Russia-Ukraine Invasion
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- grafician0
"#BREAKING Kyiv accuses Hungary of 'helping Putin' in war against Ukraine, 'destroying unity in the EU' - AFP"
- drgs1
BREAKING: On April 6, it became known that the subtle projection of Russia onto the images of the upper worlds will be interrupted by the joint prayer of the twelve governors. Their unanimous decision was made in connection with the violation of the blood covenant by Witzraor Zhrugr.
According to Arisel Grieg, this can lead to a serious psycho-energetic crisis:
In case of loss of connection with the Light of the Absolute, there is a high threat of the world turning into an ultraviolet hell, the space of which, under the pressure of the monstrous energies of the hostile infracosm, collapses into one dimension. There, the extremely compressed, agonizing souls of lower beings quickly move to the terminal abyss of the lower worlds: to the bottom of the universe, where the shells of immobilized souls await final disintegration.
De facto, this means Russia's withdrawal from Enrof.
- The new Philip Pullman novel's a bit off the wall.Nairn
- Thoughts and Prayers.shapesalad
- neverscared0
Russian Instagram bloggers are not taking Chanel's decision to leave the country very well.
A few of them have posted videos cutting up their Chanel bags in protest...……- "TikTok said any Russians buy Chanel, need to sign an affidavit they will never take it to Russia"
If they buy in Dubai, no going home with itgrafician - It's just a bag.. but it's a dead animal, a skilled craft persons life and time put into it, tonnes of co2 in production and transportation... and now ruined.shapesalad
- The value of work, of product, in todays world is held as below zero. No respect, no intelligence, fickle and wasteful. Sad World for Humans in 2022.shapesalad
- ...while living in Monaco :))grafician
- @shapesalad chill, Chanel got their moneys for those bags :)) them stupid bloggers probably cutting fakes anywaygrafician
- but literally asking for respect while living in Monaco DURRING A WAR THEIR COUNTRY STARTEDgrafician
- "TikTok said any Russians buy Chanel, need to sign an affidavit they will never take it to Russia"
- sted1
They managed to listen to dialogues that could be used to identify specific people in the photos that appeared in the press - dead, tortured civilians from Bucsa. For example, a conversation was recorded in which a soldier reports to his companion that he shot a local resident on his bike on the main road in Bucsa. The image of the dead cyclist visited the world press a few days ago. In another conversation, Ukrainian soldiers taken prisoner are first questioned and then shot to death.
Meanwhile, it is becoming more and more known who could be personally responsible for the inhumane atrocities in Bucsa. Finding those responsible is greatly facilitated by the fact that on April 3, a hacker group called Anonymus released the personal data of 120,000 Russian soldiers. Relying in part on this database, a Ukrainian activist site called Inform Napalm, which works roughly using the Bellingcat method, is trying to identify the perpetrators. They search for suspected war criminals by analyzing data from public databases, data obtained from their own resources, media information, and images and videos shared on social media.
- NBQ00-2
Chechen leader Kadyrov trying Basketball:…
And football:…
- neverscared-1
- People charge their cellphones in a public building in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv.neverscared
- NBQ00-2
The shots look like lasers:…
- it's called tracer, look it uphans_glib
- Also, laser produce steady beams.
Not SW-style bolts.Continuity - Yes, I just thought it looked like SW movie type laser shotsNBQ00
- NBQ00-2
- nbq0
Pretty cool
- NBQ00-2
Yup, EU is fueling Russia’s war machine
- oh man, all these "we're fueling Putin" videos and articles while holding Russia's reserves in our banks :))grafician
- and all those weaponry used, they are not making anymore! Many if not all the new stuff they had was based on Western tech. Sanctions will cut their war machinegrafician
- they launched 1400+ rockets so far they are not replacing them any time soon, not to mention planes, helicoperts, tanks etc.grafician
- only thing they can make themselves are small arms, maybe cannons and dumb munitions. They can't even replace trained soldiers!grafician
- At this point - without nukes - Russia would be out of top 10 as a army in the world.grafician
- without nukes, even those bloody Chechens would fucking march into Moscow in a matter of daysgrafician
- grafician, you could appear on CNN as military & economy analyst expert :)NBQ00
- Subscribe to my channel! Click the like button and andgrafician
- ... as well as Covid expert, art expert ...Continuity
- Yes, I have many passions...grafician
- grafician0
"UN suspends Russia from Human Rights Council"
"The United Nations General Assembly has voted to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council during a meeting Thursday. The voting result: in favor 93; against 24; abstention 58.
In a draft of the resolution, the UNGA said the General Assembly would “suspend the rights of membership in the Human Rights Council of a member of the Council that commits gross and systematic violations of human rights.”
The General Assembly needed to vote in favor by two-thirds to remove Russia from the council.
Before the vote, China’s UN ambassador Zhang Jun said the country would vote against the move."
- Chyna: *sweating*grafician
- ^ Neither Russia nor China even a shred of a shit about this.Continuity
- +giveContinuity
- @Continuity that's like painting on your house wall a big "CUNT" for the entire world to see and avoidgrafician
- Again: they don't give a fuck.Continuity
- Oh they do! Appearance are everything with authoritarian shitholesgrafician
- If that was the case, then this war wouldn't be happening, would it be?Continuity
- You are breathtakingly naïf for an adult.Continuity
- Aren't you like British? You literally have no clue what authoritarian feels like...
Then again, the whole Western world.grafician - But also no, the point was Putin was feeling very confident and invaded Ukraine exactly because of optics and can't pull out exactly because of optics :)grafician
- Russia doesn't give a fuck but Venezuela and Cuba it's a big deal. HR's of citizens violated by gov'ts and UN has no teeth bc of players like Russiahotroddy
- Sure, excluding Russia from Human Rights Council doesn't directly stops bombings, but long term, naming and shaming goes a long way for a nation...grafician
- fear is the mindkillerneverscared
- yuekit2
- didn't they set it on fire?grafician
- "Local newspaper La Regione said that tires were used to start the fire. Carabinieri are now investigating the incident, which police believe was the result ofgrafician
- Apparently he owns more than one villa in Italy.…yuekit - MF!grafician
- grafician1
Game over
- neverscared-2…
‘This is a crazy, unjust attack’: Pink Floyd re-form to support Ukraine
- Roger Waters seems like a super cunt.NBQ00
- surprised Roger isn't onboard with them on thisGardener
- Didn’t you read the article? Also he left the band in 1985 and he started many lawsuits against the band.NBQ00
- A week before Russia invaded Ukraine, Waters told Russia Today that talk of an invasion was “bullshit ... anybody with an IQ above room temperate knows itNBQ00
- I don't know shit tbh, it would have just been nice if he buried the hatchet and stoppd being an arseGardener
- NBQ00-1
Russian soldier described in detail to his wife where he is. He says Ukraine is hell and the casualties are huge. (intercepte dcalls)
(W)=Woman (S)=Soldier
(W): Where are you right now? Or you cannot say?
(S): I'm in hell. In Ukraine. I realised I was at war when a shrapnel got stuck in my
helmet. That's how I understood the war has started. I was put into the infantry. Our
detachmnet was completely forgotten. For about two weeks, we all thought that we
have died. But we were defending Grads. We have conscripts here..(W): Conscripts?
(S): Conscripts, it's f*cked... What's on the news?
(W): Well, they say the losses are small.
(S): *laughs*
(W): Not even 1000, imagine. They say these numbers.
(S): Not even a 1000? In the first two days, 500 people, just from our brigade were
brought back shredded into pieces, in body bags.(W): On the news they never say that our guys are taken into capture.
(S): They are taken, I'm saying we are having huge casualties, absolutely huge. I'm a
sniper, I can't surrender alive, so... I definitely won't be in capture.(W): Do you hit civilians?
(S): Yes. There are no comms, we smashed all the towers around so they wouldn't be
tracked. Right now, we took a house, where civilians lived. We kicked them the f*ck
out. Now we're here sleeping on the floors.(W): What do you eat?
(S): Whatever we are given. Whatever we can catch. Anything. No one cares, I don't
know.....(W): It seems like they forgot about you.
(S): Yes. We are sitting here like idiots, occupying a village. Sitting here and no one's
doing anything. We're just sitting and waiting. And all the time these f*ckers are
coming from everywhere.(W): When are you going home?
(S): No one knows. The frontline isn't moving. I'm telling you, as soon as I'm back, I'm
resigning *from the army*. If I do come back.- Awww imagine getting frustrated invading another country...grafician
- Fucking mess.shapesalad
- grafician-5
re: these intercepted Russian conversations...a found quote:
"The real here is not confirmation of Bucha, but confirmations of dozens of <other> Buchas."
- also remember it took decades after WW2 to find the escaped nazis and convict them...grafician
- then again these days we have social media and complete surveillance on most communications so all these human-rights abuses in ukraine will be uncoveredgrafician
- many families in Eastern Europe didn't had closure after WW2 Russian atrocities, maybe this generation will get it somehowgrafician
- ...and many Russians will look over their shoulder for generationsgrafician
- grafician-2
"#BREAKING Kremlin spokesman concedes "significant" Russian troop losses in Ukraine - AFP"
- Hopefully this is a sign of cracks in Putins regime and not an excuse to press the red button..._niko
- when they "conceded" 1000, the rest of intel community announced 10K at least so...
If they concede this, then it's way worsegrafician - So much fucking loss...for nothing...grafician
- “We have suffered significant losses of troops, this is a huge tragedy for us,” Dmitry Peskov in an interview with Sky Newsgrafician
- they are trying to play "the victim" cardzaq