Russia-Ukraine Invasion
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- yuekit2
This might be an underrated reason why Russia did so badly in the opening weeks of the war...they sent in soldiers who literally had only days worth of training.…
“There was a soldier in our company who didn’t know how a machine gun works. So I taught that guy how to disassemble and assemble a machine gun. I wouldn’t want to be next to him in battle. How can you fight like that?”
- no worries tovarich, the ukrainians will welcome us with open armshans_glib
- yuekit1
Then in the second phase of the war they used the Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas as cannon fodder...forcing them to fight the other Ukrainians whether they wanted to or not.…
“I saw how reservists went to Azovstal without bulletproof vests and in Soviet helmets so that the brains of a neighbor would not be splashed. It was scary to recognize my acquaintances among them,” said 19-year-old mobilized Kirill.
Olga, the widow of a 30-year-old DPR fighter who died, says that her husband’s unit was used to pull in enemy artillery near Mariupol.
“Oleg wrote to me that they were used as bait, they were used to calculate the location of Ukrainian artillery,” the woman says.
- neverscared2
About 250 police officers have raided two dozen properties across Germany linked to Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, in connection with alleged breaches of sanctions and money laundering rules, officials said Wednesday.
- neverscared2
The West is testing out a lot of shiny new military tech in Ukraine
How satellites, drones, and AI helped Ukraine’s counter-offensive.As Ukraine turned a corner 10 days ago with a military offensive that retook territory from Russia, former Google CEO billionaire Eric Schmidt was meeting with senior Ukrainian officials. He was on a 36-hour visit to the country exploring technology’s role in the war.
“What I was interested in is what did the tech industry do to help?” he told a press conference organized by George Washington University, Zooming from a private jet flying back from an undisclosed European country.
- vlad´s poor boys still have to use walkie talkies...neverscared
- rublemapsshapesalad
- Nairn0
"Why are russian propagandists and the Kremlin so afraid of ATACMS missiles... is it a fear of striking deep into russia? is it a fear of striking symbolic targets?
No, it's all about logistics. A thread "
- yuekit0
Putin is now openly threatening to nuke Europe...and as usual tries to pretend he's the victim somehow
"Nuclear blackmail has also been used. We are talking not only about the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant – encouraged by the west – which threatens to cause a nuclear catastrophe, but also about statements from senior representatives of Nato countries about the possibility and permissibility of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia: nuclear weapons.
I would like to remind those who make such statements about Russia that our country also possesses various means of destruction, and in some cases they are more modern than those of Nato countries. When the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we, of course, will use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people.
This is not a bluff. And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weathervane can turn and point towards them."
- Some have speculated that by weathervane he's referring to using the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant as a weapon to rain nuclear fallout on EU countries.yuekit
- We can make it rain nukes on Moscow too.NBQ00
- he is bluffing since 6 months...neverscared
- Blame the enemy for your own doings - KGB playbook 101grafician
- shapesalad0
- unfortunately, much of what the guys says is not true. Russians still have a huge superiority in artillery, including in the regions they have lost resent.pr2
- yuekit4
- Tickets to Dubai are over 1M rubles, that over $16K (usual ticket would be around $1K)grafician
- was interesting to see Google trends yesterday showing the increase in searches for "how to leave Russia" and "military deferment"mg33
- ofc rats are leaving the ship...grafician
- I mean the rich rats, who can afford relocation fast
the rest will be fuckedgrafician - Read somewhere some Rusky general said today men ready for conscription shouldn't even travel inside Russia, as they will be called to servegrafician
- Countries to run to quickly: Dubai, Turcia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Kazahstan, Uzbekistan, Kârgâzstan and maybe Serbiagrafician
- ^ yup https://www.reuters.…garbage
- Russia has been capitalist since it and Glorious Leader Stalin died 1953.face_melter
- neverscared2
- The markets barely moved today so nobody is taking this idiot seriously. He's desperate and it shows.grafician
- TheGreatGlorpo2
I'm aware of the immorality of wishing anyone on this earth dead, but would it hurt Satan's angels to take Putin to his rightful resting place deep in the fires of hell, instead of needlessly taking the life of any one person stricken with Covid? Just this once?
- Have tyrants known any other faith but death throughtout history?grafician
- I don't think it's immoral at all, how people has he killed? As well as screwing the economy for much of Europe, food shortages in Africa and Asia...yuekit
- If Trump ends up in prison and Putin is dead it'll be a great yearyuekit
- a window or a staircase is all we ask forKrassy
- Miesfan2
Meanwhile in the border
- pr23
Putin is a reflection of a Soviet way of thinking that promulgates through much of Russian society. So don't assume that Putin's death will change much. In some strange way, Putin is great for the West because the longer he's alive, the longer we supply weapons and intelligence to Ukraine, the longer the Russia's prolongs this war, the less power this Soviet state of mind has in the World. After Putin there will be another Soviet "Tsar."
- navalny ... cant get worse than putin at this moment threading the world with nuclear war...neverscared
- I think Navalny is too fringe, Westerners like him but in Russia he's not that popularyuekit
- Best you can hope for is maybe the current prime minister who is supposedly more of a liberal
https://en.wikipedia…yuekit - i agree too fringe...neverscared
- How about Zelenskyy?Nairn
- yuekit0…
I guess it's nice that Russians are finally protesting again now that they are being sent to go fight but honestly the protests are kind of weak compared to what I saw in Hong Kong or what people are doing in Myanmar right now with far less resources.
- Continuity0
Total number of protesters arrest is now 1 178, most in Moscow and St Petersburg.
- But do they have a plan other than just going out and getting arrested?yuekit
- All new conscripts, if Shoigu is to be taken as his word.Continuity
- Nope! Seems like Russians are happy waving placards and empty slogans around.Continuity
- They could take lessons from the French students and trade unionists in '68.Continuity
- yuekit2
One thing I noticed about Putin, it looks like he even lies about his height. Like many world leaders he's extremely short and apparently sensitive about this. Many people pointed out that Putin appears to wear specially made shoes to increase his height.
So therefore when looking for a prime minister/ placeholder president he had to find someone who is even shorter than him or at least close.
The official version is that Putin is 5'7" while Medvedev is 5'4".
But isn't Putin clearly shorter than Medvedev?
- Remember:…grafician
- Nothing wrong with being shorter than average, Zelenskyy is also very short. It's the level of narcissism that's funny.yuekit
- grafician1
- Russians face 50 years in prison for protesting. not like western societies where you can burn a city down and no consequenceshotroddy
- I wonder what the point of showing up at a public protest even is in Russia.yuekit
- Here's how Myanmar people protest after the military coup in their country…yuekit - “Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; It is absolutely essential to it.”
- Howard Zinn.grafician - Oh way, no democracy in Rassiagrafician
- neverscared1
Ukraine returns some Azovstal defenders from Russian captivity
Citing the National Guard's Azov regiment, Suspilne media outlet reported on Sept. 21 that the prisoner exchange took place in Ukraine's northern Chernihiv Oblast.
It is not clear how many POWs were returned to Ukraine, however, multiple reports say that among the released Ukrainians are some of the defenders of Azovstal, a steel mill that was the Ukrainian military's last stronghold in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, before became entirely occupied by Russia.
- It's a small thing in this large mess, but I was glad to learn the other day that Ptashka was a PoW. I'd read prior [speculation] that she'd died.Nairn
- true ... everyone counts...neverscared
- NBQ000
So Russians want to do speedy (fake) referendums in the coming days... and threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons.
"Russia is ready to defend territories added to it with all means, including strategic nuclear weapons, Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council"