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- 3,318 Responses
- sted3
- bizarre how Poland and Czech are so extreme even though so close to each othermilfhunter
- UX - when country too low on irreligious people, it becomes invisible on the map.maquito
- irreligious?monospaced
- Funny how the more religious places, especially christian, are the nicer places.shapesalad
- Those Catholics mantoemaas
- surprised about ItalyKrassy
- "irreligious - indifferent or hostile to religion, or having no religious beliefs." Just so we're all reading this chart properly.ETM
- this is the "having no religious beliefs" from that.sted
- suprising... italy with the vatican... thought it would be way higherneverscared
- You just trollin'.
- hydro7415
- lolmonospaced
- fuck off********
- hahahahahaFNP14
- Why is it so necessary to do drag in front of children?MondoMorphic
- It's not while shooting children is of the essence.palimpsest
- Why is it so necessary to do religion in front of children?hydro74
- Holy shit, Jesus is pissed!Akagiyama
- ahah coke just kicked in.sted
- Jesus was busy helping some basketball team win the women’s NCAA final_niko
- Definitely Peru.maquito
- He Woke!utopian
- There is no Jesus Christ. We are alone shooting and dancing in dragdrgs
- freedom of speech...neverscared
- hahah jupmilfhunter
- What is wrong with drag and why is it a problem if kids see it? Tyler perry made a fucking career of it.monospaced
- What about Furry Storytime?********
- Stripper story-time ftwGnash
- Gnash8
- Devolution 101utopian
- idk, this seems more like racism to me.sarahfailin
- Religion isn’t a raceGnash
- Not racism.monospaced
- All cultures are equal********
- So not racism. smhfuturefood
- It's not racist, it's sexist.palimpsest
- AccurateOBBTKN
- Some cunts just don't like facts********
- If God wanted us to innovate, there would be a book/wars about it.BabySnakes
- I think religion is on both sides.pinkfloyd
- oversimplification as Henry Ford, Write Brothers, and Wernher von Braun were religioushotroddy
- one of them was a nazi and the other an antisemite so it does wreak a little of white supremacyhotroddy
- Christianity won, and that's why we were on the Moon********
- Religious fanatics (a good portion) + extreme politics = the Endformed
- The lord works in mysterious waysutopian
- you can read this in so many ways:
left side has and worships a meteorite already. those one the right are almost there.uan - https://media.tenor.…hydro74
- No this isn’t even remotely anti semitic either. Not unless you’re a moron and can’t figure out what it’s sayin.monospaced
- sted0
- rzu-rzu0
there is an 8min blablah intro, but I found the talk itself quite interesting
- shapesalad-7
Everyone becomes religious in the last moments of live as the pass away on their deathbed.
- Really?PhanLo
- No.palimpsest
- There’s no way you’re a real personscarabin
- This is right up there with the stupidest shit I’ll hear this year, easily.monospaced
- shape trolls QBNcherub
- (added to timeline)cherub
- scarabin6
- Used his inside voice outsideGnash
- Brings a whole new meaning to "Free Tibet"...shapesalad
- prompt?utopian
- Why should Catholics have all the fun?palimpsest
- I’m sure it was just a prankGnash
- In all seriousness, it's probably dementia kicking in.mathinc
- The video clip is gross. The boy is forced to hug him and you can see he's trying to get away/out of it.shapesalad
- pedo LlamaKrassy
- The idea that there’s some higher power or entity that provides morals is the biggest con.monospaced
- And yes I know that’s not a part of Buddhismmonospaced
- pedophiles are not a phenomena exclusive to religion and extends beyond religion and manifest in fashion and hollywood, or your uncle.hotroddy
- what is known and no one can tell you without being accused as a homophobe is that sexual abuse can determine sexual orientation.hotroddy
- an overwhelming amount of gay males were molested as a childhotroddy
- ever been to a nursing home? people shocked by this clearly haventinteliboy
- If you think sexual abuse determines sexual orientation then you’re an ignorant moron, and probably a bigot too. NO OFFENSEmonospaced
- Hotrods just pulls shit out his arse, chats shit all day.PhanLo
- sexual abuse can determine so many things and the studies are there. if you choose it ignores it is up to you. I can only point you to the facts.hotroddy
- sexual abuse plays a huge factor in women's sexual relationships and many who are prostitutes and porn stars have been abused.hotroddy
- https://pubmed.ncbi.…hotroddy
- @monothought maybe one day you can develop your critical thinking to go beyond every other word being 'bigot, racist, and moron'.hotroddy
- kids need structure and the belief in a god has been wired in our DNA for thousands of years.hotroddy
- replacing god with new pseudo-science gender studies may sound progressive but it's having a negative psychological impact on kids.hotroddy
- Belief in sky gods. Jesus Christ man.PhanLo
- doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy? I don't believe in it either but if I did I would certainly have a happier outlook on life.hotroddy
- It's insane that a belief in an imaginary being is the best we can get as a species. Even when we know it isn't real and made up.PhanLo
- I think once we became self-aware of our mortality we had to re-wire our brains from an evolutionary perspective.hotroddy
- The majority of people believe in something, if not a personified god definitely something else.hotroddy
- the wiring your brain to believe in god is no different than wiring your brain so you think you're a chick.hotroddy
- You believe in John Wayne, a fictional hardman.PhanLo
- last time I checked john wayne was a real person. I do believe we've taught all the grit out of kids.hotroddy
- John Wayne was an actor, he pretended to be something he wasn't.
What grit do you mean? Do you think children should be exposed to real violence?PhanLo - Are you suggesting he didn't kill the bad guys and ride a horse in real life?!! grit ≠ violence.hotroddy
- Then what do you mean by grit?PhanLo
- The grit I mean no longer exists in society so you're correct that's is fictional today but used to be real.hotroddy
- grit like the resilience of immigrants being trafficked like livestock for a chance for a better life.hotroddy
- grit that it took the germans and other immigrants to traverse 2000 miles of desert to get to California back 120 years ago.hotroddy
- The Catholics might think this is cultural appropriation.fooler
- Grit like my Uncles parents having to watch their families be murdered in a death camp so they could travel to scotland to open a chip-shop?Would you want that?PhanLo
- That may be a little too much grit.hotroddy
- Jews have grit which is one thing I admire about their people.hotroddy
- KnobGobblerutopian
- Oh snap, the retarded man child just insulted mehotroddy
- "belief in a god has been wired in our DNA for thousands of years." - facepalm.gifdmay
- why is that so hard to believe?…hotroddy
- Aliens put it there.
#evolutionfactspalimpsest - Because religion may be a by-product, not the cause:
https://www.scienced…dmay - the kid started it with asking for kisses.milfhunter
- Would you suck Lama's tongue for $1000 ?drgs
- Is this new or has he always been a pedo?jmckinno
- @milfhunter
"Your honor..."palimpsest - @jmckinno
He's not being a pedo. He is merely witnesssing pedo actions taking place in the world. There is no responsibility, only karma.palimpsest - You need to extract yourself from the material world to truly comprehend it.palimpsest
- @drg a thousand bucks is a thousand buckspango
- pango used to jerk off punks for $15 a pop under the Queensboro bridge.palimpsest
- Prostitution isn’t a sexual orientation. Belief in a god is not hardwired. You have no facts for this nonsense. And you are an ignorant bigot.monospaced
- Just because lots of people belief in fairy tales and myth doesn’t make it necessary. That’s just a feedback loop. Sexual orientation is entirely biologicalmonospaced
- sexual orientation is biological but gender isn't? looks like you just painted yourself into a corner. lolhotroddy
- I know highly ideologized dimwits such as yourself like to live in a bubble so let me paste the link here again: https://pubmed.ncbi.…hotroddy
- Sexual orientation is dependent on gender.
#sciencefactspalimpsest - My uncles folks weren't Jewish, one was a Polish catholic, his wife an Italian.
Funny you like the idea of immigrants enduring hardship for a better lifePhanLo - in the past but hate the idea of them now.PhanLo
- The trauma of the war haunted my uncles old man til the day he died, in his last few months he was hiding food in cupboards thinking the fascists were coming toPhanLo
- take him again. And he'd be wakened by vivid nightmares.PhanLo
- I believe in "something else". Life after death, among other things. What do I base this on? Nothing substantial. Am I forcing my beliefs on you? I am not.jagara
- You mean like the 6 million who fled Venezuela after 23 years of socialism? I mentioned it above.hotroddy
- All Immigrants have grit. Especially the ones being trafficked by Cayoteshotroddy
- I'm against it bc they come to US (for a better life) and then are taught by dimwits like Mono and AOC to hate the country because of the color of their skin.hotroddy
- Lol you don't need to be taught to figure out there are problem in US. Any educated adult is capable of doing that. Also criticism ≠ hate. You dimwit!pango
- pango aren't you supposed to be at the #defundThePolice rally today?hotroddy
- or maybe you can start a petition to change the name 'British Colombia' for being too insensitive even though you're not even a Canadianhotroddy
- Oh shit it's today? Damn I missed it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno. Last I checked with Canadian gov and they say I'm Canadian. Go take it up with them.pango - And yes the name is lame! It's named after a river which is named after a boat. Nothing to do with Columbia or the place.pango
- Even calling it "the west coast skunk weed farm" is more fitting.pango
- Why are you so attached to Columboo? Even tho it's pretty much well known fact he was an idiot who doesn't tell Indians in NA and Indians in India apart.pango
- I pressed you about it last time you told me you didn't have a canadian passport, it was a way to snake your way out of an argument. Lyer lyerhotroddy
- *liarhotroddy
- everything that is named Colombus or Colombia is named after him. Where do you think the river got its name? Where do you think the boat got its name? LOLZhotroddy
- Wut? I think your imaginings things. Missed your meds? Go ask Pali nicely maybe he can help you tracked down what I said. I dare you.pango
- So why are you so attached to Columbus anyway?pango
- Well, you said you weren't born in Canada, maybe you do have citizenship.hotroddy
- I just find the irony (and audacity) that you are in favor of changing its name when it's not even your place of birth. Makes sense you have no real connectionhotroddy
- Columbo is a great Sunday afternoon watchfadein11
- I use Colombus as an example of the woke left of their ludicrous behavior to rewrite history (or rewrite culture).hotroddy
- would you ask the Muslims in BC why they are so fascinated with a war-mongering child pedophile named mouhamed?hotroddy
- Why not? It is a stupid name if anyone asks me. I'll ask the Muslims when they have a Mohamed day. Or a place name after Mohamed here. But they don't.pango
- Columboo never been to the west coast. We have McD in Canada doesnt mean we actually have anything to do with it.pango
- Let's recap. Columboo an idiot, genocidal sociopath, who also forces 10 yrs old into sex slave. That seems like an easy call for anyone to rid of that name.pango
- But you think I'm changing history, when Infact I'm just revealing more history. Changing a day or name of the place does not change history.pango
- Is it ludicrous not wanting a day named after a genocidal maniac? Lol you seem sooo attached and defensive of a genocidal maniac.pango
- Are you a distant relative? I can't think of anyone who would be so defensive of a genocidal idiot.pango
- Also <3 <3 love how you kept bringing me up on completely unrelated posts multiple times now. Do you think of me when you look into the sunset? <3pango
- there is actually a whole month for Mouhammed, called 'Ramadan'.hotroddy
- He shaped the modern world, particularly in the Americas where you reside. And here you are calling him an idiothotroddy
- "If you're going to go back through history and look at every person who has ever lived and judge them by the values of today, you're going to be very busy" B.Mhotroddy
- Enough about Colombus, let's move on to John Wayne and George Washington!@hotroddy
- your beliefs regarding historical legacy are as good as your beliefs on defunding the police!hotroddy
- Ramadan is not a Canadian holiday you dimwit.
I dunno man. How many days were named after someone who genocide millions. Torture, enslave, rape?pango - I dunno... Last I check murdering millions for gold was frowned upon in 1400s standards as well.pango
- When an employee fuck up so much so often do you give him a raise or a reduction?pango
- And seriously do you think of me when you look into the sunset? :Ppango
- 100th notes!pango
- Ramandan is a holiday for many Canadians and I'm sure you turn the other cheek in disgust.hotroddy
- *Eid al-Fitr, and yes I can't get you out of my head » it's also a great cheesy canadian song.hotroddy
- nevermind, it's australianhotroddy
- If they choose to celebrate it it's their business. Have you heard of freedom of religion? It's a thing in Canada. As long as it's not National holiday I'm finepango
- If you want to celebrate the birth of Columbus or satanic ritual in your backyard go for it. I don't mind itpango
- Are you one of those over reaching radicals who like to restrict what people can or can not practice?pango
- So you don't mind if in Saudia Arabia Ramadan is a national holiday but you do mind if in USA Colombus is a holiday?hotroddy
- Yes. also Canada. US policies influences Can policies more often than it should. If it weren't for US, Can legalized weed way sooner. And daylight saving.pango
- Well, at least you're admitting your bias.hotroddy
- Lol sure.
Now tell me when you see me in the sunset. Am I topless or fully nude?pango - you're naked and you're wearing a conquistador hat with a feather.hotroddy
- https://cdn11.bigcom…hotroddy
- Nice!
So you were seeing me!
Xxoopango - 107 comments.milfhunter
- Hmmm interesting.... Can't say if true or not, cuz I don't Tibetan culture.…pango
- scarabin9
- Needs more Holy Hand GrenadeAkagiyama
- haha ... Space Marines!Continuity
- utopian2
- this guy is a real piece of shitoey_oey
- tbf, protestants don't listen to or even necessarily like the pope.sarahfailin
- Tbf, Protestants don’t have a fucking thing to do with this, and also believe in the same delusionmonospaced
- Mask?antimotion
- The Witches of Eastwick?Morning_star
- To be fair, Ted Cruz could be evidence of God. His features are a perfection of weirdness that couldn't happen accidentally.garbage
- Ted Cruz's face is a cruel god's joke on all of humanity.garbage
- Just look at that pile of shitYakuZoku
- scarabin13
- I get the 3 nails, but where does the fourth nail go?
oh dear...futurefood - ^ lolRamanisky2
- Gives a whole new meaning to 'pegging'.Continuity
- flol futurefoodNairn
- is that Aphex?Ianbolton
- I get the 3 nails, but where does the fourth nail go?
- drgs1…
20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded[a] to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. 23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked.
24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said,
“Cursed be Canaan!
The lowest of slaves
will he be to his brothers.”What did Ham do to his naked father so that Noah Cursed his grandson Canaan?
Discuss- Cmndmnt no.5: Honor your father and your mother - Ham dis'd his father by undermining his authority, an immoral act even though he was a pissed up old cunt.Morning_star
- Shem is Idea.
Japheth is Outcome.
Noah is Creator.
Ham saw the secrets of his Father. Now he has to create the steps from Shem to Japheth.robthelad - Canaan is Ham's "son" — his idea to misuse of his Father's secrets, i.e. Creation without understanding.robthelad
- palimpsest0
Science borrowed salvation from Christianity. Then came new religious movement—Apocalyptic AI…
"The salvation promised by science and technology has its roots in Christian theology, and an important part of that theological underpinning is its apocalyptic vision of cosmic transformation. Apocalyptic thinking permeated medieval Europe, especially as Europeans engaged with Muslims in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Much later, American conflict with the Soviet Union produced anxieties that appear in pop culture, science, and religion."- I’ve always thought that science was very Christian. They have sooo much in common. science is a belief system tooGnash
- Science is a method. People practice science as a way of figuring stuff out. It has nothing in common with following a book that hardly makes sense.monospaced
- Jesus was the first real scientistGnash
- He wasn’t the first anything.monospaced
- Anyway. Science doesn’t require faith. That’s really why it isn’t a belief system.monospaced
- Gnash gets it.palimpsest
- I know what he’s doing. I fell for the bait.monospaced
- This one. Not pressedGnash
- sted0
Sister Simone partners with her ex-boyfriend on a globe-spanning journey to destroy Mrs. Davis, a powerful artificial intelligence.