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  • inteliboy0

    I'm sick of the trend where every application has an opening dialogue box asking what files to open or to create a new file or to do this or to do that... even bloody TextEdit...

  • mekk0

    Somebody posted a google string to search font files.. what was it again?

    • intitle:"index.of" (ttf|otf) FONT NAME -html -php -aps -cf -jsp
    • when you convert web fonts to true type will it print well?yurimon
    • Not really, they print as animated GIFs.detritus
    • thx set!mekk
  • face_melter0

    What's that mate, you chose the angles and views for a set of images for a housing competition? And what's that? You set the camera too low in almost all of them and the one that is vaguely ok is looking towards the ground so the perspective is all fucked? Ok, mate. Well, if that's what has been decided without asking me, the arch-viz guy, then carry on - you're the architect. Oh, wait no you're not - you're a FUCKING ENGINEER.

  • ********

    I belong to a social club and had it out with one of the fuckers there running for a board position as part of a slate. A reply to him.


    What does that prove? I don't trust you, nor should anyone on the slate. We all were right about you. Interested to know how Ralph figured out we were going to do a digital mailer, in the first place, eh?

    Chris, on the other hand, he showed no sign of betrayal, except for tonight. To think, we actually let him in on our personal thoughts, only for his self-servicing ways to take rise. He's as bad as Rege, what a fake!

    Interestingly enough, you've used the word "comical." That pretty much sums up the current board, which you're a part of it, it's a bunch of fucking worthless clowns. The stuff being sent out, represents you just as much as the others you're attempting to go against. Well, not you Rich, again you've done your lying and cheating to get where you need to be, probably hoping the next president has a heart attack, so you can put your claws into the presidency and act "regal." You don't have a generous bone in your body, this is ALL for you, you, you and I can smell it from a mile away.

    I could give a flying fuck whether you hold a grudge or not, because I will. You don't deserve the VP, you're cronies / fraudulent buddies Ralph, Rege and Bob helped you get there, by going after no one else to run. Respect for whom? Blatant, parasitic racists that bring the club down, each moment they walk into the door? Are you kidding me, dude???

    Then there is our naive slate, which you should have never been a part of, we were ALL right and I do mean ALL. We contemplated removing you.

    Regardless, you win, you can have it. I'm through with the club, after this election, regardless of what happens. Let's not pretend the individuals moving in or up are going to make that much of a difference. You're kidding yourselves, if you think as much.

    • Where did you copy/paste this from?face_melter
    • my fucking brain jackass, have at it...
    • Tldrpango
    • Alright, Rambo, calm the fuck down.face_melter
    • Yikes, you sound like a real treat to be around.nb
    • edit: "I couldn't give a flying fuck..."
      otherwise, well vented.
    • ^ thank you and if you knew these retards, you'd agree with me. killing this very nice social club.
    • piss-weak QBN analogy?Fax_Benson
    • Social club... Is that like illuminati?pango
    • Ethnic social clubs are still very popular in many urban areas and stem from European immigrant communities. You know, the ones that built America.
    • Are you gonna make America great again?pango
    • Doesn't need to be made great, it could be made greater, but then all the shit countries would cry about it.
    • all the Social Clubs near my work are mob frontsGnash
    • Ralph, Bob and Rege don't sound very italian, thoughGnash
    • ^ German Club…
    •… great ratskeller, literally built in 1854
    • nice one, drake. the ones I see around me are sketch.Gnash
    • this goes way way back bro, like days of the civil war. crazy history. I used to do their website at…, they are stupid though, destroyed it
    • ya, this is way different than my preconceived idea. pretty cool, actually.Gnash
    • so, it's a German Choir Club, actually... they sing for events and during lunches and dinners, plus shooting clubs, dancing and language for kids, great stuff!
    • created that for them…
    • T-shirts for a Radler, bike drinking event from club to Hofbrauhaus and back.… Meanwhile, I'm the troll, right?
    • http://deutschtown.o…
  • ********

    On the 17th of May I'm gonna start a Further Education in:

    4 weeks - CSS
    4 weeks - (X)HTML + CSS
    2 weeks - JavaScript
    2 weeks - Responsive Webdesign (Bootstrap 3, CSS3 and Less)
    4 weeks - Adobe Photoshop with a ACA Exam in the end
    2 weeks - Adobe Illustrator Basics
    2 weeks - Adobe Illustrator for Web Designers
    2 weeks - Adobe InDesign Intensive
    2 weeks - Adobe InDesign for Web Designers

    It will last 6 months.
    I got it paid from the Unemployment Center here in Germany.

    Actually it should be for Webdesign.
    And the duration could be from 3 to 6 months.

    I could have chosen two weeks more of JavaScript and two more weeks Responsive Webdesign.

    Or some JQuery, Ajax, PHP, MySQL...

    But I don't want to be either a developer or a programmer, so I decided to use the six full months to renew/refresh some of my Adobe Software skills as I don't work for years in an Office and lost my working rhythm.

    Still, I'm more into giving Workshops, Graffiti and repairing Bicycles.

    They, the Academy, suggested me a Webdesign Degree.
    But it was only constituted by Adobe Software:


    I rejected.

    • i'm thinking javascript should take longer to learn than csspinkfloyd
    • I opted out from more JavaScript. Decided for more illustrator instead.
    • And the (X)HTML weeks are mostly HTML and just a bit of CSS. That's why I decided just for a CSS program.
    • As the Training can be also build in Modules, I decided for this scenario. Had lots of doubts.
    • There were Modules from Illustrator only for Pre-Print and for specific supports like Packaging Design or Flyers or whatever.
    • There were InDesign Modules specifically targeted for eBooks, ePub, Tablets, etc..
    • There was another Responsive Webdesign Module just for Smartphones and Tablets.
      And so on...
      It was not easy.
    • I really would recommend doing a lot of that yourself on side projects and simple stuff... best way of learning. The few courses I have done were a let down.fadein11
    • I have my own projects hanging for years. Lost the necessary discipline and motivation. We'll see what happens. It's 9 hours a day for the next 6 months.
    • yeah good luck with it - I just always struggled to learn web stuff from others - just got stuck in myself which may not be the best way I guess.fadein11
    • 9 hours a day for 6 months! God I'd rather write a book or an album...fadein11
    • I guess I will actually learn something. Or at least I hope. It also depends of me. But I'm 40 years old and I might never have another chance like this.
    • Fuck! I think I exaggerated by choosing Illustrator Basics...
    • So much adobe!
      Good luck oey.
      Shout if you need code aide.
    • Noice, that's awesome :)Maaku
    • I thought JavaScript was like a super code that can take over the world?Hayoth
    • I asked to replace Illustrator Basics with more JavaScript. That move was not well thought.
    • Thanks for the downvote!
    • Nice, good luck. smart move to drop the illy basicsGnash
  • bainbridge0

    Would you go on a date with someone you didn't see going long-term with? Multiple dates?

    • how annoying / how hot is she_niko
    • are you getting some ass?
    • could you end up being good friends instead? Or does she like you and you don't like her back?capn_ron
    • Fuck buddy?Maaku
  • ********

    "audio dispatch indicates a man was found in a conference room with a gun nearby"

    more bad news for apple…

    • How is a workplace death bad news for Apple? Shit happens to people. Damn.monospaced
    • if you were apple would you consider it bad news that your employee killed himself?
    • that's what i thought
    • Yes you thought that and you're now saying it again.monospaced
  • monospaced-2

    In Santa Barbara for the week. Think I'll eat Mexican food.

    • Eat Santa Barbaran food.bainbridge
    • why the - ?...go to freeb!rds, get a bloody mary at the boathouse.. let me know if anythings different, havent been in 4 yrs
    • upvoted to counter the downvotes...must be mono in a bad mood.
    • ignore that im high
    • Freebirds is neither in Santa Barbara nor real Mexican food.monospaced
    • Country Club lawns are all dead :(monospaced
    • it's in IV which is SB county. go to twin puddles (twin lakes) for some golf, cheer up mono, why u such a downer
    • I know where it is. I'm from SB proper and well, we grew up with a clear distinction between us and goleta.monospaced
    • not being a downer! I just like more authentic Mexican food than those burrito monstrosities they sell in IVmonospaced
    • then go to jimbos get some drinks, go jump in the creek bed when your done.
    • i can get you some locations of some great cliffs you can jump off of, death will be instant for ya.
    • damn, wish i wasn't slammed at work right nowscarabin
    • Thanks pockets. I grew up here so I know all the fun spots too :)monospaced
    • then get to it fucker
    • dudemonospaced
    • Be sure visit one of Von Drake's wine vineyard's when you are out there. I'm sure he'll tell us that he own at least 10,000 acres.
    • definitely... actually it's 20,000 dummy
    • Go away drake. You have this whole site to wipe your ass on. Stay off my blog post and don't act like you know anything about SB.monospaced
    • Please. Thanks.monospaced
    • Try to keep in mind your buddy, who's not a troll named drumpf, FFS, called me out
    • What? Go away you weirdo.monospaced
    • Not sure what you're saying but you are a fucking idiot if you think I'm Drumpfmonospaced
  • scarabin2

    i got a VPN service and set it up on my phone. am i immune to the man now?

    • Still had to pay the man. Well tinier version of the man. Btw gov monitors all data crossing borders.pango
    • Now all your data is guaranteed to bemonitored.pango
    • That's what I understand at least. There no sure way not to be monitored. It's not rape if you enjoed it I guess... •___•pango
    • Hi Scarabin (very belated thanks for the sticker, still on my laptop!)
      Depends on the VPN service. Did you check if they store logs?
    • hey scar im adding new features to ur directory thing, ill shoot it back to you when im done. added sorting options, total file count and size
    • killer, thanks pockets!scarabin
    • mugwart; i did check, they do not store logs. just curious if my texts are secure now. i guess they could be on my end but not on the other guy's phone, right?scarabin
    • Think they can. Texts are different to internet. Checkout:
  • mugwart7

    Interview went well! Here's hoping!

  • i_monk0

    Is there any way to distill a .ps file without Acrobat Distiller?

    • Print to pdf? What's the problem you're having? File size not small enough?PonyBoy
    • Printing a booklet from InDesign requires a .ps as far as I can tell.i_monk
    • maybe something here:
  • BK4

    Told a coworker that I often open the emergency door behind my desk to fart. Now every time I do that she knows. Should have kept my mouth shut.

    • live and Learn!pango
    • lolMaaku
    • Just fart in the room and tell her to literally keep her mouth shut.face_melter
    • No no! Dude, you're on to something brilliant - now you can do it without opening the door and she'll never think it's you! genius.Krassy
  • bainbridge0

    I applied for a nice job last week, today I got a generic email that it has been filled.

    They didn't even want to interview me.

    • happened the same to me. just this year like almost 20 times already.
    • Find the senior creatives on linkedin and contact them directly. But you better impress them if you do that, otherwise they'll be annoyed,Maaku
    • if you applied last week and they notified you this week, you must have been too late. i wouldn't take it personally.sarahfailin
  • ********

    I didn't realize how many bad movies and box office bombs that Will Smith has starred in, until I turned on "I Am Legend" this evening.

    • http://www.rottentom…imbecile
    • I liked that movie except the cgi at the end.Hayoth
    • I liked the original but aside from a few moments, i wouldn't think it is great.yurimon
    • just saw Concussion on a plane... weakmonospaced
    • If you've read the book it was based on, you'll realise even more painfully how utterly, utterly dire this shit flick was.detritus
  • bainbridge0

    ^ $150 million and months of hundreds of people's time was spent on the movie and then a lot of money and time photoshopping this poster together. You would think they would put more effort into the type of the "logo".

    • I'm sure they did but some douche in marketing insisted it be more Trajan-y_niko
    • 99.9% of non-designers probably wouldn't ever think about itmonospaced
    • You know Mike Patton did the voices of the zombies in this?BK
    • ^^ the tragedy of our workGnash
    • Could have been a decent movie if the zombies were like in TWD (no cgi).Maaku
    • movie was pretty good, i was entertained.Gnash
  • cbass997

    drake-von-drake, you talk way too much.

  • ********

    This girl I know asked me to help her design some things for a photo project she's working on with some other people, nothing too big.

    She's nice and she's not making any money off it so I said, sure, I would help.

    Now she keeps adding to it and continuing the project and assuming I'll contribute to each round. I feel like a dick if I pass, but I'm not really that interested in the content she's generating.

    I hate that I only want to do things for money.

    • And she's not hot.
    • clearly you're not thinking with your dick. that's good. and also doesn't seem like you're not doing it out of your own interest as well.pango
    • @#$%^%$
      doesn't seem like you're *doing it out of your own interest as well.
    • Mention that the more time you spend on this the less time you have for paying jobs. She can choose to pay for priority or not.i_monk
  • scarabin0

    any suggestions for a < $500 portable PA system?

    i'm currently looking at this one…

    • meh, maybe i'll just get a really nice mixer instead.scarabin
    • you can't do no wrong with these beastGeorgesII
    • Looking at this too. I think I might have to scoop up my own before summer parties.shellie
  • face_melter0

    As expected, the renders I mentioned earlier are absolute shit - uninteresting views, too much foreground (so a metric shit-tonne of open asphalt and paving), no detail whatsoever - lamps, furniture, etc. The fucking wretched obsession architects have of trying to show everything in a single view - like they have this mental collapse if something *isn't* in the image it somehow doesn't actually exist. We're doing four images and all of them are gash.

    I have no enthusiasm to do any decent work on them whatsoever.

    • :(inteliboy
    • Close the computer down.
      Take as long walk as you can. get your eyes focus on something that is not sub meter away! Make a tea, get back to it!!
    • what i do anyway! Slamming your mouse down helps as well!mugwart
    • Nah, these are shit - there's no saving them to be honest. They have no personality or anything I can make 'unique'. I'll just suck it up and battle through it.face_melter
    • Oh, and they are due next Wednesday and half of it hasn't been modeled properly yet.
      Fuck yeah!
  • ********

    I want to thank the positive input from some QBN members to my new step in life.

    I've been a bit professionally lost but I'm very positive about the future.
    This means a lot for me and I really appreciated the support and feedback.


    • Good luck with it. And I was only speaking from experience.fadein11
    • Thanks! I think you're input was very positive. It's true what you said but I just fell in a hole and need to be hit with a whip!
    • +1Gnash
    • wow! a downvote. LOL!
    • oey vey congrats!utopian
    • "Positive input" can't be me.pango
    • Good luck - with it all!
      Let me know if you need a hand with any of the code side of things.
    • Mugwart what kind of code do you do?pango
    • python, getting into c++ and refreshing my pyqt and qt. Used to do Actionscript/java stuff, but I don't want to admit my age and tell you how long ago that was!mugwart
    • :)bklyndroobeki