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  • 6,399 Responses
  • PhanLo3

    • Population equivalent of Barbados. Not far from Iceland.monospaced
    • I live very near to the Navajo Nation. They got hit hard at the beginning of the pandemic. I hardly see Navajos out and about without masks.mathinc
  • utopian0

  • PhanLo2

  • grafician0

    After a real-world study, Johnson&Johnson vaccine very effective against Delta and Beta variants.

    97% eff against death and 71% against hospitalisation.

  • Ramanisky24

  • utopian3

    Lambda, Lambda, Lambda.

  • utopian1

    Vaccine-resistant lambda variant is in the US.…

  • utopian0

    6 members of one Florida church died from COVID-19 in 10 days according to its pastor, who is encouraging people to get vaccinated.

    Tweets and Prayers…

    • this is sad, sounded like that church was trying to do the right thing but got stung by the idiocracy around theminteliboy
    • Is it wrong of me to say "good"? Probably I won't.BusterBoy
  • utopian0

    Texas GOP Leader Hospitalized For COVID-19 Dies Days After Mocking Vaccines

    Tweets and Prayers…

    • Is it wrong of me to say "good"? Probably I won't.BusterBoy
    • Tragic that anyone healthy adult should die at all considering the vaccine has been available for a long ass time.monospaced
    • So, he basically asked for it. Literally. Is that wrong to say? Maybe. But he asked for it.monospaced
    • Darwin moves in mysterious waysSlashPeckham
  • bainbridge0

    If I'm vaccinated should I be concerned at all, especially if I only really hang out with like minded, vaccinated people?

    A friend who was and is super cautious is going crazy complaining about people not wearing masks on his instagram. I don't understand his paranoia.

    • The vaccinated can still spread and catch the virus. I am vaccinated twice yet still wear a mask when i go to the supermarket.Morning_star
    • Maybe don't get your medical advice from QBN or instagramBaskerviIle
    • same, been hanging out with double vaxxed folks like normal, mask on the train, cabs, shops. between me an the gf, doin lateral flow tests at least once a weekkingsteven
    • because there's a high case count here and we're both out a lot... figure thats probably more important as theres a high likelihood of being asymptomatickingsteven
    • The vaccine doesn’t sterilise the virus when you catch it. Just gives you a better fighting chance. You can may not die. But you can spread it and get Ill.shapesalad
  • SimonFFM8

    Tomorrow I finally get my 2nd jab. I am only late because I didn't know "the right people", so I had to wait in line. Germany was slow. From tomorrow (+14 days) I will be a tiny bit more free again.

  • Ianbolton3

    Just wondering how many folks have deleted the test and trace (UK) app from there phones? I was out at a food festival on Saturday and pretty much everyone I talked to had done so. They couldn't afford to isolate was the main reason. How the fuck are we tracing COVID now? Obviously not with an App (that wasn't even that good anyway) that cost about £37billion to make.

    • never downloaded it, folks i know that did deleted long ago. don't think i know person who's had a ping the whole pandemic and turned out positivekingsteven
    • Mental isn't it? And we talk about 'someone' is going to have to pay for this pandemic somehow.Ianbolton
    • I never downloaded it either - i've just avoided the fuck out of everyone... .Nairn
    • Haha. I did that but got the app as some restaurants were getting cunty if you didn't scan in. My mate was 'pinged' last week and is staying in for 10 days.Ianbolton
    • I have it and use but then again rarely go anywhere.shapesalad
    • Be interesting to know how many cases thy were calculating through the app compared to just standard testing. Numbers are down dramatically apparentlyIanbolton
    • I believe I have to install one for the first time, soon (NY).monospaced
    • Most places I go to cater for those who don't have the app with a simple pen and paper pad. Write your name down (or not) and off you go.TOMMYxGUNN
    • Any place I’ve been had the qr code thing that went to a website.PhanLo
    • I think my point was 'Test and Trace' never really did what it was supposed to do, but wondered how much tracing it did in connection to the daily figures?Ianbolton
    • And is the downward spiral of cases due to people deleting the App? Or because more people are vaccinated so are experiencing no/less symptoms?Ianbolton
    • Same in Germany. We even have two apps and you are supposed to check-in with it in some places but if you don't nobody will know about it. Weird principle.SimonFFM
    • 37 billion?!?!?!?!?!?!pango
    • Haha. Yeah. You'd think 37 BILLION would erradicate the entire pandemic, not just build an app. It's ridiculous.Ianbolton
    • 37 bil wasn't for the app lol, jeez.
      37 bil was for the whole test and trace system, testing centres, staff, test kits, testing etc. Still ridiculous how it was
    • wasted and given to tory pals but the app DID NOT cost 37 bil and it pains me to remotely defend the cunts here.fadein11
    • the app ended up being the off the shelf Apple/Google one, it prob cost a few mil tops.fadein11
    • I mean what on Earth would they be coding for £37bil, the Matrix?
      I despise the tories but still amazed seeing this banded around.
    • Haha. Yeah, sorry, that's a fair point. Context lost when I say 37 billion just for an app. But still, the fucking Tories huh?!Ianbolton
    • the UK app is also built using microsoft excel, seriously. it's like a weeks work for a good coder.kingsteven
    • that had nothing to do with the app (google/apple), but yes I get your point. it was a shit show from the beginning.fadein11
    • but £37bil on an off the shelf app lol, purlease. Even the most die hard tory may have questioned that.fadein11
    • anyway, I'm not defending the corrupt cunts at all, far from it. hopefully when the dust finally settles heads will roll.fadein11
  • shapesalad2

    Exercise more = covid less.

    • It was weird that that wan't a big part of the initial lockdown message.PhanLo
    • and maybe taking vitamin D? The whole idea of looking after yourself (and others) should've been a primary message.Ianbolton
  • kaiyohtee6

    Anti-vaccine protesters storm BBC HQ – years after it moved out…

    Ye gude ole research of internet

  • Ramanisky26

    • did anyone read this and not hear it in his voice? lol_niko
    • Haha. Totally.hardhat
  • Ramanisky21

    • Regerts!utopian
    • that's the problem, it's not that they're afraid, it's that they think it's a hoax, some plot from a nefarious group and that they're too smart to fall for it_niko
    • Yasss! Jesus saves the day! Miracle.PhanLo
    • for every Joe AntiVaxer who is dying now there is Joe ProVaxer who had vaccine and is in the morgue now. But news doesn't talk about them.pr2
    • yeaaa faith! cuz that works : |futurefood
    • "They're all crisis actors...It's all an orchestrated elaborate hoax conducted by the radical left wing agenda" - Alex Jonesutopian
    • Pr2 is baaaacccccckkk!PhanLo
    • Where's your data pr2? Source that shit.FNP14
    • 2021+ years ago you might have sacrificed a goat or something, maybe a small child, but because Jesus was sacrificed for us, we just pray.shapesalad
    • That's how Jesus has saved lives. But overall she's an idiot....shapesalad
    • Pr2: it only has a 1% mortality rate, its just the flu!
      Also Pr2: the vaccine has a 1% mortality rate and the morgues are full!
    • How many died from vaccine and how many died from vivid? WHERE IS THE DATA?pango
    • Also yes people died from blooded clog caused by vax. And it was on the news. People also get blood clog from covid.pango
    • And hi. Welcome back!pango
    • *covid.
    • I feel sorry for the people who "do their own research" and become expert epidemiologists. Oh wait, no I don't.inteliboy
    • That’s not true pr2. There are millions of deaths from covid. There is a very low number of deaths from the vaccine or people vaccinated.monospaced
    • I think there were like 5 blood clot deaths worldwide? Breakthrough deaths are nearly nonexistent, if at all.monospaced
    • The chance of complications is lower than from vax. And also it's nothing you wouldn't have gotten from covid anyway if you don't die.pango
    • Jesus tried to kill you and your family. Think about that morons.monospaced
    • Wait I meant chance of complication from vax is lower than from covid.pango
    • If course it is. My many magnitudes it is lower. So much lower it’s almost non existent in comparison.monospaced
    • CDC data: 5k deaths from vaccines last year alone (almost all from covid vaccine).
      currently 5% of covid deaths in US is due to vaccine.
    • some of you have to spend less time on QBN and read science papers out there.pr2
    • of course a simpleton in the room will take the CDC's 5k vaccine deaths and try to compare it to 630k of covid deaths with zero understanding that a valid...pr2
    • ...comparison would be against covid deaths SINCE vaccine roll out. then it would be 5k against ~100k.pr2
    • but basic logic was thrown out the window long ago, so why am i stills trying???pr2
    • i don't see news crews interviewing all those mothers, fathers, husbands, wifes, sisters, brothers etc of the 5k who took the vaccine and are in the graves now.pr2
    • "Reports of adverse events ... following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.dorf
    • A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines."dorf
    • 4,000 deaths is not 5% of covid deaths. Your math is as stupid as your bullshit data.monospaced
    • It’s not news because you’re being lied to. It’s not real.monospaced
    • 6500 covid vaccine deaths in 6 months alone. (in US only)pr2
    • https://www.research…pr2
    • "only 14% of the cases for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death"pr2
    • Hey pr2...fuck off cunt.
      Can we ban this fucker?
    • pr2 being a dingus. forgets to add:
      For 203 of the 250 (81%) the vaccine may have been a factor in their death; however, many of these patients had one or more
    • chronic or age-related comorbid conditions. Finally, for at least 13 of the 250 deaths (5%) the vaccine was the most likely cause of death;dorf
    • let's give him the benefit of doubt. forget what dorf just said. corona death was averaging 1k a day vs vax death 6.5k in 6 months.pango
    • ... (in US only). which is worst?pango
    • Mindy Mindy Mindy...milfhunter
    • Study group was “made up primarily of those who are elderly or with significant health conditions.”monospaced
    • Also says that 1/3 of results are probably bullshit and this is just reports not science.monospaced
    • It is also lumping in the last 4 years of flu vaccines it appears. This is t a study on covid vaccines but really vaccines in general among the most susceptiblemonospaced
    • pr2, you cuntbabydick
    • pr2: "6500 is 5% of 617k, read the science" - fails to read the abstract hahahkingsteven
    • There are dozens and dozens of articles explaining how that VAERS data is not accurate and is being used my fucktards to spread misinformation.monospaced
    • Congrats, pr2, you're one of those moronic sheep who lives in fear and denies reality. I hope you don't beg for the vaccine when your time comes.monospaced
    • holy shit, guys i though it's only mono who has 2 brain cells working hard to keep him alive.pr2
    • i'm not even responding to the mono moron anymore, but i guess i have to put some other "stable geniuses" on the list too.pr2
    • in almost ALL covid/vaccine death cases comorbidity was a factor. fuck me guy, how dumb can you be not to understand it?pr2
    • 70% of the reports came from health care pros, not some jaded anti-vaxers. Guys, lift the self-inflicted blinders on the facts.pr2
    • in 5% of the cases, vaccines were DIRECTLY responsible. Shit, how much of an idiot you have to be what the implications of this statement are in context...pr2
    • ...of hundreds of millions vaccines distributed.pr2
    • 1k a day vs vax death 6.5k in 6 months in US only. Which is worse?pango
    • I'm sure your 6 yrs old can math that one out.pango
    • what you said is "5% of covid deaths in US is due to vaccine." - it's 5% of the 6500 deaths (where the vaccine was thought to be a contributing factor) that thekingsteven
    • vaccine was the direct cause of death.kingsteven
    • btw. i have a sub to researchgate, so if you want to misread the entire paper, rather than just the abstract... let me knowkingsteven
    • i missed the post where you said since vax roll out, but it is still a daft assumption given the seroprevalence indicated that 18% had covid before the roll outkingsteven
    • half the country vaccinated since (mostly over 65) and most of the deaths from the vaccine had other contributing factorskingsteven
    • here's the full VAERS interim results paper https://www.dropbox.…kingsteven
    • 5% (320) were direct deaths of vaccine, 67% (4300) were due to comorbidity with vaccine. There are dozens of "was anti-vaccine and now is dying,"pr2
    • examples in this threat. With 4300 people who were pro-vaccine but now are dead you would find more articles or video clips about those people.pr2
    • And yet you don't. The fact that no one on this forum questions what that is, is simply shameful.pr2
    • Seriously, i get that most fucks here don't know how to read the most basic science paper, but the fact that they don't engage the debate how media...pr2
    • ...grossly favor one debate over another is just mind boggling on a forum that is filled with media makers.pr2
    • I get that, it is very odd to read papers ie VAERS where they make direct comparisons to flu vaccine deaths, while 'it's not a flu' can shut down any comparisonkingsteven
    • in the public sphere. another example would be stating the YLL of 10.5 years to dismiss the idea that the majority of covid deaths were notkingsteven
    • premature mortality, when this is widely accepted in many models as a big contributing factor to pandemic waves. and using a simple calculationkingsteven
    • based on a standard life expectancy that has +/- 10 years between the rich and poor and at the same time acknowledging the wealth gap, acknowledgingkingsteven
    • the virus spreads to the elderly and infirm via healthcare workers, facilities and through undervalued front line workers etc. there is no meta-analysiskingsteven
    • its quite deliberately a trope to shut down discussion until that analysis is complete, but people do come to believe it unquestionablykingsteven
    • but using a time period to compare covid and vaccine deaths follows a similar theme of oversimplification, i can take any other metrickingsteven
    • (even double the serology case estimations) and knock that 5% down to <0.36%. and if you do any analysis of age you'll actually have to bring in some sort ofkingsteven
    • YLL or 'it's not a flu vaccine' argument of your own to maintain any statistical significance. i have unpopular posts on here from early in the vaccine roll-outkingsteven
    • where i was waiting to be convinced they are safe, from everything i've read - if you are healthy it is an absolute no-brainer to get the vaccinekingsteven
    • because not even factoring in any positive effects of the vaccine above. just deaths like an antivaxxer. but from all reports they are understated tookingsteven
  • Ramanisky23

  • utopian0

    France and Iceland are among seven destinations added on Monday to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's highest risk category for travel.

    Travel should be avoided to locations carrying the "Level 4: Covid-19 very high" notice, according to CDC guidance. Anyone who must travel should be fully vaccinated first, the agency advises.

    The seven destinations added to the Level 4 list on August 9 are:
    • Aruba
    • Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
    • France
    • French Polynesia
    • Iceland
    • Israel
    • Thailand…

  • utopian2

    Party On America!

  • Ramanisky21

    • Hol'up. Lollapalooza ok. Obama party ok. Sturgis Bad. ?!?dibec
    • ^ are you cereal? lolRamanisky2