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  • Wolfboy0

    I got taken to pieces playing squash today, I was so bad. I had to say that I'm never playing before 11am on a weekend again as I'm just not a morning person. I was so bad it just wasn't fun to be there.

    • feel the burn wolfboy FEEL THE BURNkelpie
    • He hit me with the ball last week. I might just not be cut out for this exercise shit.Wolfboy
  • ********

    I was 7 pages back, now nobody is going to read my notes, and I can't be bothered to check.

    It like shouting down an abandoned mineshaft.

    • 3 notes. I went back. THREE NOTES. Waste of my time. INVOICE LODGED.Horp
    • I tethered my dog 'ere. The past is lost to me once more.Horp
    • haha,they weren't even worth reading
    • I read your skt note. I LOLd
  • ********

    Skt, tell us how you feel when you make a pie chart, deep down.

    • oh please god nokelpie
    • look kelpie, I'm trying to make a connection with a very complex and wonderful man.
    • funny stuff. I actually did read your note
  • Horp0

    Nice photos Chossybah. Like them. I really like the big rock that's like a prehistoric boiled egg all cracked open at one end like Brontasaurus Breakfast.

    • Dude, Saurapods were vegetarians.
    • You are splitting hairs. Where's your empirical data, eh?Horp
    • umm.. errr..
    • that is the example of onion skin weathering :)chossy
  • Horp0

    Release date June 24, 2003

    Wow, I have had my mac since June 2003. The thing is they haven't re-designed the case so that has left me with the impression that I'm not so far removed from current developments. Actually even I can appreciate that it really is time for an upgrade.

    I still wonder if I should go for a Mac Pro, a top spec Imac or a Mac book pro though.

    • i wouldn't waste your time with an iMac, especially if you already own a monitor you can use. Go for the MacBook if you want to work on the go (obviously)locustsloth
    • work on the go (obviously)locustsloth
    • I don't work on the go, but I anticipate the Pro tower to be way overspec'd for my needs now.Horp
    • After all, I draw pictures. How many Quad Core Cray Supercomputers do I need for that reall...Horp
    • If you dont need a laptop then get the imac, no need for a mac pro
    • How about a PC?
    • The MBP's are really nice
    • and you have a monitor
  • Horp0

    (Second half of post above, becasue I can't cope with conversations in side notes when there's actually soemthing I need to say...)

    So my reason for thinking of alternatives to a Pro tower is that it seems to be far more processing power than I need. I don't do animation, flash, Cineam4d, Actionscripty stuff or 3d rendering... Increasingly I just draw a picture in pencil, shoot it or scan it, and then color it up. Maximum file size is only ever 1gb for a layered A2 psd file.

    Surely an imac or a Mac Book pro would suffice.

    But then, I watch things like the video piece in Goldberg COsmetica ( and think that I would like to know how to make things like that, and then I worry that if I ever get around to learning soemthing like Flash, I would have been better with a Mac Pro.

    Anyone have any opinions on doing what I do on an imac or a laptop and screen?

    • ^ Thanks for your comments above Max, typed as I typed this. You think an MBP would be okay then. Me too.Horp
    • I honestly don't think you'll "feel" a difference. So it comes down to personal preference.NotByHand
    • The new MBP with the new apple display is a NICE setup imo. (Works for me).NotByHand
    • Cool, I feel myself heading that way more and more now.Horp
    • I use a MBP for everything. I don't actually do anything but what I don't do I don't do an a MBP
    • What exactly is it you don't actually do Max? On screen? Print? animation? web?Horp
    • print and web, and qbn.
    • just design, none of that binary talk
  • NotByHand0

    Horp, have you ever illustrated any children's books?
    I have a project of the sort coming up, and wondered if you have any good insights (tips, links... etc).

    • ^ I do lots of covers for children's books but I haven't illustrated an entire bookHorp
    • Not sure what the ^ sign is doing in that noteHorp
  • Fariska0

    Horp, pieces like the one you're pointing out are done with after effects.
    Nowdays for short stuff a MBP is pretty much ok for running software like After Effects and handling video. I mean it's a supercomputer compared to what i used back in uni to do video. So I wouldn't worry this much getting a tower. And flash, which now has a total After Effects flavour is quite lightweight.
    On video (and 3d and stuff) all the power that a MacPro can provide is needed not on editing time, but on rendering time!

    • Ah cool, thanks Fariska.Horp
    • If you ever do an AE thing you can edit on your machine and when done send over the projFariska
    • ...files over to chossy ;-). I bet they have pretty good hardware setup.Fariska
  • Horp0

    Well, I think I'm going to head over to The Jamaica Inn now for one of their special Reggae Roast Sunday dinners to treat myself.


  • Jaline0

    2003, eh, Spooky? That's the year I started posting here :)

    Thanks for replying to my question. I was hoping you would tell me about your thoughts on that printing technique, since I heard you mention it before.

  • Horp0

    Damn, I was just leaving. Jaline, this is why I wanted to talk to you about your artwork buying habits in the first place a few months back. My big problem is that I would feel like a con man if I sold giclées. After I had done the deal I would sit there thinking "Somebody just handed me 60quid for a bubblejet and I pretended it was something more fancy called a Giclée" and I don't think I could live with that.

    When Iwas doing the Scissor Sisters stuff I was literally swamped with their mad fans wanting to buy any at all. I could have really cleaned up but the thought made me feel really queezy.

    I guess I'll never be rich because I have a problem taking money from people under anything that could be deemed false pretences or inflated values.

    Do you ever look at the massive pile of prints you've bought over the years Jaline, and think "Fuck, are these really worth it?"

    For me personally, I'd be much happier to get to a point where I feel my large drawings are as good as I want them to be, and to sell them, as original artworks, for £thousands. Maybe I'm being naiive but I feel as though selling bubblejets now for £60 will somehow undermine my potential for selling A0 size original drawings for thousands in 5 years time when I'm good enough that I feel they are worth that money.

    • Right now they are not good enough so I'll let you all have them for £500, okay? Great.Horp
    • Its also why I sent you some shots of my Bazooka printing technique, to see if you felt they were worth more for being genuinely hand made and truly limited.Horp
    • genuinely hand made and truly limited. You didn't though, so that was that and so I smashed up my printing apparauts. j/kHorp
    • Anyway, Now I'm leaving for the pub.Horp
    • OK, read my response later on.Jaline
    • but they're not paying for the print, they're paying for the art
    • Agreed Rand, so why the moniker? Could it be to hide the fact that bubblejets collapse after a few years?Horp
  • Jaline0

    haha, Horp. Honestly, I'm starting to learn more about these things now. I have never bought a giclée print from an artist that I have loved (only things that I know are reproductions, like things that would've cost me millions of dollars, and there is only 1 original print of it available somewhere around the world). In your case, stick with the hand-made stuff. I know you wouldn't do anything but that, but you wanted my opinion before and I didn't know about the differences.

    • I mean I have only bought giclée prints of artwork where there is only like 1 original of it available in the world.Jaline
    • If you notice, even James Jean has those types of prints available and many QBNers have bought them.Jaline
    • James also has originals though, but since they are around $2000, he probably added the Ultrachrome so thatJaline
    • it was more affordable to regular users and fans of his work.Jaline
    • ugh, people have James Jean prints o eBay for around $200 + even though you can buy it from his site for less than half.Jaline
  • kelpie0


  • ********

    i'm sick of waiting, i have been waiting my whole life now.

  • kelpie0

    's ok, i forgot

  • Horp0

    Fuck it, I just went outside and its absolutely pissing it down here. I'll have to make do with whats in the fridge, its too far to walk and I can't be arsed to drive and not have a drink with my food.

    Trials of British living eh.

    • That sucks. It'll probably snow here today.Jaline
  • Horp0

    Jaline, so when you buy a Si Scott, you actually buy the original off him?

    • yes.Jaline
    • I bought one that was only in an edition of 10. I don't think I can afford any more prints from him, hahaJaline
    • Sorry, obviously that's not an "original", as you say, but it was screenprinted.Jaline
    • I'm not sure he sells original things that he only has 1 of.Jaline
    • The actualy drawing that he did, not a limitd edition print????Horp
    • Sorry, my note arrived before I read yours. I can only find prints that are giclées on his site...Horp
    • ... I just found some screen prints that say 'Hype' actually not a bad price... £40.Horp
    • Silkscreen Print
    • Yup, those Hype Type ones too. Most of the good ones are sold out:
      He had many on the Soma site.
    • He had a bunch at the Soma Gallery site, and all are sold out.Jaline
    • Ah gotcha. Were you happy with your purchase? Was it packaged nicely? good quality etc?Horp
    • Yes, it feels very nice (there is texture to the print and paper), and it's A1. I prefer smaller editions, but if the printing is doneJaline
    • done in a nice or unique way, I don't mind the prints that are in editions of 100-250.Jaline
    • Originals are much better, of course.Jaline
  • kelpie0

    oh, so that's what giclee is?


    one of my pals bought a big airside thing and was raving about it being done by some mad new printing technique which justified the blatant extortion of it.

    • Thats what I object to, the dishonesty of allowing people to think its something its not.Horp
  • ********

    but they're not paying for the print, they're paying for the art

    • Hahah, I just read and responded to your note on this point. My response to that is...Horp
    • Agreed Rand, so why the moniker. Could it be because Bubblejets collapse after a few years?Horp
    • simple marketing charlatanism
  • Jaline0

    hah, read the last sentence of the first paragraph:…