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- monospaced0
Petition to Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design as Federal Law
- so sad that this is even necessary, but it ismonospaced
- they'll never let it pass,moldero
- unfortunately religion is needed to control the people who need the "fear of god" to not be an assholemoldero
- this is not a fight the bible-thumpers can winmonospaced
- I wish and hopemoldero
- ********0
Religion is just a thing people made up to make their lives seem more important and provide a way to cope with death.
- Or absolve their sins. Just go to church, pray and all the terrible stuff you did is forgivenhereswhatidid
- no such thing as forgiveness via prayingmonospaced
- Tell that to a baptist :Phereswhatidid
- no point, considering the "baptist" is brainwashed into thinking praying is realmonospaced
- I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they have to be forgiven by a fictional ghost/god/spiritmonospaced
- It's just an excuse they use to be horrible people. Be evil all week, go to church, BAM, you're ok again for Monday.hereswhatidid
- sounds about rightmonospaced
- True.********
- it's like telling your self by eating the animal you just killed is some what less cruel then not eating it.pango
- the animal is still dead no matter what purpose you give it's dead body...pango
- wait... i'm doing this wrong... i suck at mod rant...pango
- drgs0
Judging from the perspective of evolutionary psychoanalysis all monotheistic religions which promote sexual puritanism are a form of latent homosexuality.
At the lowest levels of the brain, the human behavior is governed by the stereotypes of primate societies. Most primates live in classic
"prides": there is one older alpha-male, who fertilizes the females, and then there are dozens of young males who protect the pride, but are not allowed to copulate except under special circumstances.Humans are much closer to Bonobo apes which have a completely different social structure (Bonobos practice matriarchy, free love and lesbianism). However, all monotheistic religions, Judeo-Christianity especially, are nothing but a return to a more primitive structure
The semites, for example, worship the great bearded alpha-male with a knee-long penis, who is very jealous and who regulates all fucking, thoroughly and in detail, as something sinful and impermissible, except under special circumstances. (The ultra-orthodox ones have sex though a piece of cloth with a hole in it.)
In other words Semitic monotheism is the establishment of beta-male psycho type as a social norm. The suppression of sex, which is practiced by virtually all monotheistic religions, is in fact a forced distribution of this model as an absolute standard.
The beta-male psycho type (together with anal submission to those with higher status, and the same aspiration to supersede the ones below, homoerotic collectivism -- in human society beta males gather together in men's fraternities, brotherhoods, sport clubs, football & beer, which we call "male bonding") is no more and no less than latent homosexuality. That is why all clergymen who live in celibacy, as well as the whole male population of the Arab countries where men and women are completely segregated from each other, and basically all animals who are deprived of free sex either by the hierarchy in the pack or for other reasons, in the end prefer same-gender sex.
In it's deep essence monotheism and sexual puritanism is homosexuality.
- that explains a lotmonospaced
- i wanna try sex through a piece of cloth with a hole in itscarabin
- haven't you had sex with your underwear on?monospaced
- people actually have sex by pulling their dick through the flap of their briefs? loooolscarabin
- Not ideally or planned but it's happened. LOL. Male equivalent of pulling her underwear to the side.monospaced
- So you guys gnostics?yurimon
- Me? I'm an atheist.monospaced
- sounds like nihilistic gnostic speaks lolyurimon
- ********-1
Actually, horrible homophobic people are responsible for religion.
Religion is just an organization run by gay men. Being gay was/is considered wrong in their time, so they set up a religion that requires celibacy and forbids them from being married.
All of a sudden, not being married and not having children is okay because they are doing some God's "work".
It's a front so they didn't get killed.
- The Gay Lobby again? They are fucking everywhere. Even in my friendship circle. Damn!********
- My parents who have been married for over 40 years, in a solid relationship don't speak to me b/c basically i'm a heathen to them.ohhhhhsnap
- in their eyes.ohhhhhsnap
- newuser i don't really understand your theory. i was raised in the "cheddar church" and yeah...ohhhhhsnap
- there are TONS of gay men (14 years of catholic schooling) ...but i wouldn't say that ALL relligion is run by gay men.ohhhhhsnap
- btw. please don't confused Gay with pedophilia. as is often done.ohhhhhsnap
- There's straight priests and religious figures too, but I think they are the minority.********
- Wasn't confusing gay with pedophilia or criticizing anyone, just saying being a priest is a convenient way of not having to be married.********
- gotcha newuserohhhhhsnap
- The Gay Lobby again? They are fucking everywhere. Even in my friendship circle. Damn!
- ********0
Just saw Dogma from Kevin Smith.
Tears came to my eyes, specially after Alanis appeared.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
I took the chance to review a video of Kevin Smith's presence at a protest against the movie.
- GeorgesIV-1
- fear of god and promises of man made richesmoldero
- so sad.ohhhhhsnap
- oh and AMENmoldero
- I wanna try this as an experimentmonospaced
- did it work moldero?ohhhhhsnap
- nopemoldero
- oh wait someones knocking at my doormoldero
- yeah no it didn't workmoldero
- yurimon0
Sounds like you guys need reverend ike,
- ********0
- pango0
- isn't this the equivalent of accepting Muslim dogma as truth?monospaced
- also, people are shot with bullets, they don't eat them... fucking Idaho redneck Christian retardsmonospaced
- Anyone who says religious people have the moral high-ground needs to wake the fuck up.monospaced
- its the asshole mentality. going out of their way just to piss other people off.pango
- like good Christiansmonospaced
- yupmoldero
- i_monk0…
Mormons are discovering the internet doesn't agree with their beliefs or their official history, very interesting.
- monospaced0
THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Wanted: Young Creation Scientists…- "this work is hindered by a lack of trained scientists."
lol. ya think?scarabin - should be "this work is hindered by science"hereswhatidid
- "this work is hindered by a lack of trained scientists."