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- utopian0
- Thoughts and playersnbq
- Thots and Playasrobthelad
- Christian pedo ring at it again. And here come the apologists.monospaced
- whatthefunk16
- بالضبط!OBBTKN
- Would the exclamation mark not be on the left? Seriously curious.skinny_puppy
- PhanLo10
- They typically focus on boys not pussy.monospaced
- ^ and you know that how? :)sted
- News headlines for the last few decades mostly.monospaced
- ^were those news mostly about catholics in general, or catholic priests? There is a difference, you know ;)rzu-rzu
- i_monk2…
Atheists are nicer to Christians compared to the other way around if their religious identity is known, study claims
Atheists behave 'impartially toward ingroup and outgroup partners,' while Christians demonstrate 'an ingroup bias'
- I don't know, I've met many Christians who are nice to everyone, and many atheists who are self-righteous cunts.rzu-rzu
- ah, the study was about “the general population in America"... coolrzu-rzu
- "I don't know, if atheists are unbiased then why do they treat me like a cunt when Christians are nice to me" - a Christiankingsteven
- I'm neither atheist nor Christian :) my point is that there are people who are nice to others regardless of their creed or lack ofrzu-rzu
- .., and then there are also people who always need to tell others what to believe, on both sides (more than 2 sides, actually)rzu-rzu
- all that aside, the results of the experiment could be interpreted in a different way, and also the linked article is a bit of a manipulation :)rzu-rzu
- but the really interesting thing is this little monster: https://en.wikipedia…rzu-rzu
- ^participants of this experiment were recruited thererzu-rzu
- I like your style duderobthelad
- YakuZoku0
These guys converted me
- PhanLo0
- Sarte flipped in the end. Edison believed in a supreme being, just not the dogma of organized religionGnash
- Franklin was theist, just didn’t buy the dogma crap like EdisonGnash
- Curie was agnostic - never declared herself an atheistGnash
- those agnostic wishy washy fuckspango
- They were probably atheists but didn’t want to say full out to avoid religious cunts being cunts about it. ‘‘Twas a different time.monospaced
- Where's the poster for 'imagine...with religion' and we see the horrors that have been done in 'God's' name? That would be a long, long poster!formed
- also, Higgs, who is not religious, said that "a belief in science is not incompatible with a belief in God," and called for more tolerance of different pointsGnash
- Sanger was also a bit of a eugenist..“the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective"Gnash
- A belief in a god falls outside science so in that sense they don’t conflict. But if you bring them into the same reality we all experience it is Problematic.monospaced
- Someone tell EinsteinGnash
- palimpsest2
The Octave of the Nativity of Jesus (The Circumcision of Our Lord)
“At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised; His Name was called Jesus, which was called by the Angel, before He was conceived in the womb.” – Luke 2:21
This is the day on which Jesus first shed His Precious Blood. It is the day on which Jesus was given His Holy Name. Mary, the virginal Mother of Jesus, held her Divine Child in her arms while His Precious Blood was being shed for the first time. This was in the rite of circumcision, a required religious observance of the Jews. It was the purpose of Jesus to fulfill perfectly all the requirements of the Old Law until the Old Law was abolished and the New Law established in its place. Because of the sacredness of the body of Jesus, and because he was liturgically allowed to do so as head of the family, Saint Joseph circumcised Mary’s Child in the cave where He was born. Saint Joseph gave Jesus His Holy Name. This he was told to do by the Angel Gabriel. Circumcision was a rite of the Old Law, but by virtue of shedding the blood of the Lamb of God in this rite, Saint Joseph participated in the priesthood of the New Law.
The feast of the Circumcision was a sorrow to Our Lady, but it was a sorrow mingled with joy. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew that all true Christians would see, in the circumcision of Jesus, how incarnate God had become when He could shed blood. One month of the year, the month of July, is wholly dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus by the Catholic Church. A special remembrance of the Precious Blood of Jesus occurs on three days of the year: on January 1, the day on which the Precious Blood was first shed; on July 1, the permanent feast of the Precious Blood; and on the fifth Friday of Lent, in a movable feast.
- A few places had what was supposedly the part of his bitchered penis as a wee thing you could worship https://en.wikipedia…PhanLo
- Now that’s a relicGnash
- It all makes sense now.monospaced
- It was the missing piece.palimpsest