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  • deathboy1

    I cant figure out how to fuckin rollback to illustrator 2014!! The creative cloud app gives me 0 options. On the site All i can find is a 32 bit. fuck you fuck you fuck you adobe

    • you should be able to instal multiple versions with cc, I did it before for plugin incompatibility reasons, it was a while back thoughmoldero
    • https://helpx.adobe.…moldero
    • yea those options must have existed in a previous CC. i do all that and nothing loads for previous options. im just running the 32 bit vs. works better.deathboy
    • torrent.mekk
  • PonyBoy2

    lol... eddie... did you just login to all your accounts so you could upvote / downvote the shit out of the COTD thread?

    ... someone just did cuz the numbers just went nuts in about 2 minutes :D

  • OBBTKN-1

    I'm reading this comic now:…

    It's about the life of a little girl in the Communist Poland, remembers our life during Franco dictatorship here, everything was grey

  • docpoz1

    Fax, Orazal, Set = 1 person. pathetic.

    Grow up, loser.

    • Lol I'd disagree with you but Mehh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯pango
    • He's been a member for less than a year, don't burst his bubble.ORAZAL
    • i agree with pango tbhpockets
    • Why is it pathetic? A good mixture of personalities!Ianbolton
    • nahmonospaced
    • sorry, I quite liked the graphic you posted. I'm not sure why you freaked out so soon. No offence intended.Fax_Benson
    • Also, pretty sure we're separate entities.Fax_Benson
    • I KNEW IT!detritus
    • doc, you can't be seriousGnash
    • I have my suspicions. Actually Fax was the coolest of the personas but I still have my suspicions. I can't help it, I am a detective.docpoz
    • Oh put a sock in it you sensitive little twitset
    • You can detect deez nuts.ORAZAL
    • oh, it's obvious now. 2 comments back-to-back? haha!!docpoz
    • Lol. Alright I'll come forward. They're all me.pango
    • Fucking OraSet McFaxCuntORAZAL
  • Bennn0

    This resume some of the projects I wanted to achieve in the last years.

  • mugwart3

    Think I did alright in the python tests. Completed two of the three tasks. one of the tasks was beyond me! Just the c++ one to go..

    • hang in thereGnash
    • I'm kind of bummed this isn't about snakes, but congrats on the computer stuff. :)mg33
    • My favorite headline on 2016 so far...…vaxorcist
    • "when he allegedly showed off a small snake he had with him".....mugwart
    • oh and thanks gnash!mugwart
    • yeah well that didnt go well!!
      lets see how this plays out!!
  • freedom-3

    Do you get this fat from eating poorly?

  • bklyndroobeki0

    Was just thinking on
    JDilla, Picasso, Warhol... Wanted to create a thread:

    "Artists who have left us, and left behind massive amounts of work"

    • RIP prolific artists.nb
    • Is it possible to keep a thread that specific so consistent on here?yurimon
    • only if you stay the fuck out of it, you troll piece of shitmonospaced
    • Worldstaaaaaaaaar!ORAZAL
    • Hero!bklyndroobeki
    • i'm pretty sure threads get off topic without me. i keep on topic with political threads thanks for you delusional input. go home.yurimon
    • and you'd be wrong... not surprising for the most idiotic, incompetent and apparently incontinent member of this place. Fucking troll piece of shitmonospaced
  • PaulAllen0

    Do you turn off the power of your mouse and/or keyboard before you clean it? Or are you the type that pound the keys while cleaning them?

    • I pound the shit out of mine!mugwart
    • lolGnash
    • disconnect the power. i take out all the buttons and all the parts i can possibly take apart...pango
    • ^ OCDbklyndroobeki
  • sted1

    Strange story to share, but I think that's the best platform to write this down.

    Back in the days I was running my own BBS on our landline at night. I had lots of fun by drawing ascii graphics, and connecting with lots of people by being an active member on the Hungarian fidonet with my father before he became a full-time alcoholic and we lost almost everything.

    The only thing which had insisted on was the Internet. I did everything to stay connected, and the only option I had was a really expensive CompuServe account including netscape navigator running on an overclocked i386 :) . So I told my parents that I don't need any pocket money, just make sure that the CompuServe and landline bills are countervailed.

    When I was 16 my father left the family and we went poor, and I mean by that the bread on our table was on credit and the shoe that was on my feet literally fell off in school.
    Fortunately I had a good friend at the Hungarian telco company Matav who helped me out with a special employees only call-back internet connection. Because paying for the CompuServe account was one of the many things we could not afford anymore. I was grateful to him. Not because my comfort zone turned upside down at that time I had to realize that we are in serious trouble.

    One day after the worst chirstmas I ever had he asked me if I could help him out. He took a job as system administrator for an advertising agency investing in a new shiny thing called the internet, and they needed a new website for that division. He knew that I had only one skill in my pocket and that was drawing. He convinced me to learn how to build websites. After learning the basics of HTML in about a week and how to use FTP, I went to an interview to his workplace after my school hours. Got the job and spent my time after school for almost two years building websites with the clients sitting next to me. Because of the business relations we built sites for high-profile clients like Honda, I had no idea what I'm doing :) My only goal was that it should look nice and the same on every browser.

    It was the worst working environment what you can imagine, with daily humiliation (because i was to young), lots of professional incompetence (because the ceo knew nothing about the internets), and aimless business objectives (because the investors where domain brokers). I used this time to learn CSS, valid HTML, javascript and actionscript(1.0) :)

    I left school for this (f. we needed the money), and after the company lost a major lawsuit against brands like diesel and playboy about their .hu domain registrations, the owners where fighting in my presence and I had to realize that it was all just window dressing. (i remember the day when the CEO was counting his 10% commission and asked me about the work I had done in the past month :)
    I was so naive that I left that shthole because my salary, - as the ceo described - was pocketmoney.

    After a month searching I applied for a designer job and went to a small company with a bunch guys (3 or 4). They where picking up work with greater or lesser fortune from Elance. I was a layout designer with 3 site mockups / 8hours. The increase in competition made me nuts, I had to produce designs that clients buy without any major modifications.And after a couple of months we did more that just websites :)

    Adding more value to the work was my goal from the beginning and we accomplished that by creating logos, and sometimes complete corporate identities for small clients. After some time it wasn't just gambling. I made my the fist exhibit design in the US for Cylant Tech at LinuxWorld, and we had customers like NASA :) We got some interesting long-term clients in the entertainemnt industry, and they allowed us to experiment with new tools, and technologies.
    Today you know this company as :)

    After almost 5 years spent there, I had to leave the place because at that time ux and ui design was my job and we had some serious clients with some serious needs and I was unable to support them alone. I was the only designer for 6 coders for almost a year and we put all our resources in software development to serve the existing customers. the company drawn in this direction, I felt trapped and alone.

    With a few clients my own started to build a full-service ad-agency with one of my best friends and failed :) We made some tv-ads and interesting mixed-media sites, but nothing turned out as I planed because they where more interested in money than building something. After this I was working as senior AD and creative director for various companies here in Hungary. Made exhibit designs and ad-campaigns for clients like Citroen. But it was always the same, even if I was be able to put some serious revenue on the table there was always something what ruined what I was trying to build.

    Things like shitty 5 year NDA ad-agency contracts, clients calling because half of the billed products are missing because the CEO is a shit face peculator (f. never-ever get into this situation as CD), and the non-existing booking of a media platform in a campaign - because our partner had no experience as it turned out- are the best examples how many ignorant mountebanks I had to meet in my life.

    My past two years where about leaving the country, and my first trip was to Melbourne, Australia. Large agency, lots of work and new environment made me forget about all the negative aspects of my past work experiences. After a year or so the company management changed one day to the next. (at network agencies this sht. happens) The new guys where more interested how to get me to teach newly hired and cheaper staff about mobile and webdesign than renewing my contract. The acme was in newyork in may at an agency-network event, when I was told that "the new people at our company are the future". I resigned on the next Monday and booked a flight back to Hungary.

    The last time I took a job it was just about getting my know-how :) I just needed the money to travel back to Melbourne for a week arranging my things :) and they hired me as UX expert, with an account contract (rotfl I left my contract for an entire weekend in the ceos office a nobody noticed :), for 3 months I was playing their game, after a month they loved me but I got bored on senseless projects ripping off their customers in the US.
    so suck it, I left them without guilt.

    incidentally I learned js, php, and basics of sql, and all that shit in the past 5-6 years, I have no need to worry because with my background I always find new work, but it's a bit harder to find a real partner :(

    I'm still hungry, I'm about to leave, but where?

    • maybe tldr. but give it a trysted
    • great story, a lot of us can probably relate to many aspects of your journey._niko
    • I enjoyed it.nb
    • Trust is a hard thing in a partnership. I would say go it alone. You have enough experience to do it.eryx
    • Do you live in an area where finding a partner is viable?bklyndroobeki
    • sorry about your dad.Gnash
    • i can tell from the story that you are either 45 or 25 years olddrgs
    • yeah i'm 33 :) let's just say in Hungary business climate isn't the best right now :)sted
    • Well if you ever wanted to test out the NY waters- I'd welcome ya! my thought was that you might need to move.bklyndroobeki
    • Han Solo dies in the endsofakingback
  • PaulAllen-3

    When you blow dry your hair after a shower, are you the type of person who will also use the hair dryer to dry the rest of your body? Or is a hair dryer only to be used for the top of your head?

    • First question should be whether you're the kind of person who blow dries their hair in the first place.monospaced
    • Are you bald?PaulAllen
    • Yes. Beard and undercarriage.mg33
    • I have a full head of medium length hair and have absolutely zero need for a hair dryerset
    • I'm from celtic stock - blow drying kills my locks! End up looking like the kid from "so i married an axe murderer"mugwart
    • I don't use a fucking hair dryer. Man card REVOKED!drake-von-drake
    • fuk walking around with wet hair.inteliboy
    • If I don't blow dry I will have a fro...pango
    • lol, monoGnash
  • drake-von-drake-1

    Louis XI (1423-1483), the great Spider King of France, had a weakness for astrology. He kept a court astrologer whom he admired, until one day the man predicted that a lady of the court would die within eight days. When the prophecy came true, Louis was terrified, thinking that either the man had murdered the woman to prove his accuracy or that he was so versed in his science that his powers threatened Louis himself. In either case he had to be killed. One evening Louis summoned the astrologer to his room, high in the castle. Before the man arrived, the king told his servants that when he gave the signal they were to pick the astrologer up, carry him to the window, and hurl him to the ground, hundreds of feet below. The astrologer soon arrived, but before giving the signal, Louis decided to ask him one last question: “You claim to understand astrology and to know the fate of others, so tell me what your fate will be and how long you have to live.” “I shall die just three days before Your Majesty,” the astrologer replied. The king’s signal was never given. The man’s life was spared. The Spider King not only protected his astrologer for as long as he was alive, he lavished him with gifts and had him tended by the finest court doctors. The astrologer survived Louis by several years, disproving his power of prophecy but proving his mastery of power.

    • nice oneGnash
    • Moral of the story: threaten your boss' life to ensure your job security.i_monk
  • freedom0

    How come every time I get dressed up nice, do my hair, look in the mirror and think I look really good, and then later I see photos of me and I look terrible?

    • You're getting olddrake-von-drake
    • Put your camera on a tripod, connect it to your TV and turn on live view. Get dressed & do your hair while checking yourself in the TV, not the mirror.nb
    • it's a conspiracy from the mirror manufacture! They want everyone to look like shit with out them knowing! Illuminati revealed!pango
    • the price you pay for being a narcissistterry_cloth
    • lol fuck it, be ugly!eryx
    • Ahahaha same here lolsureshot
    • if you are around better looking people you will look ugly. and Vice Versahotroddy
    • Maybe the lighting in the room you have your mirror just happens to cast your hideous self in an uncommonly favourable mannerset
    • Fuck photos - live for the moment!
      Blame the lens for not capturing your radiating light!
    • Some people just take better photos. Life ain't fair.formed
    • You're a reptilian shapeshiter without knowing it.ApeRobot
    • Lol @ pango. The mirror it's not broken, but it's brokendrake-von-drake
    • prob not photogenic. practice your better angle in photos.yurimon
    • fucking yurimonospaced
    • https://scontent.cdn…chukkaphob
  • TheGreatGlorpo0

    I was in a restaurant bathroom a few hours ago while out for dinner, and was completely overwhelmed at the smell when I walked into the men's room after a man who weighed around 300 pounds walked out. How can the anus and fecal musk from a human being linger so long in the air and be so powerful when the only seated toilet is devoid of any feces? If all that odor was some sort of aura he was carrying with him after taking a massive dump, I feel so sorry for everyone at his table when he returned. It was horrifying.

    • can you where it happened, I have a theory!!GeorgesII
    • My, Georges is excited.nb
    • Cool story bro. Tell it againset
    • why not share how delicious the food was instead of telling us this shit? ;)omg
    • DID HE WASH HIS HANDS?drake-von-drake
    • sorry to tell you, but you inhaled particles of his excrement. you are now one with his man-poop.Gnash
    • Farticlesset
    • ^^ that is truedrake-von-drake
    • As a NornIrish friend said to me at Uni "What was in my arse is in your nose"detritus
  • stoplying0

    Last Friday I played in a 30+ co-ed soccer league. I'm a huge fan of the beautiful game, but good god...I have a new appreciation for those that play it well.
    To say that I'm sore, well that would be an understatement.

  • autoflavour6


    I fucking cant stand it when clients send back revisions, which are basically them just changing their mind regarding what they explicitly told you to do..

    i know thats part of it, but its just like fucking do you job the first time so i dont have redo mine over and over..


    • Yupset
    • every timemonospaced
    • allowing for subjective, unwarranted (should be in your contract) changes are a fool's game. how many revisions you allow?drake-von-drake
    • $5 per revision, industry standard.garbage
  • set0

    There's a brand of margarine here called "stork" which they've now mixed with butter and at the end of the advert says "stork with butter"

    Every time I hear it I cannot get the image of a guy in a park, wearing a long beige trench coat with one buttery hand hidden underneath.

    • That's a bit of a leap. Is this less of a mental image than a recent, if slightly drug-hazed memory?detritus
    • Possiblyset
    • :Ddetritus
    • Very Derek and Clive. Get BBC2 in to film it, then ruin the take because they got a hair in the gate.face_melter
  • drake-von-drake-2


    • nice copy and paste bra...atleast you know how to use googlepockets
    • actually, I'll have you know that was produced with a WYSIWYGdrake-von-drake
  • chukkaphob1

    The Most Expensive Home Listing in Every State 2016…


    4100 Calle Isabella

    $75 million

    • do you think at places like that, they have US Citizens, quasi-legal or illegal immigrants working their property? just curiousdrake-von-drake
    • fucking drakemonospaced
    • ^
      It doesn't matter, they are all probably treated like peasants.
    • you're probably right, but it's not nice to say that to monospaz! ;-)drake-von-drake
    • don't worry about me, trollmonospaced
    • someone needs todrake-von-drake
    • congrats on taking yet another unpolitical post and shitting on it with your trolling like a complete assholemonospaced
    • $75M for this architecture? Nahmekk
  • HijoDMaite0

    Why does Minnesota purple so much?

    Vikings = Purple people eaters

    Lakers = from there, now Purple and Gold

    Prince = Purple Rain

    Jay Larson = Probably has purple pants.
