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- i_monk0
Yurimon has been trolling this thread for ages.
- is it trolling if you sincerely believe what you're saying?monospaced
- try to get an admission of belief from yuri on any topic, I dare youhereswhatidid
- ukit20
I don't think he's trolling...but he failed to make an affirmative case for the existence of God. You can't say something is believable simply because it hasn't been disproven. There's kind of a basic concept in there that yurimon has failed to grasp:)
- You mean exactly like like the higgs boson, dark matter, dark energy...Morning_star
- There's large amounts of evidence pointing to their existence, but keep trying :)hereswhatidid
- Really. The proofs are ALL probabilities. Can you show me a picture of the higgs?Morning_star
- It's all math. Also, if there suddenly was provable evidence that dark matter does NOT exist, scientists would say:hereswhatidid
- "Shit, guess we were wrong." Show mountains of evidence against the existence of God and you fundies cry conspiracyhereswhatidid
- Where's the evidence FOR God, that's the only thing I'm asking.ukit2
- It's ALL quantum THEORY. A theory, there is absolutely no proof available other than theoretical science.Morning_star
- EVERYTHING is theoretical, technically, when you drop something, it falls, no?hereswhatidid
- those are models that are continually being tested. unlike "god" we've never declared they exist.scarabin
- hereswhatidid? Where is the mountains of evidence? Show me.Morning_star
- start here: http://en.wikipedia.…hereswhatidid
- Got to dash, but your faith in science is perhaps a little misplaced.…Morning_star
- all of that information is built on observations and mathmatical proofshereswhatidid
- we built supercolliders, the largest and most complex things ever built by mankind, just to find out. christians just blindly accept shit 'cause they were told as kidsscarabin
- it's not faith, not by any stretch of the imagination is it faithhereswhatidid
- The math says that dark matter exists, it's a rock solid theory that billions of dollars are being poured into. Certainly not faith.monospaced
- I don't see Christians using their piles of untaxed cash trying to prove god. If they did they would fail. Guaranteed.monospaced
- shit 'cause they were told as kidsscarabin
- moldero0
Yuri is loyal ill give him that.
That's one of the problems with forcing a faith based belief system on kids. especially when most western religions say "exploring any other options is wrong/disloyal" taking advantage of the good traits that people already have. that alone right there was enough to get me to question then move on.I guess I'm not loyal.
- monospaced0
A good way to debate yurimon's argument would be to imagine a hypothetical individual who is born in a region of the world where they would never be exposed to any sort of myth-based belief system. (It's not hard to imagine, there are millions of them all over the planet.) This individual would not prescribe to any faith-based belief system, at all. This individual would be uncorrupted—an atheist by default. Therefore, atheism is not a belief system.
- How could he explain the placebo effect?
Morning_star - placebo effect of what?scarabin
- The placebo effect is based on coincidence.monospaced
- No it isn't.Morning_star
- Yes it is.monospaced
- But placebo is entirely scientific in that the psychological can affect biology to a small extent.monospaced
- You can't honestly believe that placebo effect is spiritual.monospaced
- You're right, I don't. But, there are things in this universe that science cannot explain.Morning_star
- How could he explain the placebo effect?
- GeorgesIV0
I for one, can't wait to see yall atheists burn in hell!!
- If the Bible is real, then everyone is burning in hell...since no one really follows what the Bible says.ukit2
- Here? http://en.wikipedia.…ZOOP
- What about the Koran or Book of Mormon or The Blue Cliff?Morning_star
- A tale to frighten children.
Georges is addicted to trolling.ZOOP - Georges is all goodmonospaced
- hmmm...
maybe 97% goodZOOP
- GeorgesIV0
wow wow wow,
I can't believe everyone is pilling on me, just because i am a BLACK GAY JEW.I was just trying to have an open discussion, but apparently we can't HAVE that here,
- locustsloth0
The basis of your hypothetical, mono, is severely flawed.
If this individual were left unmolested by any current belief system, faith or science based, it would simply come up with it's own to explain the things in it's world that it didn't understand out of hand. And you can bet your bottom dollar that this hypothetical dude would come up with a faith based system WAYYYY before ever saying "yay science, bitch!"
And i believe you could call atheism a belief system, based on the fact that atheists are asserting something as fact (there is no god) that they cannot undeniably prove.
And before yousay "then science would be a belief system", scientists cop to the fact that there are more things we don't know about our universe, from the micro to the macro, than things we do. True scientists are open to the fact that there is a possibility, however infinitesimally small, for any outcome. Including that there is an omnipotent being.- trust me, it's not flawed... lolmonospaced
- prove god exists, please.hereswhatidid
- GeorgesIV0
- GeorgesIV ~"I for one, can't wait to see yall atheists burn in hell!!" so chill lolZOOP
- down? methinks it to be merely leveling the praying ground. derpZOOP
- how's you today btw? :DZOOP
- Condemns people to hell
Asks people to be chillukit2 - STOP OPPRESSSING ME!!
my day was swell, how was yours?GeorgesIV - not bad, rainy and cold but having fun lol thanks!ZOOP
- ukit20
There's no reason to give special preference to the existence of the Christian God, it's just one of millions of possible explanations. Maybe the universe is all a hologram or a computer simulation, maybe it's balanced on the back of a giant turtle.
So atheism is only a belief system if you define being skeptical of every hypothetical possibility as a belief. Doubting the universe as a hologram theory or Bertrand Russell's teapot floating in space is a "belief system" just as much as atheism.
- monospaced0
Humans have conceived of over 3,000 gods throughout history. Because some people (yurimon) believe in a single, particular, god only means they don't believe in the other 2,999+. Hence, most atheists simply remove the other 1 and call it a day, and most Christians are simply atheistic on the majority. Oh well.
- one word.
Steve Jobs!GeorgesIV - Many forms of Christianity are pretty polytheistic too.i_monk
- Then they are bad Christians and are going to Hell for acknowledging false idols.monospaced
- They're Christian idols. Any other religion would call them gods, Christians call them other things.i_monk
- one word.
I'm talking to god on the phone right now, he says he's not real so everybody calm the fuck down. Hold on... he wants to know who said he's real, 'cause he's gonna burn you dude. I'll give him your number so you two can hash it out.
just post it ovah there >>>
- ukit20
Seems like there are a lot more interesting and difficult questions in philosophy than whether there is a God. People waste so much time debating this one issue. It's like if scientists spent all their time arguing whether Superman or Batman would win in a fight instead of tackling real scientific problems.
- superman for sure. and i'll crucify you if you disagreescarabin
- except the superman supporters aren't actively ruining educational standardshereswhatidid
plus this, since it's not here yet
- TheBlueOne0
Anyone else digging this new pope?
- I actually do. despite that how i don't like religions.pango
- I bet he comes out of the closet before his time is done.monospaced
- no, but I'm pigging this new dope!ZOOP
- bobkat0
Who believes in unicorns? They are well documented (even in the bible). If you say 'No', this is not based on faith - you just have no proof of there ever being unicorns. Replace unicorns with God/s and you pretty much have the atheist stance. It's not I don't believe, it's just that rationalism dictates that without proof there is no need to believe in a non-existence. They just "aren't" real.
And just cos we don't know about something (eg. the untapped 96% potential of the human brain) it's wrong to inset God into the gaps. Especially since these gaps are getting smaller and smaller as science uncovers more and more.
- exactlymonospaced
- never any new arguments in neckbeardlandiaGeorgesIV