farmers market crash

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  • 99 Responses
  • AD0

    its such a sad incident

    i imagine this guy is going to go through hell for the rest of his life - even if he's not punished in anyway by the law

    reflecting on what he has done woould drive me crazy - he probably wishes he was dead right about now

    i think that's how i would feel -sleeping can't come easy to him - unless he has alzheimer's and can't remember the carnage he caused and the lives he took

  • shellie0

    you guys shouldnt comment on people sueing the insurance. thats why you HAVE INSURANCE. thats what its for. If you were the mother who watched your 3 yr old daughter die because some guy can barely see over the steering wheel, youd want .. something for that. money can never replace her dead child or make her feel better. But, its the least you can get for something so horrible happening to you and your family.

    some peopel will have to live with horrible scars, aches and pains that they'll have to live with forever. what about those that are disfigured? shouldnt they get somethng to live comfortably?

    what about those dead mothers, fathers, grandmas.. the farmers market is a family place. families were killed.

    Believe me... if it was you, your mother, or your sister, you would sue for all you can get.

  • k0na_an0k0

    yep, i'd go for a huge payout. a guy hit my dog when i was a kid. i had that dog for 7 years. i should have sued for 20 mill cause of emotional distress.

    don't jump on my back either about comparing dogs to people. i'm just sayin....

    losing a loved one is a terrible thing... i know first hand... but a couple weeks from now when you see people suing for 50, 60, 90 million you too might find yourself saying "enough is enough" when and where do we stop?

  • shellie0

    90 million is not enough to watch a car run over your kid. really.

  • mitsu0

    yeah, i think we're talking about 2 different things.....

    in this situation, all involved should receive fair compensation... not many would argue with that..

    what's jacked up is when somone trips on purpose in a supermarket on a spill THEY created and wins the settement...

  • shellie0

    that i can understand. people here will sue for anything.

  • unknown0

    Damn, I remember that biotch who sued and won because she spilled coffee on herself.. boo-hoo-hoo the coffee was too hot!

    It says hot coffee on the menu stupid!

  • AD0

    its also the lawyers and their motives that make people so cynical about lawsuits

  • shellie0

    they coffee as beyond boiling though. imagion if she would have took a big sip. if its that hot that it gives you 3rd degree burns its too hot. i can understand how she can win a case liek that.

  • kpl0

    mont... that's one big can of worms you don't want to open. trust me, I've seen plenty of threads go down the crapper that way.

    short retort: the millions turned into thousands after appeal, and the coffee is hot enough to scald people...despite local food regulations that say the coffee should not be hot.

  • paul_pc0

    2 years ago, while waiting to renew my license at the culver city dmv (los angeles) a car plowed through the wall completely ripping off the leg of the man sitting next to me. the driver was an 85 year old woman who swore she was slamming on the brakes, but was actually flooring the gas pedal. this is not an unusual type of accident with elderly drivers. i fully support annual driving tests for elderly. i grew up in victoria, bc "city of the newly wed and nearly dead" following cars with nothing but a tuft of hair or a hat peaking over the steering wheels... i know first-hand how dangerous old people can be when behind the wheel.

    i feel very sorry, however, for the driver in the accident yesterday. from what i've heard he's a good person and meant no harm... it's unfortunate he needs to spend the last few years of life with such a guilty conscious.

  • kpl0

    remember, the reason torts are out of control in this country is because the government won't regulate a thing. thus torts are the only way to whip companies into not doing stupid shit.

  • unknown0

    Common shelly, I cant sue a knife manufacturer if I drop one on my big toe.. "boo-hoo is too sharp!" It's suppose to be sharp you stupid motherfucker! It kills me to see stupid people getting rewared for their stupidity.

  • kpl0

    montreal, now that's stupidity there.

    Think about it: I buy something from a restaurant, there is an implication that I can consume it. McD gave her coffee that wasn't safe to drink. period. McD at fault.

    Stop defending greedy multinational corporations.

  • robert0

    4cY please just put a sock in it!

    4cY said:
    "but then again, they might jail him: typically American: eye fir eye.. hypocrit justice system. sad."

    What the hell are you talking about? Where are you from Germany ? I should say the typical German/Nazi justice is to kill million of Jews

    Next 4cY said:
    "It took away my prejudice.
    prejudice sux. "

    Yeh your right about that 4cY prejudice does sux so watch your mouth when your talking about the ole' red white and blue!

  • shellie0

    kpl is right. what if that was hot chocoate for a child. a kid doesnt usualy test to see if something is safe to drink or not. they just go for it assuming no one would give them somethign dangerous.

    that coffe was too hot to drink.. and it was spilled in her lap and scared her for life. what do you think youd do? i bet youd be pissed enough to sue.

    personally.. if it was me.. i probably wouldnt have spilled it initially. but if i tried to drink it it probably would have caused a reation to spill it anyway.

    i think sometimes people have to take responsibility for what they do. cause and effect. if the machine kkeepign the coffee hot was broken or was operated wrong, its nobodys fault but mc. Ds.

    why is everyone so touchie abotu sueing. i think most of you comenting about it has never had anything bad enough happen because of neglegence that you'd want to sue. but if something did happen, i bet you would.

    if i fell on a property and broke my leg because the group was not soung or a hazard, id sue. sure i would. breaking my leg would cost me money and make my life miserable for however long.

  • tomkat0

    hey robert - stay cool..

    read the profiles man - 4cy is from the netherlands, so..
    but me i'm from germany - and:


    the typical american knows s*it about 3rd reich / nazi / whatever in this context..

    so cool off a little - read some books, watch the news

  • robert0

    Well I'm not your typical American and I do read enough books to understand the F*cked up Nazi's, don't even try to rationalize them or else you will open up a huge can of worms.

    My point was 4cY was being predjudice and then he told people that he wasn't. It made me LOL!

  • unknown0

    I have only read half the responses so far, but I think maybe some are missing a critical aspect of this: When you say, "He shouldn't have been driving anyways if this COULD have happened."

    How do you know, how do you anticipate that? The man could be a perfectly fine driver, may only drive a few blocks close to his home, and be perfectly safe.
    I heard that he's used to going down this street sometimes, and that he wasn't aware that the market is usually there.

    Regardless, can't you imagine an elderly person like that totally panicking the second the realize, "Oh my god, there's stuff flying past me, I think I'm crashing into stuff, this isn't normal, WHAT DO I DO????"
    And 15 seconds later you've killed and injured alot of people and caused total panic and mayhem because of your reaction to something very frightening and unlike anything that's happened to you before?

    If we knew that a problem existed, plenty of things could have been presented. But you don't know if there's not a sign beforehand.
    We had no reason to think there would be a reason for the Challenger to blow up in 86, but it happened. Same thing when the bonfire logs collapsed at Texas A&M University a few years ago.
    Accidents happen with no way to predict that they can. I feel terrible for this man, all I keep thinking is that we're going to hear that he took his own life because he can't stand to think about what he did.

  • tomkat0

    ok man..
    think we're cool.

    but it's a little too easy to come up with nazistuff as an argumentation if someones german..

    u know?