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  • hans_glib-3

    who is this O0O0O0 guy and why all the downvoting of his posts?


    • oh just seen a coupla posts up
    • I'm asking the same question. I don't understand why all the downvotes. I am not a spammer. Glad to have somebody on my side.
    • stfu Donnymonospaced
    • sup fatty?
    • oh... so you're pinkfloyd or another shared troll account?monospaced
    • not so much on your side, more just curious as to what you've done to rag the qoobhans_glib
    • Do what you must
      Take what you can
      Steal the pride from every heart
      Every angered man
    • I have done nothing, that is the way of the qoob.
    • Or maybe I angered the Georges:…
    • Possible. Only he has that many accounts.pango
    • Some down votes were mine. I thought it's funny.pango
  • hans_glib-2

    i must spend more time boning up on the latest qbn lore. too much is going over my head these days.

    eg "stfu Donny"

    • downvoted myself to get the party startedhans_glib
    • lore? it's a line from Big Lebowskimonospaced
    • gosh really? i must rewatch that movie.hans_glib
    • Who's Donny?
    • < what he said.
      I never finished that movie. Felt asleep half way through.
    • like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know
    • I think once you attacked the president of qbn, thats pango, you became marked with scent that turns qbn users in cannibals. thus the feeding frenzy.yurimon
    • They should provide us with a booklet of rules and regulations when we sign up. I guess my only solution is to shut up.
    • And here I thought I was contributing to the threads.
    • shut upbartosz
    • Make me…
    • Or get off my dick
    • Sweet I'm the president of QBN!!
      Ok my first order of business is "give me all your Internet money!!" I want my internet money!!!
    • And suck it mg22!!pango
  • ********

  • ********

    Why must I be the thief?
    Why must I be the thief?
    Oh Lord please won't you tell me
    Why must I be the thief?
    Why must I be the thief?
    He said to the hanging man
    And how come you're the only one
    Who's a beggar, that always stares?

    • yeah you see, now you're just asking for it. i smell trollhans_glib
    • I'm just reponding to accusing of me being somebody else. It's in our conscience to know our true intentions. Proceed as you will.
    • It's pretty obvious you've been on QBN as someone else. Why bother denying it?monospaced
    • Quote me.
    • Or get off my dick.
    • I'm not "on your dick." Anyway, that's a classic B.Bash line.monospaced
    • Keep them coming.
    • You people are so vain you think everything is about you.
    • The phrase "get off my dick" exists in the QBN universe only QBN is the beginning and the end.
    • I didn't say it was only on QBN.monospaced
    • I never said you said that it was only on QBN.
      Am I doing it right?
      I know that you never said that I said that you said.
    • being a thief is so cunty
  • garbage2

    i miss hedge

    • we do have Yurimon but he's not racistmoldero
    • to be fair, hedge did more with his one account than yuri does with his 3 or 4.garbage
    • lol, i dont have other accounts. im too lazy to be honest.yurimon
    • i miss sonsarahfailin
    • You miss your hedge? Did you cut it down?reanimate
    • You miss your son? Thats sad manreanimate
    • son can't even complete a proper sentence.pango
  • chukkaphob0

    Apologies for posting that gif where the truck smashed the car. It was poor judgement on my part. Won't happen again.

    • is there still a Not Safe for Life thread for such things? or are we not posting horrible shit on here anymore?sarahfailin
    • what gif? what did I miss?utopian
    • yeah, what was it? i wanna seeeegarbage
    • It was what appeared to be a cement truck swerving and losing control and crashing over a car. Nothing graphic or gruesome at all, but still, some implied deathchukkaphob
    • you animal!garbage
    • watch show portraying all kind of psychos, play fps shooter all day, get shot everywhere, drowns in mind numbing drugs, can't handle death..GeorgesII
    • in the same week, paper reveal that 9/10 of peeps droned were innocent, two presidents and administration conspired to kill millions of brown peeps on false preGeorgesII
    • pretense, hotline setup for abused people had all their msgs wiped, new weapons air dropped in syria, get pissed on dude posting totally non gore gif, wtf ...GeorgesII
    • sorry chuka, you don't have to ask anyone for their forgiveness, it's not your fault if some people can't apparently handle real lifeGeorgesII
    • you animal!garbage
    • +1 Georges...
    • post is fine. prob front page is poor taste in my opinion.yurimon
    • I agree with @yurimon. Should have marked it as NSFW so it doesn't appear on the front page.chukkaphob
    • Georges, in the past you've had problems w/ death gifs, no? I remember.bklyndroobeki
    • We can post death gifs as long as we mark them NSFW? I'm up for it.
    • I can handle "death gifs" & death, tho' showing it in this fashion is kind of ... i don't know. can't explain it. it's just odd.bklyndroobeki
    • are you afraid of using strong words or something. say what you mean, loose that 'odd' noncommittal limp wristed shit or shut your mouth. xoxo -gilga
    • gees someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. not sure if you are joking or not. if you are. man you need to work on it.pango
  • grunttt0

    *peaks in through the eyes of painting

    • peeks* in through the eyes of paintingsarahfailin
    • I read this as "pees through the eyes of the painting".iCanHazQBN
    • pees in through the eyes whilst pantinginteliboy
    • climaxes through the eyes of paintingsarahfailin
  • ********

    oh fuck. totally slacking on paying my web server.

  • ********

    I am in the USA... should I even vote anymore?

    It's so obvious there are architects to this whole fucking game.

    • Try to vote for someone who wants to change the system. There's one candidate this election that wants to.iCanHazQBN
    • ... And I'm not sure we'll ever have someone like that again.iCanHazQBN
    • 43 min. ago: "There is nothing democratic about the fact that billionaires spend as much money as they want to elect people who represent their interests."iCanHazQBN
    • – Bernie SandersiCanHazQBN
    • I think Im going to look at city and state affairs more and less focus on the presidential stuff
    • * focus less
    • yurimon Q&Asarahfailin
    • Yes you should vote. No candidates will ever be 100% align with you. I want free hookers and cocaine for everyone. But that's never gonna happen.pango
    • So just vote for the candidate who's platform is most aligned with what you want. Because your voice sould be heard. Regardless if the candidate you vote forpango
    • Wins or not.pango
    • lol, ican voted for change 2008yurimon
    • And a lot did change.pango
    • the repubs try to make it hard for people to vote.. something to think about.moldero
    • Yuri, do you really expect a complete transformation of America in one presidential term? You're ridiculous..iCanHazQBN
    • It's all steps. Slowly, gradually, progress happens. And yes, as pango said, we did see changes. Nothing is perfect, but we saw changes.iCanHazQBN
    • ...especially with all the pushback from Republicans on every issue.iCanHazQBN
    • I hate to imagine how much further down America would've sunk had there been another conservative in the White House. Nightmares.iCanHazQBN
    • "I think Im going to look at city and state affairs more and less focus on the presidential stuff"
      docpoz big old +1 for this
    • and a big fuck you to the rest of you partisan polotics thinking lemmings. nothing more than 'us vs them' chest thumping idiocy
    • *politics
    • who's thinking us vs them?pango
    • ican you mean like things would have been the same? you really think there is much of a difference? or better? you know where power really comes from?yurimon
    • come one dude, i feel im talking to a college kid with no observation or experience of the real world here.yurimon
    • heres your progressive change.
    • i would say. At least some people can finally afford health care now. but still US health care sucks!pango
    • Yuri, did you even read that chart?iCanHazQBN
    • A chart like that could be made for just about every sort of system. There are many elements to it. But if it works, then it works.iCanHazQBN
    • Just because it SEEMS complicated to you, doesn't mean it will not work.iCanHazQBN
    • Think of it as a car engine. There are a ton of things going on in there, that most people have no idea what that stuff is...iCanHazQBN
    • But if all are necessary, and the car runs well, then the system works.iCanHazQBN
    • One could also draw up a chart just as complicated looking about the education system.. or any kind of government system.iCanHazQBN
    • It seems like you're just frightened by anything with a bunch of lines in it and anything that LOOKS complicated must be "bad".iCanHazQBN
    • The problem, of course, is that it doesn't work for shit
    • Then don't complain who is president or what direction the policies are heading towards. Because none of your opinion matters. According to you.pango
    • It's not like it gonna cost you an arm to vote. You people just lazy.pango
    • um, no. that's not even a little bit what i said. you have me confused with somebody else
    • You talking about health care or voting?pango
    • Pick one
    • We were talking about healthcare directly before you jumped in though. you should really start reading the previous posts before you post responses that are
    • out of context
    • Mehh
      My understanding is you have the option to choose. If you don't think it works then don't use it.
    • It's like complaining about cinnamon flavour ice cream when you never gonna go for that anyway.pango
    • health care is a product/service, the u.s. government does not have the constitutional authority to force me to buy a product/service, therefor obamacare is
    • both a huge flop and also downright unconstitutional, hense why many states have opted out of the shenanigans, which is why voting locally is so important vs vo
    • voting for a president. having voted for a senator makes more difference in a presidential election than when you vote for a presidential candidate
    • Like I said. You have options. Not like if you are being forced. As far as I know.pango
    • Oh is that what you were saying, okok then
    • Donno why autocorrect wanted that to be 2 okays
    • cuz 2 better 1?pango
  • iCanHazQBN1

    I'd rather be in a room with 100 bees than 100 mosquitos.

    • how big of a room?sarahfailin
    • A standard bedroom. Maybe 12ft square.iCanHazQBN
    • i was just frantically running around trying to kill a mosquito with air freshener. it's dead now.iCanHazQBN
    • if it was a bee in the room, i would've been like.. meh.. and left it alone. Mosquitos are so creepy the way they fly and their dangling legs... ughh.iCanHazQBN
    • How'd you save all that cash iCanHaz? You missed my note from an earlier postpinkfloyd
    • How much was your house....pinkfloyd
    • wow. someone stalking, not just the mosquito.bklyndroobeki
    • it's called having a functional memory from a recent post?pinkfloyd
    • lil bitchpinkfloyd
    • fair assesment
    • and of course mono puts this on the cover page againpinkfloyd
    • https://upload.wikim…pinkfloyd
    • Hayoth likes to be in a room with 100 qoobs.pango
    • Lol monos not even in the notes!pango
    • hahapinkfloyd
    • :Dbklyndroobeki
    • haha, look at that fuckin kid, that's hilarious
    • Being cunts as usual I see.monospaced
    • Oh man, your a funny fucking kid
    • not sense of humor wise though. just to be clear, i am laughing at you. by the way, it's because i dislike you
    • I think mono is referring to pinkfloyd.
      Anyone know why gilgamush is being upset? :\
    • Don't sweat it pango, I am making myself very clear so as to cut through the pussy games the kid loves to play. I'm not particularly bothered
    • Sure sure whatever you want tough guy.pango
    • "I'm not particularly bothered"
      "by the way, it's because i dislike you"
      hmmm nahhh i say you were bothered.
    • It looks like gilgamush forgot to beat his wife today and is taking it out on us poor folk.
    • lol
    • Oh I'm super furious now that said that. Watch out now
    • Daddy's gonna come and teach us sissy boys a lesson.
    • Quite a few of you fit the bill. Now lean forward and choke yourself
    • Description so vivid I can smell the tobacco and mayonnaise on your breath.
    • Yea, us mayonnaise enthusiasts are down right meany heads
    • How the hell did a stupid post about bees turn into this? Holy shit. Oh and gilgamush.. you're a penis-head.iCanHazQBN
    • Lol, rather be a dick than an asshole or a pussy
    • Gilgamush is on a crusade to make everyone a tough guy. We should all look at him as a roll model.pango
    • He can roll around deez nuts.
    • *role god damn itpango
  • ********

    How hard is it to find someone your look with same height, weight and coat size?

    • so you can fake your own death by killing someone else? have you tried online dating services?sarahfailin
  • ********

    This dog genocide is just so grimm, man.

    • or any any animal really.
      but some of them are just so tasty...
    • True story. I smoked a joint with a uniform cop once. Well he did threaten me that if I don't finish that joint with him. He's gonna confiscate it...pango
    • The fuck... I kept posting to the wrong note...pango
  • pinkfloyd7

    I remember getting in touch with childhood friends or old roommates, and they would say "I still have your drawing." I never understood why they would still hold onto it after all these years until I got a piece of artwork from someone else. I held onto it because I knew they spent time making it so I appreciated it more.

  • fourth3

    Randomly decided to dress up for work today.

    Walking into work to get on the elevator and this babe sticks her leg out to keep the door open for me. Thanks! I say. No problem :) she says. I get in the elevator and she's basically starting at the side of my face. I pick my floor, stare straight ahead the whole time and get off.

    And I wonder why it's been a long time.

    • I knew this was good for something:…chukkaphob
    • Ain't nobody got time for that
    • she could have tried to start a convo, too
    • Don't feel bad, I heard she is a psycho and married.
    • Peggy from accounting? She's a bitch!pango
    • she's trying to figure out what kind of job interview you're going to todayGnash
    • She was staring at the shaving foam you forgot to wipe offdee-dubs
    • +1pinkfloyd
    • So a woman just held an elevator for you? And then nothing happened? Is this a story?iCanHazQBN
    • it has been so long, i can fap to this postdrgs
    • sorry to hear, sometimes people block themselves from surrendering to the moment, it depends on what you have going on inside that blocks.yurimon
    • Start humble end yurimon
    • yurimon never blocks himself rom surrendering to the moment like a primatemonospaced
    • what DO you have going inside? ;)monospaced
    • lol, jaded mtfkrs. need a hug mono?yurimon
    • Yurimon walks into a bar...pango
    • yeah nothing happened... but what could've happened?fourth
    • depends. its potential if you see the attraction and maybe you start to talk to her and there is no connection. so its better not to dwell and fix for next timeyurimon
    • Maybe she's married.
    • Maybe she's a cannibal.
    • Maybe she's just the nicest elevator rider ever.
    • +1 yuri sound advice. people with low self esteem beating themselves up is a vicious circle. just be natural and don't sweat the small stuff
    • Lol no wonder people thinks gilga and Yuri is the same person.pango
    • she almost died for you. least you could do is make eye contact ;)

      good look tho!
    • we are merging into one internet. muahaha!yurimon
    • gigla, i cant hang out with you broh. the high school thinks its not cool so i have to go according to the peer pressure. sorry dude. its just to damn strong.yurimon
    • toobklyndroobeki
    • Oh look, it's yurimon talking to himself.iCanHazQBN
    • Oh look, it's ican is prayaniod. :\yurimon
    • that's what I'm talking about with the not sweating the small stuff
    • Word to prayanoid
    • prayanoid....
    • Love how icanhaz and gilgamush constantly feel the need to comment on people's 'low self esteem' and belittle people... Haha
    • How smart? PicsHAYZ1LLLA
    • Yup, needing to do that on the internet is real sign of how much better you are than everyone.
    • ^ LOL
    • This post was a cry for help, sorry for caring ya douche
    • no it wasn't. there were no asking for help in the original post in anyway. You just had to rub your opinion everywhere.pango
    • so then who asked for your opinion pango
    • Your notes were a clear cry for opinion, sorry for caring you douche.pango
    • i know you are, but what am i
    • You are who you are. A beautiful sexy human being. Don't let anyone tell you any otherwise! Stay strong buddy!! You can do it!pango
    • aalrighty, good talk
    • ya. good time.pango
    • aye! I'm almost certain someone deleted a comment (1:2)! whaddup w/ dat?bklyndroobeki
    • Sometimes I thought I posted the note and got deleted but probably just bad internet connection. Didn't go through.pango
    • i could've sworn it was there.
      pango are you up to no good? :D heheh, probably a bad connex
    • As the president of Qbn. I totally have that power. I wil have a talk with these terrorist to find a common ground. And piss all over it and deman them to showpango
    • You the respect you deserve!pango
  • HijoDMaite0

    Moldy are you right in the path?? Holy fuck, it looks bad man. Stay safe brother.


    Is there a Hurricane coming? Fuck! Someone tell the girl that works at the cigar shop in Santa Monica. She needs to be kept safe.

    • All you think about! Lolpango
    • All I cigar about? Fuck off Pango shop girl. I'll Santa Monica your face mate!HAYZ1LLLA
    • why my god this is so hilariousgarbage
    • I LOL'd a on the insideKrassy
    • She will be fine next to her BOYFRIEND HAYZ1LLA!HijoDMaite
    • That's rude man! You don't Santa Monica ANYONES FACE!pango
    • Lol zilla
    • lol at all of thisiCanHazQBN

    So, I've been looking for those template things that Apple do in Mail. You know, birthday invites n shit. Do they no longer do them? The internet is no helping much.

    • in mac mail create a 'new message.' in the top right corner of this new window is the "stationary" icon, click itGnash
    • That's what I read but it aint there!
    • what version mail? mine is 7.3Gnash
    • Right click in the top bar, then 'customize'. Must be somewhere between the options, drag the button into your top bar.grotesk_neue
    • Fucking A.
      Right click 'customize' Thanks Grot!
    • @HAYZ1LLLA I hear the girl that works at the cigar shop in Santa Monica knows all about this. You should ask her :pKrassy
    • I was actually asking cuz I wanted to send one of those pink heart email designs. I think cigargirl@santamonic... should get to her.HAYZ1LLLA
  • i_monk0

    Haven't had a good night's sleep in two weeks. I'm exhausted all day, but can't fall asleep until 1-2 in the morning. Kony 2012.

    • story of my life, take 1/2 a benadryl tonight, then after tonight's rest, go for a run tomorrow, I can only sleep good on days I'm activemoldero
    • dude, rub one outdrgs
    • If it makes you both feel any better, I've been sleeping marvellously.
    • sleep hygiene, google it and actually do it. start off with a brisk workout in the morning and no glowing screens past 10pm.garbage
  • GeorgesII-2

    sorry to be spamming but this one is just too good,

    You time-travel back to 1348, accidentally bringing your phone. About to take a photo, you notice: "1 available wifi network".


    My eyes snap up from my phone. A short, fat, bald man was pointing at me, mouth agape, revealing the few rotten teeth he had. He was wearing a brown...what did they call it? Oh yeah, a tunic, and much like all of the denizens of this...quaint... village, he was caked in mud.


    A mob was starting to form, and at least three people had pitchforks. I think I might have happened upon the single most stereotypical mob in all of history. Either way, I'm pretty sure they wan-




    ...Wanted me dead.

    "Woah, woah, c'mon guys, this isn't sorcery!" I said as I held up my phone. "This is just a 4S!"

    The crowd went silent for a second, and then quickly resumed their demands for the removal of my head. Oh, come on! That would have killed 600+ years into the future.

    The mob surrounded me. A couple of guys with swords had joined the crowd and were making their way towards me.

    I had to get out of here quickly, but there was no way out, I was completely surrounded by the villagers. But then I had an idea, if they thought I was a sorcerer, then why not cast some spells? I opened my phone's camera, turned on the flash, held up my phone, and took a picture.

    Just as I thought, the small light on the phone was enough to send the villagers reeling. I took my chance and ran. I ducked and weaved my way from villagers trying to grab me, until a large villager stopped me. I went to take another picture right in his face when...

    In the top right corner of my phone, a wifi signal appeared. In 1348? How!?

    I felt the man's hand grab my arm when I instinctively took the picture.

    "MY EYES!"

    He fell towards the ground and I ran for it, checking my phone for the wifi signal.

    3 bars? That must be nearby!

    I ducked into an alleyway and ran towards a hut at the end of the street. The door was made of rotting wood and I couldn't see any semblance of a handle to force it open.

    The mob had filtered itself into the alleyway I was backed in the corner, and the bald man had made his way front.

    "It's time to show you what we do to witches, girlie." he said, revealing his rotten teeth in a sinister grin, as the mob hurled obsolete obscenities at me.

    "This is it." I thought to myself, and checked my phone one last time for the signal.

    4 bars. It had to be right here. I looked at the mob and back to the door, and in a last-ditch effort, threw myself into the door.

    The rotting wood gave away and I went crashing onto the floor. I sat up, trying to regain my composure and....was Dave Matthew's Band playing?

    "Good tithings and welcomes to this fair Starbucks, dost thou wish to try our autumn blend?"


  • HijoDMaite0

    "Hurricane Patricia became the strongest storm ever measured on the planet early Friday, with experts warning it could trigger 40-foot waves along Mexico's coast and "life-threatening" flash flooding."

    Seriously this is fucking scary now. I have some cousins in Colima and good friends living in Puerto Vallarta. Not to mention Moldy :(…

    • god damn.

      cuidate amigos.
    • Yes, just checked the news in pacific Mex. Thing is scary.

      Ojala os vaya bien, ánimo!!