr2
    • lol, you’re scared of a vaccine, and masks!monospaced
    • Also, this isn’t news. We ALWAYS knew kids we’re nearly all safe from covid complications. But they can still contract and spread it asymptotically.monospaced
    • That is the point of this and why it’s important to mask and vaccinate still. And that’s why he isn’t downvoted you ass backward clown.monospaced
    • Hey pr2, notice the upvotes? Your assessment of the entire situation is wrong. Can’t see the forest for the trees.nb
    • hey we should respect pr2's feelings to believe whatever he wants. even when it puts people's lives at risk. he's *that* special. <3 u prsarahfailin
    • Pr2s just scared guys, lets cut her some slackGuyFawkes
    • science says: kids are not at risk and neither are they major spreaders; the pitchfork crowd: that's why you gotta mask up and vaccinate. This is the sort...pr2
    • ...of twisted logic people like me have to deal with.pr2
    • can we force people to start reading books and actually use their brains? Of course not, so we just accept the reality of the mass stupidity.pr2
    • get a copy of the vaccine card and wave at at any given moron who requests it.pr2
    • the science does show that children are spreaders, though, you're full of shitmonospaced
    • in fact, a kid came home from camp with covid this summer, gave it to his grandmother, and she died from itmonospaced
    • pr2, you live in NYC right? How you gonna deal with the fact you can't go into any restaurant or show for the foreseeable future?monospaced
    • if you have any science to show that kids don't spread covid, share it. You won't, though, because you're a dishonest shit.monospaced
    • if i knew you have an honest bone in your body to bother reading, i could overwhelm you with papers.pr2
    • but it's obvious you prefer an anecdotes (some kids returning form a camp) to rigorous studies.pr2
    • Your entire position is reliant on fringe anecdote, which you use to ignore the vast majority of science. You can’t even deny this. You’re a joke here.monospaced
  • dbloc15

  • Krassy2

    U.S. will begin wide distribution of Covid booster shots next month, saying vaccine protection wanes over time…

    • It’s now “very clear” that immunity starts to fall after the initial two doses, top U.S. health officials saidKrassy
    • Israel in 4th wave and about to offer boosters.fadein11
    • Less people will get booster I believe.Beeswax
    • Sign us up.monospaced
    • aww shit not again.. the second shot was already so horrible with effects.. never had such a bad fever in my life.neverscared
    • Better than deathmonospaced
    • no shit .. sherlock.neverscared
    • That was meant for someone else. Relax ;)monospaced
  • MrT0

    New Zealand lols. Comments are good too...…