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  • PonyBoy0

    For the past couple years some kids on twitter have been harassing me about wanting my screenname. I say 'harassing' loosely... more like being consistently annoying. :)

    I'm @PonyBoy just like here on QBN and I have no intention of ditching the name. I've been requested by a number of folks over the years for the name... but nobody could ever give me a good enough reason (other than they just wanted the name) for me to give it up... so I've kept it.

    Anyway... a day or two ago one of them went too far and got a bunch of his / her buddies to begin reporting my screenname for various false shit. I got wind of it because some of his friends are too stupid to type his 'ponyboy' name correctly so some of their tweets come directly to me... hehe.

    My dorky business side took hold of me today and I went through all the tweets and checked through all their various shared / public tweets and have thoroughly documented what they're up to and went ahead and forwarded it to twitter... i expect nothing to come of it as it's just kids being stupid.

    It's funny though cuz the main clown behind getting a bunch of twitter users to report me is a cocky little fuck. Here's this afternoon's brief conversation:

    Me: Buy it... else stop crying. :)

    Him: why would I buy something I can steal so easily

  • PonyBoy0

    strange... end of my last post was cut off?

    Me: Buy it... else stop crying. :)

    Him: why would I buy something I can steal so easily

    Me: good luck with that :) If you think by having folks falsely report me for nothing will get you what you want you are mistaken :)

    Him: I have friends that can take @'s

    • CUT IT OFF AGAIN... lol... what gives QBN devs? :)PonyBoy
    • oh shit... it's some stupid emoji ascii fucking it upPonyBoy
  • PonyBoy0

    Me: Buy it... else stop crying. :)

    Him: why would I buy something I can steal so easily

    Me: good luck with that :) If you think by having folks falsely report me for nothing will get you what you want you are mistaken :)

    Him: I have friends that can take @'s (evil emojii) don't think I won't take yours

    Me: every last comment you make to me is now being forwarded to twitter: (linked to screengrab)

    Him: dm need to talk to you


    That's where we left off an hour or so ago... hehe... kids. :)

  • moldero19

    my good buddy (63 year old ex punker from SF/20 year expat) and I saved some dude and his son from drowning today, 1 couldn't swim, and the other was too exhausted to swim by the time we got to them. the rip pulled them out to sea in a few seconds. crazy ass rip today, the waves were pretty bad ass though.

    • Bragging.
      Lol jk
      Good job man. You guys swam over or boat?
    • https://media.giphy.…pango
    • That's why i dont go in the ocean. Rip currents freak me out... And sharks.Hayoth
    • That fucking awesome dude! Good job!Jesus will reward you with 10 daughters! ;)sureshot
    • lol... i do not think moldero wants 10 kids more around for reward.

      Anyway, buen trabajo moldy!!
    • marychain will reward him with 20 wifes!pango
    • Pango, he wants a reward, not a curse!Continuity
    • A wife from marychain would look like Melisandre with her necklace off!Continuity
    • You're awesome!!bklyndroobeki
    • ^ ha!sureshot
    • The gift of saving a life. they were lucky you were there.yurimon
    • don't they have to be your slaves now? released only when the save your life in return. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.Gnash
    • ex-punker? or just old punker?riles
    • good joberyx
    • ex punker from an old punk band in SF, now hes a bitter cover band guy for tourists down where I'm at, cool as fuck guy, and a really good friendmoldero
    • so fucking cool.
      what did they say to you all when you got to shore. i want to hear/read the entire story man.
    • solid pat on the back!mugwart
  • imbecile2

    amazon is the best.

    I bought a bunch of paint supplies last week. The white gesso container broke open spilling onto the black gesso container, some inks, stapler, staples, paint, sumi brush set, almost everything in the box.

    All of it still perfectly usable and unstained. I don't even have to wash it, everything came wrapped in thin plastic.

    Upon calling it in to get the gesso replaced, the woman asked if anything had gesso on it.

    I listed everything with gesso on it.

    She replaced everything with gesso on it.

    Even the 48 tube paint set... the one with a little white gesso on the box, the one with 48 paint tubes that are perfectly fine inside.

    I asked if I need to send all this "damaged" stuff back.

    She said no.

    I shut up.

  • face_melter0

    Oh hai, Architect Peeps and Engineer Guy. I see this housing competition has a shit load of landscaping work. What's that? You took inspiration from the High Line and that street in Copenhagen? That's cool - generic and obvious, but cool. One question - why do none of the render views that have been chosen show any part of the landscape scheme? I mean, if it is meant to be such a -large- part of the proposal, the least we could do is make it the main focus of one of the images - y'know front and centre - masses of trees and plants and kiddies playing. Oh, sorry, it is in the images? There, way in the background all distorted to fuck because you choose an 18mm camera? That's cool Engineer Guy, real cool.

  • pinkfloyd1

    nothing is true, nothing is right

  • mg333

    Wife and I are trying to buy a new house before our condo is actually listed for sale in June. Clinging to a thin shred of hope that the dream house we found two weeks ago, which is already contingent with a buyer, falls through on that sale and we can be ready to go with a backup offer. Such incredible stress...

    • it's just money and stuff.
      you got this man.
    • I just finally sold a house in PA, when I live in AL, owned a house and a condo at the same time, talk about stressful.
    • Yep. I didn't think we'd be moving out of the city until next summer. We've got great credit and no debt (other than our condo) so I'm hoping all goes smoothly.mg33
    • It's just weird to be trying to get a second mortgage before the place sells, especially if there's overlap with paying for two places at once, which would suckmg33
    • 6 months of overlap for me, I was paying right around $4K per month for both. granted I sold it for a ton of profit, but still, IT SUCKED BADLY
    • Are you going in suburb finally? Out of Chi-Town?Bennn
    • I almost took a job in Naperville / Lisle
  • ********

    I'm trying to find a new bike, but my mom will not afford me the money. first world shit I know

    • lol.Al_dizzle
    • sucks. i'm broke right now. KC sucks, I have to move
    • It's alright kid. You might not have the money, but you have your youth.Al_dizzle
    • and my teeth :-)
    • how old is this character you're playing?scarabin
  • wagshaft14

    Holler. Our team crushed the Roseys. Took home a coveted Rosey Award, as well as four Rosey Awards of Excellence and three Awards of Merit. And a hang over.

    • chick blowing confetti!Al_dizzle
    • Congrats. Now who that chick blowing confetti?pango
    • yup. confetti chick.Gnash
    • lot of flames
    • who is the stud muffin?utopian
    • yeah, all we see is confetti chick. Didn't even read your post past "Holler."chukkaphob
    • Invite confetti girl to join QBn and we'll certify her immediately. LOLchukkaphob
    • confetti...
    • we want a name and/or an instagram account NOW!Bennn
    • uh huh...confetti girldbloc
    • Also snapchat account!pango
    • who is the stud muffin?

    • made my day!formed
    • woodBang confetti chickmoldero
    • ya'llz ridickulouswagshaft
    • such sexy people
    • would not bang. clearly office whore. lol I'm kidding... but she is.sofakingback
    • wait... since is that not a good thing? no feelings and attachment. i don't get you people man.pango
    • Guy with P hat grabbed the side of her ass. @wagshaft are they dating? or did he sneak that in?chukkaphob
    • can someone single her out in the animation?dbloc
    • ConfettiChic.comHayoth
    • seriously man. Whats her instagram?Bennn
    • Snapchat!pango
    • grats! are you at CMD?sted
    • Haha, that dude grabbing her...OSFA
    • please tell me thats not you and thats your girl... apologies in advance lolsofakingback
    • WWF wrestler with top off grimmacing?fadein11
    • 1. no wedding ring on the finger
      2. the guy behind her is totally getting a boner from putting his crotch on her ass when she bent down...
    • 3. She faked a confetti pick-up after the guy groped her after they made eye contact to break away from the affection
      4. yeah, she is very attractive
    • so many comments, none addressing the fat gladiator ?autoflavour
    • A fat gladiator? Where?? But look - confetti girl!chukkaphob
    • confetti girl! some one isolate her in static frames pleasefeel
    • confetti girl tees please !
    • WE WANT MOAR!!!pango
    • send me a ffffound invite.wagshaft
    • Check yo FAX!!pango
    • khhoornfaatthy ghhuurllll...Beeswax
  • ********

    I have finally switched to Dark Mode on OSX. I'm not going back.

  • ********

    they upped the rent of our office by 10k for next year.. boss man is moving the company an hour further out from my location.. could be a 2.5 hour drive to work in LA traffic. somehow i was just told this, tripped out for a minute then went to my office to find a email from a old coworker offering me a web dev position +3 extra/hr

    looks like its time to say fuck this place

    • Good for you, fuck the drive!utopian
    • it's always refreshing to say fuck this place and leave :)sted
    • the length of an LA commute will make or break your life. Looks like you've got a level head on your shoulders.shellie
    • Yea, no job is worth an LA commute like that. Also love when things line up. Good luck.sea_sea
    • wonder if you have a "constructive dismissal" case -- get severance out.Gnash
  • moldero13

    Loaded up gear for an hour this morning, lights, audio, video, going though check list over and over again, pull up to location get a text;
    "lets reschedule for Wednesday"
    so I go to the clients house, he says;
    "so sorry man, you know,,, Mexico HAHAHAHAHAHA"

    yeah "ha ha"

    • perfect use of gif to go with storytellingKrassy
    • upvotedKrassy
    • +
    • ^ agreed.Al_dizzle
    • ^^^^scarabin
    • I agree, your gif selection was outstanding. A true stroke of genius. but who's the man behind the ideas and the lights? tune in at 7sofakingback
    • hahamoldero
    • Moldero, the wall just got 10ft higher!!GeorgesII
    • You should get paid.
    • Jim Carrey: a lifetime of ugly faces that were never funny.CyBrainX
  • eryx0

    First really nice day up here so I dug out my shorts. None of them fit anymore gained a lot of that winter weight. Maybe I should not drink as much beer or like run or something.

    • Ya run or something.pango
    • you got a bike? ride that thing to the bar. it is the little things that help.capn_ron
    • time to get that bikini bod going
    • Do what ron said... you will let drinking beer or riding your bikeOBBTKN
    • Left drinking beers during weekdays and start riding 2 or 3 times a week, and you'll loose weight very fastOBBTKN
  • BabySnakes2

    Been learning UE4 (Unreal Engine 4) the past few weeks and I think i got the hang of it, for app development at least. It has some nice UI tools but getting it to read JSON data required extra plugin and some custom code.

    Anyone else messing with it?

    • that's awesome. it's on my bucketlist
    • been playing around with QJson over the weekend. What language you coding in?mugwart
    • Are you doing a gaming or VR proj?
    • Using the visual scripting aka Blueprints. UE4 is C++ but so far i haven't need to write hardly any code.BabySnakes
    • Starting with a basic app that will handle a catalogue of data and save users' load out. I also took a RTS template and have made some customizations to it.BabySnakes
    • Taking small steps - it has real-time physical lighting, which is interesting for my line of work (arch-viz) when we can take snaps instead of renders.face_melter
    • I'm learning cpp and getting a bit of a way into it so if you need a hand love to help out.mugwart

    My ex-boss is my worst client ever by far, i've got more accounts, but in this bad economics... i need this drip of money. Ok, rant over, back to work.

  • drgs0

    Good morning

    • good nightpango
    • Morning... how're you doing? It's cold and sunny hereOBBTKN
    • It's dark and wet here...pango
    • Morning... sunny and hot! Expected 29° Cdmay
    • mornin'.
      *buys hat, tips it
  • mekk0

    what happened with the sealed door continuity?

  • i_monk0

    Started French lessons on Duolingo. Haven't studied it in 20 years, but apparently I'm 27% fluent. But I'm really not liking how lessons are structured – they ask you to translate a sentence before telling you what the key words mean (e.g. today: celui, cela, ceci, ceux, celles), so big surprise when you get it wrong.

    • that ceuxyurimon
    • Use the French keyboard on your phone. Spellcheck helps.nb
    • missed the pun.yurimon
    • Nice. I'm using it for italian. I'm liking it so far.Gnash
    • French is a complicated lauguage, so many exceptions and rules and grammar shit. English is really easy compared to it.Bennn
    • N'abandonne pas i_monk, tu vas y arriver! :)Bennn
    • I downloaded it hoping to refresh and continue my Korean, which I found easier than French.i_monk
    • I gave up on Duolingo for trying to learn Italian—couldn't gel with it at all. Now I just get drunk and gesticulate wildly. Which, to be fair, I've always done.detritus
  • pinkfloyd1

    Is it normal to get specs that's 18 pages long? Ugh