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  • shapesalad-3

    China Concealed Extent of CCP Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says:…


    • who gives a fuck about this right now? FOCUS FFSscruffics
    • Agree with scrufficsnb
    • Is this the second or the third time today you've posted this same video?webazoot
    • A fun way to test the intelligence of your friends is send them a YouTube vid called 'I Found The Source of The Corona Virus' and see if they watch it.nb
    • Shape, you are dealing with a bunch of violent communists on this website. They don't care if China started this.Hayoth
    • @webazoot.Second time, just seem nicer to combine it with the bloomberg report.shapesalad
    • “a bunch of violent communists” hahaha, heeey that’s us!Ianbolton
    • he still doesn't know what communist means...pango
    • Or violentmonospaced
    • Even if they did, we in the west didn't take any warnings serious until it hit our own country.Nutter
  • nb1

    Has anyone read reports of people having chest pain and no other symptoms? I'm feeling it. Nothing I can do unless it gets much worse. Was pretty bad last night, then subsided. Feeling it again today. Could be stress.

    • When I say "nothing I can do" I should mention that I am already self-quarantined to the max.nb
    • depending on where you live...but pain chest is more like panic related as a symptom. what kind of chest pain?uan
    • Same. Feels like your wearing restrictive clothing. Occasional sharp tinge. Mostly a mild ache with a 'peppery' feeling.monoboy
    • We've had persistent coughs, headaches and I lost my sense of smell like a cold, but not blocked or runny nose.monoboy
    • NYC. A couple people at my work were diagnosed weeks ago, so there's a chance I caught it. It feels like a weight on my chest, I guess. Achy.nb
    • My nose is working tip topnb
    • Could still be stress. But its lingered for more than a week, closer to two.monoboy
    • i've had chest pains as well, which aren't really common for me.colin_s
    • And. It went for a couple of days then came back.monoboy
    • It's very odd. Hikes up the anxiety. Staying off coffee and riding it out.monoboy
    • here in europe they say, fever and cough start. If it gets worse after 1-2 nights of fever and a doctor.uan
    • Still working and functioning as usual. Just aware that I'm more then likely infected and infectious.monoboy
    • Yeah I had an extreme sore throat last week, but just for one day. I took my temperature then, and last night and today. No rise in body temp.nb
    • 40% to 70% of the entire world population will contact the COVID-19 virus at some point this year.utopian
    • And 30 to 60% won't contract it! But thanks for the stats!nb
    • try deep breathing exercises. use your lungs. keep them fit. it's like passing a childhood disease, hurts but you get through.uan
    • Yeah, thanks. Gonna breathe for a while. Can't hurt.nb
    • Monoboy, your description of the feeling fits what I'm feeling exactly.nb
    • I've had no noticeable temperature and no sore throat. I think its a proper slippery bastard with multiple symptoms per person.monoboy
    • Could also be entirely psychosomatic.monoboy
    • nb, I had minor symptoms last week that I could attribute just as much to anxiety as C-19. My chest muscles were sore and tight, then realized that was justmg33
    • because I lifted weights for the first time in a month. Never had a fever, minor headache, scratchy throat on Friday night, have felt fine since Saturday.mg33
    • Drinking some Calming licorice root tea, going to meditate and breathe tonight.nb
    • I get bonus points for itchy red eyes, mouth ulcer and bad fatigue. I sat down on the sofa one afternoon and sparked out in seconds for two hours.monoboy
    • I kind of hope I do have a mild case, if that indeed will build immunity for when we all go back to life. Need to be quarantined now, regardless.nb
    • I think they said it takes 14 days from the onset of symptoms before you are no longer infectious.monoboy
    • Shrodingers virus. You very well have it, and you very well could have just a common cold or another flu or not. You won’t know because you won’t be tested.monospaced
    • I had similar aches and I think it’s a mix of smoking weed, stress and anxiety, with a dose of grief and emo overall.monospaced
    • @nb I've had plenty of hypochondriacal bouts these past two weeks. Do something to reset like drink hot tea or take a shower and see if things change/persistMrAbominable
  • utopian0

    Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year.…

    • Stay isolated & quarantined as long as possible, so that when you do eventually contract the COVID-19 there may be vaccines or medicines to help.utopian
    • Harvard scientist: 30 to 60% won't get it.nb
    • published on Feb 15 ...BustySaintClaire
    • That's such an old articledbloc
    • Here's another article from March, it's probably ancient and irrelevant as well.…
    • Even the article concludes with “yeah so this is half bullshit” after pointing out it was labeled fake news and banned from distribution. But OKAAAYmonospaced
    • Mono are you somewhat concerned about the virus yet? The last time that you chimed in, no one at your wife's hospital was concerned at all.utopian
  • PeterPancake0

  • Ramanisky20

    WTF are they talking about drug cartels for???
    MSNBC & CNN have cut away ...

    • Of course FoxNews is still broadcasting this horsehit.Ramanisky2
    • Look ———————>
    • Can we just get someone else to give updates already?dbloc
    • trump clearly doesn't know shit.
      ask someone else already!
    • Pence was equally as awful ... took 5 min to NOT answer an important question about the millions of people without any healthcare.Ramanisky2
    • that orange spray tan ...Bennn
  • pablo280

  • Ramanisky28

    “Did you know I was number one on Facebook? I just found out.” — Trump

    During todays coronavirus WH Briefing.

    • Number one cuck.monospaced
    • How many 100's of people died today?PhanLo
    • Stable Genius is Winningutopian
    • Even though I've increased my drinking as of late, I think my liver would be a better president right now.Akagiyama
    • It's hard not touch one's face. But please wash your hands often.Longcopylover
    • Trump has 29 million followers; Obama has 53 million. the cheerleader from trump university .neverscared
    • 080 108 101 097 115 101 032 100 105 101 046helloeatbreathedrive
  • shapesalad-5

    • who would downvote this?BPPYKM
    • me, because i watched the whole thing and it was just the same stuff shapes been spamming for a week. nothing new just an annoying guy in a suit.kingsteven
    • it was well known that china covered up the virus (before this thread even started). the rest is just the same regurgitated unverifiable stories.kingsteven
    • maybe shape has misjudged the response as 'we don't get it'/ we think its a conspiracy/ support the cpc. fine line between drilling the same points/ trolling.kingsteven
    • Saying that, I trust the CPC as much as I do any gov't - which is not at all.kingsteven
    • Also, Chinese science is just as good as any science - which is not at all, until independently verified and validated.kingsteven
    • I have independently verified and validated this video and it was shite.kingsteven
    • This video on the other hand is informative and educational:…kingsteven
  • Akagiyama-1

    • #4 please. i'm having a hell of a time getting any around my place.capn_ron
    • I don’t know why, but I wish the iPhone option was a couple versions old, like an iPhone 9.mg33
    • 3inteliboy
    • Thanos car. I'd sell it.Bennn
    • 3utopian
  • freedom-4

    • Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
    • Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
    • Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
      Freedom is back!
    • Lucky us.Continuity
  • PonyBoy7

  • freedom1

    • putting them on in the car and dumping them at the front of the shop as you leave seems to be a popular virus containment strategy for cuntskingsteven
    • Every move you make
      Every vow you break
      Every smile you fake
      Every claim you stake
      I'll be infecting you.....
  • utopian0

    Donnie Do Little's - Top KUNG FLU Statements

    1. "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine." (January 22)

    2. "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China." (February 2)

    3. "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!" (February 22)

    4. "We're going very substantially down, not up. ... We have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job." (February 26)

    5. "This is a flu. This is like a flu. ... It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner." (February 26)

    6. "It's going to disappear. One day —it's like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows." (February 27)

    7. "No, I'm not concerned at all. No, I'm not. No, we've done a great job." (March 8)

    8. "So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 death. Think about that!" (March 9)

    9. "This is a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of." (March 15)

    10. "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you're going to major hospitals sometimes, they'll have two ventilators. And now, all of a sudden, they're saying, can we order 30,000 ventilators?" (March 27)

    11. "You call it germ, you can call it a flu. You can call it a virus. You can call it many different names. I'm not sure anybody knows what it is." (March 27)

    • Tip TopRamanisky2
    • This is all just happy talk. Imagine if he came out and said "1 in 10 of you will be dead by Christmas." How's that going to work out?monNom
    • I'm pretty sure we are going to see wave upon wave of infection, that hopefully doesnt overwhelm the hospitals, until we hit herd immunity.monNom
    • Because what alternative do we have? No vaccine yet. No therapeutics yet. And the economy is dying a little more every day.monNom
    • If we stay locked down too long, everyone staves to death. Governments are just trying to manage the pain and not spook the herd.monNom
    • There is a lot of reporting that Trump really didn't take it seriously at first. Part of the USA's struggle against the virus was the fight to get the presidentyuekit
    • to pay attention to it at all.
    • So it's one thing if he was deliberately downplaying to keep people calm (which itself seems morally questionable). But the reality was likely worse than that.yuekit
    • Dude watches nothing but Fox News and thinks click-bait alt-fact conspiracy websites are factual. He's probably asked the military to bomb Wuhan and Moscow.monoboy
    • 'We can't do that Mr President Sir, not without proof and corroboration from the UN and our allies Mr President Sir.monoboy
  • utopian0

    Coronavirus could lead to the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression

    That is an astonishing — even incomprehensible — figure. Just four weeks ago, before the coronavirus pandemic plunged us into a recession, unemployment was at 3.5 percent. During the depths of the Great Recession, the highest unemployment reached was 10 percent. Nearly a century ago, in the Great Depression, the worst figure was 24.9 percent — lower if you count people in work relief jobs as employed.…

    • like someone said ''right now its the earthquake. The tsunami will come later"Bennn
    • an article about the great depression with statements from the fed (who were largely responsible the great depression) like they don't know how it ended...kingsteven
    • I was taught about the great depression, FDR and the new deal in school, in Ireland.
      It really is that easy... magic money printer go brrr brrr
    • Actually king fdr didn't help. He slowed the recovery while creating a shit ton of systems that have only caused more problemsdeathboy
    • Not to mention u can't print money without supply and demand. Why Germans post wwi get fucked?deathboy
    • he slowed the economic recovery. my point is you choose between growth or the good of the people. the latter will win out eventually...kingsteven
    • also this isn't the world we live in now db the service industries will recover very quickly, this crisis will create more jobs than it took when it's over.kingsteven
  • utopian0

    This is how Socialism works.

    A Communist country sends urgently needed medical supplies to country that can't make their own medical supply and is bigly unprepared for tremendous catastrophes. Because Capitalism!

    • MAGA For Life®utopian
    • dial back on that a bit because. right now a lot of countries need help, and the ones who can do their best.sted
    • also according to the feedback on these products from rassa to italy and spain they send shit.sted
    • hasn't been communist since 1991BustySaintClaire
    • Utopian doesn't understand currency and the Petro dollar or minimum wage and effects on an economy or how it's useddeathboy
    • He gets only ppl have more! I'm angry! I blame capitalism because it's what I'm told! Me smart!deathboy
  • Ramanisky25

    @ 24:00

    Dumbfuck GA Gov Brian Kemp today learned that some people can be asymptomatic and go about and infect others.

    “This is a revelation and a game changer“ - Kemp

    umm say whuuuuut?
    He really said this a few hours ago.

    Also the sign language guy is pretty amazing

    • Fucken idiot. This should be used as Exhibit A in his criminal negligent homicide trial.BusterBoy
    • Either he’s a liar or a mook
      or both.
    • this is prob not the right time to ask this but what % of the TV viewers are deaf and need an interpreter compared to non english speaking people that need one?fooler
    • This interpreter has nothing on the Maine CDC interpreter.…
    • Letterman is now a sign language interpreter?timeless
  • sted2

    With the novel coronavirus outbreak globally, many people are understandably concerned about their health and safety.

    In this post we’ll look at the difference between respirator filtering standards such as N95 and FFP2/FFP3...…

  • zaq3

    • this is how it should be anywayfooler
    • ^thank you!!! Right??Akagiyama
    • imagine (prior to this) using the one in the corner with company on both sides. LOL! butts' be touchin fo shoKrassy
    • I still like the walls in between. Don't need ppl looking any enormous dong. Probably make ppl like utopinan and mono feel suicidaldeathboy
    • And suicide is sad and we need to take care of those people from everything that might hurt feelingsdeathboy
    • :)deathboy
    • Shh now, Deathboy - we all know you'd love to pee on one of the bagged urninals, so you can spatter yourself with your oh-so- precious pee.Nairn
  • sted-1

    Global Call to Creatives

    United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19…

  • utopian0

    The US intelligence community has reportedly concluded that China intentionally misrepresented its coronavirus numbers…

    • failed completely to respond on time.
      now we we need to wash our hands.
    • Yeah regardless of China's actions, we knew it was a seriously threat since January. China shut down entire cities and by February 1/10th of the globalyuekit
    • population was under travel restriction or quarantine. Everyone could see what was happening.yuekit
    • same old regurgitated shite. the main source (bloomberg article) is linked and even manages to misreport it.kingsteven