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  • emukid0

    i can't keep track. who are these people? please list your previous user names here. and then, do me a favor, and kill me.

  • ********

    dog opus has replaced drgs as my "go to" irritant

    • that bad? which thread?emukid
    • all of them
    • He has some OK posts, but his ideals are more conservative.Jaline
    • pfft
    • i love how most of the conservatives on this board keep saying "i am no republican but..."emukid
    • kind of like i am not prejudiced or anything but...emukid
    • emu, you're right, it's interesting, but they say it because they'll be mauled otherwise.Jaline
    • Anyway, Rand, I agree with you in a sense. He pisses me off more than anything else.Jaline
    • I imagine a lot of the people here who you think are 'conservatives' are libertarians, thus far left on some issues and far right on others.ismith
    • far right on others.ismith
    • Just a guess though...ismith
    • I think you may be right for some of the users.Jaline
    • I hate everyone but conservatives/republ... more.Jnr_Madison
    • Mmm cut that off, what I meant to say was I hate everyone.Jnr_Madison
    • My sense of what a Republican is is warped because I live in Canada. Conservatism is never as extreme as in the U.S.A.Jaline
    • me too, jnr. me too.emukid
    • what i meant to say is that i hate you.emukid
    • I think all our political parties would be deemed democrats by US people.Jnr_Madison
    • Same here, Jnr.Jaline
    • Both the UK and Canada have a multi-party system (rather than a 2-party system) as well.Jaline
    • The kind of US "conservatism" people think of today is itself somewhat insulting to true conservatism...ismith
    • I had to write several essays on it, and in no way would I consider today's Republican party to be "conservative" like they used to beismith
    • Eh, never mind. It's hard to say all this stuff in notes :Pismith
    • in today's world, Barry Goldwater would be considered a liberal
  • ********

    I am observating my iTunes shuffle algoritm lately, and I notice that its doing the same shuffle every 3rd time i have it on shuffle.

  • emukid0

    don't leave me, i'm bleeding all over this linoleum floor

    • That's thr great thing about lino, easy to clear up the blood. I have lino in the bedroom, makes life easier.Jnr_Madison
    • you sick fuckkelpie
    • can I come over?kelpie
    • with a motorised bread knife and a bottle of poppers?kelpie
  • flashbender0

    I just watched Crank. Probably one of the best movies, well, most entertaining movies ever

  • emukid0

    jnr, have you heard The Fountain soundtrack?

  • thumb_screws0

    i was involved in custard pie throwing fight tonight and it was the most fun i have ever had wearing a boiler suit. My hair smells like vomit though

  • Greedo0

    Sometimes i woke up in the middle of the night and heard the spiders eating something large outside. Then i'd cry myself back to sleep...

    • What did i miss?Greedo
    • hey you're back! what did you get me?emukid
    • these chicken wings from the restaurant I went to with my friends last night...

    • He's back, thank god, it's been a nightmare.Jnr_Madison
    • I see what you did there.Jaline
  • Jaline0

    Another big fight with my mom.

    She can never be happy with me hanging out with my friends and tries to make my life miserable before I leave the house. She does this to every one of my siblings (except maybe my brother, whom she likes the best). I think it's because she's jealous that I don't have as much fun with her, or that she doesn't go anywhere outside of Canada. I don't know what happened, but she's been miserable for the past 5 years or so. She swears so much more, fights with my dad more, complains about everything (including that everyone around her is taking trips all the time and that she doesn't go anywhere); hates work because she can't take any kind of stress; is close-minded, more OCD than I am, and is extremely needy.

    She bad-mouths every single one of my friends, and I bet it's because she knows I respect them more than I respect her sometimes (this only got this way because she rarely respects me and I'm not dealing with that anymore). I'm more rational (like my dad) whereas she's more emotional, but today I just exploded. I rarely open my mouth and say anything as horrible as the things she says to me, and I was still pretty refrained today from what I could've said. I wonder if I will actually say really horrible things back to my mom one day. Probably not, but you never know :/

    Right now I can hear her telling my dad that I'm going to go mental from using the computer all the time or that I'm upset because my hotdogs were burnt (I like them well-done, which my parents think is actually me being excessively stupid and burning them by accident, WTF). She is missing the larger picture here. We will never be close again, at least not for a really long time. One thing is for sure - I can never talk to her about my feelings because she's disgustingly judgemental.

    My parents don't know a lot of things about me and I can't tell them much. I gave up as soon as I started university, because I know (for a fact) that they aren't going to change, particularly my mom.

    No need to point out that I should move out. It's not always that simple.

    • move out! I swear to God, give it a year and you'll have a much better relationship with your parentskelpie
    • Amelie's "All around the world gnome trip" tactic would workFariska
  • Jaline0

    ^ I feel better already.

  • Jaline0

    I forgot to mention...

    I brought back these chicken wings from the restaurant I went to with my friends last night in case somebody at home (especially my mom) wanted to eat them.

    Today, she took them out of the fridge to look at them, and then proceeded to bash my friends some more and complain that I was clearly having a great time with my friends last night (in that stupid, complainly, sarcastic way). Then she took them to warm them up and eat.

    That's when I was especially angry.

    Now I can hear her complaining that I obviously pick up bad habits from my friends. That argument won't get to me. She's used that one way too many times already.

    • This sounds kind of stupid now, but it occurs in more underhanded and worse ways regularly.Jaline
    • Really, both of our lives would be easier if she just shut up and didn't complain about everything.Jaline
  • Jaline0

    Hey, it's Greedo!

  • Jaline0

    My blood is boiling right now because she can't stop talking about how I would rather be in my room than downstairs with her for "family time" (she watches foreign shows that are equivalent to soap operas and I refuse to watch them for hours). I wonder why she never asks my siblings these questions, wtf.

  • Tark0

    Jaline, take her out tomorrow. Take her to the zoo or park or lunch. She is jealous of your friends and if you get her out in public maybe she will lay off you. plan a couple things that even if you weren't with her would be fun or even if you are are with her are fun. not sure where you live or what's near you but maybe go to a photo place where you can dress up and take photos of your two together. 20 years down the road at least you could have a photo of that funny day you had with her.

    • I have had good times with her before. I have no idea what happened. I've always been the same (she says so herself).Jaline
    • We do family stuff all the time. Even just hanging out. I deal with it. It's just that we never do anything I like :/Jaline
    • And trust me, if I ask her to go somewhere with me it will start a new fight (somehow) and it will be worse.Jaline
    • maybe moving out is what i bugging her. that she knows you are going to or not going to?Tark
  • ismith0

    I have the same problems, except it's switch your mom with my dad (my mom's just as bad, but in totally different ways).

    • I told them both a long time ago they have to earn my respect just like every other human being...ismith
    • I won't treat them any different because they are my parents, and it's calmed things down a little bit.ismith
    • Although probably the turning point (where they finally started treating me like who I was) was when I got caught having sexismith
    • (not literally in the act though, thank god)

    • I've said too much; suffice it to say, don't let it get you down Jaline!ismith
    • LOL, you sound like a 16 year old :DJnr_Madison
    • which is ironicJnr_Madison
    • hahaha, thanks, ismith. I've dealt with this so many times before that I'm used to it, but every now and then it gets to meJaline
    • My dad, while over-protective and controlling like my mom, is more rational and knows that they have to earn respect.Jaline
    • I still get shit too, but I was very relieved when I laid it all out for them so any misunderstanding couldn't be my fault.ismith
    • See, my mom just doesn't "get it". She is in denial and WILL NEVER ADMIT when she is wrong. It's permanent.Jaline
    • It's too tiring to even discuss serious things with them most times. I have to choose specific moments to speak to them.Jaline
    • btw ismith I wasn't having a go at you but telling your parents they need to earn your respect is something I would say at 16.Jnr_Madison
    • I wish there was some kind of understanding between us, but we always end up in circles so there is no point anymore.Jaline
    • ismith is totally right about the respect thing, but I thing it matters more after the age of 18.Jaline
    • Yepismith
    • I have a feeling when I turn 18, they'll be totally different (with me at least, not each other).ismith
    • *thinkJaline
    • Having serious discussions in notes is the titsismith
    • Things do change. You realize that you can have more control over things. I stay away from home sometimes.Jaline
    • I just wanted to use that phrase, but it's trueismith
    • hahah, yeah, it's weird having these discussions in notesJaline
    • I've had problems with my parents in the past, now I'm 30 my perspective has changed.Jnr_Madison
  • flashbender0

    sounds like mom needs a good banging.

    Talk to your dad about this.

  • flashbender0

    I think if there is anything to be learned in this thread, it is this:

    Jaline, you need to let your parents catch you having sex.

    This will have two main results:

    1) as ismith tells us, your parents will respect you more and treat you like an adult

    2) Hopefully it'll remind your parnets how much fun sex is and your mom will get a well deserved rogering and that should relieve some of her stress.

    You're welcome.

    • Does your wisdom know no bounds?!ismith
    • well, some do call me Solomon, but I think that's a little much.flashbender
  • Jaline0

    So....let's go to the next page...

    • I'm dog-ear'd, I no longer see pages :'(ismith
    • hmm....interesting. I never dog-ear things.Jaline
  • Jaline0


    • Hey, I made it.Jaline
    • I've been dog-earing every large thread that I frequent ever since I learned how it worked.ismith
    • same here ismith. i hate having to click on a thread and then remember what page it was on when i last left itlocustsloth
  • locustsloth0

    Do you know what you're mom wants from you? Like what would her idea Jaline be like. Maybe if you sit her down and ask her what she wants from you, you can calmly list the reasons why her ideal just isn't going to happen. By vocalizing it, she may just realize how unrealistic her expectations are as well.
    However, it sounds like she may not be rational enough for this exercise, but it might be worth a shot. Sucks when you have to "be the adult" with your parents.

    • I've tried that before :(Jaline
    • But yes, she expects too much from us. It's bizarre.Jaline
    • Does she feel like too much is expected of her too?locustsloth
    • I think so. She's very paranoid and is stressed out by the smallest things. Trust me, we don't ask that much of her.Jaline
    • least I don't. I purposely avoid asking my mom for help with certain things because I think about how the conversation would end up.Jaline
    • would end up. Also, my dad does most of the work for the family now. My mom does stuff to, but not as much.Jaline
    • And she usually tells us (her kids) how shitty we are, even though we're pretty good and all in university or plan on it.Jaline
    • I could go on forever, of course, haha.Jaline
    • She has 5 kids, so I cut her some slack, but being disrespectful for no reason is just going over the line. Most of us take care of ourselves now that we are older anyway.Jaline
    • ourselves now that we are older anyway. We rarely ask her for anything.Jaline
    • The only choice I have is to move out when I am done school and then make her realize certain things.Jaline