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  • Ramanisky22

    Anti-Vaxx protest outside N.Y. City Hall

    • And she'll be the first to demand health care when she's dying from COVID. Dumb fuck.BusterBoy
    • Engrish folksutopian
    • keep puffing on that freedom stick, ma'am... at your age and w/your lungs the 'rona will turn you into said science experiment real quickPonyBoy
    • whofuckingcares.gifhans_glib
    • pr2 has let himself gofadein11
    • Bad spellers of the world untieBluejam
    • Kurt Cobain's reanimated corpse in the first picture there.face_melter
    • I like how he squeezed the tiny second "c" in there.elahon
    • With a cigarette hanging from her lip. My guess is if she gets it she's not in peak form to fight it off.shellie
  • utopian0

    Republican Senator Cancun Cruz, Republican Senator Cramer introduce "No Mask and No Vaccine Mandate Acts" countering Biden administration and CDC mask guidelines.…

  • monospaced1

    Fact Check-VAERS data does not prove COVID-19 vaccine deaths exceeded 12,000…

    • Actual reports show that there are only a small handful (less than 10) actual covid vaccine related deaths in the US.monospaced
    • The important fact here, which is undeniable, is that all current hospitalizations and deaths from covid are 100% unvaccinated.monospaced
    • I bet Pr2 would love to fact check your fact checking.Ianbolton
  • Ramanisky25

  • Ramanisky22

    This inbred Mook (who btw is probably fully vaccinated) has once again been suspended on Twitter for posting misinformation about the Covid vaccines.

    • When you look at the data around vaccine negative effects vs. that of the actual virus, that vast number of people who died because of C-19mg33
    • it's really astounding how these types will disregard and refuse data that reflects much worse outcomes.mg33
    • Case in point: She's disregarded the virus itself all along, and downplayed data that is indicative of far worse outcomes than the vaccines...mg33
    • ...but since the vaccines negatively affect like 0.009 of people who get them, she freaks out about that.mg33
    • Ugh... bungled that first comment. Read full reply above Ram's post.mg33
    • At least 50% of Americans are stupid, period!utopian
    • She looks like something out of the Exorcist.BusterBoy
  • BaskerviIle6

  • mg335

    What I was trying to say with my comment's to Ram's message was this:

    It's fully to see Greene and others like her basically do this:

    Downplaying Covid-19:
    "Covid-19 only has like a 1% mortality rate / it's no worse than the flu / these lockdowns are bad and masks suck and I want my freedom!" [despite hundreds of thousands of deaths]

    Fear-mongering of vaccines:
    "I heard about some people dying of the vaccine! It's poison! I don't trust it!" [despite a very minimal number of people having complications, which I imagine are well within the negligible range of complications, no different from other vaccines or drugs]

    If these people would have reacted to Covid-19 the way they've reacted to the vaccines, with their fear and resistance, we'd probably not be in the situation we're in, 1 1/2 years later, staring down a never-ending story of needless hospitalization and death. But they don't understand math at all, so, here we are.

    Don't get me wrong, I hope all of us who took the vaccines are safe long-term and don't suffer unforeseen consequences. I'm occasionally nervous about it, but I put my trust in the scientists who have been working towards mRNA technology for decades, over the opinions of people like Greene who know absolutely nothing about science or vaccines. I hope we're not all test subjects in a big regrettable experiment that's going to affect our health down the road. I think that a lot for my kids. They're 4 and 6 1/2 and I'm incredibly hesitant to get them vaccinated even if it were approved for them. I want some time to pass before I get it for them.

    That aside... I want to live in a world where people like Greene have no authority or intellectual toxicity over anyone but their immediate household.

    • * It's funny... (I cannot type today)mg33
    • Well said mg33 .. well said.Ramanisky2
    • Thanks Ram. :)mg33
  • Projectile2

    Holy fuck! I just looked up the USA cases. Yikrs!!!

  • mathinc6

    I JUST had a user interview call with a decent size company. During the call, this lady was asked to share her screen so she can show how she uses the product. She starts trying to get this other guy to do it instead, but he's pretty insistent she does the demo.

    So she relents and says "I just need to shut down some retail therapy windows."

    Everyone laughs.

    Then she says, "I'm trying to order Costco Delivery before tomorrow." [pause] "Got to get toilet paper before everything goes nuts tomorrow."

    Her boss says, "Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?"

    Woman: "You know..."

    Boss: "No I don't know, should I?"

    Woman: "Yeah you should. The nanoparticles you have in you, they're doing a 5G test.. it's going to be bad for people who got the jab..."

    Boss: ...

    Me: :-|

    • : )dbloc
    • Tomorrow?!? ...... What time ?Ramanisky2
    • Not sure, but I guess we're gettin' that Bill Gates 5G tomorrow!! Party at my house.mathinc
    • I would be on mute making popcorn.monospaced
    • so glad i got that water up the ass injector thing, I'm ready.GuyFawkes
    • awesome way to get rid of your annoying co-worker while doing things you should have done yesterday.sted
    • I can go one day without shittin’nb
    • My reception on my phone is pretty bad, I hope the 5G update helps. I hope it doesn't make my brain melt out my nose thoughPhanLo
    • Amazing! Can't wait for more stories about this person.instrmntl
    • Has this really happened? My former neighbor told me in 1999 the eclipse is going to end our lives but your story tops this by far!SimonFFM
    • How does toilet paper help?drgs
    • Well, today happened. Have you followed up with her? Is she okay?monospaced
    • It is god damned 3pm here and no 5G powers yet. Something is wrong w my nanoparticles. You guys?mathinc
  • Beeswax8

    My step sister, who is a Trump fan added a new bullshit theory to her bullshit arsenal to piss me off.
    She's not vaccinated and 2 weeks ago I went to visit her in her home but didn't mention my concerns about her not being vaccinated just not to make her feel bad.
    She even said, are you not going to let me see the little one because i'm not vaxxed, and I said no that's ok we can meet someday.
    Then yesterday I wrote her to see if she's available so we can all get together since she hasn't seen my son for over a year.
    She said about 10 days after I left she felt sick and she read that, in one of her bullshit sources, that vaccinated people now spread the virus(more than non vaccinated) because of the protein that they got with the vaccine...
    I said, since this is a fact, we shouldn't see each other to not to pose a risk to you.
    I don't want to ruin my relation with her but I'm fed up with constant bullshit storm that she keeps spurting.

    Also she put all her money on AMC and she thinks it's going to reach above $6000. It's trading around $30 right now.

    No math, no science, no conscience, no logic = Trump fan, non-vaxxer, qanon follower, AMC, GME investor

    • she's a victim of the ST00-pID virusmonospaced
    • invite her to join QBNKrassy
    • Marjorie?grafician
    • Introduce her to Hayomook, they would be a great Qouple.utopian
    • good luck man, I've git a few of those in my family too. so hard, but might be better off with out her_niko
    • yeah make fun of those whenever you can, they will consider their conspiracy opinions weak soon enough as that kind of people cares a lot about self imagegrafician
    • Lol Krassy.maquito
    • Sorry to hear dude. My brother was tarded. He's a pilot now!Hayzilla
    • Approach her with a Pornhub like "Oh no, step sister, what are you thinking?" every time you see hermekk
    • My brother is a Trump supporter and I barely was able to maintain a relationship with him because of my disgust. That being said, he doesn't bring shit up.CyBrainX
    • I'm able to deal with it If he were like your sister I would have excommunicated her from my life.CyBrainX
  • pango1

  • lemmy_k0
  • grafician-5

    "Over 70,000 people in the US are now hospitalized with coronavirus"

    Is this for real?! 4th wave?

    • Damn, everything in the red

    • 28,316 new cases in FL yesterdayKrassy
    • Yeah. Why act surprised. It’s been happening.monospaced
    • Bro no, we have like 150 cases in 15-16M people and everybody went to the seaside this month, 60% vaccinated
      70k in hospitals is A LOT
      Guess anti vaxxers
    • 20k cases in Florida for 20M people in Florida is A LOT

      damn I thought Western world got this under control, fuckk
    • Bro, no? The cases have definitely been climbing for the last few weeks, and this was absolutely predicted. It's for real, and not surprising. Sorry?monospaced
    • Not sure why you're explaining what everyone knows, as if I don't understand. Of course we know, and we know it's a lot.monospaced
  • Ramanisky25

  • maquito9

    Uruguay update. No deaths for the last few days. 75% of population vaxxed. Reinforcing Pfizer shot being programmed for some specific groups. Contagious rate almost down to zero.

    Government opened up everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. Fun fact: Uruguay’s not an island. And flights from all over the world are now coming back from vacation, mainly in the US.

    Standby for some crazy shit in the next few weeks.

    • Uruguay is like a small Argentina?i_was
    • ‚we will have to learn to live with it‘ said swiss gov today...vaccines provide enough protection from deadly outcomes. they kept the masks in public places...uan
    • ...and free tests till october for now. they‘ll reavaluate the situation in 2 weeks, see if hospitals don‘t get overcrowded by then.uan
    • at only 49% of full vaccinated population. looks like the other half of the population doesn‘t want the vaccine.uan
    • i_was sort of. Tiny. It was a province once. Ended up in the form of a country.maquito
    • Buenos Aires alone is bigger, and has 6 times the population of the entire Uruguay.maquito
  • SimonFFM2

    Had hoped to be fine after the 2nd jab (Pfizer), but last night it knocked me out. First I was freezing, then came light fever, headache and my whole body aches.

    At least I know where it comes from. For whatever reason this is always something I question ("Why did I get ill?"). Quite stupid.

    Anyways, hope to be fine again soon.

    P.S. My wife is doing better and I wonder if she is naturally stronger, I mean taking more pain than me or if it really hit me harder.

    • Same here. It's a tough ride but it only lasts 32hrs. And I also had a wife that had a sore arm for 2hrs and no other side effects. Women are just tougher.Hayzilla
    • Usually women are tougher when ill, but this kicked my wife's ass. For her to admit she was sick said a lot. I was down for one day, she cont'd to work from homlemmy_k
    • I'm already feeling a bit better after 24hrs. That's cool. I hope to be fine again by tomorrow.SimonFFM
    • I had a fever in the middle of the night, but was fine the next day. Friend had a dull headache for 2 weeks. Total coin toss on how you'll react.formed
    • Yeah, I don’t know anyone that had side effects for more than 36 hoursnb
    • The aches were bad for me. I had moderna version though.monospaced
    • I have an extremely high pain tolerance so I thought I’d be able to work through any aches. But the fatigue put me down.nb
    • ^ Have you been thru a periodontitis all alone ?i_was
    • I got Pfizer - shot 1, just sore arm muscle at injection site. shot 2, bit of headache and felt run down, lasted a day or so.bulletfactory
    • had the same. It is a good thing you are feeling feverish. It means your body is reacting on it.milfhunter
    • same reaction here. Second a day I could hardly open my eyes or even get out of bed. My wife brushed it off like nothing.monNom
    • the moderna vaccines was the inverse (for me anyway) felt ill the first dose and sailed through the second...jonny_quest_lives
    • that second jab's a bitch!scarabin
    • Yep, more nano particles.i_was
    • No fever, no aches, nothing excepting this "rare" fatigue for weeks, doing better now... But I get tired only looking at my bikes :(OBBTKN
  • utopian0

    The U.S. if totally fucked again...thanks Anti-Vaxxers!…

  • utopian-1

  • Ramanisky21

    Franklin Tennessee School Board Meeting.

    Medical professionals who had spoken in favor of masks in schools harassed by the parents. “We know who you are. You can leave freely, but we will find you.”

  • dbloc1