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  • elahon-1

  • srhadden0

  • nb1

    Just want to say if you can pay your rent, pay your rent. As long as it's not putting your life in jeopardy, of course. If you can afford rent but you're withholding as some kind of "rent strike movement" you are not helping the problem, you're making it worse. If you can't pay your rent, call out to family and friends and ask for help. Don't assume your landlord has piles of liquidity lying around, because they almost definitely don't.

    I figure I probably don't need to say this to anyone here.

    • Yeah, I've seen 'Rent Strike' grafitti'd around the place recently and can't get my head around what it hopes to achieve. except for not paying rent, of course.Nairn
    • Like all this money that the gov't promises to hand out - I'm like, I don't want it - it's just going to have to get paid back one way or another. No free lunchNairn
    • Also, your landlord doesn't want to evict anyone right now. Landlords are frightened too. Try to work something out with them. Negotiate.nb
    • Not allowed to evict right now.monospaced
    • Pay your rent, while your landlord has a mortgage holiday.Yep, nice to be the landlord in that situation...shapesalad
    • Uh, do you understand how a mortgage holiday will work? I'm so sick of people thinking everyone else is on Easy Streetnb
    • No rent will be forgiven. It all has to be paid, there's no easy street.monospaced
    • No mortgage is forgiven. They just aren't enforcing payment or interest for now. It's all still due. In fact, it's an interest free 2 months at least.monospaced
  • Bennn0

    • © yayoi kusamaBaskerviIle
    • Say what you like but that wall seems to be working well.webazoot
    • the red scare has never been more real u dumbass republitards.neverscared
    • Mexico and New Brunswick and Bahamas, but not Ontario or Quebec...i_monk
  • imbecile2

    On Friday, the President insinuated General Motors was acting un-patriotically, and was attempting to profiteer from the shortage of life-sustaining ventilators. He invoked the Defense Production Act, ordering them to produce the ventilators. But GM was already far ahead of any other company in moving forward and had in fact made the commitment to produce the ventilators “at cost” with Ventec, a leading ventilator provider.

    Here are the facts:

    Wednesday 3/18: GM Chairperson Mary Barra reaches out to White House Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow and offers GM’s manufacturing and engineering capacity to fulfill the need for medical supplies. (Source: Axios, GM and White House)

    Friday 3/20 GM and Ventec, a ventilator manufacturer from the Seattle area, announce they are undertaking a feasibility project to determine whether they can jointly initiate rapidly expanded production. (GM and Ventec joint release)

    By Monday 3/23 GM and Ventec not only prove feasibility, but designate GM’s former electronics facility in Kokomo, Ind. as the “clean” facility for production. The UAW is asked to begin recruiting volunteers. It’s a labor intensive project and may need as many as 1,000 workers. GM’s purchasing chief informs Barra he has commitments from nearly all the suppliers needed for 700 components. He is confident the remaining 37 components can be sourced. (GM, Axios and Reuters)

    Tuesday 3/24 Axios and Reuters report GM’s incredible progress. Ventec is told to anticipate an announcement from the White House about the impending contract. Ventec is ready to go but has still not received direction from the feds on how many ventilators it is ordering, making cost quotes per unit more difficult to estimate.

    Wednesday 3/25 Without explanation the White House cancels the announcement and Ventec is told there will be no contract. Late that evening Ventec and GM agree to move forward anyway. GM agrees to help clear Ventec’s 20,000 unit back-order at cost. Essentially they agree to build a decade’s worth of ventilators in less than 2 months.

    Thursday 3/26. NYT reports White House balks because they are trying to decide between different vendors who they believe can offer lower cost options. Ventec and GM prepare to announce their formal production agreement on Friday.

    Friday 3/27 President threatens in 2 tweets to invoke “P” (Defense Production Act) against GM. Suggests they should build ventilators at Lordstown, a plant the White House knows GM no longer owns. They are also aware a much more practical electronics plant was chosen for production. He also insults Mary Barra who made the initial offer with prompting from no one.
    Within 90 minutes, Ventec and GM announce their plans for production. They have hired 1,000 workers, a full shift, and have the sourcing to make 200,000 ventilators. They have printed training manuals and intend to start training in the new work week. All of these plans and progress occur well before any implied or actual threat from President Trump.

    Friday Evening: The President announces he is invoking the Defense Production Act. It will not get things built any faster, but does eliminate the red tape normally associated with government contracting.

    His new procurement czar Peter Navarro suggests many “patriotic” companies had come forward, but they hit a roadblock with GM. The President says, “we won’t pay double or triple for ventilators.” Yet GM and Ventec were producing them at cost. Throughout the briefing it’s implied they had difficult discussions with GM. In fact, Ventec is the primary contractor and handled all interaction beyond Barra’s original offer. When asked in opening Q and A whether cost and profit were a factor, the President was very candid. He doesn’t like GM.




    “And then we thought we had a deal for 40,000 ventilators and then it became 6 and price became a big object. But Peter is getting involved... maybe they’ll change their tune.”

    Sadly, the tune has always been the same. GM offered to help and in less than 10 days moved heaven and earth to find a location, hire a workforce, source a 700-part piece of technology, spec it out for suppliers and set employee training in motion. All of this to be delivered at cost, a cost that could have been pinned down better had the Government instructed how many they needed.

    Maximum production for Ventec is 200 ventilators per month. GM was offering to build 100 times that many in a matter of a few months... needing less than a month for re-tooling and training. That is nothing short of incredible. Their thanks was a politically motivated shaming in a nationally televised White House briefing. GM was patriotic. GM was All-American. They will not profit. In fact, they may lose business because of the President’s diatribe. I wonder how many other companies are re-thinking their willingness to step up as a result.

    But on Monday, GM will start making masks in Warren and begin training in Kokomo.


    Lifted from Guy Gordon…

    • Let's not start pretending that GM is anything but an incompetent, greedy parasite that should be dead and buried already. I'll bet you they can't make thezarkonite
    • masks for the price they said and in anywhere near the quantities they said they would.zarkonite
    • If their ventilators are anything like their cars we’re fucked_niko
    • Be that all as it may be - even if everything in this post and notes is true - the President of America should not be publicly shitting on a US public company.Nairn
  • imbecile3

    Coronavirus live updates: 1,400 members of NYPD have tested positive…

    • That only leaves 35,800 to protect our fair city...robotron3k
    • compelling the new: stop and self-frisk initiative.MrAbominable
    • I've been self-frisking daily since this fucking lockdown started. I'm good to go.Continuity
    • so it spreads to pigs too... sorry horrible joke.neverscared
  • ShenanigansTV0

    One would think that the President would have already prepared to start supporting the states that were receiving infected. Overlay this list with the most effected regions in the US.

    9 out of the 11 designated airports are of the worse infected in the country…

  • grafician-2

    China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
    By Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs
    1 April 2020, 18:15 EEST…

    • ofc also russia, iran, north korea and other countries with "supreme rulers"grafician
    • This headline is misleading. There isn't any proof that China has fudged the numbers. On the surface is seems more like a political ploy of the US Leadership.ShenanigansTV
    • A means to recover from the greatest failure of all nations to contain and combat the virus.ShenanigansTV
    • April Fools!i_monk
    • ^ShenanigansTV
  • instrmntl0

  • Ramanisky20

    “We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset.. our Sailors.”
    —Brett Crozier, captain of the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, that now has more than 100 cases of Covid19

  • imbecile6

    • politics or Trump thread pls tnxKrassy
    • fuck off Krassyscruffics
    • That's because Trump is a douchebag. The voters demanded a douchebag, what can ya do?nb
    • @scruffics whoa! chillKrassy
    • There is always a tweetShenanigansTV
    • he is a cheerleader dont forget it. the history books wont either.neverscared
  • shapesalad-3

    Evidence of the CCP Virus and the Wuhan Virus Labs involvement.

    • Bat woman mentioned again...robotron3k
    • he’s just saying that the wuflu started in China. Nothing controversial about thatGnash
    • Either way these nasty and cruel wet markets need to be shut down. But I’m sure China won’t do shit about them.NBQ00
    • Downvoters our in force. CCP Virus there you go downvote again I mentioned the CCP virus. Oh again.shapesalad
  • Ramanisky25

    Dumbfuck Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has finally issued a statewide stay-at-home order as coronavirus cases rose to nearly 7,000.…

  • Ramanisky28

  • Gardener3

  • dbloc16

    Written by a co-worker. She's actually battling cancer right now so she's super scared.


    Here’s a history lesson for everyone on both sides of the political divide. I think it’s important that we understand the truth, especially come November when it’s time to vote. Forgive the length. But, hey we all have time on our hands to read, right?

    In December 2013, an 18-month-old boy in Guinea was bitten by a bat. Then there were five more fatal cases. When Ebola spread out of the Guinea borders into neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone in July 2014, President Obama activated the Emergency Operations Center at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. The CDC immediately deployed CDC personnel to West Africa to coordinate a response that included vector tracing, testing, education, logistics and communication.

    Altogether, the CDC, under President Obama, trained 24,655 medical workers in West Africa, educating them on how to prevent and control the disease before a single case left Africa or reached the U.S.

    Working with the U.N. and the World Health Organization President Obama ordered the re-routing of travelers heading to the U.S. through certain specific airports equipped to handle mass testing.

    Back home in America, more than 6,500 people were trained through mock outbreaks and practice scenarios. That was done before a single case hit America.

    Three months after President Obama activated this unprecedented response, on September 30, 2014, we got our first case in the U.S.. That man had traveled from West Africa to Dallas, Texas and had somehow slipped through the testing protocol. He was immediately detected and isolated. He died a week later. Two nurses who tended to him contracted Ebola and later recovered. All the protocols had worked. It was contained.

    The Ebola epidemic could have easily become a pandemic. But thanks to the actions of our government under Obama, it never did. Those three cases were the ONLY cases of ebola in our country because Obama did what needed to be done three months before the first case.

    Ebola is even more contagious than Covid-19. If he Obama not done these things, millions of Americans would have died awful painful deaths like something out of a horror movie (if you’ve ever seen how Ebola kills, it’s horrific).
    It’s ironic that BECAUSE President Obama did these things - we forget that he did them, because the disease never reached our shores.

    Now the story of Covid 19 and Trump’s response that we know about so far:

    Before anyone even knew about the disease (even in China) Trump disbanded the pandemic response team that Obama had put in place. He cut funding to the CDC. And he cut our contribution to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Trump fired Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer, the person on the National Security Council in charge of stopping the spread of infectious diseases before they reach our country - a position created by the Obama administration.

    When the Outbreak started in China, Trump assumed it was China’s problem and sent no research, supplies or help of any kind. We were in a trade war.

    In January 2020, he received a briefing from our intelligence organizations that the outbreak was much worse than China was admitting and that it would definitely hit our country if something wasn’t done to prevent it. Trump did nothing.

    When the disease spread to Europe, the World Health Organization offered a boatload of tests to the United States. Trump turned them down, saying private companies here would make the tests “better” if we needed them. But he never ordered U.S. companies to make tests and they had no profit motive to do so on their own.

    According to scientists at Yale and several public university medical schools, when they asked for permission to start working on our own testing protocol and potential treatments or vaccines, they were denied by Trump’s FDA.

    When Trump knew about the first case in the United States he did nothing. It was just one case and the patient was isolated. When doctors and scientists started screaming in the media that this was a mistake, Trump claimed it was a “liberal hoax” conjured up to try to make him “look bad after impeachment failed.”

    The next time Trump spoke of Covid-19, we had 64 confirmed cases but Trump went before microphones and lied to the America public that we only had 15 cases “and pretty soon that number will be close to zero.” All while the disease was spreading. He took no action to get more tests.

    What Trump did do is stop flights from China from coming here. This was too late and accomplished nothing according to scientists and doctors. By then the disease was worldwide and was already spreading exponentially in the U.S. by Americans, not Chinese people as Trump would like you to believe.

    As of the moment I’m posting this, the number and f CONFIRMED CASES in the U.S. grows exponentially each day. The actual number is unknown due to lack of test availability. Why don’t we have enough tests? Remember back when Trump turned down the tests from the W.H.O. and prevented our own universities from developing them? Remember back when Trump had cut the funding to the CDC?

    Every time Mr. Trump goes on camera and blames the previous administration for the mess we are now in. He has no one to blame but himself.

    I hear Republican pundits try to put the blame on China. And they are correct - after all, the disease started there. And the Chinese government handled it poorly and dishonestly. So it’s fair to blame the government of China for the EXISTENCE of the Covid-19 virus. BUT THAT MISSES THE POINT. Trump let the disease invade the U.S. And continues to make the same mistake time and time again - waiting until it’s too late to take action.

    Hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to die of Covid 19 because of his ineptitude. Because of his lackadaisical response. Because of his ego - bragging about his ratings. He finds this loss of life acceptable. I hope you tell him in November that this is unacceptable.

    • Preach on!nb
    • a reason to not vote for trump is not a reason to vote for biden.colin_s
    • On election day it will benb
    • uh, yes, yes it is right nowscruffics
    • this would have been way better if just stated the facts, with zero spin on who to vote for.inteliboy
    • sorry by better I mean cutting through to the trump morons.inteliboy
    • I'm sure the Chinese would have a thing or two to say about Team America World Police bursting on the scene.monNom
    • China wouldn't let Americans come help or study the disease early on. They went to great lengths to downplay it, including silencing their own doctors.monNom
    • This isn't a trump thing. EVERYONE has it. It's very unlikely that Obama would have done any better, or any different.monNom
    • ^ I'd say every single sitting president before Trump would have done better.inteliboy
    • This is a TRUMP thing. He fired Ziemer, disbanded the response team, cut funding to the CDC & WHO, refused test kits, etc. He has talked about his ratings tho.brandonp
    • You're out of your mind if you think China would let the US in there like '13 Africa. China let nearly 5M people flee during their outbreak... why can't some...PonyBoy
    • ... of you actually place some fucking blame where it belongs... this constant 'Trump's fault' shit will GET HIM REELECTED you fucking twits... staaahp.PonyBoy
    • ^ Yup. Also, blame will not make this better. It feeds the cycle of Pro & Anti Trump blowhards.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Blame is due, ffs... especially the blame Trump actually deserves... just be fucking honest about it. People lied, muffled scientists & journalists...PonyBoy
    • ignore that reality and the continued lies that follow it seems a bit retarded... but hey... TRUMP!!Where's utopian w/that seething Trump gif?PonyBoy
    • >>…sted
    • lol cool story bro...robotron3k
    • Worth pointing out that the U.S. ALREADY had pandemic experts working inside China, that was part of the team that Trump fired.yuekit
    • https://www.japantim…yuekit
    • I'll never understand the weird affirmative action Trump gets from some of you. His response was almost laughably bad, like a parody of how not to handle it.yuekit
    • Including joking that it was "just the flu" which was a meme going around at the time.yuekit
    • You mistake a request that the entire story be told accurately Trump affirmation... I'm not sure how we work around that.PonyBoy
    • I don't know that it's affirmative action. It's just a tired argument. Obama isn't president now. Nor could he be. You might as well say SupermanmonNom
    • Nothing special about what Obama did, it's just the minimum you would expect from a semi-competent leader.yuekit
    • And that fact that ALL of the leaders of the world are doing poorly with this should tell you something.monNom
    • * Trump affirmative action...PonyBoy
    • I wouldn't say that all leaders are doing poorly. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong did an excellent job (to be fair they had more experience withyuekit
    • past epidemics like SARS). It remains to be seen if it's going to get as bad as New York or Italy in every country.yuekit
    • A lot of leaders did do a bad job and react too slow, but that's exactly why you don't want someone like Trump running things at a time like this.yuekit
    • The situation is extremely challenging, hundreds of thousands are going to die and many of our economic futures will be impacted. And for some reason weyuekit
    • have to go through this with a total idiot in charge who will almost certainly make things much worse.yuekit
    • South Korea done an exceptional job. Vibrant democracy universal healthcare, free testing, even for illegal immigrants with no danger of being reported.Khurram
    • There's degrees of incompetent and Trump is in a league of his own with the absolute mess he made of this. Your equivocations are laughable.Khurram
    • The political weaponization of this should be ignored. It will only create more problems. Stop looking for a political messiah that is omnipotentdeathboy
    • If u want such beliefs go pray in a church. Hell corn ethanol if u want to talk a fuck up. Problem is people thinking they know how to run shitdeathboy
    • When its impossible. Chinese leaders withhold info for politics. Maybe if people, and parasites playing the savior's, could be real for a second and realize thedeathboy
    • Role is by people motivated mostly by power and concede in thinking they know what is bestdeathboy
    • “Problem is people thinking they know how to run shit” sure is mate. I’m here in the UK and Boris is just as incompetent as Trump. Is that what you meant?!Ianbolton
    • The alternative, do nothing and let nature take its own course. How idiotic.Khurram
    • Ian of course. Anyone u think is aces is probably also shit. The alternative khurram I do not know what is bestdeathboy
    • I'm pretty fuckin smart. But I find with new data each day and balancing it's legitness changes my perspectivedeathboy
    • I can say without a doubt I have no fuckin idea of the outcome of this in global markets or even as far as illness. I do believe though countries with leveragedeathboy
    • Like us can print themselves out of crisis. But will change many g7 relationships and developing nations. All curious if this will damage reliance in global supdeathboy
    • Uply chains. Will it create more backup let Cally and how exchange rates fare. No one man even with more knowledge that available can predict what will happendeathboy
    • It's best to minimize power and broaden competition. The best way to weather is let business and ppl decidedeathboy
    • So.e cities and areas probably will decide terribly but clearly they need to be filled. Others will innovate and thrivedeathboy
    • "Pretty fucking smart" bwahaha mmm okay!Khurram
    • It's subjective. Based on what u think is smart I can make that statement :) Maybe what u think is smart isnt.deathboy
    • Think about it how does onr measure "smartness" same as how does a clock measure time? It in its relationship to othersdeathboy
    • A clocks objective reference is another clock. Get it?deathboy
    • But of all things I said it's funny u gravitated to that. It's an emotional response vs all other academic ones u could have haddeathboy
    • Why not say your which response u would suggest out of a leaders mouth with all intents of also effects on evonomydeathboy
    • Personally I think u have no thoughts of such things unless provided with emotional stimulus from varying media. You should try thinking for yourself sometimedeathboy
    • It's quite fun thinking for yourselfdeathboy
    • The fact that you have to preface what you say: "I'm smart dammit!" Who you trying to convince? LolKhurram
    • I get what you're saying though. You're smart relative to stupid people. "Pretty fucking smart"Khurram
    • LOL ya if smart is relative. why did you even bother bringing it up "I'm pretty fuckin smart"pango
    • the fact khurram u still focus on that... pango the same... the point is still flying over your heads. which also reinforces everything i said..deathboy
    • my point is do you think 1 man/woman/nonbinary can fix shit? Do they posess omnipotence of some sort. The idea of looking for gods amongst men is as silly asdeathboy
    • gods. Its a partisan, probably click bait, piece, advocating distrust in one god and pushing towards any upstart. No suggestion of what would be betterdeathboy
    • historically its the type of a post from a demographic of easy manipulation and low intelligence. these things are not good.deathboy
    • dont focus on my intelligence focus on who you think is capable to choose a path and on what information that changes so fast. what is it you expect?deathboy
    • that is the point. Not about partisan bullshit or pointing finers but the culture that hopes for these god like men to give them salvation in times of crisis.deathboy
    • if i didnt make that clear before im sorry i thought it was obvious.deathboy
  • Bennn-4

    Stay strong everyone, we're just 2-3 weeks in.... We're in this for at least 4 months easy before slightly starting to get back to normal on very specific things. Look at China as a reference and imagine its probably worst than they tells us.

    So many everyday things are stopped right now, first world problem, but here in Canada we have to change our tires on our cars 2 times a year (winter tires > 4 seasons tires) and they said yesterday that no garage will change tires until further notice. Another thing, my bike need some serious repairs before i can hit the road with it... the Spring is coming in the next weeks here, all the bike shops are closed... When these thing will re-open they're gonna fload by custumers generating long delays.

    #randomthoughts #myopinion

    • 99% problemsNBQ00
    • 1% solutionsBennn
    • Here ya go ya hoser…nb
    • my tires are not on rims and i dont have any tools to do this lolBennn
    • It's just in Quebec that you have to change your tires btw =)zarkonite
    • really? I didnt knowBennn
    • Just buy a winter car AND a summer car. Winter car can be a piece of shit 4x4. Summer car should be a piece of shit with the roof cut off. Problem solved.nb
    • hahah yeah it make sense :DBennn
    • Can you get three season tyres next time if you aren't using them in winter?webazoot
    • 3 seasons tyres dont exist in KanadawBennn
    • Gah, never simple is it.webazoot
    • LOL @ rb.mg33
    • All-season tires work for three seasons, though!nb
    • Bennn, if you drove a military tank you'd never have to change tires.mg33
    • winter tires ... in spring?!? livin' crazy, over the edge, that's the stuff of mad maxBustySaintClaire
    • In NB you have to change your tires, too.Continuity
    • I'd like a tank sometimes in certain snowstorms!Bennn
    • you dont NEED to change your tyres, its only so the softer winter tyres dont wear more as it gets warmer. But surely you'll be doing less miles anyway?!microkorg
    • yeah the car isnt moving much latelyBennn
    • @nb LOLz!!Krassy
    • @Bennn, please start a podcast! You need a YouTube channel where you just talk about everyday life and Bennnsplain stuffs.Krassy
    • Order some tire levers online and watch a YouTube. Now is s great time to learn bike maintenance. It's really not hard.monNom
    • Gov just announced bike shop are "essential" and can re-open! yehBennn
  • Continuity3

    Big Tobacco looking for the big PR coup.

    'This is no April Fool's. British American Tobacco is trying to make a coronavirus vaccine'…

    • Let's all do our part to help fight COVID. I'll start smoking twice as many cigarettes!!!!nb
    • they saw the virus as competitionBustySaintClaire
    • ^lolmoldero
    • ^^Krassy
    • ^^^as I quit smoking over this, seems plausiblegrafician
  • NBQ001

    USA registered new cases to hit 20K+ today. Nearly 1 Million worldwide.

    • sup numbers guynb
    • that is how we rollutopian
    • it scary. It's just barely starting.Bennn
    • the only thing "starting" is testing. This virus has been in the US for monthsKrassy
    • Oh really Krassy? Months? Please explain the death rate.nb
    • don't care about infections number - just care about deaths - as you don't care about how many got flu last year, just how many died of itgrafician
    • Hmm.sted
    • @nb people were dying all along but not attributed to coronavirus because noone was being tested for it. But coronavirus was the trigger.Krassy
  • Ramanisky20

    • Stevie, Dr. Fauci’s mom is deadNBQ00
    • This is just the unfortunate side effect of a society ruled by law. People are afraid of going off script because they might get sued.nb
    • The real heroes are people working in hospitals. Fucking saints.nb
    • ^+100%PhanLo
    • And grocery stores.monospaced
    • Can you imagine working in a hospital? Current NYC hospitals are like 97% either staff or patients with COVID.nb
    • But yes, the people in the grocery store deserve fat raisesnb
    • well at least he apologized for his sickness. I think places like the Dakotas, Alaska and Wyoming (zero deaths) can be treated diferent than NYCBustySaintClaire
    • But this guy wants even grocery store workers quarantined?deathboy
    • Supply lines. Duh. Why they don't make knee jerk rules which we should be happy about. Especially if u think they are dumbdeathboy