America is Fucked

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  • PhanLo1

  • BonSeff2

    Neighbors who saw a toddler in diapers wandering around a Beech Grove, Indiana, apartment complex with a loaded handgun called police. The incident was caught on building cameras. The father - who lied that he didn’t own a gun - was arrested.……

  • yuekit3

    Republicans appoint George Santos to the Science Committee, Marjorie Taylor Greene to Homeland Security Committee.…

    • the same Santos that discovered the unifying theory of physics and also discovered DNA? makes sense._niko
    • The party of family values!utopian
    • Don't let anyone convince you it's in your best interest to reach across the aisle to people like this.CyBrainX
    • Niko for the wincanoe
    • Whenever there are posts this kind of shit on QBN it feels like when you walk down the street and Someone hands you a pamphlet.toemaas
  • yuekit0

    Several of the most extreme Republicans in Congress and those most closely allied with Mr. Trump have landed seats on the Oversight and Accountability Committee, the main investigative organ in the House..…

    Do people voting for or supporting conservatives...I know there are some of you here...have any issue with this? Even if the racism and stupidity doesn't bother you, is it smart from a PR perspective?

    The same politicians who tried to overturn the election in 2020 and even people who spoke at white nationalist rallies are going to be the public faces investigating the Biden admin.

    For instance Paul Gosar, with numerous ties to white nationalist groups, has been granted a position in the House leadership.

    • US politics is a quagmire of bad decisions bankrolled by lobbyists. Neither Reps or Dems are free from this cancer. Shining the Yuekit spotlight on one bad...Morning_star
    • in a barrel of rancid apples speaks more to your politics than anything else. Remember, at least 50% of your countrymen don't share your perspectiveMorning_star
    • I don't think lobbyists were the ones pushing for white nationalists and conspiracy theorists to be appointed to leadership positions in Congress do you?yuekit
    • You think that lobbyists care? They'll pay whoever will further their cause. Please don't confuse my push back as support. But this guy won his last election...Morning_star
    • ...with 70% of the vote. He's held the position since 2010 regardless of his dubious politics. The issue isn't men like this, it's the majority that think...Morning_star
    • ...he is the best person to represent them - the best. 'Far-right' or not he's the first choice for many.Morning_star
    • I don't think I'm the only one pointing out that the GOP has become an extremist party. There's no need to draw some feelgood moral equivalence,yuekit
    • sometimes one side really is worse. Other countries have normal conservative parties, these guys have gone around the bend unfortunately.yuekit
    • I think you 'want' them to be far-right and extremist but 97% of the people Gosar represents in Arizona don't agree or don't care. Of course, the majority...Morning_star
    • ...could be wrong, but you're doing the same thing here in Politics as you accuse others of doing with the Coronivirus. Exaggerating the decline of America...Morning_star
    • claiming there are Nazis in the Whitehouse and they're taking control is not a fair analysis given the reality. Polarising the debate will not work out...Morning_star
    • ...well for any side.Morning_star
    • I don't really get your argument here...I want them to be extremist but because people (in a right-wing leaning district) voted for them they can't be? :)yuekit
    • There has to be some way of judging this other than just saying both sides are bad, and look some people voted for this guy.yuekit
  • utopian1

    Unemployment fraud may top $60 billion during pandemic…

    • Still a drop in the bucket compared to military spending._niko
    • ^ This.CyBrainX
  • mg332

    America needs carpenters and plumbers. Gen Z doesn't seem interested…

    And the associated Reddit comments:…

    THIS is the stuff that worries me. Not nuclear war, not Russia, not China, THIS stuff. I think we're staring down a decline of people willing to do a lot of blue collar jobs, whether that's construction, municipal services, repair work, etc. Look at the Reddit comments about the physical toll of a lot of those jobs - people being injured and out of work with no income before they're even 50. Certainly not true of everyone, but true of enough to make it undesirable for some to even consider those jobs.

    Then you've got the consistent demonization and degradation of blue collar work in TV and movies. You've also got social media and the way it's made so many people feel like they're too good for anything that would get their hands dirty, and destined for YouTuber and influencer fame despite offering nothing of substance to the world.

    Does this worry anyone else?

    On the flip side, it offers opportunities. If there aren't going to be enough people to roof homes, pour foundations, do electrical work - especially in warmer climates where working on a job site all day royally sucks, does this lend to a rise in pre-fab modular housing that can be built in a factor and assembled easily on site? Does it offer those people better paying, less strenuous jobs that essentially involves controlling robots and assembly systems instead of building everything by hand?


    • maybe in your community. or maybe because you spend so much time in cyberspace, you ignore the efforts of an entire generation.imbecile
    • in my community, i know woodworkers and welders half my age who know how to conduct business and save money while delivering quality workimbecile
    • the decline of trades is not a problem, the increase in gig culture is the problem. influencers, instagram, corporate greed and stagnant wages.imbecile
    • humans will always work to support themselves. a journalist crunching numbers ignores the fact that the commercial building industry is boomingimbecile
    • WhY wOn'T tHeY wOrK? says the fat fuck who refuses to pay.imbecile
    • Mario brothers movie should do wonders for the plumbing trade.monospaced
    • But seriously this will just make quality work more costly. I actually foresee an increase in the trades as tech jobs disappear and social media loses appealmonospaced
    • I'm willing to retrain as a plumber. But here in the UK they make it too complex. Either be a plumbers 'mate', or do a lengthy full time course.shapesalad
    • after course you need on job training to get qualified. Ok if you are young and your dad is a plumber, but not easy if you are 40+shapesalad
    • and willing to retain on weekends + evenings. Which I'd happily do, if after 2 years it lead to being qualified.shapesalad
    • But it doesn't. Hopefully in the future UK gov has the motivation to address this and make on routes easier for 40+ year olds.shapesalad
    • These trade are making a killing. Migrants have filled a large void but still a big shortage. Mono is right, increase in trades with less available tech jobs.IRNlun6
    • Retraining be as Plumber, from designer... my pipe work would be aligned to a grid, my branding, logo and marketing would be awesome.shapesalad
    • Anyway.. with the rapid rise of AI.. I'll probably have no other choice than to retain as a plumber when I've spent a year unemployed...shapesalad
    • I think ultimately the loss of tech jobs is a very good thing. So much wasted intellectual capital wasted on bullshit tech companies.IRNlun6
    • shapesalad you likely have very marketable skillsets that could be leveraged in other marketsIRNlun6
    • AI may replace tech labor but directing is tough to automate.IRNlun6
    • Good comments.mg33
    • The loss of tech jobs is not going to be long enough lasting to make any permanent dent in trade careers.CyBrainX
    • That’s right. There will be a continued trend of more tech jobs in general, but those can never replace these trades.monospaced
    • My neighbor is union and does wallpaper for commercial real estate. He does insanely well. His wife doesn’t even work.monospaced
    • Modern houses build to the latest standards need less repairs, if any, over decades. All these jobs are for old shitty houses, especially in the US.grafician
    • But yes, we need people to maintain the infrastructure of modern life. Tiktokers can't do that.grafician
    • And re: replacing jobs, it's way easier to replace these old jobs (construction, etc.) with bots, than it's to replace white collar jobsgrafician
    • huh, I think it's the other way around - easier to write some code to replace a human at computer, than build a bot that can navigate the lived world.shapesalad
    • There are no modern houses that don’t need repairs dude. There’s no new age plumbing that lasts longer.monospaced
    • You clearly don't write code shapesalad :))grafician
    • And you can create bots to replace most manufacturing (repetitive tasks) - including full houses! You can 3D print a lot of things too btwgrafician
    • @monospaced again your opinions are limited and useless - as you live in the US where houses are shit. Move to Europe, you won't need plumbers if ever in decadegrafician
    • I've lived in interbellic houses, for years, no issues whatsoever.
      Learn to build good houses first
    • Best building in NYC? Nah, same shit: https://www.nytimes.…grafician
    • lol you’re so far up your own ass i don’t think even a plumber can rescue you. Holy shit could you be more wrong??monospaced
    • As someone who’s lived in both Europe and the US I can guarantee there are plumbing issues in both places. I doubt you’ve even set foot in the USmonospaced
    • But if you want to act like pipes don’t break, old isn’t relaxed, or you don’t clog toilets with all the shit you spew, go ahead. You look like a fucking idiotmonospaced
    • lol, Europeans don’t need plumbers or repairs. Fucking lol how fucking retardedmonospaced
    • Yes you idiot, houses in Europe tend to last longer and have way fewer problems. So jobs like plumbers and electricians here don't earn millions like in the USgrafician
    • And I just gave you the example above with the most expensive skyscraper in NYC has plumbing issues 'cuz you build crap

      At least own it
    • Does Europe construct a lot of new homes? One thing that plagues the US is urban sprawl and rapid cookie cutter production.IRNlun6
    • Europe has the advantage of really well build walkable cities using traditional materials that last hundreds of years.IRNlun6
    • I'd pick traditional materials over modern any day, but they are more expensive.IRNlun6
    • It's incredible driving through the French country side seeing homes from the 1600s. Giverny is one of the most beautiful places I've seen.IRNlun6
    • I’ve been to Romania. Major cities defined by a huge chunk of decaying buildings and people living in shit housing. Fuuuuumonospaced
    • And a building in NYC isn’t definitive of housing building codes. What a stupid af connection.monospaced
    • I’ve seen a lot of poor construction and disrepair throughout Europe. From Italy to Austria, and I’m pretty sure people have regular repairs and fixes. Lolmonospaced
    • yeah no doubt there's always a need for repair and maintenanceIRNlun6
    • Im making a documentary series about Blue collar artisans. Granite sculptor, sheet metal artisan, decorative wood cutter.toemaas
  • utopian0

  • grafician0

    ^ re mg33's post

    But not only in the US, Gen Z anywhere have no clue how the world works.

    • discussion here:…
    • it's true I have no fucking ideas where downloads go on my phone or iPad. this isn't my problem, it's apples problems for being such a shit company._niko
    • I also can't for the life of me figure out word and excel. this isn't my problem, it's Microsoft's problems for being such a shit company._niko
    • We used to have low tech literacy with our elders, now we have the same problems with our youngstersgrafician
    • So only 1 1/2 generations got good at desktop computers. That’s the issue.monospaced
    • Thank goodness not knowing how to handle windows has nothing at all to do with “how the world works”. Derp.monospaced
    • Typical shit a full of crap millennial might say.monospaced
  • PhanLo0

    Turning up the red carpet on the APC from Aliens

  • PhanLo3

  • PhanLo3

  • NBQ00-1

  • utopian4

    Happy Gun Violence Survivors Week Murderica!

    American Gun Violence in 2022

    • 20,138 firearm deaths (excluding suicides)
    • 648 mass shootings
    • 332 people shot on K-12 school property
    • 1060 people shot and killed by police

    • In yo face libtards!PhanLo
    • Always aiming for the top spotgrafician
    • Are those excess deaths then? I’ll get my coat.MrT
    • Call the Police!BabySnakes
  • PhanLo0

    5G is 5D

    • no crazier than predicting the singularity in 5 years... (^_-)jonny_quest_lives
    • I like all these guys, America does really good mentally ill people. They have to hustle like everyone else.PhanLo
    • the youtuber is a bit cunttank02
  • colin_s-7

    the situation in ohio i think is more evident of how actually fucked america is than the various political affiliations its populace takes.

    like, not only did the derailment happen, it happened in the exact way workers predicted as they were trying to negotiate for time off - a potential strike that never happened because of "union joe" and the democrats forcing a resolution.

    there's also the part where this incident is almost unheard of in the media - even though it's killing off all the life in the water and doing untold amounts of damage to the rest. we are likely witnessing a massive cover-up at the highest levels in real-time. pete buttigeg's head should be on a pike by now.

  • utopian3

  • palimpsest0
    • A conversion to the "metric system" is off the table and is non negotiable!utopian
    • the sales tax drives me nuts. what's worse is car prices. add tax, add freight add extras add end up paying 50% over the sticker price_niko
    • do people that don't use electric kettles know they exist? that is wild.kingsteven
  • Ramanisky20

  • canoe2

    My niece was friends with one of the deceased at MSU. Tragic.

    • sorry to hear. wtf is happening when kids aren't safe I can't believe I was thinking "school". since when have kids been safe at schools in the US :(_niko
    • government needs to hire security for our schools... i really have no other answer that has the potential of happening.canoe
    • So government soldiers at schools willing to confront a motivated killer. Right.monospaced
    • let's make school illegaldoesnotexist
  • yuekit3

    Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe said in a speech posted online Monday that he has been removed as the group's leader.

    In a statement released later Monday, the group's board of directors said it had uncovered "financial malfeasance" and accused O'Keefe of spending "an excessive amount of donor funds in the last three years on personal luxuries."

    According to the group, those included "$14,000 on a charter flight to meet someone to fix his boat under the guise of meeting with a donor"; $60,000 in losses from dance events; more than $150,000 "in Black Cars in the last 18 months"; and others.

    The statement added that O'Keefe had been suspended in recent weeks. It said he was invited to meet with the board to discuss financial issues and staff retention and morale, but he ignored those entreaties and "today ... decided to remove his belongings from Project Veritas headquarters."…