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I've had this on repeat in the office for about twenty minutes so far and nobody's noticed yet
- Everyone went home hours ago.HAYZ1LLLA
- bllllbbbpppimbecile
- thanks, this song has been stuck in my head all day.scarabin
- hahabklyndroobeki
- imbecile0
it had to be done.
- old yeller was a good dog thosarahfailin
- where the red fern growsgarbage
- you pierce your clit?iCanHazQBN
- PonyBoy1
wow... i'm way off today... not paying attention...
- pango1
Doesn't seem like people appreciate my creepy movie sound track at work....
- "they did the mash! they did the monster mash"sarahfailin
- bklyndroobeki0
- could use it right now.bklyndroobeki
- first world problems.yurimon
- you could still leave your lunch at work at third world country.
just saying.pango - 3rd world countries have company fridges?monospaced
- they don't. makes you wonder where they put their lunch right?pango
- georgesIII0
- ok i win.yurimon
- ehehe do you want one?
I fell in love with that statuegeorgesIII - lol, all good. the place you work, they have alot of toys to make stuff or experiment with tech?yurimon
- that was a short game. bravo, yuriscarabin
- also looks like gort http://davidbuckley.…scarabin
- @yuri: nah this is my personal bs, work is fun but lot less time to actually play :/
@scar: klatu is next eheh loved that flickgeorgesIII - thanks scar..yurimon
- georgesIII0
- should make on life size.pango
- Yeah and paint them yellow.sureshot
- really cool.bklyndroobeki
- why that icon?uan
- bklyndroobeki0
How many of you agree:
- Somewhat agree.nb
- definitely has good points. Same can be said about any industry. Though if you brand yourself as a consultant vs freelancer you automatically earn 20x lol_niko
- nb, somewhat... where is he false?
i too agree w/ him. although i believe if you're working with HUGE names, you could do it. ie, coke, nike...bklyndroobeki - I agree but this guy http://www.onefastbu… is freelance and makes a good income.Hayoth
- ^ And it's how you value your service, if you are going after the WIX customer you aren't going to make it.Hayoth
- They seem like an Agency, Hayothbklyndroobeki
- 3 to 5k for a project = top 1%? I don't know where he lives, but I do not consider that top 1%. Maybe mid to low tier?studderine
- Studios are essentially freelance with multiple employees.bainbridge
- No one who went to college thinks 35k is a good annual income.bainbridge
- $3-5k is not top 1% tier for freelance work... regardless this is very nobrainer info (but good info for the youngsters he's talking to)PonyBoy
- also... if you have people selling for you (or selling you, a rep if you will) you can do just fine as a 'freelance' designer... you just have to keep your...PonyBoy
- ... skillset up-to-date and make sure your work isn't sub-par. A 'network' of people comes naturally... you don't have to put in much effort there if you...PonyBoy
- ... do good work.PonyBoy
- Selling how to become successful like the rest of the internet. For a UX designer his site sure does suck ballzMattjanz3n
- I like these 2 guy's take. It can be done… just takes strategy.bklyndroobeki
- PonyBoy not just up-to-date but fresh & innovativebklyndroobeki
- bainbridge2
- irritating smugness levels meet uninformed drivel********
- ^he's right ya know.Hayoth
- irritating smugness levels meet uninformed drivel
- bainbridge0
Got a short haircut yesterday and the lady asked me if I wanted a "line". I didn't know what she meant and then I realized she meant shave my widow's peak and have a clean line in my hairline.
How weird.
- When someone offers a line. Always take it.pango
- don't accept a 'bump' thoughsarahfailin
- http://www.the-reelg…utopian
- lol at pangointeliboy
- Bennn0
In movies and tv shows, men are always matched up with younger women. And those women are always out of the league of those man. And those man always have to look rudiculous, geek, nerds and semi-stupid. There's a pattern that seems to be very hard to break.
For exemple, the new show 'Love' on Netflix; the dude look like a total nerd. Or another exemple, in 'How I met your mother', Ted and the other guys always get girls way out of their league. In cinema, Jennifer Lawrence is always matched up with man 20-35 years older than her. And the exemples are infinite.
- your problem is...?pango
- Seinfeld that ugly goof seem to get plenty of women on his show. They must have fell in awe of his meticulous whining.********
- it's the way it's always been, men look for youth, sex appeal and fertility in women and women look for compatibility, wealth, security, companionship etc_niko
- also movies are selling to the typical male consumer, selling escapism and a dream._niko
- no problem, pango. just highlighting an observation.Bennn
- Women aren't as superficial.monospaced
- maybe it teach guys to always try, even if one think they are "out of your league."ApeRobot
- they're mostly made by nerdy 40-something men. And what mono said.Fax_Benson
- and what Fax saidmonospaced
- it's an american thing. no so here in canadaGnash
- when i had a restaurant most of my dinner crowd were americans up for the weekend theatre scene. invariably, couples were mismatched as far as attractiveness.Gnash
- ... 9/10 gals were with 4/10 guys. whereas canadian couples were generally in the same league.Gnash
- ^ this was based on years of observationGnash
- really?Bennn
- Spanish language TV is 100x worsesarahfailin
- @bennn. yes, it was kinda weird, actually.Gnash
- i_monk0
- lolBluejam
- Frankie Motherfuckin MacDonald... love this guyIRNlun6
- I tried hard not to... but eventually I lol'dAl_dizzle
- not sure if mentally disabled or just from nova scotiasarahfailin
- i can haz translator?pinkfloyd
- this guy is an internet classic, and he still doing it! nicefeel
- @sarah he's autistic and from nova scotia. frankie is da maaaan.garbage
- fucken LOL when he talkspinkfloyd
- oh... so that's not i_monk... kPonyBoy
- lawli_monk
- :DPonyBoy
- monospaced-2
my drawer of old and obsolete technology is getting quite full
- Any Apple products?utopian
- And no, I did not vote this down.utopian
- http://assets.vice.c…fadein11
- hoarding? time to hit bestbuy? http://www.popsugar.…bklyndroobeki
- And no, I did not vote this down.bklyndroobeki
- @utopian, a 3rd gen iPod, an iPhone 3G and 4S, for apple products.monospaced
- not a hoarder, not even close, but I don't always throw away older tech for some reason, I usually try to find a use for it or someone to give it to.monospaced
- Other items include two crappy digital cameras, an old kindle, wireless router and a logitech harmony remote, all just replaced with newer modelsmonospaced
- I think it is time to recycle them, thanks for the link bklynmonospaced
- I bet your apartment / house is so well organised.fadein11
- i threw out my first gen iPod 2 years ago. it was a heart breaking burial.bklyndroobeki
- I have every cell phone I have ever owned. It's fun to dig them out and have a laugh every once in a while. I keep my Palm Pilot in that drawer too.ETM
- @fadein, not really, but once a year we attempt to organize thingsmonospaced
- @ETM, you get it!monospaced
- stoplying0
Text from a friend in Manhattan this morning:
Taking a shit in Starbucks, guy knocks on stall door, "I know this is very rude, but I'm going to poop my pants". Told him to give me a second then let the poor guy in. I also used the last of the TP, told him he'd have to work with the seat cover paper.
- Sure, sure, a text from a "friend". We believe you, stoplying.nb
- cannot unread.bklyndroobeki
- Bennn0
So they prefered the ''design'' made by the office guy who made it in Word instead of my design made in Photoshop by me, Graphic Design graduate.
Fuck everything.
- The job was for an event in the building. People who chosed the final design are mostly women aged 47-60 y-o.Bennn
- ''Normal'' people dont know shit about real graphic design and they dont care about it.Bennn
- http://worldofdtcmar…moldero
- lol @ knowing your market and ignoring it, instead forcing your "graduate design" on a crowd who needed informed. good job. #likenootherimbecile
- let's see the two designssarahfailin
- my design was really 50 y-o woman oriented. dont worry.Bennn
- nah, i won't post this in here.Bennn
- Funny coz most clients are made of these design illiterate "normal" people.Maaku
- yepBennn
- Could you mask out some info and post em here?pango
- marychain won this one.Gnash
- bklyndroobeki0
Today, a client reamed me out for forwarding my final invoice... then apologized after realizing that the invoice was within the scope of work (not outside contract). I know that this person likely works 11+/hr days so is exhausted.
So weird that for some reason I'm partially still feeling kind of bad about it. At this age, I'm still learning that it isn't all about me but some how I'm still trying to link the rage to something I'd done.
- just realizing... i work the same amt of hours, and would triple check & ask questions before ripping someone a new.bklyndroobeki
- we can not control the actions of others. we can only control ourselves.imbecile
- truebklyndroobeki
- not true, you can hypnotize them, imbecile.Gnash
- HijoDMaite4
Chivo is untouchable. Three Oscars in a row! I wish I could meet him. His Insta is pretty dope too check it out.…
- BK0
I like Kermit Kardashian.