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- 76,067 Responses
- stoplying1
Whoa...just saw The Stone Roses are playing Madison Square Garden on June 30th...
I got to see solo Ian Brown, but never the full band...- The Hipsters will love the nostalgia of it all.microkorg
- there's no way they sell more than 1/10 of the MSG capacity! LOLs. I predict this show gets cancelled or moved. Hhahaha!chukkaphob
- sarahfailin-1
dont... want... to... work! QBN! Help meee!
- PonyBoy0
nNomdblocdrgsbr andelece
lahoncaterpus ETM_nik
omg33Knuckleber ryfeel
true_cutexador1j agara
ghandolfRam anisky nbWhiteFace konad
esmoomgdeathboyuanb ainbridgeQBNchu kkap
hobinstrmntlsarah failinrandommailchukk
aphob 5jaylarsont erry_clothsetfadein11
iCanHazQBNKrassyBenn nsureshotut opianpang
odetritusPonyBoysca rabinMiesfanOP316garb
agebloggeorgesIIIimbecileMrTmono... edfor
medmo nNomdblocdrgsbrand elecel
ahonc aterpus ETM_ni
komg33 Knuckl
eberry feeltr
ue_cut exador
1jaga ragh andolf
Rama nisky nbW hiteFa
ceko nadesmoomg death boyuanbai
nbrid geQBNchuk kapho binstrmntlsa
rahfa ilinrandom mailc hukkap hob5
jayla rsonterry _clot hsetfad ein11
iCanH azQBNKras syBenn nsuresh otuto
pianp angodetr itusPonyBoyscarabinM iesfanO P316g
arba geblogge orgesIIIimbecileMrTmonospace dform
edmo nNomdbl ocdrg sbran delecelaho ncater
pusE TM_nikom g33 Knuckleberryfeelt rue_cu
texad or1ja garag handolfRamaniskynb WhiteFa
ceko nades moomgde athboyuanbainbridge QBNchukk
aphob instrmntlsarah failinra ndommailc
hukka phob5jaylars onte rry_cl oths etfad
ein11i CanH azQB NKrass yBennnsu
reshot uto pianp ango
detritus Pony Boysc arab
inMiesf anOP 316garbageblog
geo rgesIIIimb ecil eMrTmonospacedf
ormedmo nNomdblocdrgsbran del ecelaho n
caterpusETM_ni komg33Knuckleberryfee ltru e_cutex
ador 1jagaraghandol fRamaniskynbWhi teFacekonadesmoomgdea
thbo yuanbainbr idgeQBNchuk kaphobinstrmntlsara
hfai linran dommailchukk aphob 5jaylarsont
erry_cloth setfadein11 iCan
HazQBNK rassyBen nnsu
res hotuto pian
pangod etri
nMi- haha... guess that didn't work
:)PonyBoy - sad panda.. didnt make the listautoflavour
- aw man :( not intended, auto... all I did was go to a page w/20 posts and lots of notes and collect all the names... guess you weren't on that page :(PonyBoy
- haha... guess that didn't work
- PonyBoy5
-……imbecile - LOL. nice.iCanHazQBN
- I am honored.garbage
- haha... you got top billing, garbage :)PonyBoy
- BusterBoy0
Family and I were at the beach a few weeks back. Kids and I decided to go for a walk to the Pier which was at one end of the beach. Lots of kids jumping off it into the water...which I found a bit scary as it's pretty shallow.
We get just past the life savings club and this little girl comes running in from the water screaming "he can't move...he can't move his legs". Kids and I were a bit worried at that...we saw a young bloke being cradled in the water by some people.
Turns out this young kid had dived head first and hit his head on the sand. Life guards bought him in on a stretcher right past us...poor kid.
His parents arrived and were clearly in shock, not really having any idea the enormity of what had just happened.
That was the last I heard of it...until this morning. Heard this young boy's story on the radio. Talk about was actually the kid's 8 year old sister who had raised the initial alarm.
Anyway, he's now a quadraplegic and has been in hospital since the accident. Major problems with his lungs and his lfe and family's life has been absolutely shattered. One single moment of not thinking has had some huge ramifications.
The family has setup a Facebook page - plenty of messages of support. Even Steph Curry and Peyton Manning have sent messages of support...amazing for a young kid in Melbourne Australia.…
- fucking hell—watch your kids :( My dipshit parents (love them—but they were dumb when they were young) failed to watch us often—i fractured 6 vertebrae...PonyBoy
- ... falling out of a tree... I'm lucky to be vertical. I spent 6 months in a body cast and another year in a body brace and am still in therapy for it at age 39PonyBoy
- bainbridge0
Had lunch with a coworker today and his phone on the table was buzzing every minute with the Snapchat logo on it. I noticed the logo, but didn't want to ask.
Is that what kids are doing now, Snapchatting all day? Or is he more popular than I think?
- bainbridge-1
For married folks, did you propose to your wise and give her a ring?
- Didn't propose to my wise...or wife. I proposed to my fiancé and gave her a ring!BusterBoy
- yesbezoar
- Yesmonospaced
- Yep. Take a knee worm!stoplying
- i_monk5
It's happening. Closing costs to be paid on Friday, we get the keys Monday. Move on the 12th.
- PonyBoy2
Walking Dead needs more baby zombies
- PonyBoy0
- became a preacher i believe.imbecile
- was shown what he had to do to become a star, scared him, became a preacher,georgesIII
- he didn't wanna sacrifice no babies yo********
- He was on a Kanye track last year. Still going. https://en.wikipedia…HAYZ1LLLA
- PonyBoy0
- Rock the guac?dmay
- But the A gave me some doubtsdmay
- The serifs on the back of the C need to go. It's what's making it difficult.monospaced
- ROCK THE GVRC?autoflavour
- PonyBoy0
- that's WAY better... don't forget the first C in ROCKmonospaced
- yeahscarabin
- PonyBoy3
- it reads for suremonospaced
- i know it's an avocado, but i can't get past...…imbecile
- thx!PonyBoy
- haha!... never heard of the green big egg, imbecile :) ... the association isn't the worst though... the is BBQ / Festival relatedPonyBoy
- maybe the stone (or hole at least) might help the avocado association...…******** - Maybe the color of the avocado is a really dark green like a ripe avocado, and the type and/or figure is the really pale green inside.monospaced
- all it needs is some ham.... :Dimbecile
- If you put the stone back the guitarist, it will play like a sun (the fest is in AZ?) and avocado association will be easierOBBTKN
- needs more avocado…imbecile
- I thought it was a green guitar pick - not a terrible idea!stoplying
- Haha!! It does need ham! :)PonyBoy
- Nice. Though you may not need the rocker cowboy. Just type and the guac shape would work just as well and look cleaner. IMO.wagshaft
- utopian1
Watching World War Z...its pretty good!
- georgesIII0
Ditting in thw subway right now,
counted 17 people around me, all of them are on their smart phones,including me :/
- scarabin4
- reminds me of the movie one you posted one time..the cliches.cbass99
- experience romancebklyndroobeki
- Guilty!nb
- True but take any logo in existence and you can find hundreds of similar ones. Except the london olympic a logo that was one of a kind lol_niko
- and yet wisely never used by zenithimbecile
- 99designs.combainbridge
- monospaced-2
Que Bien!
- That's QBN in Mexican for all you crackers out there.monospaced
- KBN?BabySnakes
- Downvoters must be racist against Mexicans.monospaced
- you must be one of those people that pronounces the h in hola********
- ¿Que?wagshaft
- didn't know 'mexican' was a language... though it is a type of food... ... *suddenly hungry
:)PonyBoy - Mexican is a language, just like English. Everyone knows that. Plus, how can you pronounce hola without the h? Derp@!monospaced
- g's and h's don't do a whole lot in spanish********
- No way!? Really!?monospaced
- I'm talkin about Mexican not Spanish anyway. Not sure where you got that from.monospaced
- seeing this everywhere at doha airport after a 16hour flight was fun http://globalaccessi…inteliboy
- Has mono begun to embrace the troll within?IRNlun6
- Some people need to lighten up.monospaced
- ¡Qué bien!uan
- terry had a valid pointfadein11
- no he didn't, he only made an assumption that I don't know spanishmonospaced
- and growing up in southern california, I can say that I know more than mostmonospaced
- are you upset or something********
- no, just kinda laughing at the interpretationmonospaced
- tengo una serpiente en los pantalones!pango
- so then you understand that it reads kbn********
- gilga you understand there's a thing call joking right?pango
- are you perpetually drunk********
- Are you socially challenged?pango
- Holy shit, a grammatically correct, complete sentence, good job little buddy********
- Yup he's socially challanged.pango
- social graces can be learned, you can't fix stupid though********
- gilga, even corporation would read like kbn. But it's q because it's an acronym and not phonetic. Also don't be so literal. Comes off as autistic.monospaced
- Shit gilga I guess you are right about your self. You can't fix your own stupidity.pango
- Ah yes, good combacks all around, i know you are but what am I type of pettyness, the assburger and the idiot, you guys are the perfect team********
- I'm neither. But you were incredibly literal and stick to your point despite it being an a virus joke to everyone else. You make the call.monospaced
- A virus = an obviousmonospaced
- ********0
How much would you pay for a browser to browse the internet?
- w/ a built in keyboard and screen.********
- what about built in connectivity?imbecile
- $15. Don't need the keyboard. Thank you!nb
- connectivity is separate. Just looking to see if a Chromebook for $200 would be a good idea.********
- i dunno, my phone already does that stuffscarabin
- my thought as well scarabinimbecile
- I wouldn't pay for anything if I don't have.pango
- How much would you pay for a mouse that clicks?garbage
- w/ a built in keyboard and screen.
- inteliboy-2
I went to the docs trying to get some xanax or valium... though I wasn't convincing enough. Given some sleeping tablets instead. Maybe a good sleep will help after all...
- yes, take lots of drugs. That will help.********
- dude... weed... donePonyBoy
- Did you a favour. Once you pop, you can't stop.HAYZ1LLLA
- what set saidbklyndroobeki
- there's always the silk roadscarabin
- there's always the silk ropegarbage
- Should go see a testicular cancer support group.pango
- really? :( nobody got fightclub reference?pango
- yes, take lots of drugs. That will help.